Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 462 I, the "King of Crazy Sounds", launch a sermon to the "bonfire"!

Chapter 462: I, the "King of Crazy Sounds", address the "bonfire"!
Although I don’t understand why the “King of Crazy Sound” dropped his chain at the critical moment.
But Colin decided that he should not believe these things easily in the future.

Of course, he vaguely remembered something, maybe there was something hidden about the "King of Crazy Sound", but now that the situation was urgent, he didn't bother to think deeply about it.
"Looking at it now, maybe we need to take the ground route."

Colin looked at Shana and asked if there was a way to leave——

He took the "King of Crazy Sound" express lane all the way here.

There aren't many marks on the ground, so the relevant information is definitely not as good as Shana's, who has been soaked in the "magic mist" for a long time and is almost pickled by it.

Shana nodded, a bright light emerging from her ice-blue eyes.

These rays of light emitted from the pupils and intertwined in mid-air, eventually forming a large terrain projection model.

'This looks almost like a body projector.'

Colin muttered in his heart, and then saw that there were multiple lines on this terrain model, as well as a large number of densely packed markings.

With some shared "inspiration", he easily understood the meaning of some unknown signs Shana made.

"We are here now. If you want to go up, follow this way."

As Shana spoke, a slightly tortuous line lit up on the model.

The path is not a straight line, but it avoids many danger markers.

Overall, the speed will only be faster.
When discussing the retreat, Shana did not mention rescuing people again.

She has tried her best to find all the ordinary people she can find. Other survivors may exist, but they are not certain. To search in such uncertain circumstances is not only risky, but may not be fruitful.
"Following this route, we will be able to evacuate to the outer area in about three days. When we reach the outer area, we will take out the remaining personnel who were originally placed there."

"There is a high probability that we will be able to reach your territory in five days."

Shana's voice was light and she spoke quickly, pointing out a location on the terminal on the model.

Then, she continued to give a more detailed explanation based on her inspiration: "For a while, I will find a way to lure away those powerful derivatives from the depths of the 'Magic Mist Disaster' first with my clones.
"Then we took the opportunity to create a distance, and in this area, although the main heretical forces were eliminated.

"But there are still some alive. We don't need to be faster than the master-level magic mist disaster derivatives, as long as we are faster than them."

Uh, this is going to be a battle royale.
Colin nodded, approving of Shana's plan.

However, thinking of the battle just now, he couldn't help but think of a group of old friends——

"There are actually no 'Red Moon' followers in this world."

Colin thought these guys were everywhere like cockroaches.
Unexpectedly, no one was seen here.

Then, within a few minutes, after quickly deciding how to leave, the two of them did not waste any time and prepared to leave.

But it is at this time.
Colin suddenly felt a faint vibration coming from the air.

This sense of vibration is obviously different from the huge movements in the outside world.

It's just that some of them are too weak, which makes it look like an illusion.

But at this time, Shana also said: "There seems to be something here?"

With her judgment, Colin was sure that he was not delusional, nodded and said: "Well, wait, it seems that the situation may change."

Shana nodded and stood beside him, not speaking, not breathing, not even pulsing her blood.

Colin was surprised inwardly, feeling that Shana's blood was no longer flowing.

However, at this time, more than a minute later.

Another thin and weak wave came
It felt like a knocking sound coming from thick ice or from under a heavy stone coffin board.

conveyed in a specific pattern
"Is this the 'King of Crazy Sound'? What's going on with it?"

Colin didn't know why, but he felt that this frequency was a bit familiar.

And that is, after listening to it for several minutes
Some kind of "inspiration" appeared, and the frequency bands heard during this period formed a sentence.

"'I, number 1-774 'King of Crazy Sound', apply to talk to the envoy of 'First Fire'?'"

Colin read this sentence silently.

Then, confusion came to my mind.

What happened?Why not just come out and say it, but use this method?

And after this sentence was composed, Colin did not hear any more subsequent sounds.
An indescribable premonition made Colin realize that if he disagreed.

This "King of Crazy Sounds" probably wouldn't have a chance to say another word.

