Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 515: Don’t do it.

Standing a few meters behind Mr. Wu, Duo Jin lowered his eyes and did not dare to look beyond Mr. Wu to look at what he saw.

Just because the other party can look straight at it and banish it doesn't mean he can do the same.

Faced with Mr. Wu's words, Duo Jin also fell silent, not knowing how to answer for a while.

As an extraordinary person, the lifespan of a "life-promoting" person is actually very long, not to mention level nine, let's say level eight. If he counts all those lifespans consumed, then he can live at least about 1,500 years.

If they want to be at peace and ignore the troubled times, they can indeed live a long, long time.


If you choose to go out and go against the trend, your lifespan will inevitably be reduced by the consumption of extraordinary power again and again.

So much so that they live shorter than ordinary people.

The conversion is relatively complicated. The person who "pushes life" has a "principal" lifespan, and a lifespan that is increased by becoming a "pushing life".

The latter increases with strength, but even then it's not enough.

Once the part of the increased lifespan is used up, the "principal" will be deducted, which is their normal lifespan as a human being.

This part of "life" is relatively more valuable

But no matter how valuable it is, if the expenditure exceeds the income, there will definitely be a loss one day.

People currently look relatively old, precisely because they have spent their "capital", otherwise they would have gray hair at most, instead of looking old in their thirties.

Mr. Wu was running around, and both the "principal" and the part other than the "principal" had already been lost.

He is not dead now, it is purely because of the "mandatory guarantee" of the guaranteed lifespan that can keep him alive.

Of course, if Mr. Wu wants to live now, he still has a chance.

That is, in the "forced guarantee" stage, become as strong as possible, achieve something, and no longer use power redundantly, so as to pay off the "debt" and gain a glimmer of hope.

But it's obvious that he didn't choose that way.

After the ninth level, Mr. Wu's strength is still getting stronger. However, Mr. Wu does not use the "lifespan" increased by getting stronger to "pay off debts", but continues to output to maintain the overall situation and maintain stability. Stability in an extraordinary world.

So in a sense, before the "Book of Numerology", he was considered an "old man".

Although he obviously owes a lot of "money", he is still engaging in "high consumption" and eating well and drinking hot food.

Thinking of this, deep in the eyes of many golden people, strong uneasiness and heart palpitations suddenly surged up.

Because, in the face of Mr. Wu’s high-consumption behavior, “Book of Numerology” did not give any negative reaction, and even acquiesced to this behavior to a certain extent and never “collected debts”——

What does it want to get?

Not only is it a lot of gold, but all other high-level "fate-throwers" instinctively feel uneasy when they occasionally think about this.

A certain instinct of the "book of numerology" is "balance", and its nature will not allow people to owe it such a debt.

The price it gives will inevitably be recovered one day.

There is a high probability that there is no recovery now just because it believes that what it currently owes is not enough for it to get the "price" it wants.

Except for Mr. Wu, no one knows what they will have to repay at that time.

However, at this moment, Mr. Wu’s words came again:

"It's a pity that there is not enough time. Otherwise, when they grow up, they should be able to take over the important responsibilities steadily."

Hearing this, Jin Ling's messy mind came back to his senses, and he was inexplicably shocked to find that he was almost addicted to this dangerous topic. Then, he immediately changed the topic according to Mr. Wu's words:

"Well, the future lies with them, but it will take some time. When the time comes, we will do our best."

The seeds of the "Extraordinary" who joined the company, through the company's means, were able to carry and use the power of the "Book of Numerology" "without injury".

I even heard that some employees can see their current "lifespan" in real time.

So as to make better use of this power

This made them realize that within this "Bonfire Company", there was a high probability of a mature Beyonder path regarding the "Book of Numerology".

Therefore, after entering, the "fate-promoting" Beyonder can perfectly trigger some extra things.

‘If Mr. Wu had followed the company’s mature path throughout his career, I’m afraid he could have resisted for several more decades. ’

Many Jin couldn't help but think about it.

However, he was not allowed to continue to think deeply about these matters. Mr. Wu continued to speak:

"You should leave first, he should be looking for you."


After saying that, Duo Jin turned around and left without hesitation.

