Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 507 "Gene Compensation Panel" open beta!

Chapter 507 "Gene Compensation Panel" open beta!

"The seal seems to be very tight. It's difficult for anyone to get past it in any way. I just don't know who I'm guarding against."

A string of information slid quickly in the eyes of "Ms. Thorns", letting her know that at this moment, the surroundings seemed to have not changed, but in a sense, it had become a "dead end" and the related "blockade" Still stacking up layer by layer.

It seems to be eliminating all possibilities

All kinds of "eyes" that originally filled the universe and were transmitted everywhere with the starlight became a little blurred.

On this road, silent collisions occur in dimensions that mortals cannot peek into.

The result is that the woman standing behind the "Fire Holder" reserve has temporarily gained a certain upper hand.

Just do this level of blockade.

"Lady of Thorns" isn't quite sure what it's for.

She had been on that planet for too long, and there were many things she didn't know yet.

"Forget it, it doesn't seem to have much to do with me now."

The "Thorn Lady" stopped shaking her ankles, jumped off the high chair, and waved her hand. All the thorn vines began to retract, and the stalled power of the train began to be restored again.

She planned to visit several places, try to find some friends from the past, and deal with this train of believers.

However, that was when the restraints on the train were released, the doors were closed, and the action was about to begin.

An additional piece of information suddenly came to mind.

【hint! If there is no accident, this train will connect with "Mist Train-57-32" in 4045 minutes and 99 seconds, and the track will be changed and the route will be adjusted. Please call 'employee number 9999999'.]


Just looking at the train number, Ms. Thorns chose to refuse.

Although the track might help her reach her destination faster, she learned from Colin that there seemed to be some strange problems with the train.

If incorporated into the overall part, many things would be particularly passive.

Instead of that, let her take control.

"As an administrator and as a protector of all disaster victims on this train, I apply to temporarily call the train's 'free driving' authority."

"Ms. Thorns" glanced at the data one by one.

Through its own authority and the "branch company", it began to take action on some rights of this part of the train.

At the same time, Colin also returned to the real world in an instant.

Open your eyes.

It's the familiar ceiling.

Colin was in a daze for a few seconds, then shook his head vigorously, sat up, and immediately glanced at the calendar clock on the wall next to him.

"January 13th, around : in the morning. Well, it's been about three days. So this time, the mission time is roughly one to one. Well, I'm going to 'World Number-' again in two days. "

After thinking about it, Colin took a deep breath and sat there for a few minutes.

Then he took out the parchment.

At this moment, the fourth event jumped out:

[On January 20th, we went to an isolated island in the south of the Bay of Bengal. After the ceremony of the "Nanyang Bodhisattva" believers on the island began, they threw the "tokens" into the open channel and eliminated all the heretics. 】

"Remarks": Hide well and seize the opportunity when the channel starts to appear again.

"Ang? There is no mission settlement this time!"

Colin was thinking about what kind of rewards he could get in this wave, but he found out that the "fifteen rings" big task had not been completed, so there was no settlement. All the rewards must be completed when they are obtained.

After a few curse words, Colin calmed down his emotions and took a look at the new task.

"Oh haha, next week, I have to give it away again."

He shook his head, not surprised at all——

I'm afraid the requirement for all the next missions is to go to various places and leave a message everywhere.

Until all fifteen tasks are completed.

I don’t know how many copies of that “copy” were made.

However, Colin was sure that this kind of special task had nothing to do with "Ms. Rabbit" without guessing.

But I don't know why she did this.

It was very difficult to guess when the other party didn't say anything. Colin didn't waste any time. He raised his hand to operate on the parchment, closed the task, and opened the storage room.

"There are three more plant seeds of various types from the branch. Hiss, when I saw this, I remembered the nine thousand points I paid in advance. Well, wait, these seeds."

Colin took out the seeds and took a look.

The portion size is the same as the one I bought before, and the content is the same, but the description is different. There are a few more words and a few more notes.

for example:

"'Crazy Potato·Rhizomes·Cracked Version'".

"Remarks": This crop can produce exactly the same seeds as the first generation (but it requires a considerable amount of energy, and the crop will tell itself the energy required).

