Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 508: The smelly "Nanyang Bodhisattva" statue.

Many Jin fell into silence.

He didn't know if this thing could have an impact on the world, but sitting here, looking at this crazy and almost out-of-control potato, he could clearly feel that this thing had a big impact on himself.

At this time, Colin got up and walked to the window balcony, looked around, and then rolled up a gallon pot filled with succulents from the neighbor's balcony on the left.

Then, holding the gallon basin, he turned around and prepared to pull out the meat inside and throw it away.

But after thinking about it, I still burned it into nourishment.

Potato's crazy whispering gradually stopped after the little flower pot appeared.

Many Jin even saw that the potato didn't even need Colin's hands, but started to squirm in that direction after one of its roots touched the soil.

The behavior is very similar to some soft-moving squid or starfish stranded on the beach.

And in the process, some of the extra shoots and roots withered on their own, and then started clamoring for fertilizer and water.

Colin asked the little maid to fly out and borrowed some nutrient solution from a neighbor to pour on its head.

The potatoes slowly stopped whispering and began to grow peacefully.

It grows very quickly under the irradiation of a "bonfire" and the irrigation of "colorless crystals" and some basic fertilizers.

"How, in an emergency, even three days, no, one day can produce something!"

Colin pointed at the potatoes on the table and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Duo Jin lowered his head and looked at the potato sprouts humming softly under the firelight. He raised his head, stretched out his hand to lift his sunglasses, looked at Colin, and said with some uncertainty:

"Is this really something that can be eaten instead of something that should be contained?"

"Well, even though it looks like this, it is indeed edible." Colin nodded.

"Yes, yes, I'm so clean, why can't I eat it?" Tudou also said.

After being nourished, its temper suddenly became gentle.

However, after hearing the words of the two people in tandem, Duo Jin fell silent again. He claimed to be a big shot in the mysterious side of this world. He had reached his current position all the way, fought in the north and south, and had experienced a lot. But today, He found that he was still a little ignorant.

Every time he walks into this community and comes to this room, Mr. Colin always comes up with something new.

"Sorry, I'm just habitually wary." Duo Jin thought for a long time before he managed to say something under the gaze of the man and the potato.

Otherwise, it doesn't seem right to be silent and talk little all the time.

"Don't worry, my colleagues have already eaten it during my previous mission."

Colin reached out and patted his shoulder, but he could understand Duo Jin's thoughts.

After all, he felt quite weird when he saw it for the first time.

But it feels like that after seeing so many people, and so far, there is no problem with eating it. At least his colleagues should be fine. I just saw him chatting with others in the company's internal group chat.

"If you're not worried, I can make it work quickly now and fry a plate of hot and sour shredded potatoes for you to try." Colin saw the hesitation still on the other person's face, so he continued.

Sometimes you still have to practice it before you can let the other party eat it.

"Yes, yes, I can give you a small potato now for you to try." Tudou also said.

"Uh, no, no."

Duo Duojin waved his hand, and before anyone in front of him could speak, he followed up and said, "If you don't mind, can I take it back first for everyone to study?"

"Okay." Colin did not refuse.

Anyway, it was originally meant to be given to the past for them to study, but the potato seedlings were a little unhappy.

"Kuya! I don't want to leave the bonfire! I can't grow delicious potatoes without the bonfire!" The new branches and leaves of the little potato trembled. If it had never seen a bonfire, it could have endured the fluorescent lamp.

But now, it can't bear it any longer.

This looked a bit crazy, and Duo Jin fell silent again, starting to become a little suspicious.

If this thing spreads, will it really be a good thing for the world?

No, what the hell is this thing growing out of? Is it really a potato?

Seeing that the potato seedling was a little crazy, Colin comforted it and said that it would have a bonfire for the rest of its life before it calmed down.

The solution is simple, just call Qin Chuan and ask Qin Chuan to buy two kilograms of gold and pour it into the bonfire.

