Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 436 "He" revived in my brain.

Let you out?Good guy, are you starting to have fun?

Colin suddenly became alert.

At this time, he heard the other party continue talking.

"When I am in a complete enough state, I have the opportunity to deal with the 'hunger' in the incomplete state. Otherwise, even if I am separated from the 'Containment Kingdom', there is a chance that I will be devoured by it."

"The rules for '0' level containment objects can sometimes ignore quite a few things."

"Last time, I sensed that a first-level containment object fell from the first level to the next level and was devoured by 'hunger'. Not long after, the power of the 'bonfire' came and everything was solved again."

'Sub-level first-level containment creature? '

When Colin heard this description, he quickly remembered what the other party was talking about.


That huge creature with the body of a wolf with long blood-red fur.

Its size is extremely large, and its strength is equally terrifying. Just by walking, it can shake the mountains and the earth, and then make "0-09 'Hungry'" eat its fill.

At the beginning, Colin thought that "hunger" should be similar to "rage".

Because of his strength observation at that time
Both can be said to be high-level existences whose peaks are difficult to see.

But now that I know enough, I can only say that no matter how "Volume" struggled in the end, even if he was not a factor at the time, the result would not change much. It would just be that he died early and died later.

But if you die late, a lot of people will die with you.

But fortunately, Colin stopped the loss in time and broke off the opponent's fingers on the edge of the cliff to save him.

This prevents more people from being buried together.
By the way, I shared a lot of gold coins (violent talents, etc.) that exploded from it with the company employees.

'However, looking at the attitude of the 'King of Crazy Sound', did he think he was the 'Hungry' that I took in at that time?Looking back now, the original 'hunger' should have reached the level of a first-level containment object or above.'

'I want to solve its strength alone, why am I still talking nonsense to you here. '

Colin muttered in his heart, and then heard the "King of Crazy Sound" say cautiously:

"If you can let me out, let me assist you next time you find the Hungry Fragment. I will definitely be able to recycle it better."

Before the "King of Crazy Sound" could finish speaking, Colin waved his hand: "Forget it, let's talk about the next question."

"Okay, you say." Although the "King of Kuangyin" was disappointed, he did not dare to show it.

Colin asked curiously: "What is the 'Containment Kingdom'? What's going on inside?"

"This is an independent and special space built by Rosen and others through their own strength. It is a cage specially used to contain things that have a certain value or are difficult to kill in a short time."

"The time inside is distorted, space is cut and chaotic, and the 'destiny' of everything is controlled. Once caught inside, it is basically impossible to escape on your own."

Speaking of this, the "King of Crazy Sound" seemed to realize something, and quickly added: "I just want to become a human being and atone for the mistakes I have made, so I have a chance to communicate with the outside world by virtue of my own characteristics. There is only one sun in my heart: Bonfire Company.
"Furthermore, don't think I can talk to you. In fact, at most I can talk to you. I can't observe other life forms unless they are powerful enough, such as what happened to the sub-level creature last time."

After saying that, he was relieved when he saw that the company member with the flowing flames had no intention of pursuing him.

"As for the other things here, I don't know much about it, because the 'Containment Kingdom' is both integrated and independent internally, and each contained object is inseparable from each other."

Listening to his words, Colin roughly understood what this thing was.

But exactly how this is done is less clear.

After briefly understanding this thing, Colin thought for a while and continued to ask: "Do you know what caused the 'Magic Mist Disaster'?"

"'Disaster of Demonic Fog'?"

The frequency shift of the special frequency band that makes up the "King of Crazy Sound" seems to express confusion.

I almost forgot, this seems to be a local saying. Colin thought for a while and threw out a related "inspiration".

"these things."

After the "King of Crazy Sound" interpreted "inspiration", there was uncertainty in his words for the first time:

"The cause is a bit complicated. It's like the pus that flows out after a bunch of high-level bodies rot together."

"The pus that flows after high-level bodies rot together?"

Colin was stunned when he heard this statement.

Before that, he thought that this thing should be an invasion of some kind of high-dimensional creature.

I didn’t expect that from what the “King of Crazy Sound” said, it seemed like it was just pus flowing out of a “rotting” pile of corpses somewhere?

"Is there anything more specific?" Colin asked further.

But unfortunately, the "King of Crazy Sound" shook his head and gave an unclear response.

"Of course, if I can be released."

Come again?Don't even think about it.

