Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 465 Rosen: I don’t eat beef!

Chapter 465 Rosen: I don’t eat beef!

"The reputation of 'Ms. Rabbit' in the company doesn't seem to be very good?"

Colin's eyes glanced at some contents on the notebook.

As mentioned above, while performing a certain task, Rosen encountered an employee who complained about a series of tasks assigned by "Ms. Rabbit"
Then Rosen expressed consolation.

"Normally speaking, employees at any level usually don't like the delegation of 'Ms. Rabbit', because she always assigns tasks that are on the edge of her personal abilities to maximize benefits."

"'Under her arrangement, employees usually have a sense of crisis that they are always walking a tightrope or about to capsize. During the execution of tasks, many choices can easily lead to big problems if they are chosen incorrectly. But even if a large number of reports and complaints are received, , she still enjoys it, and often makes people try to complete tasks that can be completed in theory, and leverage as much revenue as possible at the minimum cost.'"

"'As a result, employees don't think highly of her, but the tasks she entrusts can usually bring them a large amount of benefits, which makes her evaluation more polarized.'"

Looking at the description above, Colin's expression was somewhat strange.

This was the first time he had seen a description of the "Rabbit Lady" elsewhere.

Although there is not much content
But one thing is certain, "Ms. Rabbit" and Rosen and the others are from the same group, and they did not come up later.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the account is not inheritable and can be retained permanently.

Otherwise, the current "Rabbit Lady" may also be another successor.

"Assuming that the person mentioned above is the same person as now, then 'Ms. Rabbit' is indeed a member of the top management. The tone used by Rosen to describe her here seems to be relatively equal."

It's just a pity.
Colin looked at the contents of the notebook and shook his head secretly.

There is no mention here of the specific position and authority level of "Ms. Rabbit". We can only roughly guess that her status within the company is not low, and her main management should be related to tasks.

However, the relevant description.
It's quite accurate.

Colin thought about it, and it seemed that when executing the tasks he received, he often felt like he was about to overturn at any time.

I originally thought it was my problem, but I didn't expect it to be "Ms. Rabbit's" problem.

"It seems that missions often go wrong, and it's 'Ms. Rabbit''s fault. It's not my fault."

Colin grunted and continued reading.

There will be no subsequent description of "Ms. Rabbit", but more of some people and things encountered on the path of recycling "Light".
There is also a mention of the "King of Crazy Sound", saying that it is as slippery as a loach and wants to run away after grabbing something.

But in the end, Rosen, who was in charge of the complete "0-09 'Hunger'", was caught on the spot, and after eating half of it, he threw it into a special containment room for transformation.
"Look at it this way, the 'King of Crazy Sound' is very good at running away? It seems that if it is really going to be released in the future, we have to be careful about it running away."

Colin turned to the next page and looked at the handwriting recording past events.

"On the 731st, recover the core, transfer the people, and set off fireworks from the out-of-control world number-366."

"On 829th, let's set off fireworks from the 'Out of Control Numbered World-211'."

"On 837th, let's set off fireworks from the 'Out of Control Numbered World-97'."

"On 839th, Rosen, Rosen, we can't continue to explode like this. Mr. Huang He requires that as many useful worlds as possible be recovered. It seems that it is time to slow down the review conditions and leave as much room as possible."

"On 863rd, these damn heretical races! I have given them a chance, but they think that the company is soft! They dare to intercept and kill the disaster evacuation ship! As expected, these heretical inhuman races are worse than high-level beings!"

"Using humans as a seedbed to breed filthy things, etc."

"The hatred and sin of the entire race towards human beings cannot be changed. It originates from itself and not from high-level manipulation. It has no transformation value and no possibility of coexistence!"

"Our human blood is more precious than every heretic race! I will make them recall how they should show respect when they meet humans!"

"On 897th, let's set off fireworks from the 'Out of Control Numbered World-77'."

"On 897th, let's set off fireworks from the 'Out of Control Numbered World-59'."

"Ah this."

Colin opened his mouth and watched as this old man "set off fireworks" all the way, destroying countless worlds during the process.

