Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 52 Seeking Help

Chapter 52 Seeking Help
[Event 23: By all means, persist in surviving until the countdown to "Event 5" ends. 】

Remarks: Special rewards will be obtained after completing this event.

"Hey, this mission can still be used as a mission? Besides, what is the meaning of this mission? It's not helpful, no"

Colin sat cross-legged on the ground, eating with the "Power of Gluttony - Imprint" in his hand, while diverting his attention from the strange sense organs in his stomach through thinking.

Then he quickly realized that this incident seemed to be guiding him in some way.

It seems to be pointing out: don't try to escape, don't try to fight, just keep going, and all problems will be solved by the seventh day.

This made Colin, who had just been hit hard and didn't know what to do next, have a certain idea.

"If you don't need to confront directly, you don't need to run away, as long as you persist, then there is no chance for seven days."

"First of all, the soldiers in the city must be vigilant, so as to avoid being attacked tomorrow by the out-of-control lycanthropy refugees outside the city."

"Then think of a way to interfere with that ritual tonight. If you can directly stop it, everything may be solved easily."

As thoughts flashed through his brain one after another, Colin's body functions gradually recovered. Except for the eyes, the rest of the body recovered a lot, so he stood up.

He was going to find the female nobleman first.

At this time, only through her can he have the opportunity to indirectly mobilize the power of the city.

"However, speaking of it, I suddenly wondered whether this female nobleman was arranged to come here from the beginning. What a coincidence, a coincidence in various senses."

Colin was a little suspicious, but he didn't have time to think about it now, because no matter what, he really needed their help now.

But just as he was about to take action, he seemed to remember something, and turned to Tang Ken beside him: "I haven't asked yet, what did you bring in?"

Don Ken was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Colin to ask this suddenly, he thought for a while before answering: "Three days' worth of dry military rations, as well as a multi-purpose shovel, a mini pistol, and more than 100 rounds of ammunition.

"I was going to bring a mini Uzi, but it didn't fit in the space, so I didn't bring it."

After a pause, he continued to add: "I didn't know that I was going to stay here for so long. Otherwise, if I had known earlier, I should have brought more food, but it's not a big problem to save some food."

Yes, it is much more reliable than that guy Li Ming. Colin is not surprised that he can get a pistol. After all, this person has already retired and has his own channels.

Li Ming, the guy who studied civil engineering, didn't bring anything, but when he took out the children's rifle, he really didn't hold back.

However, something unexpected happened now, and there is no way to go back. Whether that guy can live or not can only depend on fate.

If you're lucky, go to the church and see if you can pick up the mouse and deal with it.

If not, the seven days should not starve to death
Even if starved to death, he still has a life, don't panic.

"By the way, how did you get caught by those people?" Colin noticed this.

If he had taken out his gun at that time, nine times out of ten he could have escaped.

Embarrassment appeared on Dun Ken's face: "In order to put things into the storage room, I disassembled the pistol. At that time, I planned to wait until I got out of the crowd and then put it together, but I was knocked unconscious before I got out."

"Then do it now, there should be all kinds of troubles in the future, get ready, mentally prepare to kill."

Although he knew that this person should have had blood on his hands, Colin still reminded him.

Seeing the other party nodding, Colin didn't say anything more, and once again came under the city wall that he had just climbed.

He glanced behind him before attempting to climb the wall.

"I still don't feel the aura of 'lycanthropy' on these people. Then, the 'Book of Fortune' mentioned a large-scale outbreak of 'lycanthropy'. Is it man-made, or is it due to other unknown reasons?"

A few seconds later, Ke Lin withdrew his gaze and sighed, intending not to think about it for the time being, and going back to find the other party to understand the situation first.

After easily climbing over the city wall, Colin led Duncan to quickly head towards the inn hotel where Helena was.

Compared with the small hotel they rented, the one on Helena's side was much more luxurious, and soldiers were also arranged to protect it at night to ensure that no danger would happen to this nobleman.

"Stop! Who are you?!"

When Colin approached, someone immediately scolded him.

A few people came out from the other side
"It's me, go and inform Helena, I have something important to look for her."

Colin walked slowly, directly and decisively, without hiding his identity.

"You? Who are you? How dare you call the nobleman by his name? Do you think anyone can visit a nobleman? Especially now that it's late at night!"

The guarding soldier frowned, suspecting that he was an unruly person, and slowly drew out his long knife, trying to drive him away, but the members of the noble guard on duty on the other side obviously recognized him.

"Wait, don't do anything, are you the priest of Lei Ting today?"


Colin nodded, but did not deny the identity of the other party.

Anyway, it’s still the same sentence, I understand everything.
Priest Thunder?

The soldier who wanted to draw his sword was stunned, and then panicked, worried that he would be hated by the other party, and wanted to explain something, but he was relieved when Colin waved his hand and said that he didn't need to care.

You have a serious class concept here.
Ke Lin watched his reaction, combined with the experience of entering the city today, and had some general understanding of the social model here.

Ten seconds later, there was a sound of footsteps upstairs, and the noble guard just came back:

"Your Excellency Pastor, Miss Helena is already waiting for you upstairs, please follow me."

After speaking, he began to lead the way ahead.

Colin followed behind and came to the third floor. In the huge living room, the noble Helena was already sitting on a wooden chair and waiting.

And her old housekeeper stood aside with a tired but energetic face, his eyes were bloodshot, obviously he had just woken up.

Pointing to the seat on the side, after Colin sat down, Helena, who was still wearing a gray robe to cover her face, said:

"Your Excellency, do you have anything to do with us at this time?"

This tone sounds a bit like getting up, but also, from their point of view, it is really annoying to get to a safe place only to be woken up in the middle of the rest.
Ke Lin thought about it in a flash, and without chattering with the other party, he opened his mouth and said:

"I noticed that a disaster is about to happen, and maybe all the people in this city will not survive.

"If you don't respond, neither me nor you.

"Everyone dies, without exception."

After the voice fell, the whole room was silent, and a needle could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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