Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 514 The world fluctuations brought about by the “Red Moon”


A series of bone crunching sounds came from the body.

The brief and sudden attack probably took less than a tenth of a second, and Colin's height had already been raised by two or three centimeters.

Severe pain spread from the back, and the enemy tried to pull out the spine with great force.

Colin did not panic. Although he felt that there was nothing on his neck, he could still vaguely see the shadow of a rope hanging around his neck in the fiercely burning bonfire. This shadow was gradually dissipating under the burning flames.

"It's quite powerful, and it also has extraordinary power to suppress and some other effects."

An idea flashed through Colin's mind. He raised his left hand, pressed down on his head, and pushed his height back to its original position. At the same time, he flicked his right hand, and the ring turned into a revolver, aiming at the opponent and shooting.

However, facing his actions, the suspended man still kept a strange smile on his face.

Even seeing him draw his gun, his smile grew even wider.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the fire flickered, three 7.62 bullets were fired out, hitting various parts of the hanged man's body, directly shooting out three big holes the size of a palm.

In Colin's opinion, the thing in front of him was not very strong, but it had an evil nature.

But anyway, let’s talk about it a few times.

The moment the bullet hit the opponent, Colin felt like he had been punched in three places at the same time.

Then a dull pain follows

"Ahem, does this mean that the binding damage is the same as mine?"

Colin coughed dryly and realized the problem almost immediately, feeling the same hurt as the other person.

It's quite weird.

At this moment, when the strange figure shook in mid-air due to the impact of the bullet, seeing Colin's appearance, the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger. Then he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said:

"Is it painful?! Is it painful! Hahaha, if you attack me, you are attacking yourself! And it will be returned twice as much! And what I can carry is more than twice as much as you! Now, the only way for you to survive is , just join us and become”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw flames bursting out from the man in front of him.

The flames quickly swallowed him up.

The burning pain that broke out almost instantly made his head go blank for a moment, and then he fell from the air and almost lost consciousness.

"I didn't stop you the first time. I waited for you to talk nonsense, thinking I could say something, but it turned out that it was just like a pyramid scheme to attract people."

Colin pursed his lips and walked slowly towards the charred man hanging in the living room. He seemed unaffected, which shocked the charred man:

"How, how is it possible? How, how can you bear it?"

Once he is anchored by him, the damage caused to him by the other party will definitely be returned twice. He is on the verge of death in an instant, but nothing happens to the other party?

Even the anchor was directly fused!

This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Facing his words, Colin smiled:

"You must not suffer the pain that I can bear."

Unless it's a conceptual one-to-one exchange, his physique far exceeds the opponent's upper limit no matter how many times it is. A thousand points of damage can only be taken by him, but the opponent's upper limit of blood volume is only 300. Even if it is doubled, he can withstand it. , and still have to owe a tube of health bars.

If Colin took out the "Pain Bearing Ring" given by "Ms. Thorn" again, it would be a fatal blow, but it is not necessary.

The only thing worth seeing about this guy is that he is obviously weak, but somehow the curse that can live and die together is bound to him, and the rope object like a chandelier.

In a flash of thought, Colin gathered his thoughts and stepped forward step by step. In the process, the flames on his body completely enveloped the entire room.

Finally, when he came to the man, Colin raised one foot, stepped on his throat, and pressed lightly.

"You still have a chance to live now. Tell me, who sent you here?"

Judging from the fact that the other party wanted to recruit him into the gang just now, this guy probably didn't commit the crime by accident as a heretic, but had a clear goal from the beginning to find him directly.

Otherwise, given the various fate disturbances given by the "fate pushers", with his strength, he would have no chance of entering this door.

In addition, because of his status as an employee of "Bonfire Company", he is directly immune to most divination prying eyes.

Colin became curious, how on earth did this guy find him?

However, Colin didn't have much hope that the other party would tell them about his problems. Once these heretics were connected to the evil gods, there would be no easy way to solve them in a short time other than burning them.

The solution can only be achieved by solving the source and working downwards from the source.

But what surprised Colin was that the heretic actually responded to his words.