In addition to the "world number", he also bombed other people's home planets, or threw some high-level containment objects into other people's lairs, completely eradicating all kinds of heretics and aliens, and causing many things to become completely extinct.
Now, he understood more and more why some of the advanced beings stationed in "World Number-4" were so excited when they felt that a company was coming.

Co-authored because of this "I don't eat beef" master.

Of course, this kind of strength is external, and Rosen is quite friendly internally.

"But considering what these things do, it doesn't feel like there's anything wrong with taking such revenge."

Colin began to feel that it was not good to cause destruction at every turn.

But seeing what some alien races do, it feels like just destroying them is not enough.

But he didn't think much about it. Something recorded in the diary caught Colin's attention.

In the second half of Rosen's recovery mission, the top management issued a very special task, namely: to recall all "Fire Holders" who could be recalled. It seemed that some kind of major task was about to be released.

And this recall command.

It seems to be related to the completion of manufacturing of a certain prop within the company.
In describing this prop, Rosen used words such as "super standard, beyond theory, beyond cognition", saying that with it, human nature will truly become the subject.
But unfortunately, Rosen didn't go back because of the task at hand, so he didn't know much.

"Why don't you tell me the purpose of this so-called 'super-standard prop'? What is it for? Or give me a specific name."

Colin was so anxious that he couldn't help scratching his scalp.

He realized that this matter was probably related to the current situation of the world.

The birth of a super-standard prop.
Most firebenders recalled
Considering the current situation, Colin wondered if the world line had been traced back?
This possibility is not low, because some high-end props were obviously made a long time ago, but some of the memo instructions and the like are only in recent times.

Apart from anything else, the idea of ​​"smashing Varudo" probably wouldn't have appeared hundreds of years ago.

"Is it possible that in today's world, time has gone back once, or perhaps multiple times?"

Colin held the notebook and thought for a while, feeling that it was possible, but not entirely.

Because simply talking about time retrieval, why do things like "numbered worlds" still exist and are not retraced along with them?

There are many difficult points in it
After a while of brainstorming, Colin shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Wait until your authority is up and you have the opportunity to meet "Ms. Rabbit", then ask directly.

Then, Colin continued to check, but there was no major news in the follow-up. The diary finally ended up at "World Number-13", and there was no news about "4", let alone the last three.


Colin initially guessed that this diary should have been given as a gift to someone here.

On the side, a palm held the side of his face, and his ice-blue eyes looked at Colin quietly. It wasn't until he turned the pages page by page and closed the notebook that Shana asked with a hint of curiosity:
"Can you tell me what's the story above?"

Hearing this, Colin didn't hide anything and told her what he knew.In a sense, this notebook is indeed an adventure as the name suggests, but there are many things hidden in this adventure, a bit like a diary.

But compared to some secrets and the like, Shana was more interested in the scenes of different worlds depicted above.

"Mr. Colin, does the sun really exist in your world?" Shana asked curiously.

In various legends of "World Number-13", the sun is a thing hanging in the sky that selflessly spreads warmth and heat.
And, it seems to have really existed.

But now, few people know exactly what it looks like.

"Yes, there is, but it's not that magical."

Ever since he was a child, it was difficult for Colin to have the feeling of longing to see the sun.

Isn't that just a star? It's everywhere when you look up.
But...this idea seems a bit too painful to stand and talk?

You know, here, some extreme ones, such as the "Human Suture Monster", have a morbid pursuit of the "sun".

If given a chance to moisten the earth, Colin estimated that it would be willing to sacrifice everything.

"so good."

Shana sighed, with some hope flashing in her eyes.

After explaining the things in "Adventures" and teaching Shana some words, Colin returned the thing to her.

"By the way, this is for you, the coordinates before 'hunger'."

Shana seemed to have thought of something, and stretched out her hand. The rays of light gathered together and condensed into a ball of light. There were some mysterious textures flowing in it, and it seemed that a lot of information was sealed.