Colin waved his hand decisively: "It's not yet time for you to come out."

He didn't answer with something like "The knowledge you gave me is not enough". If the other party asked what was enough, it would be a little difficult to respond.

It's better to stop thinking about him now and avoid having too many thoughts.

However, it cannot be cut off too completely, otherwise it may cause a certain counterattack.

After a pause, Colin added before the other party felt disappointed:

"I know you are in a hurry now, but don't be anxious yet. Listen to what I have to say. If you can cooperate with the company's work well and perform well, there is no chance you will come out."

"Of course, of course, as long as you need it, I will definitely cooperate!"

"That's fine, I will continue to come over in a few days."

Colin felt that after tightening his fist, it was still easy to communicate about these abnormalities.

Of course, he knows very well that if the strength is not enough.

This guy definitely has a different attitude.

After finishing speaking, Colin said that he would come again in a while and hinted to the other party that as long as he works hard and works hard, he will definitely have a bright future.
The company will not treat everyone who is willing to be loyal.

Then, Colin asked about the whereabouts of the "human suture monster" that once stayed here, and wondered if there was any way to catch it.

The "Fusion Card·Smiling Corpse Mountain" in his hand is still waiting to be upgraded.

But after hearing this, the "King of Crazy Sound" shook his head and said that either that thing had some unique secret method, or that thing was too weak.
Most of them don't even have the edge of "lower level one containment object".

It's a level two level.

So the perception cannot be perceived.

Of course, he secretly expressed that if he could be released,
Then as long as he is given a certain amount of time to return to his peak state, he will soon be able to use his own authority to observe the vibrations and sounds of the entire world, and then find out the "Human Suture Monster".

'It's beautiful to think about.'

Colin ignored it and muttered a pity to himself. He put his hands behind his back and slowly walked towards the exit of the underground maze.

The "Lord of Crazy Sound" followed behind, wanting to stop it, but instinctively fearing the flames.

"By the way, one last question. Do you know anything about the 'Red Moon'?"

Before leaving, Colin planned to buy something for free one last time.

"'Red Moon'?" "King of Crazy Sound" couldn't figure out what it was for a moment. "Well, 'Red Moon' mother." Colin added, and threw out some memory inspiration.

"Crimson Mother!?"

The "King of Crazy Sound" screamed out an unfamiliar name, and the entire vibration frequency almost exploded on the spot. It seemed as if he was about to shrink back into the "Containment Kingdom" and hide.

As for the reaction, it was such a big reaction. Colin shook his head secretly.

After another while, the "King of Crazy Sound" said tremblingly:

"He is a terrifying thing that has been extremely noble since its birth. Even calling it the 'god above gods' is not an exaggeration, because it comes from... ah!!!"

"Get out quickly, throw it out, this memory and inspiration want to revive in my mind, ahhh!!"

"I don't want to think of Him ahhhhh-"

The screaming stopped abruptly.

The vibration frequencies that make up the "King of Crazy Sound" exploded on the spot.

Terrifying vibrations swept across all directions, causing the entire underground area to tremble, as if it was about to collapse at any time.
Colin was startled and thought for the first time that this guy was going to make a sneak attack.

Flames erupted from his body, entering a wartime state.
At this time, Colin narrowed his eyes slightly and saw traces of crimson appearing in the shaking surroundings.

He reached out and grabbed it, and the high-heat flames rushed out instantly, completely burning it out.

After a few seconds, the vibration suddenly disappeared, and the "King of Crazy Sound" appeared again, much weaker.

I was careless and just stared at the "Crimson Mother" and forgot to guard against the other one. I was almost directly affected by the invasion, but fortunately, the problem is not big now.

After a pause, he continued:
"I'm sorry, can we not talk about Him? In my current state, discussing Him with such rash depth may very well attract Him. This time, He should not notice it, but next time."

Just a little in-depth discussion may lead to
Is this the intensity of level "0"?
Hearing this, Colin was silent for a few seconds, and finally waved his hand to signal the end of the topic.

At the same time, he also actively put away relevant inquiries in his mind.

This is not knowledge he should know.

Not long after, when he completely left the tunnel, Colin breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he suddenly realized why some people in the "company" were so keen on injecting "humanity" into the anomaly.

Because after they have "human nature", they are really easy to fool.

Colin thought about it. If he had just encountered an original first-level containment object, he might not have been able to have a conversation at all.

