Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 471: The "King of Crazy Sound"'s Friendship Boat.

Chapter 471: The "King of Crazy Sound"'s Friendship Boat.

"Am I also bait?"

"No, it should be said, when did I have the illusion that I am not a bait?"

The moment he heard the piercing siren, Colin immediately realized the reason.

The believers of the "Eating Festival" who chose to steal homes may really be just an unlucky incident, but the "hunger" hidden in them must know everything, and they will make mistakes and steal homes.
It's just that the "home" it stole was Colin himself, and the believers were its bait.

However, what it didn't expect was that the "Rabbit Lady" might have been prepared for Colin, and it was also some kind of bait thrown out.

At present, it seems that the "Rabbit Lady" is a better fisher and has caught the big fish.

Of course, this is also related to the "hungry" brain that is not very flexible.

【.The agreement application has been approved】

["World Number-13" off-site containment operation intervention application approved]




[Designated execution unit for this incident: D-class employee "No. 654321", Group Army "Zoo" vs. "0-09 'Hunger'" special operations team]

[The "Zoo' vs. '0-09' Hunger' Special Operations Group" operation is involved]

Lines of agreement notices flashed through Colin's mind at an extremely fast speed.

The content is slightly different from what I have seen before, but the details are similar, with only some differences in details.

"Involving the 'Hungry' Task Force instead of the Legion like before?"

As his thoughts flashed, Colin saw that in the world that frequently flashed red and blue lights, a large amount of gray mist appeared, covering himself and the group of people, blocking out other eyes.

At the same time, the imprisonment effect imposed on him by "Hunger" was lifted.

Instead, the big blue-black hand froze in mid-air, trembling constantly, as if it was locked by something, making it difficult to move forward or retreat for a while.


Doors full of war traces were outlined in the gray haze. The opposite door quickly opened, and the area behind the door was hazy and filled with thick fog.

What was different from the past was that there were not a large number of corps members this time, only a few people came.

After a total of five gates, only one person walked out from each gate.

Their auras fluctuated extremely strongly, and they wore similar, thick-looking armor. They carried boxes with unknown contents in their hands, but some of their helmets were rhinoceros-style and some were deer-antler style.
"Hiss, a powerful being at the level of a first-level containment object?" Colin was frightened in his heart.

At this time, when these five figures saw him, they nodded in a friendly manner.

"The containment work is about to begin. If you don't leave, be careful."

A line of words popped out of my mind.

Colin hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to stay and take a look.

That is this moment.
These figures opened the boxes they were carrying at the same time, and a large number of chains with bonfires flying out of them flew towards "Hungry".

The flames on it were unusually restrained against the blue-black haze.

At this time, the huge gun barrel stretched out from behind each fog door and aimed at "Hungry".


A figure wearing an antlered helmet took a step forward before the shells were fired.

His entire body transformed during this process, turning into countless purple thunder and lightning, filling every space. Billions of lightning seemed to further block this area.
Not only him, but other figures also began to transform their life forms.

Or a special light that turns everything into grains of salt
Or the dark thorns that can bind everything
Or maybe it’s the starlight falling from an unknown place like a comet or a meteorite.
Facing their attack, "Hungry" did not sit completely dry. It still had most of its body in the believer's belly and mouth, and could not crawl out.

However, when some dangerous attacks come, the surface of the blue-black body suddenly ages.

Then, like shedding her shell, she temporarily shed some of her chains.

Then half of its body crawled out from the believer's abdomen, waved its arms, swallowed up the thunder and lightning, and broke the chain.
It can even pull out some incorporeal attacks directly from the air.

Then he slapped it in a round shape and flew it away.
Colin saw that with just one palm, the deer-headed man who had just nodded to him was knocked back to his human form from the thunderous form that covered the sky and the earth, and lost one-seventh of his body.
The "hungry" instinct in the distance is ready to digest and devour this part of the thunder and lightning.

But perhaps because of the "agreement" protection, it failed and had to be spit out.
"Is it so exaggerated?"

Colin clicked his tongue, "Hungry"'s countermeasures seemed simple and crude.