He glanced at Shana, who was also looking at him with ice-blue eyes blinking.

The two looked at each other, and Colin withdrew his gaze. After confirming that this was just a speech and that he would not agree, the "King of Crazy Sound" ran out and verbally agreed to the visit application.

The next second, the entire underground palace shook, as if there was an earthquake.

The magnificent power from advanced life forms spreads wantonly.

''Ancient God' level power.'

Shana stood beside Colin, her pale lips pursed, and she secretly accumulated strength in her body, planning to pull Colin away if there was a crisis.

She was certain that this was the direct power of an extremely powerful superior being.

It is fundamentally different from the indirect attack we encountered before.

Mr. Colin has no experience in dealing with this level. She must be cautious, otherwise she may die inexplicably if she is not careful.
It was at this time that the two of them felt clearly and clearly at the same time.

Under the endless underground palace, there is a group of indescribable abnormal vibrations that seem to have some kind of activity.

Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, it forms the appearance of a person in the intuitive inspiration of the two people.

That was the second when Shana raised her vigilance to the highest level. Looking at the high-ranking beings arriving, her eyes widened with a dumbfounded expression.

I saw that the humanoid thing transformed by the "King of Crazy Sound" threw itself in front of Mr. Colin in a sliding and kneeling posture.

"Great Mr. Fire Holder, forgive me for not being able to appear at the first time, but there is a reason for this."

"Just now, the army of the 'Radiant Angels' rushed up and attacked me, the external carrier, indiscriminately."

"I tried to explain several times that I am here to support you, Mr. Fire Bearer, but they ignored them and instead increased their efforts to forcibly seal me away."

"Mr. Fire Holder, it doesn't matter if they attack me, but they don't take you and the big shots behind you seriously at all."

The "King of Crazy Sound" seemed to be bursting into tears, using his lifelong learning to express his grievances.At the same time, Colin finally remembered an embarrassing thing. After Shana submitted the report letter just now, the name of the "King of Crazy Sound" was indeed reported in the feedback.

Ah this
Things seemed to be getting a little awkward.

Colin did not expect that the "King of Crazy Sound" would be beaten forcibly even if he hid so far away.

At that time, due to negligence, I did not mention this to Shana.
Shana, who was standing next to Colin, looked at the scene in front of her, her mouth slightly opened, a little unresponsive——

Is it really a terrifying existence comparable to a god? !

Although her life was not long, she had met many high-ranking beings.

But this was the first time I saw such an indescribable guy.

In her simple understanding, these "great beings" and "sublime will" can generally be used:

Their power is indescribable and unpredictable, their behavior is indescribable and unpredictable, their methods are indescribable and unpredictable, etc.
Everything is elusive, mysterious and powerful.

Today, however, this perception has been shattered.

This is not like the language that a high-level being can emit
Shana took a deep breath, feeling an indescribable sense of absurdity as her cognitive filter was blown.

"Okay, okay, I understand, it's just a small misunderstanding."

Colin waved his hand: "The situation is urgent now. I need you to help us get out of here and return to the outside world."

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, how can there be time to continue to dwell on this?
Seeing that Colin seemed to have no intention of "making the decision" for himself, the "King of Crazy Sound" also changed his expression:
"Of course, it is an honor to serve you."

Although he only has the permission to talk at the moment
But that's enough.

"Voice" is part of his authority and influence, and he can already exert his power through this.

And compared with the previous method of digging a hole to infiltrate the power, this time with the authorization of Zhengerba Sutra, the power that can be used is much more.
However, to be on the safe side, before taking action, Colin made him promise not to harm Shana.

"King of Crazy Sound" has no different meanings, and he explained something implicitly, saying that he doesn't have too many thoughts about this saint, and only has the sun "The Fire Holder" in his heart——

The fundamental reason is that the places currently targeting Shana are being kept in a different place than this.

"The Divine Kingdom of Containment" is an arrangement affiliated with Rosen
Even if Shana takes the initiative to let him out, the help she can provide is not much. It cannot be said that it is none, but it can only be said that it is better than nothing. If she is exhausted, it will only be the icing on the cake.

