Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 512 It’s an honor to be a bonfire dog, unlike some wild dogs

"No, this is the 'Containment Kingdom'. It is a special containment place directly controlled by Rosen's sole consciousness. Not everyone can influence it. At most, its local node company only has monitoring rights and some external emergency response powers. The right to interfere, without the ability to deal with me further than that."

The tone of the "King of Crazy Sound" was inexplicably raised.

You are so proud of being locked up in a key area. Colin couldn't help but complain in his heart.

There are always some inexplicable comparisons between contained objects, which is puzzling.

Of course, this can also be regarded as an aspect of the other party's "humanity".


Noticing something in the other person's words, Colin started thinking and realized something interesting.

‘If nothing else, the ‘branch’ may have been left behind by Rosen, but is it actually unable to handle the objects contained in this so-called ‘containment kingdom’? ’ Colin thought thoughtfully.

The authority of this branch is not as great as imagined.

Then, Colin asked about some specific conditions of the "Housing Kingdom of God".

"Generally, those who can be imprisoned in the 'Containment Kingdom' can only enter if they are considered to be of considerable value to the company, so I can enter here."

The "King of Crazy Sound" secretly increased his worth.

Colin did not refute this point. It is hard to say what the "King of Mad Sound"'s combat capabilities are, but its special authority is related to vibrations and the like, and it does have considerable research value.

Then, he continued to hear the "King of Crazy Sound" say:

"In addition to Rosen himself, if anyone else wants to deal with me, they can only report to the top and get instructions, or under special circumstances, use another 'fire supporter' to deal with it urgently, so you don't need to worry about what it will do to me. The impact is so great that it cannot even force me to dispatch labor.”

Nowadays, the "messengers" sent by the higher authorities are standing by its side. What does a small node company have to be afraid of?

That's why it says there's no need to worry.

Even if the branch wants to deal with itself, its report application will not be approved. In its view, the grandfather may not be able to deal with something now, but when he really does, he can clean up the branch and solve it in minutes.

"Can we still dispatch labor?" Colin stood there and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, some of the more cooperative contained objects will sometimes be sent out to complete some troublesome things through some means, while those who are uncooperative will transfer their power to the machinery through some means."


Colin opened his mouth and could only come out with this word.

"Isn't this risky? Aren't you afraid of running away?" He couldn't help but asked curiously.

"There is a risk. There may be some contained objects that won't cooperate after being released and will in turn cause damage, but if they run away, they won't be able to escape."

Although it was not obvious, Colin still heard a hint of helplessness and resignation in the tone of the "King of Crazy Sound":

"High-end containment objects are important assets of the company. I don't know about other star regions, but here, before the containment agreement still exists, the possibility of escape by any known means is equivalent to none, and the escape rate is currently 0."

important property

Hearing such words, Colin couldn't help but think of some situations encountered when the starship recovered the "Time Reverse Flow" card.

At that time, I caught a strange creature that could generate electricity, and immediately started to reverse the flow of time.


Even if time goes backwards, the company cannot spit out what it has put in its pocket.

Colin shook his head, didn't think much, and simply asked other things, such as whether he knew "Ms. Thorn", etc., but unfortunately, "King of Crazy Sound" didn't know much about this aspect.

After one last chat, Colin was ready to leave.

"Dear Fire Holder, if you have any questions, you are welcome to come back at any time. To the extent that I can help, I will complete it even if I sacrifice my life!"

'Where did you learn these weird compliments? I feel like I'm getting more and more tactful.'

Colin waved his hand, turned around, and left here step by step.

And watching his figure covered in flames gradually walk away, the "King of Crazy Sound" began to feel a little melancholy.

I don’t quite understand what’s going on with the “Bonfire Company” now. Why does a small branch in a region dare to confront the inspection ambassador from above?


Although this employee's current status is not that right.

But as a reserve who is about to become a "fire supporter", his authority is boundless. Moreover, even if the other party is not a "fire supporter" now and his authority has not reached its peak, will it not be the case in the future?

