Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 472: Blessed by Epilepsy

Chapter 472: Received the blessing of epileptic fire.
"It seems that if the company wants to recycle the complete 'Hunger', it may have to wait."

Colin grunted, and the recycling was over.

In a short period of time, it will be difficult to find other fragments.
Of course, the only thing that is known to be scattered outside is a small part of "hunger" that is deeply rooted in his body and looks like fragments, but does not seem to be fragments.

However, if he wants to recover this part, he may have to wait until he becomes a "fire bearer" or reaches B level.

Otherwise, even if it reaches C level, the best it can do is prevent it from happening.

There is no way to further utilize or process it.

"Having said that, having this 'Hunger' attached to you is not without its benefits. First of all, there is likely to be some invisible attraction between the 'Hunger' fragments. I am afraid that I will encounter more in the future."

"and also."

"If I succeed in being promoted to 'Fire Bearer' in the next step, how come I can naturally master 'Hunger' and become a serious 'Hungry' Jinchūriki?"

Colin raised his eyebrows and realized that when the time came, there would be no need to take it out at all.

After all, "fire lovers" seem to be able to naturally control "hunger".

When the time comes, "Fire Holder" and "Hungry" will fight together, and he will be stronger than other "Fire Holders" as soon as he comes up on the numerical panel.

In this situation, he doesn't even know how to lose——

Oh, it doesn’t seem to work, there are still strong hands in this world.

Otherwise, Rosen wouldn't have managed the entire "0-09 'Hunger'" game.


Colin retracted his thoughts and patrolled the surrounding area with Shana, eliminating all the "Eating Fest" heretics.

After the strong light flashed, all the breath in the bodies of these heretics was eliminated, and even the blood still flowing in their bodies was directly purified into pure water that could be drunk on the spot.

Then, he died suddenly.


Colin took a deep breath, feeling that this scene was even weirder than seeing a person being punched to pieces.

However, after confirming that there was no problem, they returned to the territory.

Within the territory, under the protection of Shana, tens of thousands of people did not even know what had just happened outside.

All they knew was that the envoy of the "Bonfire" seemed to have invited the Holy Lady of the "Light" Sect to let her send down blessings, expel the haze in people's hearts, and purify and eliminate many viruses.

"Praise the great 'Bonfire' God Envoy, he is the one who brought the Holy Light."

"Praise for 'Bonfire'."

The so-called bonfire believers prayed.

Seeing this group of people bathed in her own light but grateful to others, the saint's eyes were strange, with an indescribable subtlety.

More than ten hours passed quickly.

At dawn the next day, a vibration from far to near suddenly came from one side of the territory.
A huge shadow with a huge body is rushing towards this side.

Every step it takes makes the ground shake.

A group of territorial people who were plowing the fields were shocked, dropped their pickaxes and ran away.

"Don't worry, don't run, it's okay." An employee looked away, picked up the horn in his hand, and reassured everyone.

It's okay for them to run, but the key is to crush the potato seedlings.

This is Xintian
As a cadre of the "Bonfire Church", his words are relatively easy to use.

People stopped one after another, and when they saw the appearance of the thing, they were all stunned, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the 'Holy Beast'! Praise the Holy Beast of the 'Bonfire' Church, the Holy Beast of Corpse Mountain"

A bonfire believer with simple concepts knelt on the ground and chanted devoutly.

As soon as he knelt down, some other victims also knelt down and chanted the name of "Smiling Corpse Mountain" piously.


Corpse Mountain responded from a distance.

'Ah, that doesn't have to be the case. '

The employee in charge of farming looked helplessly at the kneeling believer beside him. Then, he looked up at the huge meat ball with a diameter of more than ten meters. He supported his round body with both hands and rushed towards it quickly.

There are many employees hanging on his body and mouth.

The mountain of corpses did not stop all the way. When it was near the farmland, it suddenly transformed into a shadow and dived underground, swimming quickly towards the chapel.

No damage to surrounding farmland.
Outside the chapel.

The shadow formed by the mountain of corpses arches upward here, turning into a ball of flesh.

Then, after a moment of hesitation, he reluctantly spat out the employees in his mouth like watermelon seeds.

In order to avoid hitting the ground directly, it kindly caught the employee with his hands.

"How is your mission going?"

Colin stood at the door of the church, holding a bowl of freshly brewed braised beef noodles, and glanced at the group of people:
"It seems like no one died?"


"The life coach is so cute" was lying on a stretcher and being carried over.

