Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 509 2, 2 points? ! ! !

"This is a group of heretical forces that are widely distributed. There are actually many branches of their beliefs, most of which exist in coastal areas of some continents or on some islands."

"Generally speaking, there are titles such as 'Emperor of the Sea', 'God of the Deep Blue Abyss', 'Doris from Underwater', 'Savior of the Sea', 'Nanyang Bodhisattva', etc. The specific titles generally vary according to local conditions and local customs. It depends on what you believe, but generally speaking, it is the same. At least the source of the response that has been detected so far can be determined to be the same."

"But speaking of this 'Nanyang Bodhisattva', we actually have one here, but we have already driven it out with firepower."

Duo Jin took out a document and handed it to Colin, waiting for him to read and explain at the same time.

"Well, the scale is quite large."

Colin nodded and looked at the document in his hand——

This is a very interesting ancient existence. It has no specific entity and no specific image. It can be said that it is what the people who pray to it think it is.

However, when people with corresponding beliefs get together, their cognitions will eventually merge.

The statue in front of me is what it will look like after some people merge and unite their beliefs.

It's just that Colin didn't quite understand why this group of people felt that this octopus head would look majestic, so much so that it made other people's great beings look like they were squatting on a square stone with their knees held pitifully.

After browsing the file, Colin put it down without looking at it again.

Although there is no official contact yet

But judging from the vague aura on it, I don't know if it is strong or not, but the coffin is tightly sealed.

"You suddenly started investigating this. Do you have any mission?" Seeing that his attention was withdrawn from the documents, Duo Jin asked and prompted:

"I was the one who expelled them in the first place. If you need anything, you can talk to me directly."

"It's nothing, just a small thing."

Colin waved his hand, indicating that he didn’t need to help——

Although Duo Jin's strength has not been fully utilized, it is estimated that it should be equivalent to three or five D-levels combined. Of course, they are stronger D-levels such as "The Lover of Life Mentor" and "The Lord of the Fish Pond".

But even so, if you don't encounter anything when you take it there, it's just a miscellaneous fish. If you encounter something, it's not very useful.

And an official extraordinary person.

Putting aside their strength, this group of people will lose their lifespan if they use their abilities.

Colin was really worried that the man he brought out looked like he was in his fifties but was actually in his thirties. When he came back, he would be grayer than Mr. Wu.

Then, for him now, the person who can provide effective assistance must be a level nine person.

But at this level, strong is strong.

But even if there is a strong tailwind, there is a possibility that we will not be able to come back.

Just existing and staying sane is already an extremely difficult thing for them.

But after thinking about it, Colin still said:

"I can get some modern warships and go over there. It's not impossible to come back when I need them."

Although some anomalies are currently able to avoid the damage of thermal weapons through their own means, Colin can also suppress their mysterious attributes through "bonfires", allowing their power-bearing bodies to expose reality, and then combine them with thermal weapons to effectively Kill.

Of course, this method can generally only be used on physical anomalies.

There are some special anomalies with special physical properties that are difficult to control through such means, and some even have no bodies that can be observed at all.

"Okay, let me think about it, maybe we can hold a peace exercise there." Many Jin nodded, and there was no hesitation or embarrassment about Colin's idea of ​​mobilizing some military forces.

Perhaps more than ten years ago, engaging in this kind of acting would have triggered various chain reactions.

But as the horror of the abnormality becomes more and more serious, the status and voice of the Extraordinaries also begin to increase rapidly. Now, the priority of solving the abnormality has been ranked at the highest level.

Normally, everything has to make way for exceptions.

This incident is not particularly far away geographically and falls within the range that they can radiate.

Even if those people have objections, it doesn't matter if the radiation is not available.

Mr. Wu only needs to go up and hint at the contribution of those who made these requests, and other people from the international community will help open the way.

The technical value contained in that small box weighing several dozen kilograms has greatly benefited everyone.

Coupled with Colin's own special status in Bonfire Company.

So much so.

Although this young man has not made many appearances, in the current world, no one who is influenced by Colin's fortune can refuse to give him face.

