Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 511 The special technology mastered by the "branch".

"Go to the ruins number 796 and recover a special place above. As a mission reward, the price of the 'base vehicle' will be reduced, an energy crystal, and 999 pieces of black bread?"

Colin looked puzzled when he saw the third one, wondering where this black bread came from?

At first, he didn't think that he had eaten those black bread before.

After all, this is the first time I have received such a strange reward after doing Colin's mission for so long.

But soon, when she saw Shana taking out a black bread from the "storage room", her expression suddenly changed: "Are you sure this can be used as a mission reward?"

"Yes." Shana nodded, looking at the task requirements, feeling as if she was still a little excited.

The brown bread given in this mission is not sour and hard.

In other words, this alone is worth more than 300 points, and the base car points can be reduced even further. seems pretty good?

At least it's much better than before.

Of course, Shana also noticed that since Colin appeared, her mission points seemed to have increased.

"What do you think?" Shana held the parchment and looked sideways at Colin next to her for advice.

"I'm inclined to say no."

Colin shook his head and gave decisive advice.

What the hell, who are you trying to fool by using something as rotten as “black bread” as a mission reward?

He has done so many tasks, but this is the first time he has seen something so weird.

After a pause, Colin added an explanation: "I don't know how difficult this task is, but it actually used black bread to make up the number. I don't know how it had the nerve to take it out, and the price was lowered without any confirmation. Damn it." Know how much to lower.

“Unless it goes directly to the production line, it doesn’t make much sense.

"Well, let's talk about the difficulty last. How do you think the difficulty of this mission will be?"

Under normal circumstances, "Ms. Rabbit" will not inform you of the rewards first. You will only be given the final amount based on what you have obtained. However, most of the time, by default, there will be a guaranteed appearance fee of several thousand points.

I will never use "black bread" to make up the number.

This first-out reward can be considered to be that it already knows the entire mission situation, so it can give the reward in advance.

And through this reward, you can roughly guess the difficulty of the task.

Of course, this is also some advanced knowledge for judging the difficulty of tasks released by "Life Coach Lovely" among its employees.

Shana looked at the content of the reward, put an index finger on her chin and thought for a moment: "Well, probably, you will encounter some incomplete ancient god level beings, but you don't need to face them directly."


Colin was startled, wondering if he had heard correctly. This kind of reward could meet an ancient god who was at least the peak level of a second-level containment object or even a first-level containment object?

The 'base vehicle' that has descended to an unknown extent is an energy crystal whose use is almost the same as that of a 'colorless crystal'.

Another thousand brown bread.

Let him use these things to fight the ancient gods?

Well, it's not about fighting the ancient gods, but there is a high probability that you will encounter them.

Colin suddenly felt sorry for this "saint". He had never taken on such a mission before, right?

'Wait, before? ’

He vaguely felt that he wanted to figure something out, but logically, he couldn't connect it. It was like 1+1=2, with a "+" sign missing in the middle.

This feeling is very strange.

Next to her, Shana saw his gaze and said with some uncertainty:

"Probably yes"

Although she didn't know what Colin was thinking, she could tell that what seemed like a lucrative task to her a few months ago might not be so satisfactory in Mr. Colin's eyes.

Sure enough, after hearing what she said, Colin waved his hand and responded:

"No, it would be a waste of time to look at it more than once."

"Okay, I know"

Shana nodded. She now had 20,000 points in her pocket. She was no longer in a hurry, so there was no need to go out and take risks again.

According to Colin's suggestion, he rarely refused the task.

"I will be responsible for the things on the territory. You don't have to worry too much. After all, rescuing them also has a lot of benefits for me. You can understand the overall situation by being there. And if sometimes, I can't come over to help maintain it, That’s it.”

Colin simply said that the "colorless crystals" produced by the believers now feel like the meal they ate before the fight.

If I don't get a few bucks, I feel like I don't have enough energy to punch.

"Okay." Shana nodded again without objection.

"Of course, if you help take care of the territory, I will also share some points with you."

Without waiting for the other party to refuse, Colin continued: "Various things in the territory require points to be spent. Besides, this matter itself is profitable. We can do things together, but it is not appropriate for me to do it alone."

