Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 510 Is the "branch branch" so wild? !


Seeing Colin nod again, Shana knew that what the other person said was true, just like last time.

At that time, she had a "huge sum" of more than 400 points in her pocket, and wanted to buy back the bone spurs made from the bones of the previous saints from the other party.

Thinking of this, Shana couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't take it out, otherwise she would be very embarrassed.

Then, she didn't get her things back and went out with a shield attached to her.

He was also shocked by the huge sums of money that Colin could spend thousands of points on.

Of course, because of this, in subsequent contacts, I found that my mission seemed to be a little lower than others.

The reasons for this are not yet clear.

However, Shana originally thought that a few thousand points was an amount that she could not even imagine in the past.

But the man in front of her refreshed her outlook on life

"If you are not satisfied with anything, we can actually discuss it again."

Colin looked at Shana's "expressionless" look and was a little unsure, but during this "confrontation", he suddenly thought that every time the other party returned during this period, he would send all kinds of super powerful gold. Mark carries BUFF with you.

Think again about what you have done

The original total limit of 80,000 points was only given to a small part of 25,000 points. In the end, not only was there no increase, but 5,000 points were deducted.

Well, it does seem a bit unauthentic?

Just after she finished speaking, Shana was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly nodded:

"It's already a lot. I can't even imagine that I can have so many points."

‘Ah, isn’t this really a mockery? ’

Colin hissed secretly in his heart, but this time before he could say anything, a line of information popped up on his retina.

[Special event: ‘Have you completed the event of handing 20000 points to the ‘Light Chaser’? ’]

"Remarks": A certain amount of points will be deducted as a handling fee for this transaction.

‘The branch’s mission was quite timely, but there is actually a handling fee? ’

'It seems that the specific ratio is not mentioned, but it should not be very high.'

Colin muttered in his heart that it was a pity that employees couldn't directly trade points in private, otherwise he would never let the branch go around for free.

Then, he looked at Shana, confirmed again, and then started the transaction, transferring the corresponding points.

At this moment, even though Shana didn't have much pursuit of wealth, she couldn't help but glance at her pocket.

A number she had never dared to imagine lay there quietly.

While being shocked by the huge amount of points, she couldn't help but feel a little distressed about the handling fee that had just been deducted.

"Hiss, two thousand points are gone."

Shana clenched her fists imperceptibly, puffed out her cheeks, and pumped out two thousand.

This thing called a handling fee was more than what she would have received from the ancient gods!

"What two thousand points?"

Colin heard her whisper and asked curiously.

"Handling fee?"

"The handling fee is two thousand? That's a fucking 10%!"

Colin was surprised. Even when withdrawing money and transferring money from Vampire Bank back then, it would not exceed 5%. How could it be so high here?

However, I thought about it.

It may be difficult to transact across companies, so it’s not incomprehensible to charge some.

'Go back to Ms. Rabbit to find out why the handling fees here are so expensive. Let's see if there is any way to directly give the corresponding share to Ms. Shana to avoid middlemen taking commissions.'

Colin's thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then, seeing the look on Shana's expression that was a little distressed and angry about the two thousand points, he couldn't help but feel like laughing.

"Maybe it was due to some troublesome things behind the scenes, so there was a certain loss. Well, the problem is not big. I will make up for the handling fee for you next time."

Colin said with a smile, looking at Shana's expression, he could roughly feel

What she just said didn't seem to be sarcasm, maybe it was a joke?

After thinking about it, Colin felt that things were very close and should be reasonable.

Of course, in this short moment, he also thought of another possibility, that is, what Shana said and all her expressions were true.

She really felt that more than 20,000 points was a lot, so she showed emotions such as shock. is that possible?

Colin eliminated this wrong option at the first opportunity.

After all, according to the past situation, she can get tens of thousands of points for one action, even if she doesn't do anything. If she does it herself, the price will probably be in the six figures.

How could she find twenty thousand points satisfactory under these circumstances?

But speaking of it.

Miss Shana's mission of making money while others are in danger is indeed very profitable, but it's a bit unethical.

