Chapter 51

Leaving the inn was not too much of a hindrance.

Colin and Tang De came outside easily. In the cold and quiet night air, there was a trace of local excrement and other mixed odors.

Except for the occasional patrol that can be seen on the street, it can be said that it is almost empty.

Even those guys who were seen lying on the street during the day seemed to be hiding in fear of the darkness of the dome at this moment.

Although Ke Lin now feels that the probability of escaping at night is also not high, and it is a waste of time.

But now even if I know, I have to try
"If you fail after a while, go to that noble woman and see if you can launch an encirclement and suppression of that 'him' through her."

While thinking in his mind, Ke Lin quickly shuttled through the streets and alleys.

After easily avoiding some patrols of Black Rock City guards, the two of them came to the city wall again.

After sniffing various smells in the air, Colin found a place where there were few people and the defense was weak.

Looking up at the ten-meter-high city wall, he turned his head and looked behind him:

"Can you climb?"

Don Ken didn't answer right away, he looked up and noticed that the city wall was built irregularly, with many gaps, so he nodded: "Yes, I can climb ten-storey buildings with my bare hands if I have the chance. "

"That's fine. If you want to climb over, you must go as fast as possible, so as not to be discovered."

Ke Lin gave a reminder, didn't say much, looked around to make sure there was no problem around, and then started climbing.

One minute later, the two successfully climbed over the city wall that seemed like a moat to ordinary people.

And outside the city walls, a large number of poor people gathered. They had no place to live, and they just tried to hide in a group at the edge of the city where the fire radiated, struggling to survive.

Occasionally there are bonfires lit in some places, but the flames are not big.

"If the bonfire in the city goes out, most of these people will die because of the risk?"

Colin glanced at them and thought of the contents of the "Book of Fortune Telling", which mentioned that the biggest disaster will start from here at the earliest.

They are the bottom of the world and the first group to be sacrificed.
Looking back, Ke Lin led Tang Ken towards the edge of the world of fire, but stopped after walking less than 300 meters.

In front of the line of sight, at the border of the fire, there is a layer of faint black haze.

It is on the border of the light, close to the surrounding darkness, and it is inconspicuous. It is basically difficult to see if you don't get close.

Colin took out a bottle of blending oil and threw it towards the black mist. He thought he could pass through it easily, but he was bounced back and fell to the ground and shattered.

Without thinking too much, he took out a lighter, lit a tissue and threw it over.

A huge amount of flames burned up, and a heat wave came oncoming.

However, this raging flame has no effect on the "black mist".

"What is this layer?" Don Ken couldn't help asking.

"have no idea for now."

Colin hesitated for a moment, took out a monocle from his pocket, pinched the upper and lower sides, and slowly brought it to the position of the left eye socket.

The moment the lens came close to his eyes, his heart beat violently, and he felt an extremely strong palpitation in his heart.

A picture emerged in his mind: his eyes were wide open, and he was lying on the ground and just pouring out blood.

Immediately, Colin quickly closed his eyes and threw the lenses out.

But even so, he still saw a huge and terrifying figure behind the thin black mist through the lens before throwing it away.

Its body is as huge as half a mountain, and it makes huge howls full of anger all the time.


Ke Lin covered his left eye, blood kept spilling from his fingers, his brain was so painful, he felt his soul trembling, and his body couldn't bear the pain and squatted down.

On the other hand, Tang Ken didn't know why, and wanted to step forward to help, but suddenly found blood-red long hairs on his captain's body, growing rapidly like bamboo shoots.
An invisible tyrannical atmosphere spread rapidly.

What was even more counterintuitive was that the shadow under the captain kept wriggling, as if something was about to expand out of it.

"What's going on here?" Duncan gasped, not knowing what to do.

"Don't, don't come near me."

After Colin struggled to say something, he stretched his body and struggled against the severe pain in his brain.

After a while, the blood-red hair on his body retracted, his breathing became a little smoother, he regained a certain but not much thinking, and realized it immediately.

My left eye is useless.

Just watched it for a while.

I lost my left eye.

Covered in cold sweat, Ke Lin took two deep breaths, as if he had been fished out of the water, and there was a "buzzing" tinnitus on both sides of his ears.

Don Ken couldn't hear what he said next to him.
I took another look at the "analytical lens" that was thrown on the ground, and saw that it was full of cracks, and it was already scrapped.

and bring up the information associated with it
[Analysis of the lens (seriously damaged, unusable): It takes 813 points to restore it to the lowest usable state. 】

【Remarks: I cracked.】

[Note: This item is polluted, and the pollution type is "ancient god breath". Holding it for more than 10 minutes may cause you to be watched by unknown beings and suffer from "lycanthropy". 】

"It's useless."

Ke Lin took a deep breath. He didn't expect it at all. He just wanted to see if he could find a breakthrough from the black mist, but he almost died suddenly because of it.

He didn't even dare to think about the thing that was as big as a mountain that he saw just now.
I can only divert my attention and not think too much.

Then, he turned to his resume and looked at it, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

I saw a bunch of debuffs in the status column.

Including but not limited to "physical weakness", "neurasthenia", "left eye congestion and burst", "vertigo", "temporary tinnitus".

Ke Lin sat on the ground, shaking his body uncontrollably. He shook his head. He felt that his brain was shaking like jelly, and he couldn't think smoothly.

After sitting for a while, my body recovered a little.

"Captain? Captain?" Don Ken's voice seemed to come from the side.

"It's okay, a little hurt."

Colin waved his hand, stepped forward to pick up the cracked analytical lens, and put it in his pocket.

Then, he took out a bar of nut chocolate for himself and put it in his mouth.

A hint of sweetness spreads in the mouth.
Then he took out the "Power of Gluttony Seal" and held it in his hand.

When holding this thing, Colin could feel that what he just ate was quickly transformed into nutrition and distributed to all parts of the body.

All functions of the body are quickly restored within a few minutes.
the only thing that is missing.

When using this thing, Colin had a complicated expression and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, he had a speechless empathy for what happened to the judge of the "Evaluation Department".

But before he could think about it, a new task appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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