Bloodshed would break out as soon as it started.

"It feels like pulling the enemy into a familiar area, and then reducing the dimensionality to strike..."

Thinking of this, Colin looked back behind him and saw the villain's clone fabricated by the "King of Crazy Sound", still standing there motionless.

'I'm afraid this guy didn't expect that with my current authority, I can't unlock the authority at all, right? '

Colin grunted inwardly.

Along the way, he didn't sense any corporate authority that could be triggered.

That either means there isn't one, or that his current permissions are insufficient.

Or maybe you have to go to the edge of the "Housing Kingdom".

He would have to be crazy to do such a dangerous thing.

If the other party finds out his current true level, it will probably cause another round of trouble.

"It feels so good to get the knowledge and leave for free."

Colin didn't stay too long. Using the territorial bonfire as the coordinates, he ejected and flew away from here.

The "King of Kuangyin" who "watched" Colin's departure did not retreat immediately, but had some doubts.

He always feels that this C-level employee seems to know a little inexplicably little?

Something's not quite right.
While on the road, Colin also quickly digested the knowledge he had acquired so far.

"The overall knowledge is all about high-level structures. There doesn't seem to be much that can actually be used at the moment. Moreover, it can be clearly felt that this guy talks about cooperation, but in fact he must have a lot of reservations."

As his thoughts flashed, Colin lamented that his fist was not big enough.

Otherwise, you have to let this guy spit out everything he needs to say!
Two hours later, after confirming that he had not been marked, Colin returned to the territory.

At this moment, various tasks in the territory are still being carried out in an orderly manner in the hands of the employees. However, after working for seven consecutive days, all the employees have a little fatigue on their faces at this moment, and the circles under their eyes seem to be covered with... He has the same fairy pattern on the pillars, and is surrounded by fairy energy.

Seeing this, Colin became kind-hearted and announced that the status of the job was not urgent.

When the last three hours of the countdown arrive, you can put down the work at hand and take a three-hour vacation.

Hearing this, the employees' enthusiasm for work surged up again.

Standing at the top of the chapel, using the light of the bonfire, he scanned the territory several times to make sure that nothing that shouldn't have gotten in during his absence was left behind. Only then did he settle down with peace of mind.

"Brother, do you want to eat? I just roasted it." Xiao Hong came up with a roasted field mouse.

"Thank you." Colin didn't refuse and reached out to touch her head.

When she saw her eldest brother taking the food she gave him, a smile appeared on Xiaohong's face, and then the two of them sat together at the door of the chapel. She talked nonchalantly about some of her own experiences while Colin was making up lessons these days.

Colin gnawed the field mouse and listened, everything was calm and indifferent.

However, compared to what she said, when Colin occasionally looked at Xiaohong, he paid more attention to her eyes.

'Now that my mood has stabilized, I don't feel red anymore. '

Colin was inexplicably relieved.

From the very first moment of contact, he knew that there should be something special about this little girl.

But the strange thing is that even now, Colin can't quite understand the details.

In fact, even the saint couldn't observe the problems in Xiao Hong when she wasn't emotional.

'According to the Holy Girl, Xiaohong may have some special hidden bloodline, but the environment is not very good during her growth period, causing her to get a little out of control. Just pay more attention to it. '

'As for more, we have to wait until she completes the rescue and then go to the Holy Land of Light to check the information to know the specific situation. '

As his thoughts turned, Colin remembered that he had inquired with Xiaohong's friends and found out that when she was in danger and extremely emotional, she would have some pollution-like power that would erupt in her body.

But after the outbreak, those who offended her seemed to die violently.

Then it became a piece of cake.
Or, it seems that the thing she has been staring at will die of inexplicable organ failure.

Xiao Hong seems to know this, so she blinks frequently.

I won’t stare at him often
But in fact, Xiaohong's worries were completely unnecessary. After Colin's observation, he was basically sure that just looking directly at him would not have a high impact on him.

'Although the color of the eyes has a sense of déjà vu, it should not have anything to do with the 'red moon'. The expression of this form of power can be said to be completely different. '

Colin eliminated the scariest option "related to the red moon."

If this really had something to do with the "Red Moon", those people wouldn't have died suddenly, and they wouldn't have become fans all over the place.

Instead, a large number of "uprisings" of internal organs were flying all over the sky.

Thinking of this, Colin felt a little relieved.

ps: It’s time for an update. (End of chapter)

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