Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 483 The cruel truth that is hard to tell

"What's going on? Are they the two people just now?"

Orange Cat pulled the wire in his hand, preparing to attack with the power of the hurricane.

As soon as they were about to take action, they discovered that the woman lying at the door of the car was the woman who called herself Aikaxi when they met before, and then attacked them for no reason.

"Yes, I know both of them. They turned into ashes."

The "Master of the Fish Pond" stared at it for a few seconds before nodding. He was almost wiped out, but they still remembered it very clearly.

At this moment, the woman named "Weini" raised her head with difficulty, looked at the people in the car, and made a weak voice:
  "Please help us"

"When you attacked us just now, your tone of voice was not like this."

The orange cat didn't even move when he heard the words.

If it weren't for Brother Shunzi just now, there's a real chance that the two of them would fall over.

Now I don’t know what happened, I am seriously injured, and I continue to seek help from them. Do I really think that they have no temper?

It would be great if you don’t go up and kick the two guys out of the train. How about saving them?
  How can it be!

"Sneak attack?"

Winnie was stunned and immediately realized something. She was about to say that she could explain, but because she was anxious, she couldn't help but cough a few times. As a result, she was covered with blood after coughing, and she couldn't speak at all.

In desperation, several of them coughed violently, spurted blood from their mouths and noses, and suddenly passed out.

"Ah this." Both of them were stunned.

Then, they looked at Aikasi who was picked up and dropped to the side. The injury was even more serious, and it could even be said that he no longer looked like a human being.
  The "Master of the Fish Pond" and the orange cat both turned to look at Colin, not knowing what to do.

However, when he turned around, he saw an illusory ancient tree appearing next to Brother Shunzi, with a large number of roots flying from the tree and piercing the bodies of the two enemies.

The two subconsciously thought that they were going to be used as fertilizer, but they found that their vital signs began to rise after they took root?
  "Resuscitate the person first, then ask some questions to check the situation."

Hearing Brother Shunzi's words, the two of them nodded immediately, feeling that their judgment was indeed affected by resentment. When they saw the enemy, they immediately thought of revenge, instead of thinking about extracting information and then killing them like Brother Shunzi did.

But what they don't know is.

The current actual situation was a little different from what they thought. Colin stared at the top of the two people who fell to the ground, showing some confusion in his expression.

"The Way Forward·Ekahi".

"The Way Forward - Winnie".

"Isn't it called Ye or La Nivea? Why did you change this and change your name? Or is there some inside story? No, it shouldn't be."

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly and remembered something. In the previous conversation, the employee with the name "Night Chaser Lavinia" would call himself "Ikaxi" from time to time.
  As his thoughts flashed, he moved his eyes and took another look at "Winnie".

This person had no name just now, but now he suddenly became an employee, and he was not a new employee yet.

Combined with various loopholes, is Li Kui trying to bump into Li Gui?

‘That’s right, Lanivia has been feeling secretive just now. She wanted to get close to me several times. So it turned out that she wanted to kill me from the beginning? The murderous intention was well hidden, and even I didn’t notice it.’

Colin realized why.

However, Colin also noticed that both the orange cat and the owner of the fish pond.

It seems like they can't see the IDs above each other's heads.
  Otherwise, if the two of them noticed this, they would definitely find something wrong, but they didn't mention it.

Obviously can't see it
  As for Lanivia, if she had known that he could see her original name on her head, she would not have chosen to appear in front of these people at all.

‘It’s interesting. The wounds on this person’s body are indeed consistent with the methods of ‘Lanivia’. So, the current situation is that she deliberately intercepted and killed these two people, and then pretended to meet us? ’

‘Why is this preventing me from going to subsequent sites? ’

‘Then, these two guys also knew that I would walk back and came to me deliberately, so that’s why they were intercepted? ’

‘What do you want from me? ’

Colin looked at the two people who passed out due to excessive injuries, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

However, the next second, a flash of lightning seemed to flash in his mind.

Some things suddenly became clear
  ‘Could these two be the two people mentioned in the mission notes who came to assist me? ’

Colin raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized that if this was the case.

Everything can be explained.