But speaking of it, there is another point that the "King of Crazy Sound" has also never been able to figure out.

Although he knew that the company might have some minor problems, he felt that the company should still have considerable power to reserve.

But why.

For such an important task as the recycling of Lawson's legacy, the company will only deal with it in a "little way".

The group troops and high-level employees sent by the group are indeed strong, but in terms of results, they are far less useful than a serious "fire supporter".

Not to mention combat power, just the "infinite emergency authority" he possesses can already solve most of the problems here.

It probably won’t take more than three days to get it all done.

You know, the aboriginal people of the world think that the magic fog disaster in the sky or that disaster is just a leak in the roof.

Although too much water leakage may cover it in the room, it also shows that the entire room is still very strong.

Various feeder agreements are still operating normally.

Based on this alone, the "fire supporter" or senior employee who comes here can solve all the problems without using any other hands or feet, even if he only has a brain and an idea.

But now, no "fire supporter" or high-level employee who can solve everything has been sent over. Instead, a reserve force has been sent to solve it bit by bit.

Every time you grow, you solve a little bit. Every time you grow, you solve a little bit.

To train new people?

It’s understandable to cultivate new people as the “King of Kuangyin”, but wouldn’t it be a little bit to use this event to train new people?

It pondered for a long time and finally found a word from the knowledge base of "human nature" - "killing a chicken with a bull's-eye"?

Or is there some other reason why it has to be like this?

What's going on outside?

The "King of Crazy Sound" tried to look outside, but couldn't see. It was difficult for him to show any strength outside the maze.

I can only accept some shocking news from above.

However, his behavior did not see anything, but instead attracted some other things.

Some strange whispers came from all directions again

"Do you really believe their lies? Human words cannot be trusted. In the past, you were just the lowest wild dog."

"It's only been a few hundred years, but you've already surrendered to them?"

"I have glimpsed that the universe has changed a long time ago, and Bonfire Company is about to withdraw from the stage of history."

"The divinity of Chaos will come again"

"Assist us to return to the era of supreme divinity, and together we can transcend the ultimate time with the lofty will of divinity."

"."     "Bad luck!"

The transformed body of the "King of Crazy Sounds" waved his hand, and all the murmurs disappeared completely.

"It was because of what you guys said that I took advantage of the situation and took advantage of it. As a result, I have been imprisoned until now, which has caused me so much harm. There are also those two who promised not to rebel, but they ended up doing it too early."

"Hundreds of years are not much time, but why don't you try to be imprisoned in the 'Containment Kingdom'?"

"The time I have been tortured here has exceeded tens of millions of years!"

"As long as I can get out, as long as I can get out, as long as..."

The "King of Crazy Sound" whispered manically, and then suddenly laughed:

"Dog? Being a bonfire dog is the greatest honor!

"It's not like some wild dogs that have been instilled with 'humanity' and have some sense of honor and disgrace, but they are still running around outside without knowing who their master is.

"I will go out sooner or later, and you will have no choice but to rot here and be used as firewood by the First Fire!"

He responded sarcastically to the sealed containers.

After returning to the territory, Colin didn't mention the branch office again. After all, that point was blocked. No matter how much logic he tried to connect, it was useless. Anyway, this matter was already written down in a small book. He would have plenty of time to plan it when he returned.

On a daily basis, they accept a lot of work such as displaced refugees, land reclamation, house construction, sanitation popularization, and preparation for the launch of education.

"The staff still feels that it is not enough."

Colin looked at the territory. The general outline of the town was basically there, and he felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment in farming.

It just feels like it’s not developing fast enough.

But the fifty employees here, plus their pile of props, have reached their limit. Colin has done it for them, providing "colorless crystals" to replenish their energy day and night for seven days, and using tools including the "Seal of the Fire Tree" The props included can help them relax their spirits occasionally, so that they can achieve the effect of resting for ten minutes and working all day long.