I feel like I will be taken care of one day.

Colin felt that he had to find time to talk to the other party about this.

Although tasks are usually assigned by the company, employees themselves also have certain dialogue rights.

At this time, when she heard Colin saying that he would make up the handling fee for her, Shana immediately shook her head: "No, no need, this is enough, eh."

Very, very, very enough.

Looking at the money in her pocket, Shana didn't even know how to use it.

Generally speaking, you can’t eat that much brown bread.

But you can tell the truth.

But now there is a lot of farmland like Mr. Colin's. As long as it is run well as Colin said, it can generally feed everyone. In the future, there will be opportunities to build granaries, etc., and there may even be a chance to make it next year as the other party said. Food is hoarded and eventually self-sufficiency is achieved——

A future she wouldn't have dared to imagine just a few years ago.


Shana felt that it would be difficult to ask for the bone spurs and the shield to come back.

"Really, I don't know how to thank you for these points." Shana couldn't help but whisper.

‘Is she happy because the money arrived on time? ’

Ke Lin was aware of it and was infected by the other party's emotions, and couldn't help but said: "How about a dance?"

Hearing this, Shana almost immediately shook her head: "This is not allowed, and I can't do it either."

He pursed his lips and did not mention that it was not appropriate to dance for others.

After a pause, she tilted her head and asked curiously: "The number of points this time is because of the 'hungry' fragment?" "About that."

Colin nodded, feeling the curiosity in Shana's ice-blue eyes, and said: "This mission is about 'hunger', and the points are probably more than 50,000."

From the 80,000 points, after deducting some appearance fees from him and Ms. Shana, it is probably this amount.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt something wasn't right.

In real terms, the "hunger" fragments should be worth more than 100,000 points. It's hard to say exactly how much, but in terms of points, the "madness" can be regarded as a partial deduction to a certain extent.

It’s still a big deduction!


Not that it was okay, but he really spread his fingers to pull and pull, and Colin felt even weaker in his heart.

But Shana didn't notice this. At this moment, when she heard Colin talking about the value of "hunger", her eyes closed slightly and her pupils shone slightly——

So valuable!

This "hungry" fragment is much more valuable than the ancient god who beat her until she vomited blood and lay there for half a month!

It's a pity that the "hunger" she feels now seems to have been returned. No, there are three in total, two of them have been recycled, and there is one she has been exposed to a long time ago, which is closer to the same concept than the other two. form, but later lost signs.

Later, when she felt this part again, it had already taken root in Mr. Colin's body.

Thinking of this, Shana couldn't help but glance at Colin, who felt an inexplicable chill.

‘It always feels a bit dangerous. ’

Colin wondered, could this be Shana's little warning?

But at this time, he suddenly heard the lady who was gradually becoming more beautiful in front of him say:

"Mr. Colin, if I detect fragments of 'Hunger', can I still execute it with you?"

She felt that if it were a task issued by the parchment in her hand, she might not be able to get as many points as 50,000 points or more. Judging from her observations during this period, it might be several times less!

"Of course"

Colin didn't know if the other party was teasing or something, but he still nodded. But after saying that, he suddenly noticed something and said in surprise: "Do you know the whereabouts of other 'Hungry' fragments?"

"I'm not sure, but I've encountered it before when performing some advent missions."

Shana nodded and recounted an experience she had about six or seven years ago.

At that time, the mission was probably that a suspected queen or some other mission summoned her to some unknown world, and the request was to assist her in participating in some war, become the final winner, and obtain a certain trophy.

There are also other people in this war who have summoned some participants from other worlds like her.

One of them, who comes, has the same power as "hunger"

‘Good fellow, let’s put the Holy Grail War on hold, right? ’

Colin muttered secretly in his heart, and then heard Shana speak later: "Among the people I know, you seem to be the only one who can mobilize the power of 'hunger'. Is that you?"

"No, I don't know him either." He shook his head.

Six or seven years ago? There was nothing wrong with him six or seven years ago, and he seemed to be just a freshman in high school.

