Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 519: Tired, destroy it, destroy it all.

"Just wait, you will eventually have to pay the price for this betrayal."

The last faint voice came from the mouth of the "Red Moon" follower on the door of flesh and blood.

Colin did not interrupt and listened patiently to what it said, wanting to see if there was any gain.

Don't speak until it's finished.

"'Red Moon' saves the world? Do you want to see what bullshit you are saying? Why did this thing save the world? And what immoral things you did, you didn't mention it at all, right? To put it bluntly, How is it different from protecting food? Is there any favor?"

Colin laughed a little in anger when he heard this guy's nonsense.

However, only halfway through speaking, he suddenly realized that the other person had lost all breath when he opened his mouth.

Suddenly, he felt completely dull.

I finally met a "Red Moon" follower who could talk, and I wanted to think about whether I could use the "stimulating general method" to get more content out of it.

As a result, he died as soon as he opened his mouth. It felt like he had punched his mother's cotton in an inexplicable way.

It's as disgusting as watching someone scold you and then reply in a long paragraph only to find that you have been blocked by the other person.

"Damn it, don't you all have strong vitality? Let's wait until you are able to resurrect!"

Colin couldn't help but say one more thing.

Unfortunately, this time it was directly attacked by the "token", and it only said a few words before dying.

Colin took a deep breath of the flames, then after the "token" was put in, the mission completion message popped up, and then he took a look at the situation inside. Finally, he chose to do more than save one, and did not continue to deal with the things inside.

Then go directly back to your community through the mission route.

When he opened his eyes again and saw the ceiling in front of him, Colin turned over and sat up, thinking about what the other party had just said.

"That rat? Is the level of harm already that serious?"

Colin put his right hand on his chin with a serious expression.

To be honest, he didn't have any superfluous thoughts about saving the world among the bullshit the other party said.

It is undeniable that the "Red Moon" may have really played some role in deterring some external entities.

But what do you think of "Red Moon"?

That's the guy who wants to recycle all the biomass!

Even if you lose a hair on the roadside!

Even some organic matter and microorganisms that may be present in Tiandi's fertilizer cannot escape.

This group of heretics spend their days trying to save the world and revive mankind, but from beginning to end, they do nothing.

On the contrary, judging from the current situation, the "fire supporters" are the ones who risk their lives to block the enemy's spring.

Without the efforts of "Fire Holders" and the company, "Dark Night" would have covered the entire universe, and there would be no need for "Red Moon" to do anything

Therefore, after waking up at this moment, among the other party's many words, in his opinion, only those related to "rats" were of some value.

Heretics are sometimes much more sensitive to heresy than the official body.

Especially the "Red Moon" followers, they are very sensitive to many heretics who are to them. When certain abnormal events are not resolved in the end, they will always come out as the last resort.

In other words, in the eyes of these guys, that rat has already threatened the world.

And they are currently unresolved?

"This thing, speaking of it, didn't this 'rat' cooperate with the followers of the 'Red Moon' before? And he also chanted his belief in the 'Red Moon' and so on, so he broke up so quickly?"

Colin muttered softly, this thing is really easy to hide.

According to "Ms. Rabbit", if he wants to catch it before it appears next time, he must be at least promoted to level B, or an existence of this level can visit the scene in person, but the first two are not very reliable.

The most likely alternative is to become a "fire bearer".

But this is also very difficult.

"The last reply from 'Ms. Rabbit' said that the 'rat' has completed its preparatory work. Now it's just waiting for Mr. Wu to choke or for me to check the situation behind the scenes of the 'book of numerology'"

Colin felt extremely pressured inexplicably.

I don’t know what tricks this thing will use and what kind of harm it will bring.

However, Colin was not at all reassured by the prophecies of "Red Moon" followers that he had failed. Under the dual protection of "Bonfire Company" and "First Fire", there should be nothing that could predict his future.

At most, you can sense where he is currently, but you can't predict anything for him.

"The fragments of the 'Book of Numerology' only combine the existing information to give some future situations in a more inferential way, and know that it has been changed in an instant. It is as mysterious and mysterious as the prophecy. There is a certainty that no matter how hard you struggle, you will eventually return to the prophecy.”