"Don't look at it like this. In fact, this is just an ordinary intelligent reaction. It's okay even if you take it away. You can yell a few words at most. If it doesn't work, you can scold it and threaten it, and it will be honest. At most, it will be in a bad mood. , the taste is slightly worse, but the nutritional aspect is definitely not a problem.”

Do you think this is just a matter of taste and nutrition? Many Jin couldn't help but think about it.

However, he didn't say much, he just nodded with difficulty, superficially acknowledging Colin's words.

After this matter was settled, the two turned to other topics.

"As for the giant Buddha you mentioned, there has been some progress in the past few days. Let's see if it's this." Duo Jin took out a photo.

After taking it, Colin saw that the photo showed a stone Buddha sitting in the center of an ancient town in a dim scene.

However, in the photo, it is getting up at the moment, as if it is about to stand up.

"Well, that's it. Where is it?"

Colin nodded, put down the photo, looked at Duojin, and said that he was ready to leave and "renew the relationship" with it.

When this thing dared to look at him and provoke him from across the train, Colin didn't even dare to think about what he would do next.

Seeing Colin looking like he was about to leave, Duo Jin waved his hand to signal for peace of mind, and then said:

"It's okay. Mr. Wu personally took action and exiled it together with the small space where it was when you were away yesterday."

"Mr. Wu, have you banished him?"

Colin raised his eyebrows: "Can you put it back? I'm a little uneasy if I don't burn this thing to ashes myself."

"Well, mainly this thing does seem to be a bit troublesome, and it almost invaded at that time and was difficult to solve, so Mr. Wu banished it."

"But" Colin still felt uneasy, it was too weird.

It's not about how powerful it is, but that inexplicable and creepy feeling that comes from "fate".

And that first glance made him clear that this was not something that could be destroyed easily.

But before he spoke, he heard Duo Jin say: "Don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Wu, oh, I'm wrong, Mr. Wu threw it into a place where it can never escape, and it can be restrained very much there." die."

Others can pronounce the name "Mr. Wu" this way, but those who "throw life" also pronounce it accordingly.

If you read a few more words, your luck may be a little bit bad next.

As for the reason, I didn't allude to anyone. Anyway, I can only understand it.

"Where?" Colin became curious. "A long time ago, we used to call it the 'chaotic world of unknown destiny', 'the world of the numerology of all things', etc., but later after the company appeared, it had a clearer and more accurate name.' City of Scripts '."

Good guy.

Colin was startled, this... this really restrained it to death.

Play "fate" and play "destiny". "City of Scripts" may be able to suppress it until it can't lift its head.

Even, maybe after a while, the "City of Scripts" will be able to add a beautiful girl sitting on the lotus platform, directly allowing it to give birth to a new "human" self, thus achieving a harmlessness similar to the "Snow Girl". able to be tamed

I just don’t know which script world in the “City of Scripts” I’ve thrown into it.

'Haha, if you go to the "Script City·Terror Zone", those employees will be in luck during the E-D level promotion trial. ’

'But according to my understanding, there is a high probability that I will go to the 'Love Paradise'.'

Colin thought about it in his heart. When he first entered the incident, he saw the heretics who were caught up in it, as well as some official personnel, who had some cooperation with them.

Unfortunately, they are not in very good condition.

If nothing unexpected happens, the possibility of surviving until now is very low.

After all, not to mention them at that time, Colin and others were almost wiped out and failed to escape.

But more than this, Colin realized one thing. From what he just said, it can be confirmed that the official research on "Script City" seems to be quite deep. Mr. Wu can even use it to a certain extent?


Colin pursed his lips, remembering that he had reminded them before to try not to have too deep contact with these things.

It seems that Mr. Wu listened, but only listened.

'But having said that, if "Fate-exporting", a method deeply bound to the "Book of Numerology", doesn't have something to do with the "City of Scripts", then something would be wrong.'

Taking a deep breath, Colin stopped the thoughts that flashed through his mind and asked directly:

"Do you know anything about this 'script city'?"

