Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 466 analyzes the secret knowledge behind the "Saint".


"'Radiant Angel' Sixth 'Force Angel' Construction Corps, No. 14 Column, Production Number"

"Warning, this prop can have a certain impact on the surface of the landform. Please apply for it and get approval before it can be used."

"If it is placed illegally without permission, the user will be transferred to the 'Light Domain Judgment' and undergo the 'Seed of Light' trial."

Shana used the knowledge she had just learned from Colin to interpret some of the small prints under the numbers, and suddenly discovered something——

According to my understanding, it seems that it is not used specifically as a weapon?

"The memory inheritance of the saints seems inaccurate? Isn't this actually the 'Angel's Trumpet'?"

If what Mr. Colin taught her was correct.

Well, this explanation seems to have nothing to do with "angel's trumpet".
With a little understanding, it seems to be an ordinary item that is not particularly special?
But, she thought about it for a moment.

Although her understanding seems to be wrong, it is not impossible to use it as a weapon. Although she does not understand the specific meaning above, she knows that the more numbers there are, the more powerful it will be. She has a vague idea of ​​the impact this thing can have.

The damage caused by it is definitely no problem if it is a weapon.

However, there are many restrictions on its use, and it must be established under certain suitable conditions before it can be used.

It's not just a matter of throwing it away.
And the effect is not particularly satisfying.

Like this trap operation, Shana had not considered using it at all.

Compared with "Angel's Trumpet", "cherubic angel" is much more applicable and more targeted when dealing with advanced beings.
As her thoughts flashed, Shana raised her chin and her eyes flashed in front of some large light balls that were tens or even hundreds of meters away.

Unfortunately, those light balls did not have activation authority, and she could not see how many "0" there were.

There is no way to know how powerful it is
Then, she withdrew her gaze and looked at the ten-digit large ball of light in front of her, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

"Based on perception, this thing has a large destructive range and is powerful enough. However, it should be difficult to have much effect on the ancient gods."

Shana was confused for a moment.

This thing doesn't seem to have any extraordinary power attached to it, so it would be difficult for most advanced life forms not to mention killing them, or even causing wounds.
Because those high-dimensional beings who hold various "authorities" have too many ways to avoid harm from such non-targeted range attacks.

For example, although it was Shanna's first contact with the "King of Crazy Sound", she had a preliminary understanding of its authority. She could deduce that when faced with such a bombing, that being could directly become part of the explosion shock wave.
And then achieve the "no damage" effect.

Even if the other party is extremely powerful, they can use this to spread the impact to the entire world and cause the world to collapse.

In addition, if the saint himself enters the "mythical life form", be prepared before releasing it.

It seems that death will not occur, after all, in that state, it is immune to the impact of a large number of objects.
Then why is there still a situation of "die together"?
This is in great conflict with the statement that inheritance memory can only be used once by default.

Normally, I'm afraid it won't be used only once.

But soon, she seemed to realize something, and moved her gaze to the last paragraph of the big light ball:

'Putting it in illegally without permission will be transferred to the 'Light Domain Judgment' and accepted the 'Seed of Light' trial.'

An intuition told her that it was this passage that might really work.

Rather than the power of the big ball of light itself.

"'Light Domain Judgment'."

A name that has never been known.
However, Shana noticed one thing. In the inheritance, the saints who used this weapon were described as dying together. However, after thinking about it carefully, it seems more likely that they disappeared mysteriously and disappeared without a trace.

Especially when using this thing, there will be no holy relics left behind or equipment exploded.

This is quite abnormal.
But, what if they did not die, but were transferred to this "Light Domain Tribunal"?
That would indeed leave no holy relics.

"Looking at it this way, maybe they are still alive?"

Shana thought for a while and felt that she had solved another mystery, but at the same time there was one more mystery.

Where is the "Light Domain Judgment Office"?