"Well, if this guy is not a follower of the Red Moon, but the owner of the Book of Numerology, that would be a bit convincing."

"After all, only something that is also suspected of being a '0' level containment object and specializes in related concepts can make predictions about me."

As thoughts flashed, Colin took out his cell phone from his pocket and sent a message to Duo Jin, asking if there was any progress in the mouse's current situation.

Not long after the message was sent, it took less than two minutes for the other party to send back the message.

"Since the last time it attacked Base 5, there has been no follow-up action, including the batch of 'Extraordinaries' it created, which also disappeared overnight. I suddenly asked it, did something go wrong again?"

"That's not true, but if possible, I would like to mention the danger level of this thing again."

Colin gave a supplementary reply.

"Okay, I'll bring it up in a minute." Duo Jin continued to ask curiously: "What's going on with the containment sites in space now? Do we need to bring all the flying containment sites back to the ground?"

"No, it should be fine now."

Colin thought for a while, since "Ms. Rabbit" was only allowed to remain in one hand, there were no follow-up arrangements.

Then there is no need to continue doing anything else.

Otherwise, sometimes when one bug is solved, more bugs may appear.

This matter is nothing new in the realm of reality and mystery.

After the brief exchange, Colin ended the conversation, then took out the parchment and saw a new task popping up.

There are no surprises. This mission is still to go to a certain place to drop a "token".

But after looking at it for a while, he looked at the request above with some surprise.

"Request, go to the coordinate location. Light bonfires in some key areas. Before that, rescue some people above, and then throw 'tokens' in to blockade. The location set by the coordinates." Colin had a vague feeling. With a familiar premonition, I took out my phone and checked it.

Oh, that unusual island on the other side of the ocean?

"Yes, there are a lot of scary people over there. With the mess like this, it is inevitable to attract the attention of 'Ms. Rabbit'. Although I have always watched it for fun, if I really let it go, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble. "

Colin looked at this new round of mission events. It is currently the sixth round of the fifteenth ring and the last mission this week.

So there should be some difficulty, so you have to be careful and prepared.

"But speaking of it, it is obviously much better than the previous requirement to sit at the ninth station of the train. This task is to sit around the outside, build bonfire points, surround some of the hardest-hit areas, and finally find the opportunity to pull some people out, and then Just project the 'token' into it and finally complete the blockade."

While thinking about it, he continued to contact Duo Jin to obtain corresponding information.

Knowing that Colin wanted to go there to perform the mission, Duo Jin was surprised at first, and then couldn't help but send a voice message: "Over there? It's very dangerous over there, can you refuse?"

"The mission is special and it is not appropriate to refuse." Colin responded simply.

After hearing this answer, Duo Jin didn't say much and explained the specific situation there bit by bit.

Then, Colin got dozens of various related documents and clicked through them one by one. Then he was shocked to find that the situation over there was worse than he thought.

"It has only been a few months, but due to the interference of a bunch of powerful people, the population has still dropped by more than one-fifth?"

Colin was surprised. Is it true that there are tens of millions of people in this fifth? Unexpectedly, there is no movement at all in the world. Even according to the data, the place where many people check in on the Internet has become a occupied area.

But no one knows?

Through relevant documents, he knew the reason. This crisis not only used a large amount of resources of the Global Occult Alliance to conduct all-round joint management and control, but also used some contained objects to "intelligently" simulate the island to output information.

In order to minimize the impact of some information there on the overall pattern of the world.

"Mr. Wu has repeatedly proposed to transfer the population to South America, Africa, Europe and other regions, carry out a total blockade, and implement the Shendao blockade plan. Many countries agree with the first half, but a small half are firmly opposed to the second half, especially the one called Abre Mr. Kurt responded strongly, saying that Great Britain has been his home for generations, one of the symbols of human triumphalism, and a historical treasure. Its sinking is equivalent to surrendering to the anomaly."

"Furthermore, Britain has endured countless sufferings for the world, so all countries have the obligation to save them and express their willingness to return all cultural relics. This... I really have the shame to say this. This is not seeking death. Let's not talk about the looting. , if you refuse to return it later, how can you rely on others?"

"Well, I feel relieved when I see so many countries scolding me."