Nothing fancy
But it is very effective. Whatever comes, I just slap it out with my backhand, then grab the opening and stuff it into my mouth, making it snap.

It has the feeling of defeating all methods with one force.

As time passed little by little, all kinds of terrifying auras erupted in the entire independent gray fog space. Colin couldn't stand it just standing back and watching.

Huge things squirmed and collided with each other here, and the impact caused by an accidental brush could shock his internal organs.
"Watch it for a while and then withdraw."

Colin stretched out his hand to block it, controlling the flames to surround him, constantly protecting himself.

If he has been promoted and is a "fire bearer" with sufficient qualifications, then he may be able to watch here with ease.

But he is only a reserve at the moment, especially not yet C-level.
It is already very difficult just to ensure that you can enjoy the show without getting hurt.

The most important thing is that these battles of life are a bit too abstract and difficult to understand.
It's better to say it's a battle, it's more like various types of natural disasters colliding with each other.

Something like a tornado hitting a volcano and erupting.
No one can be seen, only various "special effects" can be seen.

But Colin could tell a little bit, that is, these people didn't look like they could win "Hungry" right away.

Coupled with the intensity of the fighting, it seems to be continuing to increase.

He also didn't want to be the first "fire supporter" reservist in history to die suddenly because of "watching a show".

That would be so much fun.

So I don’t plan to stay too long and will leave when it’s almost done.
At the same time, beneath the surface of "World Number-13", the humanoid figure of the "King of Crazy Sound" put its ears against the edge of the wall, listening to the sounds coming back from the outside.

"Why is the company fighting with 'Hungry' here?"

The "King of Crazy Sound" was surprised. He didn't expect that the fight would start right after he was sent away.

I just feel like, why am I hitting the wrong place?

Didn't you say there was a "black mountain" there?

He set up multiple observation points there and was about to eavesdrop, but he didn't hear a sound. Instead, a battle broke out at the location of the "Bonfire Company" agent?
Although he didn't know what the accident was, he rushed to the scene as soon as possible and watched remotely.

Although the company's various shields are very good, it is impossible to completely shield a battle of this level no matter what.

Especially his authority is special.
Through subtle vibrations that humans cannot detect, he can restore the battle scenes in his mind.

"It's strange. What came out was not the large-scale army group like last time. Didn't you hear that only with a large number of people can you trigger the core content of the 'Bonfire Agreement'?"

"Is there any special arrangement from above?"

"Wait a minute, how do you feel? There are two powers inside that are very familiar to you."

The "King of Crazy Sounds" listened for a while and was suddenly shocked: "What?! That guy Salt and the guy with the purple electricity have actually become external combat employees long ago?"

These two guys were the guys who broke into the "numbered world" with him back then!

At that time, they just broke through the protection, and they said they hit the "First Fire" Army Group, but in fact they hit Rosen, and the others didn't take any action.

Three against one, one dead and two seriously injured
No, now it seems that the guy is not dead at all, and the two guys, who clearly showed their unyielding expressions at the time, in the blink of an eye, he is still in jail, and the other two have become outsiders of the "Zoo" Army Fighting employees!

Damn, my knees shouldn't have been so hard in the first place!

What annoyed the "King of Crazy Sound" the most was that according to Rosen's original statement.

Among their batch of "ancient gods", whoever agrees first will have lower treatment for those who follow.
But similarly, if the two can stick together, they will both get the best contract in the future.

The "King of Crazy Sound" still thought that he would try to persuade this guy when he had a chance to come out later. Unexpectedly, the other "resurrection from the dead" not to mention rebelled against the small group together.

Now that he joins again, not only will the preferential benefits most likely be gone, but his working life may also be extended.
Although it can be perceived currently, an incomprehensible disaster will occur in a short period of time in the future.

But later is later and now is now.

The "King of Crazy Sound" suddenly became full of disbelief in the humanity of others.

"No, maybe we can contact you directly."

Thinking of this, the "King of Crazy Sound" tried his best to send messages to the two old acquaintances above, hoping that they would take him to leave to work together.