On the other side, after Colin came up from Qinchuan, he listened to the report and learned that there were many abnormal events in the surrounding area, and he took decisive action to clear up the surrounding crises.

There are weird groves that you can't get out of, some fake corpses in the morgue, mobile houses, buses that eat people everywhere, etc.

All kinds of abnormal events came one after another.

The difficulty level is not very high. Generally, the third and fourth level combinations of Qin Chuan, Xia Liuqian and Hu Zheng can solve it with just a little effort, but it is even easier when Colin comes in person. The woods are set on fire, and the corpses are set on fire. The house burned down

Wherever you go, you burn.

However, most of the things were not difficult, but they made Colin more certain.

Something must have happened tonight, and there is a high probability that these things are related to the "Moonlight" anomaly just now.

It is even related to the "Red Moon".

"Speaking of which, except for the 'Red Moon' follower, I didn't seem to see anyone else. This seems a bit abnormal. In the past, these guys came out in groups, but this time there was only one. ?coincide?"

Colin stretched out his hand, and a stream of flames erupted, burning a bus that was running around on a remote road and eating people up.

And in the process, it ensures that the people currently living in the car continue to live.

That is to say, after solving seven or eight anomalies in a row, Colin suddenly looked in a certain direction and saw many golds coming from one side. When Qin Chuan and others around him saw this, they also walked away silently and dealt with the scene. The injured are waiting for other support.

"Let's talk in the car." Duo Jin pointed to the commercial vehicle parked not far away.

Colin nodded and followed.

"What happened tonight should be related to the 'Crimson Moon'," Duojin said directly as soon as he came up.

"Red Moon"? Colin nodded. He knew that under normal circumstances, many golds could avoid calling "Red Moon" directly.

"I have forgotten the specific situation now. As long as you leave there, in a sense, you will forget what you see. Even I will not be an exception. I can only tell you that tonight's matter is related to this thing."

After a pause, Duojin added, "Of course, you don't need to be too nervous and worried. Just keep doing what you have to do. There are still people carrying it now, so don't worry too much."

‘That’s so general’

Colin pursed his lips, feeling that the response was a bit perfunctory, but it looked like Duo Jin did not know much.     Or, it is exactly the same as what he mentioned, and you will forget it when you see it?

However, he also noticed the key point in the other party's words: "Is there anyone still carrying it now? How long can it be carried?"

"Probably half a year."

Many Jin did not say who it was, but there were not many candidates who could carry it. After this time, Colin roughly guessed who it was.

"This has happened before. It's not a big deal. At most, there will be some abnormal events. But you don't have to focus on it for the time being. If it's troublesome, don't pay too much attention to it. Just do it first. It's your business." Duo Jin said.


Colin nodded and did not continue to ask.

Afterwards, they communicated for a while and discussed the end-of-month transactions. Duojin asked for a copy of their action plan, etc., and then left for the time being.

Mr. Wu asked him to keep an eye on Colin to avoid accidents, so when he came back now, he had to find out the surrounding situation as soon as possible.

Find out if anyone was secretly plotting against Colin during this period.

Of course, as Colin's strength rapidly increased, he also felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to help him hide in the city. When he first came into contact with Colin two months ago, everything was fine.

At that time, he was strong, but it seemed that he didn't have much extraordinary power, so he was okay.

But now, the opponent's strength seems to have surpassed his own.

If he wanted to help hide it, it would be like a piece of paper trying to cover the fire. It would be nice if it didn't get ignited at the same time, but it couldn't cover the flames at all.

The other party's power was naturally not born to be hidden, and was very conspicuous.

Sometimes, when he was far away and closed his eyes, he could vaguely sense some kind of flame burning somewhere.

It would be okay if the flame was huge enough, but now it is indeed strong to say that it is strong, but it is somewhat meaningless to say that it can solve everything.

"About half a year?"

Colin raised his hand and touched his chin, wondering if it was too late.

Theoretically speaking, as long as you can step into the C-level and become a "fire supporter", there should be no problem at least stabilizing things here, but...

It may be possible to go up to C level, but it's hard to say for "Fire Bearer".