The people in the "branch office" may have received the message from "Ms. Rabbit" and headed here, but were intercepted and killed by opponents from another "branch office" on the way, thus creating the current stage of collision with Li Gui.

'But speaking of which, these two are a bit weak. Li Kui couldn't beat Li Gui. ’

Colin grunted secretly in his heart.

Then, he looked at the other two employees who came from Earth.
  If this explanation is used, that is, the two people from the "branch" are the supporters, then the identity of these two people in this mission will be a little embarrassing.

‘You’re not just here to be a signal tower, are you? ’

If that's the case, the company doesn't regard them as human beings.
  "Can you see the IDs on their heads?"

Colin did not let his guess stay at the guessing stage, but asked.

"No." They both shook their heads at the same time.

This further allowed Colin to determine the specific identities of these two people.

Orange Cat looked ignorant and asked Colin why he asked so.
  ‘The truth is too cruel, and if you know too much, it may not be very friendly to your mental health. ’

Colin muttered in his heart and dealt with it casually.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the two people who were being healed by the "Fire Tree". They were still in a coma and it would take a while to wake up.

After confirming that he couldn't die, he looked outside again.

The empty space station is still dead silent, and no harm has been seen for the time being.
  Seeing this, Colin withdrew the flames that covered the train. Less than ten seconds after withdrawing, some "passengers" came out from the train car in front.

However, within two seconds of walking in, it seemed that he noticed Colin's big fireball.

Some figures actually turned around and wanted to go back as never before.

"You're here and want to leave?"

Colin let out a "hum", raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Two flames blocked the doors at the front and rear of the carriage.

The figure who couldn't run away finally had no choice but to find a place to sit down because he was unlucky.

'Looking at it this way, it is much more convenient for people who can master the power of the 'Fire Bearer' to ride this train. I just don't know why this thing can ensure the stable passage of the train. ’

Colin was a little puzzled, but unfortunately, the knowledge he had could not explain this.

After ensuring that there were passengers, Colin sat down and waited for the train to start and for the two rescuers to wake up. “Can such a serious injury really be saved?”

The orange cat stared at the injury of one of them and couldn't help but grunted.

The one who said she could explain the situation was that Winnie's vital signs were more or less stable.

But for the other one, it was not just a matter of internal injuries.

Not a single piece of his body was intact. The top of his head and top of his skull had been lifted off, and bright red walnut kernels could still be seen squirming inside. Half of his beautiful face had also been torn off, making him look hideous and exposed.

On the torso, from the abdomen to the chest, a large piece of meat and skin was torn off. The vermicelli filled with tomato juice or chili sauce inside was twitching. A little higher, a tomato could be seen. There is a weak beat, and the organs that have not yet become lung pieces are slightly pumping.
  Almost no bones in the body are intact, and a large section of the limbs seems to be broken. Because there are no open wounds, the blood is stagnant, and it looks like a section of sausage.

As for the blood, there was already a lot of it congealed in patches on the ground.

This miscellaneous injury, on a mortal body, the amount of blood loss alone would be enough to kill him two or three times.

That means you have to be strong enough to survive until now.

Overall, it was a little worse than the one next to her who had a complete body.

"Tsk, tsk, I feel a little hung up."

The "Master of the Fish Pond" sat on the chair, looked at the wounds, and smacked his lips.

He didn't know the real situation yet, and he was still wondering why he hadn't seen her for a while and why it had become like this.

Moreover, these injuries were probably not caused by Brother Shunzi.
  Otherwise, it should be a large burn, not a tear like this.

However, after he finished speaking, "Huoshu" who was carrying out treatment was not happy. He was saving people, but the two losers next to him actually questioned his skills?
  Suddenly, an old man's face emerged from the tree stump:
  "I was once a senior doctor who held the company's third-level A degree! I am proficient in [-] types of human signs, and I am only half a step away from being a special-level licensed specialist. How could I miss this little skin injury! Junior! Who are you looking down on?!"

Hearing this, the "Master of the Fish Pond" and Orange Cat were startled at the same time, and then they took a breath and looked at the fire tree in horror.

".You can actually talk?!"

"Isn't it normal for me to be able to talk?" The old man on the "Fire Tree" looked disdainful.