Unexpectedly, at that time, Shana had already started working for the company.

After thinking about it, Colin asked for some relevant details. It was basically certain that that person did master some of the power given by the "Hunger" fragment.

I just don't know if this power was given to him by "hunger", or if it was controlled by means like "bonfire".

There is quite a big difference between the two.

"Who got the trophy in the end?" Colin asked curiously.

"It should be the one behind me, but I defeated the last one and the clone reached its limit. That was my first clone. The control was not that good and it came back, so I don't know if she got the thing or not."

Shana briefly explained the result, then shook her head: "Unfortunately, it seems that there is no way to find the other party now."

‘That’s true, unless he is from the company, and then sends signals to ‘Ms. Rabbit’ through internal means of the company, just like ‘Ms. Thorns’ did. ’ Colin thought in his heart.

"As for other things, there was another encounter, which was also a chaotic and terrifying world. This one is somewhat possible."

Shanna took out her parchment: "I'll look back and see if I can find more information about that place. If so, I'll tell you."

"Okay." Colin nodded.

As long as Shanna gives the address, "Ms. Rabbit" will definitely respond——

But looking at it this way, "Ms. Rabbit" wants to take over the "branch" here in Shana because it also has control over the area where multiple "Hungry" fragments are located?

However, judging from what it has shown before, I'm afraid it won't be too easy.

However, they did not continue to discuss this matter in depth. After a brief chat, Shana began to test whether Colin's strength had increased this time. They both entered the "Nightmare Lantern" and played until night before taking a break.

After finishing the daily training, Colin walked out of the chapel, preparing to test whether the employees were lazy at night.

Let's take a look at the harvest of those talking seeds.

In the chapel, Shana separated a part of her avatar to follow Colin, while her real body sat in front of the bonfire and continued to repair some of her various injuries that had not yet healed.

However, when Colin left here and she was concentrating on recuperating herself, she suddenly felt something and pulled out the yellowed parchment from the sleeve of her left wrist.

Then he opened the "mall" function above, and then he was surprised to find that there were some other items on the ordinary shelves that originally only had "black bread", "sour and hard black noodles" and drinking water.

[Multifunctional base vehicle (specially optimized version)]

"Description": The deployable mobile base vehicle has an unfolding area of ​​about 50 square meters. It can be driven by energy injection through points, and has basic functional templates such as "lounge" and "medical room".

"Remarks": Functions can be expanded to a limited extent by consuming points and corresponding materials.

Price: 5000 points.

"This is."

Shana took a look. It seemed like one of those useful "base vehicles" brought by Mr. Colin?

However, it’s so expensive, 5,000 points per car.

But if it’s similar, it’s still very useful!

After thinking about it, she used her avatar to inform Colin, who was visiting the farmland together, and asked him to come over here to help consult whether it was necessary to buy it.

However, Colin just came over and saw the thing above, and he was shocked.

What the fuck

‘I left the base vehicle here for the past two weeks and didn’t take it back, so it was directly hacked by me? ’

Colin was stunned.

The most ridiculous thing is that even if you imitate and crack it, you are selling it in front of him!

Better sell it to him!

Colin almost laughed in anger.

Is the "branch office" approach a bit too wild?

"What, Mr. Colin, is this worth buying?" Shana raised her arm and touched him gently.

"not worth it."

Colin recovered from his daze, shook his head decisively, glanced at the name that said it was a "specially optimized version", but was actually a castrated version with reduced configurations, and couldn't help but sneer.

"500 points can be considered. 5000 points. The original version of Heavy Industry World was less than points. The price is seriously overpriced. I'm going crazy thinking about money."

"Besides, the base vehicle in our current territory is almost enough, so there is no need to build one."

Colin decisively gave a proposal that was not recommended.

At the same time, he vaguely felt that the branch company's temperament was a little familiar.

"Oh, is that so?" Shana nodded thoughtfully.

However, at this time, a line of tasks jumped out on the parchment.

ps: Follow first and then change.

ps2: Happy New Year! (End of chapter)

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