"Remark 2": Rapid growth. In special periods, energy can be injected to stimulate vitality (the taste will be reduced, but it will not affect seed retention).


"Is there still a cracked version of this thing?"

Colin looked surprised. He still remembered that "Ms. Thorn" who was still "Ikaxi" at the time said that if this thing is planted and leaves seeds in the future, one generation will not be as good as the next.

But when I came back, it seemed that this situation was solved by "Ms. Rabbit".

Weighing the "potato" seeds in his hand, Colin took out his phone again and sent a message to Duo Jin.

Ask him to come quickly to receive the farming gift package.

"If this thing can spread, even if the world ends in the future, we won't have to worry too much about food problems. Well, as long as one employee is present, we can carry out the work of saving seeds."

Colin muttered.

Of course, "World Number-13" also brought a set of seeds.

"I'm dealing with some unusual incidents. I'll be there in the afternoon." Many of Jin's messages were quickly replied to.

Colin took a casual glance and then turned his attention to the "storage room". He found that this time the "Pain Bearing Ring" had an updated prop description.

The functions are pretty much the same as those described by "Thorn Lady", but they are quantified using numerical values ​​to make them more precise.

"It seems that there is no level evaluation, but according to my estimation, it should be considered a top item in orange or purple."

After Colin read it, he put it away again.

In addition, in the "storage room", the nameplates and ashes were handed over as expected.

As for the rest, there seems to be nothing worth paying attention to.

He did not continue to look more, but opened the parchment staff communication hall and observed secretly. He could see that a group of people were scolding and looking very angry.

"Damn it, this is such a mission! They actually left us there and let the mutants beat us to death!"

"This is too much! There are tens of millions of aberrations. We have to fight hundreds or thousands of them each with a hammer!"

"The key is to drop the rating. Is this because the company is unwilling to give good things? Is this intentional?"

"That's right, it's just over two thousand points, I feel like I can have three thousand if I don't die!"

"Damn it, which guy said to break my hand off before? I remember what he said. Don't get caught while I'm on a mission. You'll get the consequences!"

"Hahaha, you deserve it, who told you not to get in the car earlier!"


"Ah, I didn't expect that I really came back through death in the end."

Colin was a little dumbfounded.

Although I had guessed it a long time ago, I still felt a little overwhelmed when I saw it. However, after looking at it, it seems that not all of the people who stayed returned dead. There were also some who managed to survive until the end with the help of some remaining terrain and props for support.

It's just that there are very few such people, less than 5% of the total tasks performed at that time.

"He can be considered a capable person."

Colin felt that if there were dozens or hundreds of more missions like this, the experience of the people in the group would be able to catch up with those of the old employees.

Afterwards, I watched for a while and looked to see if anyone was selling any interesting props.

But unfortunately, I didn’t see anything worth buying.

"Next is the advent project on the 18th. The Saint will give her a share of 20, and then there will be the express delivery task on the th. Well, at the end of the month, there will be an official task of trading props."

As Colin murmured to himself, he felt that the schedule was not full, but it was not empty either.

As for the express delivery task, the situation is still unclear.

It may be easier, or it may be more difficult, but compared to the situation at the ninth station of the train, this task should be the earth world.

In this case, if he needs it, the aircraft carrier can be mobilized.

It’s hard to say that the right time and place are right, but the people and people should be happy.

Then, as Colin was about to close the parchment, he suddenly saw a thick text popping up on the parchment:

【notice! The new function "Gene Compensation Panel" will be updated and installed soon! All employees can turn on this function through corresponding requirements through "Profile". 】

"Hmm? 'Gene Compensation Panel'?"

Colin was stunned for a moment, then opened the "Character Resume". His was already open.

He has had this thing for a long time, but it requires too many "task certificates", and even he will find it difficult to satisfy them all next time, so he has never started it.

At most, it can only use its subsidiary function, which is used to estimate combat effectiveness.

Used it before on "Lady of Thorns".

As a result, in the early stages of "Aikasi" and "Lavinia", I could still see it, but later on, when "Lady of Thorns" was driven by her will, the results were all "?".

The reason may be that the opponent is too strong, or it may be that the opponent's protection cannot be seen.