Colin took a quick look and saw that there were quite a few bite marks on the opponent's body, especially his hands, which were pitted with more than a dozen gaps. Then, on both feet, one of them was bitten at the calf level, leaving only the pink bones attached to the flesh and blood.
Many tooth marks can still be seen on the bones.

Colin looked past him and looked at the other people. Generally speaking, they were more or less injured, ranging from the mild ones unscathed, to the most severe ones, where the eyes were a little blurry and the lower body was missing, but they were still alive and breathing hard.
"My legs, feet, and butt hurt so much, it hurts so much," he muttered to himself.

Other employees kindly comforted me: "No, it's all an illusion. My butt is in the storage room. It doesn't hurt anymore. Don't think too much."

Following Colin's gaze, Kaidao also glanced at his own personnel. Thinking of what happened before, he couldn't help but grit his teeth:

"Those guys didn't know what methods they used, which caused us to feel that the connection with our bodies was unstable. Otherwise, we would kill them all without getting hurt at all."

"Damn, that's right, the beating was disgusting." An employee carrying a stretcher couldn't help cursing.

Halfway through the game, they suddenly felt as if their "flow" had been diverted away.

As a result, the original favorable situation was almost overturned by the enemy.

It’s very frustrating
When Colin heard this, he felt that the translation was, "If it's stuck, if it's not stuck, kill them all."

Strength is not tough, but words are tough.

Well, that's not entirely correct. Taking the employees into account, it should be the time when the "Rabbit Lady" was released into the Legion.

Maybe there is indeed a small problem with the signal.

Colin waved his hand: "It's not bad, just stay alive."

After a pause, he continued to ask: "Did you bring any of your body parts with you?"

"I brought it." "The life coach is so cute" took out a bag from the "storage room".

The bag looks like pork, containing pieces of minced meat, some bones, etc.
He dug this out from the enemy's belly later. It is still active. It should be usable after washing it.

"That's okay." Colin nodded.

Although the residual limbs were not brought back, it is not impossible to recover them through various means, but employees who often lack arms and legs know that recovery will always be much slower.

Then, ignoring the strong smell of blood in the air,

Colin summoned the "Seal of the Fire Tree".

The moment the huge giant tree appeared, countless air roots dropped down, like tentacles, inserted into their bodies, and wrapped up all the injured little by little.

At the same time, Colin also asked them to activate some of their own talents, and then asked the little maid to combine it with other functional props with therapeutic effects.

Treat everyone present
"It should take two or three days to fully recover."

In this regard, Colin is relatively generous and does not reduce the use of resources for the sake of saving.After all, the faster the injury heals, the sooner employees can get back to work.

Some of the backlogged work in the territory has to be completed by someone.

"By the way, Brother Shunzi, how is this mission going?" The voice of "Life Mentor is so cute" wrapped in the fire tree came from the cocoon of roots.

"Everything goes well." Colin raised an "OK" gesture.

Hearing this, all the employees, including Kaidao, breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile.

It is foreseeable that they can get a lot of points after returning.

'Successfully recovered 'Hungry', and then got a severed hand, as well as the contents of a secret deal with the 'branch company', I feel like this wave of points can be gained a lot.'

Colin thought about it and felt that this time, he should have a good harvest.

At least in terms of points, the "Rabbit Lady" never treats her unfairly.

There should be an opportunity to upgrade "Time Stasis" to further expand the scope and increase the duration.

Upgraded from 7 seconds to 9 seconds.

Even though it’s only two seconds, for experts, these extra two seconds might give them a chance to find a steamroller.

Shaking his head, Colin turned back to the Holy See and told Shana that he should be able to get some of her points next time he came in.

"Ah, is that okay?" Shana was stunned.

"Of course, after all, without you this time, 'Hungry' wouldn't be found at all."

Colin nodded, affirming the role of this "saint".

"Okay, then, thank you." Shana nodded to express her gratitude. From her observation during this period, she was sure that the points obtained by these people were much higher than hers.

If you think about it boldly, there might be ten times as many!

She wasn't quite sure how this happened, but she wasn't too entangled. First, there was nothing she could do with the parchment, and second, the points in her hand were always enough.

Most of the time, they are used to save others, and a small amount of them are used on themselves.

For example, when entering the "Light Dream", summoning a tree diagram or the like requires a certain amount of points to open it, usually ten points at a time to go there once.

Then, if you turn on the tree diagram, you will also need ten points.
It costs ten points to close.

A trip costs about thirty.

In the past, in order to save money, she would save a lot of tree diagram nutrients before going in to improve herself.

