Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 463 "09'Hungry'" Buffet.

Travel through an almost endless underground maze
"Dear Mr. Fire Holder, a few heretics tried to seduce me just now, but I sternly rejected them all and then expelled them unceremoniously."

The "King of Crazy Sound" turned around and sold several "Ancient Gods" without any consciousness of being a 25-year-old.

Of course, the differences and some cognitions between "ancient gods" and "ancient gods" are greater than humans and ants. In addition, the "Bonfire Company" secretly disrupted the situation back then, and they have never truly united, so he also I don’t think I betrayed anyone.
"Okay, okay, your loyalty makes me very happy."

Colin nodded and encouraged him verbally, but did not mention the actual reward.

Shana on the other side, seeing this superior being so humble, felt that her world view was still being impacted. If she had some knowledge about the earth, she would definitely spit out one word——


At this time, the "King of Crazy Sound" suddenly responded hesitantly:
"Mr. Fire Holder, during my contact with these heretics, I discovered something. I don't know whether I should talk about it or not. It may be related to that '0-09' Hungry'."

kindness?Colin suddenly became interested and said, "Tell me, what did you find?"

"I noticed that the gods who came here are, oh, heretics. Most of them have something to do with 'hunger'. There seems to be cooperation between them?"

cooperate?Colin thought about the previous battlefield.

The two sides were fighting together, and there were signs of cooperation between the contained objects, but "Hungry" didn't see anyone cooperating with anyone.

The status of "Hunger" in this world is probably not much better than that of the "Red Moon" followers on Earth.

"I'm not sure, but according to some content, 'Hungry' seems to want to open the cage that holds them and release them."

The "King of Crazy Sound" recalled what he had seen when he was eating melons before, and added:
"Normally, these guys can't release so much power. Something must be assisting them, otherwise they wouldn't be able to interfere with the outside world for a long time like today."

After a long illness, as a member of the company's diet, the "King of Kuangyin" didn't know what was going on in other containment rooms.

But this does not prevent him from making some rough guesses based on his own experience.

As a result, the power they released was nearly 50.00% higher than expected!

This is very abnormal and must be assisted by external forces.

In addition, I heard today that the "destiny" of some guys seems to be related to "hunger".
Therefore, everything must be related to "hunger".

"Let them out? When did 'Hungry' become so kind?"

Colin raised his eyebrows, knowing that such a thing was basically impossible.

But soon, he had some guesses.
''Hunger'' is trying to prey on those beings? '

If there is any reason, it can drive this high-level existence to do such an abnormal thing.

That was all Colin could think of.

"Hungry" wants to open the cage and have a buffet
The first-level contained objects that have been locked up for a long time want to take the opportunity to escape. Once the door is opened, all the first-level contained objects will leave at the same time, and it is impossible for the "hungry" to eat them all at once.

In this way, in the thrilling battle royale, who can escape depends on luck.
As for why the two sides were "cooperating", they were completely merciless during the melee just now.

This is not difficult to understand.

Whoever snatches Shana has the initiative. If "Hungry" snatches Shana away and gets the authority, I'm afraid the result will really be "Hungry" turning over cards and opening boxes to eat at the buffet.

Fortunately, so far, no one of them has succeeded this time.

And by themselves, they cannot break the containment restrictions.

Thinking of this, Colin was somewhat relieved in his heart. If "Hungry" were allowed to eat more.

Swallowing multiple first-level containment objects at once, maxing out his combat power.

In the end, I'm afraid it won't be easy for anyone else except the giants to appear.

"King of Crazy Sound" also thought of this, but it didn't worry so much, because as far as it knew, "Hunger" had many limitations, and once it exceeded a certain limit, it would split directly.

Split individuals will in turn conflict with each other.

Ultimately, the crisis does not exceed a certain threshold.

He did not reveal this knowledge.

After all, there is a legacy of "0-09 'Hunger'" in Mr. "Fire Bearer" reserve.
As one of the carriers of "hunger", how could he not understand this basic knowledge?

After the logic was sorted out, Colin did not continue to mention this.