In that case, the previous grievances can be wiped out and the boat of friendship can be turned back.

We can all be good friends together.

A while passed, but he didn't get any response.

"Slip away."

After another period of waiting and watching, Colin chose to withdraw.

Although if he breaks out his "small universe", he will not be unable to participate in the battle and provide some assistance. With the super restraining effect of "bonfire" on "hunger", he may be able to end the containment work faster.
But doing so is of little significance, but the risk is high.

Of course, another reason for opting out was that one of the group members secretly had an "inspiration" and seemed to have asked him to leave after he was done.

"If you continue to eat melon, what unnecessary conflicts may occur?"

Colin was a little confused when interpreting the "inspiration" message, but he didn't wait for him to continue thinking about the reason.

As the thought of leaving emerged, a layer of gray mist enveloped him.

In an instant, Colin saw himself retreating from the shaking battlefield.
"Hiss, my eyes."

As soon as he came out, Colin saw a strong light covering his surroundings, and his pupils stung.

The world between heaven and earth in the outside world was enveloped by an unusually strong incandescent light at some point.

However, in the next second, all the light condensed and turned into a glowing, chubby ball of light with six pairs of wings.

Then, the light of the light ball converged and turned into Shana's appearance.

'Unnecessary conflict, that's what I'm talking about'

Colin squinted his eyes, rubbed his eyes, and thought of the reason——

Shana, the saint, can contact the mentally retarded angels of the "Radient Angel" to a certain extent.

He just disappeared without explaining the situation to the other party.

In case Shana misunderstood, summon the mentally handicapped angel defense system in the "Raradiant Angel" legion.

That's true.
The two armies may clash unnecessarily.

'I don't know who will be more powerful when these two armies fight.'

Colin thought for a while with the mentality of just watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

At this moment, in mid-air, Shana saw Colin appearing intact and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the six pairs of wings that had not disappeared flashed, and she appeared next to Colin in an instant.

Pieces of wings flew out and turned into streams of light, surrounding Colin. At the same time, Shana also said:

"what happened?"

Originally, she was within the territory and was responsible for protecting all ordinary people, while Colin went out to meet the enemy.

Unexpectedly, a terrifying aura suddenly broke out outside.

Just as she was about to come out, she saw a strange flash of red and blue light in the external area, and then everything disappeared.

In desperation, Shana changed herself, and then she vaguely sensed Colin's breath in a cyst-like "grey mist" in the sky.

However, no matter how she attacked, it was difficult to break through that layer of defense.

Fortunately, just when she was about to communicate with the things in this "protected area", the "grey fog cyst" "vomited" Colin out intact.

"It's okay, the 'hunger' thing should be fine."

Colin briefly explained the situation.

This time, "Ms. Rabbit" did not send a large number of people over like last time, but carried out some kind of precision strike.

Most people in the outside world may not even know what is going on here.

Shana didn't speak immediately after hearing this, until she checked Colin's body from top to bottom to make sure there was no damage, then she nodded indifferently: "That's it, that's good."

'Speaking of which, if the battlefield is moved to the outside world and these monsters are allowed to fight freely, thousands of miles around may suffer.'

Colin recalled what he saw in that space, all kinds of terrifying encounters, and couldn't help but click his tongue.

The destructive power of high-level containment objects is still very powerful.
A sudden landslide would cause the earth to collapse, and even if they stopped fighting, it would cause great damage to the world.

Then, as time passed little by little.
It wasn't until almost the next day that a piece of information flashed in Colin's mind.

[The containment work has been completed, and this time "0-09 'Hungry'" accounts for about one-eighth of the total]

[No other fragmentation information has been detected yet]

【About to evacuate. 】

[Evacuation completed. 】

"Is it over?" Shana also felt something.

"Yes." Colin nodded.

This also means that within the area currently known to him in "World Number-13", all "hungry" fragments have been recovered.

As for whether there are others hidden in other corners, I don't know.

"I recovered a fifth and an eighth. I don't know where the other ones are."

(End of this chapter)

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