However, just as Colin was about to reach out and take it, he saw that the task of locating "hunger" on the retina was completed.

Then asked him if he would hand it over.

After making his choice, Colin saw an invisible vortex appear and sweep away the light group.

Then a new task followed in my mind.

[Go to the designated area of ​​"Black Mountain", light a temporary bonfire, and release the coordinates]

Note: This mission will be opened the next time you enter "World Number-13" for seven days.

"More than ten days, is 'Ms. Rabbit' ready to attack another 'Hungry'?"

Colin was thoughtful, vaguely feeling that the mission was pointing to a location that was not too close.

He asked Shana about the "Black Mountains".

I learned that the place is not that far away. In theory, it may be thousands of kilometers.
After thinking about it, Colin felt that this task could be outsourced to "Life Coach Keaido" and others, and let them reach nearby areas through "King of Crazy Sound".

"Anyway, it's just a task of anchoring coordinates and planting a flag, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Colin took a look at the mission content twice and remembered that he had heard an employee say before that he had a D-class status. How come he had to farm every day and take care of some people's pooping and peeing problems since he came here?
Now that he was fine, he decided to leave it to his men to find something difficult to do.
Anyway, most of them have a chance of resurrection.

That is, after the topic ended, Shana suddenly said: "Mr. Colin, can you please take care of my body here?"

"Take care of your body?" Colin was stunned, wondering how to take care of you.

"Well, I want to take a nap, maybe I will sleep more deeply." Shana said a little embarrassed.

"Sleep, I thought it was something, just sleep, I'll just watch here."

Colin waved his hand, indicating that it was not a big problem, and found her a small room in the church where Xiaohong usually slept.

It stands to reason that for a Saint of this level, as long as she is not fighting, she can be considered resting.

Since you are going to sleep, it should not be an ordinary sleep.


Shanna looked grateful.

Afterwards, he closed the wooden door, and then some light emerged from his body. He sealed the room and began to take some personal protection, making sure that if something unexpected happened, he could directly detonate the superimposed clone on his body and force him to wake up.
Shanna went to "sleep".

His consciousness continued to sink, and soon the dark dreamland was filled with clouds emitting soft white light.

Through these clouds, Shana "saw" a circular arch.

At the moment when we arrived in front of the arch, a slightly sad song and melody sounded in our ears.

In the past, she couldn't understand it, but now she kind of understands its meaning.
"There is a voice coming from the most beautiful distance, which contains morning dew at dawn. The gorgeous and brilliant prospects are fascinating, and I cheer for joy like a child."

Shanna melodiously hummed a ballad, walked in the clouds, and continued to move forward.

I do not know how long it has been
In the clouds, she followed the guidance and passed through the doors, finally arriving at an area filled with large and small white light balls.

These light balls are covered with various mysterious and gorgeous textures, surrounded by fairy-like light spots.

Shana looked intently, and some related information came to her mind.

In the inheritance of saints, they are called "angel's horns", and each ball of light represents a "horn".

"When the 'Sound of Nature' is played, white light will fall on the earth, covering all things, the stars will tremble, the earth will shake, all things will be silent, everything will return to its most essential state, and everything will disappear."

These prophetic words flashed through Shana's mind.

This is a description of what will happen after the "angel's trumpet" is blown -

Why do the gods respect them?

It's because of this thing.

Every generation of saints has the ability to mobilize this thing, and it is also their real killing move.

And the price to be paid for using it up this time is not low. At least so far, I haven’t heard of many people who are still alive after using it up.

After all are used, they disappear directly, taking the enemies with them mysteriously.
Moreover, the power is not as exaggerated as mentioned above. It will not be activated once to eliminate all enemies. Otherwise, there is no need to fight for three generations of saints to fight to the death of the "great will" bred by the "Holy Light Holy See". .

While thinking about it, Shana saw that the light ball she could use this time seemed to be larger.

She walked forward step by step and stopped in front of a large light ball ten meters high.

At the bottom of this light ball filled with various mysterious textures, I saw a series of numbers and characters.

(End of this chapter)

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