Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 482 Station 6: "Transfer Station in the Starry Sky".

Chapter 482 The Sixth Station: "Transfer Station in the Starry Sky".

The head like a balloon was tapping the window with its forehead while whispering seductively outside the train.
  Moreover, in the fog, more "balloons" appeared one by one.

The old dean, Xiaochuan.
  And Colin even saw his father's face that he had only seen in photos.

It also floated outside the car window like a balloon, with its forehead pressed against the train. Under the light of the bonfire, its pale and scary face stared at him, its lips wriggled, and it called out:
  "Dad is here, come here quickly."

"Didn't you often ask where your father was when you were a child?"

"Look what dad brought you."

The knocking sounds came and went, like raindrops, full of invisible weirdness.

At the same time, Colin saw that the two employees around him looked a little dull, and they made moves to look away, but their eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet and could not move away from the window.

"Looking like this, it must be a confrontation. It should be fine for a while. But speaking of it, I have never seen my family so neatly organized in my life."

Colin looked at the faces on the window. Under the blessing of the bonfire, he was not greatly affected, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

‘When there are no ‘passengers’ in the train, something like this will come out of the window? I don’t know why.’

‘It’s weird. It’s just that after going through hundreds of battles, there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore. ’

‘However, after this rule is triggered, there should be more than just this kind of harm’

Colin looked at those faces, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

If a task can be listed as a separate note, it must not be as simple as a bunch of heads "shouting" and then cracking the glass.

At this time, the dim lights in the carriage suddenly dimmed, and the entire train began to shake.
  At the same time, the faces outside became even more sinister.

Something strange seems to be coming.

With intuition, Colin vaguely realized that it might be possible to shield the outside world from peeking inside.

The danger should be avoided
  Colin took out a large bottle of grease from the "storage room", detonated the flames, and let his own flames envelope the entire train.

Then the flames on his body burned violently, releasing strong light like a small sun in an instant.


A scream came.

Under the firelight, the faces on the heads of all the "balloons" melted and twisted like heated candles, and screamed, finally exploding with a "bang".

All the sights cast from the fog disappeared.

The gradually dimming yellow lights in the carriage returned, and the shaking feeling subsided at this moment.

Obviously, even an anomaly cannot easily look directly at the power of a bonfire!
  The "Master of the Fish Pond" shook his head vigorously, finally looked away, lowered his head, and cursed: "Damn, I almost got hurt!"

He just heard someone calling him, and he looked out the window as if his neck had been broken. Then he saw many reluctant people, such as relatives, friends, and people who were deeply impressed.
  Although he reacted, he seemed to be a step too late and kept fighting with the opponent.

The orange cat next to him was a little better, but just a little better and couldn't care less about other situations.

It wasn't until the flames exploded from Brother Shunzi's body, covering the entire carriage without any blind spots, and "melting out" all sight lines, that he truly recovered.

"What's going on now?"

The orange cat said with lingering fear, and looked at the flames around him again, feeling as if he was in an alchemy furnace.

"It should be the consequence of breaking the 'rules'"

Colin said while maintaining the flame envelope: "But there should be nothing wrong now."

As he thought, the key to calming down the carriage was to block the "sight" from the outside.

As long as the Flame Bearer's flames keep burning, it won't be a big deal.

"I hope we can get to the next stop quickly, otherwise burning with such a high output for more than ten hours would be too much for me."

"However, looking at it this way, the original 'passenger' also has the function of blocking the line of sight?"

Colin's thoughts turned and he realized that the "passenger" thing in the train was not only one of the crises in the train, but also a key factor in stability. I just don’t know what’s so special about it that it can actually block sight.

‘When I usually look at these figures, I don’t seem to find anything special about them. I didn’t expect them to have such an important role. ’

Colin suddenly felt a little frightened.

Because he usually takes the train, he would stare at these things curiously from time to time, trying to figure out what they were.

I really didn't expect that my actions were as dangerous as playing with fire next to a gas tank.

But having said that, an anomaly that can prevent "peeping" and has a large background is actually fine as long as it is not touched in the car. It can be said that it has been treated harmlessly.
  "Is what you just saw a relative you know?" Colin asked the two of them what they saw.

Then they soon learned that they had seen the "Family Bucket" just like themselves, dead or alive, as long as they were impressed, they all emerged from the fog.

However, not much was said on this topic.

The orange cat on the side said: "By the way, what is the situation with the woman in the 'branch'? Will we encounter them directly next?"

"That guy, I felt something was wrong with her before I came up. Sure enough, there is something wrong!" The "Master of the Fish Pond" cursed.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Now we know nothing about the sites behind it."

Colin shook his head. There is too little information now, and it is difficult to make any effective judgment on this.

After hearing his words, the two D-class employees could only sigh and feel worried.

Next, after maintaining the flame for nearly eight hours, Colin, who was somewhat exhausted, felt the train slow down again.
  The sixth stop is coming soon!
  Soon, as the gray fog outside the window gradually receded, a dark scene appeared in everyone's eyes.

Then everyone was stunned for a moment.

I saw that behind the window was a world with a deep black background. Within the darkness, there were countless starlights dotting it. The area where the train was about to stop was a huge, deserted and dilapidated metal platform on an asteroid.

It looks like a space transportation transfer station full of science fiction.

Moreover, around the platform, you can also see a ring surrounding the entire star.
  'It's a bit like a young, emasculated version of 'Starship'.'

When Colin saw its general shape, he immediately recalled the starship that had recovered the "Time Countercurrent" before.

The "Master of the Fish Pond" looked outside and said with some emotion: "I heard before that after the fifth station, people may leave the earth directly. I thought it was nonsense, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Counting the previous aid to Brother Shunzi, this was the first time for him and Orange Cat Maomao to come to such a far away place, and their eyes were full of freshness.

‘The previous D-level company has traveled to countless extraterrestrial worlds and participated in countless events. The level has indeed dropped a lot.’

Colin glanced at the two of them with unfamiliar faces and couldn't help but think.

At this time, the train door opened, and Colin looked through the door into the dead silence outside——

He was a little surprised. Did the "Fog Train" stop this time because it was a station, or because there was something abnormal here?

‘It seems like there’s nothing threatening, is it because it’s a site? But no matter what, when the car is parked, the flames must be withdrawn first, otherwise, the ‘passengers’ will not come over. Huh? ’

As soon as Colin thought this, his eyes narrowed slightly and he saw a sudden "pop" on the car window not far away.

A bloody handprint was slapped on it.

But outside, there is clearly no one in sight!

However, without thinking too much, bloody handprints appeared one after another, seemingly moving towards the car door.

"This is it, do you want to get in the car?"

Colin frowned. If it was an abnormality, it was the first time he had seen an abnormality about getting into the car, and he immediately prepared himself again.

The gold card in the left hand and the revolver in the right hand to deal with any possible impact.

Under the gaze of the three people, almost ten seconds later, a pair of figures covered in blood walked into the car from the door.

The strong smell of blood spreads towards the face
  Then, before Colin could make a move, he heard a "pop" sound.

The two of them fell to the ground, and blood spread quickly from under them to the surrounding ground.
  (End of this chapter)

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