In the past, those saints who were illiterate and illiterate interpreted this word as going to "heaven" and returning to the "light" to enjoy happiness. The interpretation of the word "judgment" was to judge the enemy.
This time she got back more "true scriptures" from Colin, learned more knowledge, and understood it in context. Even if there is a heaven, and the saints are led there, it may not be like going to enjoy blessings.

After all, according to the above statement, the saint is the violator, so no matter how you look at it, he shouldn't be enjoying any blessings.

The ruling may be made by the two together, thus achieving the effect of "perish together"
However, Shana didn't get too entangled.

This time I came in not to see these light balls.

After some thoughts came to no result, she looked further behind the clouds, took steps, and continued to move deeper into the world of luminous clouds.

After another "long" walk, Shana saw a broken bridge.

The wide broken bridge is built with brilliant nine-color lights, and there is no road in front of the broken bridge.

Endless clouds emitting white light obscured everything.
Shana stopped and looked for a moment, then continued to move, stepping on the clouds with her smooth ankles, walking towards the broken bridge step by step, and finally came to the break of the broken bridge.

Then, she closed her eyes, and streaks of white light flashed across her body.

Not long after, she changed her life form.

It turned into a conscious white light. The light had a vague human shape, but it was much taller.

And the whole body is filled with sacred and pure temperament.

And when this form is displayed, one pair, two pairs, three pairs, and up to five pairs of white and wide wings of light slowly unfold from behind the human form.

Then, some luminous tentacles stretched out from the light group.

The tentacles pulled in the air, and after a moment, a piece of parchment was pulled out.

After the yellowed paper appeared, a large amount of light blue light flew out, intertwined into mysterious symbols, and spread deep into the clouds. The endless clouds slowly opened to both sides like the sea in some fairy tales.
In the distance, a huge door built on the clouds and connecting the sky and the earth appeared.

The giant door is made of pure white light, and its specific height cannot be seen even from a very long distance.

In front of the giant gate, stood a huge human-shaped figure that seemed to be at least a thousand meters high.

However, Shana knows that this may not be its final size.
Because once you stare at it, you will find that it will quickly increase in size in people's eyes.

This increase has almost no upper limit and can exceed celestial bodies.
Ultimately, those who try to measure its size will only get one result - it is almost infinitely large.And if you keep staring at it without overestimating your capabilities, it will even crowd out people's brains - when she first arrived here, Shana, who was full of curiosity, "died" a clone.

At this moment, the huge human figure looked like a gatekeeper, standing with his back to the gate, holding a lightsaber in both hands, with the tip of the sword facing down, and his head slightly lowered. He had been standing in this position for who knows how many years.
However, after Shana cast her gaze on it, the giant humanoid light and shadow suddenly moved.

Its posture remained unchanged, but it slowly raised its lightsaber and pointed it at the peeping person.
When the sharp sword is pointed at the opponent.

Thousands of pale streams of light cut through the world and rushed toward Shana, wrapping her up and making her look like a cocoon of light.

These streams of light seeped into her body and baptized her.

I don't know how long ago
The sixth pair of wings slowly grew out from behind Shana.

'The sixth pair of wings'

This means that she has surpassed most of the saints since the "Holy Light Church" and can rank with the best among them.


Although the strength has increased, this extra pair of wings.
In fact, it doesn't have much effect. At most, it looks good. In other words, it is like a pass. You can show your status in order to gain access in this world of light and cloud.

In essence, just like the badges on some knights, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning.

Shana didn't put too much thought into her wings, and her thoughts started to change.

Ahead, a field of radiance intertwined, forming a tree-like figure. On the edge of the tree-like figure, there were some pale light spots.
Shana stared at the picture for a while, her wings flapped, and some light spots flew to the branches of the tree diagram she was staring at, lighting them up.

As the new "branches" stretched out, she learned some abilities and received special strengthening.

After doing all this, the cocoon of light surrounding her dissipated.

Shana was in a trance for a moment. When she came to her senses and looked forward again, she found that the giant of light and shadow in front had returned to its previous standing position, remaining the same, as if it had never moved.