He doesn’t have to mention it, but if he mentions it, there must be a response!

Many people have even heard that Mr. Wu is already helping the other party obtain personal use rights for nuclear weapons, a relatively sensitive weapon.

And there is a high probability that it is really possible to win it and become the only personal authority in the world.

It's just that there is still some communication, and a common consensus needs to be reached among all countries to prevent Colin from dropping a nuclear bomb, which will cause other places to react and just ignore it and destroy the current ecological environment.

Corresponding documents need to be fully communicated. Only after this period of public announcement is completed can the matter come to fruition.

Thinking of this, Duo Jin looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

The gap between people is really wider than that of dogs.

If nothing else, he is just a nuclear person. If he had mentioned it to Mr. Wu and said that he also wanted to play with the two of them, he would have kicked his brains out.

Later, when this topic was over, Duo Jin talked about the technological reproduction progress of those shelters.

"There are currently several important areas where clear progress has been made, such as superconductors, some chip technologies, artificial intelligence, and some mechanical aspects, as well as flesh-and-blood connection technologies, etc."

Duo Jin said, thinking about some human body technology related, couldn't help but shake his head.

Quite a few of those technologies require the use of humans for experiments. For example, he once saw a quote: "At the beginning of development, in a large number of tests, less than ten percent of the cultured mothers could be injected with the After the reagent is administered, vital signs will be maintained until new life with divine factors is produced."

Cultivating the mother body, specifically using biological means to clone non-intelligent human bodies for use in various experiments.

Regarding this kind of thing, many Jin don't know whether to say that these people value life or that they ignore life.

But anyway.

The technical value is still great.

After reporting the corresponding information, Colin sent the official eighth-level personnel away.

Even when he turned around and went upstairs, he could still hear some distant voices coming from Little Potato.

"Smelly old man, bring the bonfire closer!"

"Walk more steadily, Lao Deng, you may have broken many of my roots!"

"I originally planned to grow up and grow big potatoes on this root, but now it's broken! If I can't grow potatoes, just follow the northwest wind!"


‘It feels like after being handled by ‘Ms. Rabbit’, these crops are much more active than in the world of ‘Ms. Thorns’. ’

Colin couldn't help but murmur. Standing in the corridor, he saw many Jin leaving with sweat on his back.

Afterwards, he studied the "South China Sea Bodhisattva" for a while, then put it aside, began to relax, and rewarded himself with a few games.

Soon, two days passed and it was the 18th.

Colin lay on the bed and waited silently. After a while, the distant and ancient bells slowly sounded in my ears.

When he opened his eyes again, Colin saw that he was once again in the small church, which was not very spacious, but was extremely bright due to the bonfire at this moment.

Not long after he appeared, dozens of ash spewed out from the huge bonfire.

The dust gathered into human shapes in mid-air, and when they landed, they turned into employees one by one.

Colin glanced around and saw no attrition, so he nodded slightly.

"The main theme of this week's mission is still construction, which has not changed from before. In addition, these are the supplies we brought this week. You can take them and distribute them."

"Also, the people responsible for agriculture will stay for a while, and I will explain some things."

"Please take a look at these seeds and plant them within the direct range of the nearby campfire."

Colin handed the relevant seeds to the relevant responsible employees.

"What's special about these seeds?" the D-class employee who took the crop from Colin asked curiously.

The seeds don't seem to be anything special, but if you look closely, you will find that it actually has a prop description, and each seed has a prop description. What does it mean that it can talk?

Colin thought for a while, and finally decided to let them explore by themselves: "It's hard to say, you can plant it first and try it."

After roughly deciding the direction of the matter, everyone left the chapel and started this week's mule and horse life with "willingness" on their faces.

When everyone walked out, Xiao Hong, who had been peeking at the door of the church to check, entered the church.

"Big brother~" Xiao Hong flew towards Colin.


Colin touched her head, and then took out her favorite lesson and three exercises from the storage room.

When Xiaohong saw this, her expression suddenly changed.

"This is your homework for this week. Well, you are learning very fast. You can almost keep up with the contents of the first grade of junior high school."