"You are asking the wrong person."

Many Jin seemed to have expected that he would ask this question, and shook his head and said: "This is top secret. In this world, relevant investigations are personally carried out by Mr. Wu. Apart from him, we may not know as much as you.

"If you want to know, you can ask him, but there is a high probability that he will not have an answer. After all, the things involved are very dangerous, and there is a risk of being contaminated if you know it."


Colin didn't ask any more questions, knowing that he probably really didn't know.

As for Mr. Wu, he has always felt that this person is very mysterious. As the only level 9 "fate pusher", he is the closest to the person who is suspected of being a level 0 abnormality named after a book.

He seems to be like Ms. Rabbit, constantly arranging unknown things through various things.

No one knew what he was doing.

Even in a certain sense, I don’t know whether it is good or bad.

Moreover, others cannot predict them in any way. After all, there is a thing called "Book of Numerology" "standing" behind him. Even if the so-called corresponding ancient gods come, they cannot see through his thoughts.

"Speaking of which, after taking a walk outside, I discovered that there seem to be the most dangerous things here on earth."

Colin suddenly couldn't help but said.

"Oh? We have the most dangerous things here?"

Many Jin was surprised. He saw some of his company employees saying that going to other worlds for the "Advent Project" is the most dangerous, because there is no upper limit to the difficulty of the crisis.

As far as he has heard, there are things like going to outer space to fight red-light aliens, about world-destroying gray haze disasters next to construction areas, about worlds made entirely of water, or about huge starships and other things. a strange world

Many Jin sounds very magical, no, it is very science fiction.

If I didn't know it was true, I would have thought it was false.

But now, the "number one authoritative person in external exploration" in front of him suddenly said that the earth is the most dangerous after a circle, which made many Jin feel a little panicked.


Colin thought about it and said: "This is something that hasn't exploded yet. Once it does, it will be hard to talk about."

Here is the "Red Moon", the "Book of Numerology", and it is not clear from the "City of Scripts", and all the actions of Ms. Rabbit seem to be arranged for the sake of being here.

By the way, there's also the "rat" that smuggled over.

Even outside the earth, there are many eyes trying to get ashore through various methods.

There are so many miscellaneous things piled together, and the key is that none of them are of low status. If you just take one out, it will be a world-destroying disaster.

"If it explodes, the earth, well, let alone the earth, it's hard to say whether the solar system can withstand it." Colin said, and he didn't know why there were so many gadgets piled here.

He guessed that it must be related to the people from the previous company, but he was not sure.

However, if it was a company of that period, these problems would not be a problem. Even things that are incomprehensible to them now, such as "Red Moon" and "Book of Numerology", in the eyes of companies in the past, they might not be able to be dealt with as much as Play the same.

The end of the world or something.

If they dare to have such an idea, the next second the company may be turned into a two-ponytail loli who only knows how to scream.

But today is different from the past. The people in the company disappeared all of a sudden, and the situation changed.

They are the unlucky ones who only know how to "click".

"Don't panic. Everything is so stable now. As long as you are careful, it should be able to last for a long time. When the company comes back one day, all the troubles will be nothing."

Colin briefly calmed down Duo Jin's emotions, and then changed the topic:

"By the way, have you collected the islands in the Bay of Bengal and the corresponding information?"

Before the other party came over, he asked for information about the so-called Nanyang Bodhisattva. After so much time, he should be able to collect the information with the ability of a lot of gold.


Duo Jin nodded and took out a strange statue from his pocket:

"These heretics also appeared in our territory, but were eventually expelled. These are the objects of their belief."

When Colin looked at it, he saw a figure with an octopus head and a body squatting on a square stone.

I took the thing in my hand and looked at it carefully. It smelled of fishy smell.

There is some evil, but not much.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Duo Jin, waiting for him to explain what it was.

ps: change first and then change

Double monthly pass, please give me a monthly pass~ (End of this chapter)

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