"Who asked me to come? It's Him, join us, return to His arms, people are connected to each other, no longer alone, in the face of despair we are closely connected, and together we give birth to a great new life, motherhood is Him, kindness is Him," he said Shouting in some confusion.

"Okay, you don't have to say any more."

Colin pressed down with his right foot, stepped on his neck, pursed his lips, pointed the pistol at his head with an expressionless face, and pulled the trigger.

After a few gunshots, the heretic's body immediately relaxed.

However, Colin did not dare to be careless. The flames rolled up and poured down from his feet. With a hard step, the whole corpse turned into crumbs with a faint red light on the ground like a crispy egg roll.

As the flames intensified, the debris turned into ashes, and after a while, not even ashes were left.

Even so, he still felt a little uneasy.

"It's strange, how come the followers of 'Red Moon' suddenly found me here?"

Colin glanced out the window, his brows furrowed deeply, feeling that this sudden incident was a bit unusual.

Especially when I think of the slight change in the "moonlight" I just felt, I feel even more uneasy.

At this time, Qin Chuan called again.

"Mr. Colin." The voice sounded a little urgent, as if he was running.

"It's okay. I've solved the matter. Who was that guy who just broke in? How did you know it came? And did something else happen tonight?"

Colin asked several questions at the same time.

"When we called you before and didn't get through, Lao Hu said something didn't feel right, and then we came over together. We happened to see something getting in, and the call was just getting through. Also, just ten minutes ago, our city and There are many anomalies suddenly appearing in several areas around it."

Qin Chuan, who has long been accustomed to Ke Lin's character, quickly talked about the surrounding situation, and after he finished speaking, Hu Zheng's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Ke Lin, I have a vague feeling that this fluctuation may be related to a red thing. The thing about it is that you know it, but you're not sure."

"I understand, don't think about it, just come to my room first."

Colin hung up the phone, took out his cell phone, and contacted Duo Jin.

With such an obvious anomaly, the senior person he was interacting with must have known something.

But no response yet?

"What's going on with the 'Red Moon'? Why did it suddenly move?" Colin muttered to himself as he looked at the bright moonlight looming outside the window.

At the same time, in a dark area where flames were clearly lit everywhere but the visibility was still extremely low and it was almost impossible to see, Mr. Wu stood quietly. Everything was quiet in the darkness, as if there was nothing, but it was as "deafening" as if a stormy sea was blowing.

Starting from the arm position, his left hand turned into countless thin black lines, and his right hand was raised, as if dragging an invisible book. The whole person stood in the darkness like a rock in the wind and waves. , letting the darkness roll and beat.

In the sea area ahead of him, a city shrouded in darkness seemed to want to connect with reality.

However, under the interference of countless thin lines, the city's approach has always been extremely slow.

In the hazy dark city, there is an almost imperceptible faint red light floating from time to time.

And through the red light, one can see the outline of an extremely modern city dominated by night. The towering skyscrapers, under the darkness, red light and the squirming stars in the sky, seem to be silent and lurking. Helpless giant.

Countless sights came from the darkness

And as it gets closer, even an inch closer, earthquakes will occur in the area.

Mr. Wu was unmoved by this, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and he had already made all necessary preparations.

He knew that there must be a transcendent life beyond human cognition sealed inside, and once that dark world connected with reality, it would inevitably invade the world.

Then, a world-destroying disaster that almost no one can stop will break out in an instant.

We must make sure to keep that magical and weird city away at all costs!

At this moment, some distance behind him, there were several strange coffins and some one-way passages in a ready state——

Once the situation becomes less optimistic, several Level 9 personnel will immediately be fully revived from the coffins, and people from the Supernatural Alliance will rush to the scene from all over the world to fight to the death.

Mr. Wu even allowed some heretics who performed well to come here to support them.

In the face of this terrifying thing, human beings must integrate all available forces!

Fortunately, this most dangerous situation did not happen.

Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Wu, almost half an hour later, the modern city outside the coastline, like a mirage floating on the sea, slowly disappeared under the intervention of "numerology"

The light emitted by the surrounding fire gradually became visible.