"Those things."

After her strength was enhanced, Shana suddenly noticed that under the white clouds in front of the light and shadow giant, there were a large number of mutilated things, which looked like some kind of remains. There were many and very huge remains.
Some remains resemble bones, some are made of metal, or some kind of creation, or even some strange celestial remains.
She didn't know what these remains once were, but she could sense that these things were not weak.

Many of them can be compared to ancient gods.
But at this moment, they were all buried quietly in the ocean-like white clouds, which shocked the onlookers beyond words.

However, the most eye-catching thing among them is a magnificent, ancient, but dilapidated ancient palace complex.
"Is it the Holy Light Church? Did it fall here after it disappeared? I don't know what happened here. There are so many things."

Shana's eyes flashed with curiosity, but she shook her head and didn't think much about it.

However, just when she was about to look away, she suddenly felt something. She looked at the bottom of the door behind the light and shadow giant, and saw a small burning flame.
Under the light of the giant door and the giants of light and shadow, the flame was as hard to detect as dust.

It was only after she was promoted and reached the level of strength that she barely noticed.


From this flame, Shana felt a power similar to that of Mr. Colin, but compared to him, this small flame seemed to be more "rich".
Why is there a "bonfire" here?

Shana subconsciously focused her sight and discovered that the burning thing seemed to be a severed hand?
what's the situation?
Just when she was "blinking" in confusion, she suddenly saw the severed hand under the door appearing not far in front of her, floating in the air.

She was immediately alert, but fortunately, the hand made no next move.

Just floating quietly
It looked a little shriveled, like dried bacon, and at the palm of the severed hand, there was a closed mouth.

"Click, click."

The sounds of gnawing, chewing, and swallowing sounded in my ears.

The mouth in the palm of the hand seems to be moving, but if you look closely, you will find that it seems to be an illusion.

"You don't sense the aggression and you want me to take it away from this place?"

Shana thought for a while, glanced at the guardian in front of the far gate, then withdrew her gaze and looked at the severed hand in front of her.

After thinking about it, many wriggling rays of light flew out from her ball of light.
These rays of light flew halfway and turned into chains with a strong sealing effect, wrapping the hand around in circles.

Finally, Shana dragged it into its own independent space.

After doing all this, silent vibrations suddenly echoed in this "dream world"
The divided sea of ​​clouds boiled and closed.

The giant light gate, the giant of light and shadow standing with a sword, as well as the Holy Light Holy See and a large amount of debris were buried again.

In front of him, the light blue light diffused by the parchment also dimmed and disappeared.

Shana put it into an independent space, knowing that what she wanted to do this time was over.

A huge ball of light flapped the six pairs of wings on its back.
Fly back along the path you took before.

In this world of light and cloud, the actual loss of time and one's own feelings are completely different things.

It took Shana an unknown amount of time before she returned to the first arch she entered. After passing through it, she felt connected to her body again, and then returned to reality as her thoughts turned.

When I opened my eyes, the room was still the same, but I didn't know how much time had passed.

Shana shook her head to dispel her trance.

Taking back the clone she had arranged on her body, she got up from the bed and opened the door.

Wisps of strange meaty aroma penetrated into the nostrils.
Not far away, the "bonfire" envoy and a little girl were having a barbecue in front of the "bonfire".

This, let's leave it to ordinary churches and use their own sacred fire to roast meat.
It is no longer a matter of blasphemy or not. It may be possible to go directly to the stake without going through a trial——

Oh, the person who cooks the barbecue is the messenger of God, so that’s okay.

"Hey, are you awake?"

When Colin saw her, he stretched out his hand and took a picture, "I happen to be having midnight snack, come on."

"Oh." When she got up, Shana was still a little confused, so she subconsciously responded and walked over. But just as she was walking, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.
She suddenly noticed that except for Colin, there were no members of the Bonfire Church in the territory.

Shana realized something and frowned:

"How long have I slept?"

(End of this chapter)

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