If you can rely on a small portion of the mission's basic points, let Shana stay here permanently.

He felt it was still a good deal.

After a while of rhetoric, Shana did not refuse.

While Colin and Shana were inspecting various aspects of work in the territory and talking, not far away, Warden Calder, who was communicating with an engineering team led by an E-class employee, saw the two walking by and couldn't help but Feeling

He suddenly realized that his structure was still narrow.

When the "hunger" incident broke out in the city, Miss Helena, the heir of the great nobleman, followed Colin's instructions throughout the process. He thought there was some improper relationship between them.

After all, some nobles do have a pretty good time.

And that Helena, to be honest, her reputation spread all over the world for being coquettish and willful.

It’s really hard not to think about a real person who actually listens to the words of a “prisoner” with a strange identity.

But it wasn't until now that he realized that it was the other party who had a better relationship with the Saint.

Looks like a friend.

Then there was Helena - the one he had heard now, it seemed that she was still willful during the disaster, and was directly transformed inside and out by His Excellency the Saint of the "Light" Sect.

Of course, this can be regarded as Helena's luck. She has not done anything seriously lacking in virtue.

Otherwise, the Saint would directly erase it for her without hesitation.

In this regard, although this generation of saints is female and seems to be gentler, no one will doubt the decisiveness she will show when she really wants to take action.

Helena's family was a little dissatisfied with this, but they could only endure it.

After all, compared to Shana directly launching a "trial" on them all, this kind of thing can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

Not to mention that it just slightly erased some bad qualities.

Even if Helena was to be cleaned and put on the saint's bed, they would do it.

"Brother Calder, you said before that the third underground prison must be strengthened and that it must use alloy doors. You even require some extraordinary means to strengthen it?" The E-class employee next to him said in confusion:

“We are building refugee prisons, not shelters

"These are ordinary refugees here. Not to mention the iron door, even the wooden door is difficult to break open. Is this necessary?"

During this time, Calder had chosen to settle here as their warden.

Calder came back to his senses when he heard the employee's words. After listening, he pursed his lips and thought deeply for a while, recalling deep in his memory, when the giant red-haired beast broke through the cell door and rushed out, he pinned him to the ground and beat him violently. Scenes.

Then, Calder nodded vigorously:

"Yes, believe me, absolutely."

Although the prisoners are all refugees who have made mistakes, there will always be accidents. A prison must have a strong enough layer to make people feel at ease.

When it is really impossible to trap the enemy, it is also a good choice to trap the friend inside to avoid it. Most of the dark and bright night passed quickly.

As day and night approached, the little maid suddenly reported to Colin that she had received some special vibration frequencies——

Not surprisingly, it should come from the "King of Crazy Sound".

Although he didn't know what was going on with this guy, Colin still flew over to see why he was looking for him.

About half an hour later, Colin entered the underground maze area closest to the territory.

"Congratulations, your strength has been improved again." As soon as he entered this place, Colin heard the compliments of the "King of Crazy Sound", and then sensed through the "flame" that the other party was standing not far away.

"What's the matter?" Colin waved his hand.

"Well, can I ask, is there any reply from above regarding my matter?" "King of Crazy Sound" asked in a low voice.

It seemed like nothing at all. ‘Ms. Rabbit’ didn’t reply anyway. Colin muttered in his heart, but said without changing his expression:

"Don't worry, the organization will see your performance. If you work harder, you will have the opportunity to work for the company."

"That's good, that's good, I can't wait to work!" The "King of Crazy Sound" immediately expressed his stance.

"Did you call me here this time just to ask about this?" Colin said curiously.

In fact, even if the "King of Crazy Sound" doesn't come to him this time, he will come to this guy and ask something.

"No, no, no, actually there is something else."

The "King of Crazy Sound" was hesitant, as if he was considering something unspeakable.

"What?" Colin raised his eyebrows.

"Well, let me tell you first, this is not a conspiracy on my part."