Only special authorization from the "fire owner" or documents directly from the main company can play a decisive role.
This is why he can reveal a certain amount of strength.

But for hundreds of years, there has never been any idea of ​​a saint, nor has there been any reason to recruit heretical churches to try to fight for power.

Otherwise, those who are here to suppress Shana today might even have many followers of "Crazy Sound".
The "Containment Kingdom" is equivalent to the highest level VIP prison.

Unless that group of people or the seal is of sufficient weight, it won't be easy for anyone else to come.

So there is no desire to struggle.

'There are so many twists and turns in using various permissions within the company.'

Colin was secretly surprised.

Then, after confirming that there were no other traps, Colin grabbed Shana and let the power of the "King of Crazy Sound" cover her together.

The next second, both of them felt that they were traveling under the earth in a special form.
However, they had only walked a short time ago when, at the location where they were just now, phantoms of illusory green light suddenly penetrated into the underground maze and released some special messages, seemingly for communication.

Soon, sections of vibrations floated out, forming vague human figures in the air.

He looked at the green light seeping into the ground and expressed his thoughts very unceremoniously: "Surrendering to the enemy? You said I surrendered to the enemy? You evil evil gods, I will drive out every one of you!"

The evil god "King of Crazy Sound" responded like this.

The defense force left behind by the "Radient Angel" this time sealed a large number of "old acquaintances", but there were also some who slipped through the net.

Now this one is obviously one!
When this guy arrived, he actually wanted to ask him to hand over the saint, and then said something. After they came out, they would come to help him escape.

If you have some brains, no one will believe this!

Moreover, he had finally found a good relationship with a "fire supporter", so how could he take this risk?
"Get out of here right now, there's no way I'm going to be complicit with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the other party had not left yet, and even the green light spread, showing signs of action.

Without any further politeness, he responded with a violent shock.

Wherever the terrifying vibrations passed, even the gravel and soil were directly shaken to destroy the basic material structure and turned into complete "dust".

"Don't get too close to me. There is no room for relaxation in what you did back then. You can only be locked up for the rest of your life. Once all your instincts are completely wiped out, you will be thrown into the 'Primary Fire' and burned when the time comes."

"I'm different. I behave well and have a chance to leave. If Rosen hadn't died somehow, I might have been free now!"

"Now that I'm about to have a chance to go out, you want to drag me into taking risks? Don't even think about it!"

"I will kill anyone who dares to stop me from embracing freedom and breathing the sweet air!"

While the "King of Crazy Sound" gritted his teeth, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. In those days, before he had time to do anything, he encountered the "Radiant Angel" legion.

Escaped after a difficult battle.

Then he recharged his energy and recovered as before. He just came out of the mountain and wanted to attack the "numbered world", but he faced the team of the "First Fire" group army again.
Good news, there are less than 30 people in the squad.

Bad news, there are six "Fire Holders" in a team, and one of them is a very powerful leader.

After a hard battle with them, he was caught and tried by the "Bonfire Agreement". After finding out that he had not done anything, he was imprisoned in the "Containment Kingdom" created with multiple agreement authority and various powers. within.

There is an opportunity to leave early during this period
It's a pity that at that time, he was still very arrogant and ignorant, so he didn't agree.

But now, no matter how I disagree, it may come at some point.
Even the chance to agree was gone.

The "King of Crazy Sound" has become more and more certain that the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes that he is unaware of.

Staying in the "Kingdom of God's Accommodation" is bound to lead to death.

Only by trying every means to get out can we be free.
Of course, before freedom, you have to work for the Bonfire Company for about 3000 years.

However, this amount of time is not a long time for high-level beings. Unlike in the "Containment Kingdom", one second can be distorted to the point where it seems like 10 years have passed, plus all kinds of torture.
The so-called conditions for working for 3000 years are almost the same as those without.

Of course, I heard that the death rate is a bit high due to the job content.

But no matter what, there is a glimmer of hope, unlike here, where the mortality rate is 100%.

Change first and then change.

(End of this chapter)

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