But even so, with more and more things to deal with, the manpower still seems insufficient.

On the contrary, there are more and more refugees coming here, and there are more and more collisions. Everything is beginning to seem stretched. Some of the previous management methods cannot keep up and need to be updated.

"Oh, it's such a waste of energy."

Although Colin was sitting in front of the hot pot, eating hot pot and looking at the employees working below, without personally participating in the work, his heart was always with the front-line employees.

So it’s the same fatigue

“In the final analysis, there are too few people.”

"Speaking of which, my current level is already D+, and the permissions for 'special talents' have not been updated yet. Once the update is completed, I should be able to recruit a new group of people. Before that, I will first think of ways to allow them to use more labor force. "

Colin thought about it. Currently, he gives his employees one or two hours to eat every day——

Doesn’t this seem a bit too extravagant?

What to eat? You can also eat while working. With the physical fitness of an extraordinary person, just chewing a few bites is enough.

There is no need to waste too much time on special occasions.

'After all, all of them are extraordinary beings with extraordinary abilities. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If you are lucky enough to master power beyond ordinary people, you will have to make sacrifices beyond ordinary people.'

Colin thought about how to mention this to everyone so that he would not be hung up on the street lights, oh, and how to make everyone accept it.

‘Speaking of which, after the ‘Advent Project’ ended and we arrived on Earth, it actually only took three hours, so essentially I just asked them to work continuously for three hours, so it shouldn’t be a big problem. ’

Thinking about it this way, Colin felt that the situation was much better.

But at this moment, he suddenly couldn't help but think of the protagonists in those novels.

Those protagonists who can stir up the storm and push the times forward in a different world by themselves with just a little bit of knowledge in their brains

Colin sincerely admired him. Unlike him, he felt that many things were difficult to handle when there were so many forces behind him.

If there were two "protagonists" under my command, things would probably be much easier to handle.

Shaking his head slightly, Colin took back his thoughts and began to prepare for the next communication with the employees, starting with D-class. No, D-class was already very busy now, and they were naturally their own people.

"Hold a meeting then and let them come up with some new time plans."

After briefly having some ideas, Colin did not continue to think deeply.

Soon after, as some employees wailed, the new arrangements began to be implemented, and Colin took some people out to hunt the surrounding terrifying creatures.

As well as accompanying Xiaohong on a daily basis and looking for Shana to practice her technical skills.

Seven days passed quickly.

In the last half hour before leaving, some employees looked at Colin expectantly - he said that after working hard this time, he would be rewarded with a small golden bean that can stimulate BUFF.

They got that thing once last time.

After using it, in their daily abnormal events, it is almost like a level 10 copy using the level 30 indestructible buff. It can crush them all the way, which is impressive.

Looking at their gazes, Colin glanced at Shana, looked at each other, and distributed the "BUFFs" that had been prepared, about the size of soybeans.

"It seems that everyone wants this thing very much. Maybe you can consider selling it to my auction house?" Seeing this, Colin couldn't help but mention it to Shana.

"I can, but I don't have enough mysterious materials. Gold is still very precious."

"It's okay, I'll take care of this part. You contribute the effort, and I provide the materials." Colin waved his hand. Gold is on the earth, and its occult value has not yet been exploited.

With his strength, it's not difficult to get it, but he doesn't know if he can use it here.

"That's okay with me."

Shana nodded and refused again.

Making the "Golden Sun" mark specially prepared for Colin was time-consuming and laborious.

But these small ones are relatively easy to make.

She could make dozens of them in just a few hours a day.

"Okay, let me go back and check it out and see what price is more appropriate."

After a brief exchange, Colin and others returned through the "Advent Agreement" under the reluctant eyes of everyone.


The distant and ancient bell slowly disappears in my ears

Colin returned to reality, and before he had time to take out the parchment, he immediately began to recall some things related to the "branch" of this advent project.

First (end of this chapter)

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