At this time, Shana, who had not interrupted due to lack of relevant knowledge, asked:
"What is the origin of this maze here?"

There are not many people who know about this maze, but those who enter and explore it only know that there are many strange creatures living in it. There are opportunities, but more dangers.

Its specific origin is not clear, nor is it known who built it and why.

After hearing his words, the "King of Crazy Sound" observed Colin. As far as he knew, this saint didn't know much. Mr. "Fire Holder" didn't seem to tell the relevant information, and he couldn't directly tell him. explain.

Soon, when Colin nodded and said he could speak, the "King of Kuangyin" gave an explanation.

"This is a special abnormality containment place when multiple 'numbered worlds' merged. I heard that the original name seemed to be something like 'City of Scripts: Twenty Thousand Miles of Underground Labyrinth'."

Hiss, the city of scripts?This underground palace is actually part of the "City of Scripts"?

When Colin heard this name, his scalp itched and he couldn't help but take a slight breath.

There is an indescribable feeling
The "King of Crazy Sound" didn't know what he was thinking, and continued to explain: "I don't know what the objects were imprisoned here at the beginning. I only know that they have been completely neutralized."

For them, being completely neutralized is similar to ordinary people turning into ashes.

If you only use ordinary means, there is basically no chance of rescue.

Only "Red Moon" or "miraculous" means with equal authority can save him.

Theoretically, if you ask, "Red Moon" will most likely help.

I'm afraid the result is not very acceptable.

"Is that so"

Shana nodded, asked a few more questions, and digested information such as "Numbered World".

Although there are many "new words", she knows a lot about the world she lives in. She can quickly understand some things with a little analysis.

Furthermore, I have a clearer understanding of where I am.

A few hours passed by unconsciously
Not long after dawn on the second day of this mission, Colin arrived at the entrance of the underground maze not too far from the territory.

Shana also sensed this.
This speed is faster than they originally planned. It's not 01:30.

"By the way, Mr. Colin, that matter" "King of Crazy Sound" spoke implicitly.Although he didn't say it explicitly, Colin knew what he was implying.

'It feels like this guy is getting more and more slick.'

As his thoughts flickered, Colin said:

"Don't worry, your performance during this period has been noticed by the organization. When I go back, I will write a report and submit a formal application to my superiors."

After a pause, he continued to add: "You should go back now and wait for the notification."

"Okay okay."

There is not much doubt about the "King of Crazy Sound" who has never had any actual contact with human society.

When I think that I will finally have the chance to come out.
The whole person is a little excited.

At the same time, Shana, who was following Colin, saw this scene. Although it was not the first time she saw it, she still felt a knife stabbing her butt and opened her eyes.

Not long after, the two left the underground maze.

When she walked out of the fissure, Shana stood on the desolate flat ground, looking around in the distance, with a wide field of vision, and couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment.

After struggling with the "Magic Mist Disaster" for so long, she almost forgot.

The world turns out to be so broad
She opened her hands and raised her head, as if embracing the sky and the earth. After taking a deep breath, she seemed to feel much more relaxed.

"There is still a little way to go. Let me lead the way. You have to go faster."

"Can your body handle it?"

"Of course no problem."

Hearing this, Colin did not refuse, knowing that Shana had recovered a lot during these days.

At least I don't have to worry too much about rushing or anything.
As the words fell, layers of radiance emerged from Shana's body, covering both of them at the same time.

Then the packages turned into streams of light, shooting straight into the distance at an unusually fast speed.
The reason why she cannot move quickly inside the "Calamity of Magic Mist" is because the magic fog blocks the spread of light, but in the outside world, her speed can surpass that of the "King of Crazy Sound"!
From here to the territory, even if Colin goes unimpeded, it will take more than half an hour.

But she can do it in less than 1 minute.

In order to have a fun "run", Shana took a little longer distance and didn't arrive at Colin's territory until a few minutes later.

"This mood looks a bit like what the 'Father of the Ocean' looked like when he was freed."

Colin thought of that old friend inexplicably, and vaguely remembered that he said he wanted to burn something to him after he died.

I forgot what it was exactly, but it probably wasn't important, so I didn't think much about it.