"This thing should be saved until the end to improve it. Even if I fill it up now, it can't be said that there is no improvement, but it is not very big."

Colin took a quick look and found no emotional ups and downs.

But compared to him, the chat channel was much more lively. After all, this was the second time they had seen the company install new features, and they all discussed it happily.

Through their words, Colin roughly understood that their version seemed a little different from his own.

But the difference is not particularly big.

For example, to initially open the panel, you have to spend 1,500 points and a golden mission certificate. Then, the conditions required for each additional point are very different from his.

Both sides are on a fair level.

The only difference may be the difference in personal abilities.

If Colin wanted to earn all the points to fill up the "Gene Compensation Panel", it would not be very difficult.

But according to them, at least based on the current progress, it will be a little bit slower.

"I hope everything goes well for them."

Colin grunted and looked at the chat content of the group of people. After many people spent a lot of money to activate it, they found that there were too many resources required to increase their points, and each improvement was not obvious. He suddenly became a little angry.

Of course, once the "gene panel" is turned on, it means there is one more way, and overall there is a big improvement.

It can also better mobilize their enthusiasm.

However, this enthusiasm has nothing to do with Colin.

After he had a general understanding, he closed the parchment and started the feast that the little maid would prepare after every mission.

After eating and drinking every day to fill his stomach and excrete waste, he contacted Qin Chuan.

After asking about the surroundings and making sure that everything was fine these two days, I sighed, "The environment is getting better and better," and then looked at the group of "pseudo-humans".

These anomalies have not undergone any major changes during this period, except that their number seems to have increased.

"It's just that I don't know who mentioned it and asked them to try Tieba. One or two of them ran over to fool around."

Colin felt that he needed some guidance to prevent the "pseudo-humans" from being led to bad values ​​by abstract people.

As it stands now, some people in the group are starting to sound a little bit weird.

We need to step up our efforts to block their accounts.

"A group of anomalies who were led to bad values ​​by humans"

Colin shook his head, feeling that it was still somewhat abstract.

Then, after confirming that there was no problem with this group of "pseudo-human beings" of unknown origin, we ended the day's observation.

Put away your phone, put out "Snow Girl", open the game and start playing 7702.

It wasn't until almost after twelve o'clock that the doorbell suddenly rang.


After the words fell, Colin saw Duo Jin walking in from the door wearing dark sunglasses. He pointed to a sofa seat opposite.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Duo Jin asked after sitting down.

"I just harvested some gadgets. If nothing goes wrong, they should have a small impact on the food of the entire world."

As he spoke, Colin pointed at a gray gadget placed on the table.


Duo Jin looked along and was stunned for a moment. At first glance, it looked like a potato. He was not sure. After another look, it seemed like it was indeed a potato?

But Colin said that this thing can have an impact on the world, so one must be cautious.

So for the third time, Duo Jin raised his sunglasses and squinted his eyes to look at it.


"Is this a potato?"

"Yes, you can also call it potato or potato."

Colin nodded, explained briefly, and then left the young old man sitting opposite him silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Colin, I really can't see what's so magical about it, what you said it can do, what it can do to have an impact on the world."

"Oh, I forgot that you are not from the company, so you can't see the information."

Colin thought for a while, took out a small piece of unused "colorless crystal" and poured it directly into the potatoes.

At this moment, Duo Jin's expression changed a little, and he vaguely felt something.

Then, I saw Colin taking some water and pouring it on the small potato pieces: "Next, it should be time to witness the miracle."

Just as he finished speaking, Duo Jin raised his eyebrows and saw purple-white buds growing out of the little potatoes.

Dozens of buds grew rapidly, like squid tentacles, wriggling and trembling in all directions, as if looking for something.

However, this is nothing more than potato sprouting, which is a little faster at best. They can do it with some items, and there is nothing strange about it.

What really made many Jin's eyes freeze and take a breath was

As the purple buds continued to stretch and squirm, he actually heard a strange whisper that was like an evil god, full of violent tone——

"Dirt! Dirt! Dirt!"

"Turt! I want dirt!"

"Where the hell is the dirt!?"

Asking for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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