"With the efforts of the people, the city that longed to come to reality has once again sunk into the invisible abyss, and will not be able to rise again for a period of time."

Some kind of narration appeared in everyone's ears, bringing an end to this incident.


Mr. Wu breathed a long sigh of relief and waved his hand. The nervous eyes from behind slowly receded.

Then, his right hand still maintained the appearance of holding an invisible book, but the thousands of threads transformed in his left hand traced back and became his left hand again.

After looking at the broken corpses everywhere, he touched his sweaty and bald head with his left hand:

"Alas, I died several more times and spent decades in my life."

As he sighed, suddenly a large number of dark and slender hands stretched out from the shadow behind him, grabbing the white hairs that were running around on the ground, and reinserting them into the pores on his smooth scalp.

After everything was almost dealt with, the influence here had almost weakened, and the firelight could already illuminate the surroundings normally.

Mr. Wu put down his right hand, took a deep breath, and absorbed the warmth from the firelight.

After facing the darkness, the fire everywhere seems so precious and addictive.

At this time, footsteps were heard one after another, and several high-level "fate-promoting" personnel came from the rear. These were all the high-level "fate-promoting" personnel that could be mobilized at the moment.

This also includes a lot of gold that has been handed over to Colin.

At this time, he took a step forward and said:

"Mr. Wu."

"It's almost the same as before. This time we went quite smoothly."

Looking at these people, Mr. Wu stretched out his hand to make a comb, combed the hair on his head, and spoke with a smile.

After a pause, he continued without waiting for everyone to speak:

"However, this thing has indeed appeared more and more frequently. In the early days, it appeared occasionally once every one or two years. In recent years, it has appeared once or twice a year. This year, it has appeared three times in a row."

Every time it appears, even if you rush back, it doesn't mean everything is over.

Although its influence is weak and short-lived, it covers almost the entire world, causing abnormal outbreaks everywhere.

"Next, Xiaowei, arrange a strong team to go on an expedition outside to assist those people. After all, every time they are here, although they are making soy sauce, they still contribute to some extent."

"Okay." Another ordinary but handsome middle-aged man nodded.

"Well, by the way, tell them, I still say the same thing, our people can't go up to that small broken island. I don't think it's a big deal, so just throw it away." Mr. Wu said casually, and the latter Continue to nod to indicate that you will mention it.

"Then, the rest of you, start to deal with things now. As expected, there are 'weeds' everywhere now, and they need to be cleaned up to avoid affecting the overall situation."

Under his arrangement, everyone present quickly left, leaving only Duo Jin alone.

"How golden, I have to observe this for two days. Go back and find where the most abnormalities are. Where there are more abnormalities means where it is looking when it appears this time. Determine the focus of its attention as soon as possible. kindness."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wu seemed to have thought of something: "But Zhao Gui Zhao, you still have to focus on him and don't let him have any accidents. We can't control his tasks, but in reality, don't let any accidents happen."

"Okay." Duo Jin nodded.

Although he didn't say his name, he knew that the other person was talking about Colin.

Mr. Wu has great expectations for the other party. He has said more than once that the other party is a very important key to dealing with future disasters.

After accepting this task, the venue suddenly fell into silence. Many Jin were about to leave when they suddenly heard Mr. Wu's voice.

"Years ago, the previous ninth-level 'fate pusher' came here under the guidance of 'numerology' and pushed away the disaster. Although he died as a result, he successfully handed over his destiny to my hands smoothly and asked me, We must ensure the safety here, and I don’t have much time, my ‘life’ is basically used up.”

"When I die, this disaster will definitely erupt with greater intensity than usual. Others may not be able to withstand it. I have done a lot, but I have not found a way to stabilize everything, nor have I found a way to withstand it. The person to take over.”

"And when that time comes, the disaster will swallow up countless lives and destroy our home because of my incompetence."


"By that time, I will probably become an unforgivable sinner."

He stared at the dark sea ahead, his voice getting lower and lower, and becoming more and more helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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