At this moment, Shana saw the soaring bonfire from a distance, and Shana couldn't help but feel a sense of peace of mind. Although this was her first time here, she felt as if she had returned home.

However, just as she was about to enter the territory, Shana stopped her action.

The two of them transformed from the state of flowing light and landed on the ground.
Colin originally thought that Shana wanted to walk over, but when he saw that she didn't seem to have any intention of leaving, just when he was confused, he suddenly seemed to be aware of it and said nothing.

Not long after, a group of people arrived one after another.

"Your Excellency, I am Cardinal Amido of the Yaoguang Society. We were about to save you, but unexpectedly, we sensed that you had escaped and came here. I saw you here safe and sound. , this is really great.”

A church member wearing white-on-blue church attire came up with a respectful expression on his face.

The "Yaoguang Society" is a branch of the "Holy Light Holy See" after the split, and the Saint appears to be just a saint of the "Light" Church.
But in fact, she is the saint of all "Light" faiths, not just the "Light" religion, so she should express her attitude.

However, before he could finish his question, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Ahem, thank you, Lord Amido, I am in good health. Ahem, thank you for your help. I am fine now. Ahem, as a saint, I am very touched."

Saying that, Shana looked grateful, covered her mouth, coughed twice, and when she put down her hand, there was some blood in her palm.

These bright reds quickly actinize and are reabsorbed.

However, this made Amido, who asked the question, look a little embarrassed. He could feel that the other party was deliberately trying to embarrass him.
After all, everyone knows what is going on with their assistance.
At the same time, Colin, who was standing next to Shanna, was also a little surprised.

I didn't realize from previous contacts that Shana, a saint who usually speaks and smiles without restraint, seems to have a bit of a sinister personality.

Afterwards, some people who were not weak in strength, and according to Colin's perception, at least the seventh and eighth levels of the Earth's official level, and high-ranking people, came up and stepped forward to express their "respect" to the saint. ——

No matter what they think in their hearts or what they do specifically, the status of the saint is there.

Then Colin stood silently behind her, a little stunned, seeing how Shana "killed everyone"
"Thank you, Your Majesty the Knight Commander. Your bravery, sacrifice, humility and justice have left me without any doubt that you are an outstanding and admirable knight of virtue."

"Earl, thank you for your gift. Your character is no less than that of the Knight Commander. I am very fortunate that I was able to rescue you and your family from the disaster."

"Mr. Calinsis, your army is the most courageous army I have ever seen. I heard that they diverted their effective forces as much as possible as soon as the disaster broke out, so that they are now able to bravely fight in the 'Magic Mist' Outside the outer area of ​​the disaster', keep the people away."

"I'm very happy to meet you, from the 'Light' religion, Archbishop Ms. Ovenia. If it weren't for your help, I might not have been able to come back. Thank you so much."

Saint Shana exudes a holy light, and with a natural and pure look on her face, she extends her sincere ceremonial greetings to all those who come here.

Even his own "Light" teacher was considerate and did not neglect the courtesy he should have.

Everyone who was asked was a little nervous and uneasy.

"Okay, okay, I have received your sincerity, and I, I'm sorry, forgive me for being a little rude. I don't like too complicated etiquette. At the moment, there are still some things that need to be done, and I can't continue to accompany you here. .”

Normally, if you hear this kind of driving away words, everyone present will just get angry.

But now, they all breathed a sigh of relief, knowingly said that they would no longer disturb the saint, and left one after another.

During this period, it's not like they didn't think of contradicting each other.
But when these words are said, the first person to attack them may be the other people standing here.

Not only that, you will have to be held accountable when you go back
After all, not to mention the favor they owed the Saint, just the fact that she really had all kinds of authority made it impossible for them to talk back.

In front of Shana, they can do nothing, but they can't do anything too wrong.

As everyone left one by one, Colin pursed his somewhat open mouth.

Today he saw another side of the saint.

It has a dark underbelly and full output, which is a relatively strong side.

Colin had no doubt that if there was a keyboard at the scene, her hands would be able to fly like a piano.

(End of this chapter)

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