"I have already memorized it. Can I not do these homework?" Xiaohong hesitantly took over the lesson and practice, grabbing his clothes and biting his lip.

"No, you have to consolidate your knowledge and test whether you remember it firmly."

Colin suppressed a wicked smile and said seriously.

Xiaohong could only accept the homework angrily, and then she began to ask expectantly when she could teach her the knowledge. After being told that she could study with her tomorrow, Xiaohong showed a happy expression.

At this time, Saint Shana also walked out from the side.

"Good day, Mr. Colin." Shana nodded slightly.

Compared with before, her condition was obviously much better, her face and limbs were no longer so thin and skinny, and her long pale golden hair was no longer dry.

At this time, her crystal blue eyes were staring at Colin, revealing a hazy and holy light.

'If this is completely restored, it will be very beautiful. If you dress up again, it will be...'

Colin was stunned for a moment, then muttered in his heart, and then nodded and said "Good day".

Then, he said without politeness: "The settlement of the previous 'hunger' incident has been settled. It's not a lot. After I take part of it, there are still about 20,000 left to share with you. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, no problem, two."

Shana nodded subconsciously. The other party said it wasn't a lot. She thought it was only a few hundred, or about a thousand?

Just when I was about to say, any number is fine, it's pretty good, but soon after listening to the second half of the sentence, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and found that the other person's number seemed a little bit wrong.

Her lips, which were still white from blood loss due to the previous battle, were slightly open.

After hesitating for a second, he asked again uncertainly:

"How much, how much?"

She wondered if she had heard wrongly.

"Twenty thousand, maybe"

Colin looked at the other person's expression staring blankly at him, and suddenly felt a little guilty——

Originally he said he would give 25,000 points, but now the points are almost spent, especially when he paid 9,000 points to "Ms. Rabbit" before buying seeds. He didn't have many points, so he cut it off a little.

Therefore, only 20,000 can be given.

But it seems that Shana’s expression is too little?

‘That’s right, after all, he found and used himself as bait to catch the ‘hunger’ fragments, and acted as the main force, carrying the gods and beating them up. ’

Colin also felt that it was a little less. The total should be about 40,000 or even 50,000.

But at this moment, he heard Shana whispering in a daze.

"Two, twenty thousand, this, this."

Shana blinked, how much black bread can we buy?

The brain operating at high speed instantly produced a figure of 66W, which was unimaginable in the past.

It feels like several generations of saints have never seen such a large amount of money in their entire lives.

Although the total points earned by each generation in a lifetime can usually exceed 10,000, that is the total of a lifetime.

Taking so much at once was unheard of.

She just completed a slightly life-threatening task, and the campfire agent in front of her suddenly wanted to give her 20,000 yuan as a share?

Are there any other additional requirements?

Would it be excessive to have additional requirements?

At this time, when Colin was thinking about how to explain the reason for the lack of points, he heard Shana suddenly say: "So many points, Mr. Colin, are you sure they are given to me because of this incident?"


Colin was startled for a moment, looking at Shana's pure eyes, he couldn't tell whether it was irony or not.

In his understanding, this saint with an extremely kind heart would earn ten or twenty thousand points every time he went out to support a mission, casually throwing some BUFFs and following along throughout the whole process without doing anything.

But this time "hungry" was hooked, and the decisive battle was difficult, but only 20,000 points were awarded.

From his point of view, it is indeed too little.

Shana's sarcasm was not impossible.

However, she doesn't look like she's being sarcastic?

Colin blinked and looked at the pure and natural expression on the girl's face, where every inch of skin in front of him seemed to be glowing, like an angel, without even the slightest hint of ridicule.

And the last time Shana mocked that group of people, the sarcasm was still very strong.

It won't be like this.

Colin Bonfire's spiritual intuition about human nature also feels that she has no negative emotions.

However, the facts seem to be contrary to intuition.

So, is she satisfied or dissatisfied?

‘I can’t tell, I can’t tell! ’

Colin took a deep breath, but finally bit the bullet and nodded under the gaze of the other party.

Then, wait for the other party’s reaction as if you were waiting for a death sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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