Colin became curious, and then went to the "King of Crazy Sound" and said: "Actually, you have often modified the content of the 'Logical Point Blocking' function recently. There is one of them. Can you cancel it? I can't remember some of the more important things. Yes, I would like to ask you to revise it a little bit, probably some of the blocked content from the previous day."

For this reason, he seemed unable to remember what he should do if he had anything important to do.

Very distressed

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Colin: "'Logical point shielding'? What is this?"

Seeing Colin's expression, the "King of Crazy Sound" noticed something was wrong: ".Didn't you modify it?"

"No." Colin shook his head: "Tell me first what this is?"

Soon, from the containment object, he roughly learned what the so-called "logical point shielding" was -

In general, it is like a kind of thinking firewall, which is generally prepared to avoid dangerous things that are known to be contaminated.

"Now in the entire world here, no 'god''s true name is known to mortals, just because of it. However, compared to this ultra-high-intensity cognitive masking, the current level of 'logical point shielding' is lower It’s a lot, but the effect is still there.”

"King of Crazy Sound" gave a simple example.

"Tell me, if it wasn't me, who would it be?" Colin suddenly realized some reasons.

"I don't know, maybe it's the part of the company stationed here? Of course, I'm not provoking it. I mean, if you didn't touch it, it should be the company maintainer here. Something else, even if some unimaginable existence comes. It can't be done. They can be destroyed, but they can only be destroyed. I can vaguely feel that it has changed a bit frequently recently."

"The King of Crazy Sounds" said cautiously.

During this period of time, he always felt like he couldn't remember this or that, and he felt like his brain was going to be broken.

Recently? Colin nodded. After asking for some details, he was basically sure that "recently" refers to after he appeared.

What is the "branch" covering up?

"How can I deal with this kind of influence?" Colin asked directly.

"This, this has something to do with your authority level and position in the company, but I don't know exactly what it is, but I am sure that it is within a certain scope. You will be able to relate it when you leave here."

The "King of Crazy Sound" doesn't know much about how certain functions within the company operate. After all, it is a prisoner and not an employee, so it can only give out some guesses as much as possible.

"But in general, if you already know this, they will definitely not be able to influence you. After all, you are a candidate for the 'Fire Bearer'. Your status is transcendent. A slight influence on your cognition is already their limit. As for Deeper, the memory level of your brain is beyond their control."

The "King of Crazy Sound" gave another example and said:

"For example, there was once a bottle of Coke soda in this room. I didn't tell you, so you probably wouldn't realize it."

"But if I said it, you'd know."

"If you know it, even if it buries all traces, it will not affect what you know."


"Understood." Colin nodded, indicating general understanding.

Putting aside the fact that the branch office didn't know what to do with the modification, this function is quite interesting. By blocking a logical point, the entire logic cannot be connected.

‘Speaking of it, it does seem like the technology that the company has mastered has been used in a wrong way. ’

But it's not a big problem. Colin feels that he should be very close to the truth.

As long as the other party can't erase the information he already knows, then you should be able to think of the reason if you think about it when you go back.

"In addition, if you want to resist this kind of influence with hard power, you must at least be a first-level containment object." "King of Crazy Sound" simply added.

One level up? I have this strength, but it might not dare to appear in front of me.

Colin couldn't help but think of the night when he exchanged three hundred thousand points.

Usually when he is in contact with the company, this thing doesn't dare to show up directly, for fear of being directly caught by "Ms. Rabbit".

Only when everything is cut off can it dare to appear furtively.

"Well, I understand. Yes, the information you gave me this time is acceptable." Colin nodded in approval. Now it has taken the initiative to report the situation, which is much better than before.

You can consider giving it a non-stop 007 job.

Colin warned: "If there is anything abnormal in the future, you can also inform me here and report it as soon as possible."

"Okay, your future employees are ready to work for you!"


Colin nodded and suddenly realized something:

"Won't you be retaliated by it if you do this?"

At present, the branch of "Ms. Thorns" is Wolongfengchuduo, and the branch here is the wildest one he has ever seen.

There is no guarantee that after this "tip off", the "branch" will do something to his "Colin employees" reserve team.

(End of this chapter)

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