Now, because of the large points given by Mr. Colin.

Everything started to feel less embarrassing.

Of course, even if it wasn't urgent, she didn't intend to experience the "Light Dream" function such as spending hundreds of points to change her "mythic form" appearance.

Those things were just like changing clothes, without any actual improvement, they didn't mean much to her, and they were a bit too luxurious.
A few days passed quickly and it was time to leave.

As usual, Shana gave Colin an extremely delicate and substantial gold mark.

The surging "light" energy above almost overflowed.

"Just this mark, I feel it is worth thousands of points."

Colin weighed it in his hands and evaluated it secretly.

In addition to him, Shana also gave other employees some smaller gold stamps that could be made with just a flick.

Although the effect is not as good as Colin's, the employees are also very happy.

After all, judging from the effects of the previous golden beans, this thing is really easy to use!

The distant and ancient bells slowly receded in my ears.
In the small bedroom, Colin opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling, with a confused look on his face.

This time it took so long that even he felt an inexplicable sense of trance.

It lasted for almost half an hour before it got a little better.


The "Snow Girl" who was accidentally released by Colin at some point sprayed cold mist on his face, then made a hollow and scary sound like "hee hee hee" and floated away like a ghost.
"I'm so envious of you. You look like a heartless optimist wherever you go. There's no need to be 'jet lagged' at all."

Colin shook his head, feeling that his condition had recovered a lot.

The surroundings no longer feel that uncomfortable feeling that feels both strange and familiar at the same time.

After taking a deep breath, he first took out the parchment.

After unfolding it, the words "Mission Completed" appeared.

[In this incident, your evaluation is: A. 】

[You completed this event with extremely excellent performance. 】

[The following is the settlement you received after the mission of this event - "81000 points", "Special Talent Lottery Ticket*1", "Special Oil Ticket*1", "Gold Mission Voucher*9".]

[All items have been transferred to the "storage room", please check. 】

"Eighty thousand points, the company has indeed made a big profit this time."

The first time Colin saw this reward was not to express his feelings about how much he had received.

But I realized that the gains of "Bonfire Company" are not small.
Otherwise, given the characteristics of the company, it would be impossible for it to give more points in addition to the guaranteed points.

Only when it eats meat and drinks soup can employees have dishes to wash and bones to chew on.

"In terms of points, it should be no problem to upgrade the 'Time Stop' to nine seconds. If I give it to Shana, half points don't seem to be enough to upgrade. If not, I should give about [-] points?"

"I wonder if she will feel less."

Colin held the parchment in one hand and held his chin in the other, thinking about how many remaining points he would see later.

The pile of points I just got was planned out in the blink of an eye.

Then, he looked at the mission vouchers. These vouchers were more or less, but they should be enough to redeem a lot of "Gene Compensation Panel" points.
"What do you mean by 'special grease tickets'?"

Colin held it in his hand and looked at the item description: With this ticket, you can receive ten liters of "Fire Bearer's Grease" every week.
This. He glanced at the "storage room".

Sure enough, the severed hand was turned over.

Also handed over at the same time was the letter containing the coordinate system of "Housing the Kingdom of God".

"I feel like this transaction is a bit of a loss."

Colin scratched his head. The previous weekly grease was almost enough, so here are ten more liters.

It’s not that it doesn’t work, it just feels like the price/performance ratio isn’t quite good enough.

Then, he continued to look at the "Special Talent Lottery Ticket", which said that he could get a lowest purple talent.

“This is not bad”

Colin had given up on the idea of ​​synthesizing it himself.

I don’t know if there’s something wrong with the company’s talent synthesis, or if it’s like this for some reason, but it’s a big hole anyway.

"I hope there will be a better Zi. En?"

While talking, Colin used it smoothly and found that a font with orange light appeared.

【"Elepsy, epilepsy"】

"Effect Description": When using "Embrace Fire" to stabilize one's own sanity, one can summon "Delirium" to bless one's body, showing a huge and violent flame entity clone. The intensity depends on the initiator's own condition.
Current status: The maximum theoretical height of the flame entity is about 324.5 meters, the width is about 76.9 meters, and the duration is about 6 hours (this data is for reference only, please refer to the actual situation for details).

"Prerequisite for effect release": Enter the "Fire Holder" state.

"Negative effects": Within a day, after about three hours of continuous use, it will gradually enter an extreme state. The maximum controllable time is about 6 hours. Please control it as much as possible.
"Remarks": Be blessed by the supreme epileptic fire, which burns and ignites all life.
"Note 2": A bit too extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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