The more his strength improved, the more Colin felt that something was wrong now. It was like the sky was covered with heavy snow and he couldn't find anything that could make a fire to ignite the first flame.

As long as the fire is lit, everything will be easy.

Once the flame is ignited, the whole place can be filled with firewood, and the fire will become very prosperous in no time.

I'm afraid I won't be able to give birth.

In that case, we can only look at the firewood and sigh.

"It's difficult to handle. We can only take it one step at a time."

Colin shook his head and did not hesitate. He glanced outside the car and saw that Qin Chuan and others were still dealing with the scene. There were no problems, so he took out the parchment and looked at it.

Unlike him, the employees on the parchment were surprisingly happy.

"莣咒咒①勼勼⑦": Damn it, brothers are open, they are open! A lot of tasks came at once today!

"Urine three feet in the wind": do it quickly, do it quickly! Otherwise, these working emperors will take over all the tasks!

"Your boobs are bigger than your head": Damn it, I had to curl them when I was an ordinary person, but now that I have become an extraordinary person, I still have to curl them. I pretend that I haven't experienced the highlight moment, but instead curl them inside every day!

"The wind blows again in the small building last night": In fact, it's not bad. In some tasks, you can meet ordinary people and show off your power. For example, I rescued my current boyfriend by myself.

"Miss Nilu's Dog": @小楼 There was another east wind last night, 6.

"Baizhi is so cute": Brothers, if you don't want to take the test, you can consider the "Advent Project", "World Number-13", Brother Shunzi personally leads the team, the whole process is not life-threatening, the work is simple, relaxed and comfortable, every mission It only takes three hours to earn thousands of points easily

"Innocent Laughter": Three hours? I believe you as a ghost.

"It seems pretty good to be stupid and not know anything."

Colin sighed. Most employees are as carefree as paramecium. The more people like him know, the more they may be worried and unable to be happy.

Then, he contacted "Life Coach Lovely" and asked for a list.

This time when selecting people, all the D-class personnel in the top ten percent in terms of overall strength caught his eye.

Plan to pick five lucky people.

As for those below D level, although the official side is still not willing to let them go with them to have adventures in other worlds, the problem is not that big.

The company has a large number of people, so just select some talents with special skills.

"This time, in addition to people who have mastered the technology of territory construction, we also have to find people who can effectively manage the population and set up an effective administrative system."

Colin whispered to himself, as the territory expanded and the number of people increased dramatically, the original simple management was no longer feasible.

We need to build a more appropriate and efficient framework so that it won’t be difficult to deal with the large number of people behind.

In this regard, the government is actually helpful. It often mobilizes talents from all over the world to help design various things, such as new national concepts, spiritual outlook, new values ​​of life, etc.

However, this kind of help can only scratch the itch.

We have to find some dedicated employees to implement it, and then the maid is responsible for supervising and assisting management.

"Well, I heard from Duo Jin that it seems that there are some people who have officially joined the company. Unfortunately, those people seem to be cultivated as some kind of fire by people from various factions and are unwilling to give them to me."

Colin felt quite sorry.

In fact, it doesn't mean that there are no talents except the official ones. There are a lot of miscellaneous people in the company, and there must be relevant talents. But the problem is that Colin does not have their personal information, so it is not easy to find them.

The good thing, though, is that "desensitization" works after quite some time.

Nowadays, people are less repulsive to the Advent Project.

After all, none of the previous 50 people have died so far.

The points earned are real.

So much so that Colin even saw people actively asking about his situation and expressing their intentions. Except that it was not in his taste, everything was fine.

After that, he tried his best to choose some names of people who were familiar to him, and after writing them down in his notebook, Colin put away the parchment, planning to assign tasks to them after entering the incident for a while.

"The next step is to deliver a courier to the 'Nanhai Bodhisattva' on the 20th the day after tomorrow."

Colin thought about it and decided to squat there tomorrow so that he could get to the scene as soon as possible.

Of course, before that, you have to clean up all the abnormalities near your home to avoid any new troubles appearing in this place during the mission.

ps: Change first and then change!

In addition, the monthly ticket will be doubled on the last day. Please thank (ω) for the monthly ticket. (End of chapter)

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