Colin bit his index finger and looked at a record of recent discussions.

Regarding the conversations above, he still supported Mr. Wu's plan. After all, it would be much easier to do that.

As for hometown and not hometown, for Colin, anything can be done as long as it does not violate the "Bonfire Agreement".

Then, he opened a summary of unusual events on the island

Just looking at the beginning, even Colin, who was well-informed, couldn't help but widen his eyes. His pupils shook violently when he looked at the pile of numbers.

[The current number of abnormal items is approximately 1793960 (data on January th). 】

"How much, how much?"

Colin held the phone with a trembling voice in his mouth. He was stunned, with the same dull expression as Shana once, and murmured the numbers on it:

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven digits?!"

1,793,960 props of various types that are in a state of semi-out of control or out of control?

Colin took a deep breath. Many times before, he said that this ghost place was unusually crowded with people, just as a joke.

But now, if I let it get out of control again, I'm afraid the joke will become reality.

After all, the number of anomalies is skyrocketing, while the number of humans is rapidly decreasing.

"With this amount of abnormality, is it still necessary to protect this broken island?!"

I felt that Mr. Wu’s suggestion of Shen Dao was a bit too extreme before, but now, I still feel that it is too mild——

Why hasn't it been implemented yet?

Colin swallowed. He couldn't help but asked whether the sources of many gold sources were reliable, but the answer he got was that they were.

"It's barely reliable, but Mr. Wu banned us from going to the island, so they are all the results of investigations by joint teams from other countries. Well, I heard that it is an optimistic estimate. The real situation may be more and more complicated, because our people said , there has been an abnormal devouring and fusion of each other over there."

"An optimistic estimate? Why should we be optimistic at this time?"

Colin hissed, feeling a little unreasonable. It can only be said that at this point, this group of people is indeed quite optimistic.

Anyway, when he saw this report, even though it was an optimistic estimate, he still couldn't be optimistic.

He continued to look at some unusual introductions inside, but did not read any more. Instead, he called out the little maid and asked her to quickly accept the information above——

Otherwise, he might not be able to finish reading almost two million damn abnormal messages if he sees the end of the world!

A few seconds later, the little maid's eyes flickered, and she projected a set of three-dimensional data diagrams in front of Colin: "The information has been accepted and is being sorted. Do you want to convert it to bonfire standards?"

"Yes." Colin nodded.

The official has its own system for defining anomalies, and there are some differences in this system between countries. It is better to use the Bonfire Company standard that he is most familiar with.

Bonfire's standards are generally uniform across all areas of its influence.

Even if there is a difference, it is within the realm that he is familiar with.

"Based on the current documents, it can be estimated that the number of contained objects below Level 5 is approximately 1.2 million, the number of Level 5 contained objects is approximately over 300,000, the number of Level 4 contained objects is approximately 290,000, and the number of Level 3 contained objects is approximately 1.2 million. Thousands, there are about 40 second-level containment objects, and the lowest level first-level containment objects are suspected to exist from one to three, but it is not yet certain.”

Listening to the little maid's description, Colin's heart felt a little numb, but he felt relieved afterward.

That's fine without a large number of Level 1 containment objects.


"Why do they all use 'appointment'?"

"Based on the conversion based on the description of the relevant contained objects, it is impossible to confirm whether the description is accurate, and some anomalies are officially estimated too high, while some are too low, or the descriptions are severely defective. Unless we conduct on-site inspections, we will not be able to get further information. "

"Is that so, forget it, this situation is not necessary anymore."

When Colin looked at these abnormal messages, he felt as much as when he opened the table and saw a drawer full of cockroaches.

It no longer matters which one is bigger and which one is smaller.

At this moment, he can only sigh, it is indeed an old empire, it has some background, damn, this island still exists now, it is simply a miracle!

"Leaving aside the first-level containment objects, although I can deal with the third-level and second-level containment objects relatively easily once I have full output, it would be very troublesome to hit them all at once with this amount."

Listening to his words, the little maid said: "Most of the anomalies are distributed throughout the island. As long as you avoid them reasonably, you should be able to pass relatively smoothly."


Colin said with a "tired, destroy it" mentality.

(End of this chapter)

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