It held several branches behind its back, with its hands behind its back, as if it were facing away from everyone, and was continuing to say some town poems.

But right now.
  There was a "click".

With the sound of the revolver's bullet chamber rotating, "Huoshu" suddenly became alert.

"How long will it take for a person to be revived?" Colin asked casually, holding the revolver in his hand, with a kind tone.

"It takes about two to three hours for more serious injuries, and within half an hour for less serious injuries."

"Fire Tree" drew one of its tentacles across the forehead of the old face and made a gesture of wiping cold sweat: "Of course, if you need it, I can repair the corresponding area first and let them wake up first."

"No, it depends on their physical condition." Colin was not in a hurry.


After saying that, the lips on the wooden face of "Fire Tree" continued to move, but did not make a sound, as if there was some hesitation.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Colin said.

"When I was recovering, I found that the impact on their brains was not small. It may be that there are certain defects in their brains. Unless there are some old friends here to help, or there is a high-end medical room, it will not be easy to repair in a short time."

"Huoshu" said cautiously, fearing that if the other person was unhappy, he would never have the chance to be happy again.

"Let people wake up first."

Colin nodded, not blaming him for anything.

After all, when Aikaxi arrived here, some of the walnut kernels were lost. A simple fire tree may not be able to bring people back completely.

After he finished speaking, the place became quiet for a while.

Colin glanced outside with some worry, and the train had already started moving.

After there were "passengers", there was no "Family Bucket Balloon" outside the window this time.

"Passengers" can indeed effectively avoid external threats.

"I don't know what's so special about this thing."

Colin shook his head, withdrew his attention from above, and continued to wait.

Almost ten minutes later, the injury was much lighter, and the employee with the ID name "Road Forward Wei Ni" above his head woke up first.

She opened her eyes, looked around in a daze at first, and then quickly remembered that she had just closed her eyes, took a nap, and then woke up. Looking at it this way, it seemed that she was saved?

At this time, she suddenly saw Queen Aikaxi, who was seriously injured and entangled in a circle of branches. Her eyes suddenly turned red.
  However, before she could cry, a voice came from the side.

"Now, tell me what's going on with you and why did you attack us before?"

Wei Ni followed the sound and saw a man with flames on his body, but not burned, looking at her.

She immediately recalled some things before she fell into coma, and stared at the flames on Colin for a while, as if she was confirming something.

After more than ten seconds, he started to explain the situation bit by bit.

"Queen Aikasi and I followed the revelation and went to the special area to find the broken train. Through it, we left the eternal land, sought the aid of the destined people, saved our people, and pushed our stagnant destiny forward again."

"But halfway through, the witch Lanivia of the 'Night Faction' somehow discovered our plan and caught up with us and launched an attack."

"We were defeated by the witch. Lord Aikasi was seriously injured in order to protect me. If it weren't for her wanting to attack you, she hurriedly disguised our identities and left, perhaps we wouldn't have survived."

"I'm sorry that you were attacked because of our weakness."

Winnie's back was covered with roots and it was difficult to move, but she still tried her best to lower her head and apologize.

‘Sure enough, it’s almost as I guessed, he was replaced by someone else’

Colin nodded, his brain thinking about several key words in the other party's words with extremely high efficiency.

''Revelation', 'Eternal Land', 'Salvation', and 'Destined Man' push destiny forward. In a literal sense, it does not touch upon my mission requirements at all, or it can be said that they do not touch at all. Dime connection.'

‘But why does my spiritual intuition make me feel that when the other person mentions the term ‘destined person’, he is talking about me? ’

‘Forget it, I don’t have to clean up the mess once or twice.’

‘But the most important thing is, this ‘Night Sect’ is not really related to the ‘Dark Night’, right? ’

Colin felt like his head was aching now.

If he were to list the enemies he least wanted to face in his mind, then this "dark night" would definitely be at the top.

After all, the background of that thing is only bigger than that of "Red Moon", and when fighting with the followers of "Red Moon", it is different to fill the line with life and focus on participation.
  All the believers of "Dark Night" that I have met so far are extremely strong.
  What the hell, isn't the mission stated in black and white, just come to the ninth station to refuel?

Change first and then change (end of this chapter)

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