Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 520 "Haze Angel"

Colin didn't pay much attention to the little maid's words of avoidance.

after all

Once the power of the "Fire Bearer" is used, it is like a torch at night, instantly attracting all abnormal eyes——

Especially those suspected to be Level 1 containment objects.

To say the least, even if there are only those secondary containment objects, if a swarm of swarms sees them, they will rush up.

Then he wouldn't be able to handle it very well.

"If necessary, we can deploy some powerful items and some strong men to follow you to help you complete your mission." Duo Jin's message came again.

"No need."

Colin refused. It was okay for high-level officials to fight with high-ranking officials and defeat low-ranking officials. However, if it was a high-intensity war in which lives were sacrificed for results in a real sense, he would not be able to bear it in his conscience.

Moreover, there are so many anomalies there that have not yet left the island, which shows that the intensity of the restrictions is still very high.

The official should have used some more powerful items to control it.

"Okay, then I will bring a team to go with you to help you clear the relationship. This can avoid many misunderstandings."

Duo Jin didn't force it, but he still put forward his own ideas.

This time Colin also did not refuse.

The action time was quickly set, it was set at nine o'clock tonight, so we should start as early as possible to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly. After Colin simply disposed of his belongings, under the arrangement of Duo Jin, he boarded a super-fast combat aircraft.

But what is different from the normal situation is that they are sitting on the ticket.

The operational authority was taken over by the little maid.

The flames on Colin's body enveloped the entire aircraft, further improving its performance and reducing a certain amount of drag.

"The temporary enhancement has been completed. We will arrive at the outskirts of the target area in two hours at the fastest and three hours at the latest." The little maid's voice came to Colin's ears.

He nodded and then looked at Duo Jin who was standing aside.

"Where is your team?" Colin asked.

"They are stationed there. They can just meet us directly when the time comes. But as you requested, just take a breather and then I will go to the island with you."

Duo Jin said: "There are also some alliance people operating on the island. I will help you communicate with them to avoid misunderstandings and accidents."

"Okay." Colin nodded.

If you only take one person with you, he can still survive.

Especially since this person has a strong ability to save his own life.

During the conversation, the two got off the plane, and three hours later, it arrived at a docked aircraft carrier.

As soon as he stopped, a group of people gathered around him. Many Jin jumped down first and talked with the people who greeted him.

Colin took a step back and did not fall down immediately. Instead, he stood on the back of the plane. He felt an inexplicable heaviness in his heart. Looking along this heaviness, his pupils were slightly raised, and he could vaguely see a fallen world filled with all kinds of monsters and monsters.

It can be described as "evil spirit soaring to the sky"!

"There are still some people surviving up there. I can only say they are lucky."

Colin grunted and fell from the plane.

At this moment, many domestic official personnel who were out to maintain the situation here came and looked at him curiously. Colin even saw among them the eighth-level "God Beater" who had given him the power before.

The other party's condition is now even worse. Apparently he has put in a lot of effort during this period, so that his face is numb.

But even so, it would be better to ask Colin some questions.

Colin nodded, then withdrew his gaze and looked at Duo Jin, who was negotiating with some people at this moment.

When he looked over, the other party had just finished talking.

"What's the situation here now?" Colin was not timid and stepped forward to ask.

"There seem to be some more abnormalities, but except for a few areas where the situation is relatively serious, the situation in some other places is okay, similar to the document we read before."

"That's okay." Colin exhaled, but he was going to the most dangerous area.

Have to light a lot of makeshift bonfires and surround them

As for firewood, there is now firewood all over the island, so there is no need to add any more.

"Clap clap."

The sound of heavy slaps.

There were some strong explosions, and if ordinary people heard them, they might be deafened.

Those who come are not good.

As Colin's thoughts flashed, he turned his eyes and saw some white-skinned, dark-skinned, and foreign faces of various colors approaching. The one at the front was an unusually strong woman who was over two meters tall.

The thunderous slap also came from her hands.

At the eighth level, there are some personality issues. The bonfires in Colin's eyes turned, and he roughly felt it before speaking:

"Is something wrong?"

Although he knew foreign languages, he didn't use them because the company's translator worked well enough.

Seeing Colin's gaze, she grinned: "Are you the one who is going up? Yes, you are not affected at all."

After a pause, she added: "I heard that you cowards are finally leaving, and there is a chance to solve the things inside. I was still looking forward to it, but I didn't expect such an ordinary person to come. I won't mention you going in. You want to do something. But to do this kind of thing, you need strength."

"Kid, you don't look very powerful. Are you really qualified for us to assist you?"

She spread her hands across her chest, shrugged and shook her head, speaking teasingly and provocatively in a condescending manner.

As she spoke, a strong aura spread from her body.

Arcs of electricity flashed across her body.

They have always had some objections to the Chinese-led refusal to go to the island to help.

Especially on several occasions, it was clear that as long as they went up to cover the retreat, they could save many people, but they were unwilling to die.

As a result, she and many of her comrades almost died on it.

On one side, Duo Jin frowned. Thousands of thin black threads wriggled around behind him, and long black hands stretched out. He wanted to speak, but he suddenly noticed something and stopped talking.

At this time, the eighth-level "God Fighter" on one side also came closer.

Although there have been some festivals, at this time, the spearhead must be directed outwards.

When he heard the other party's words, Colin was stunned, and then his expression was strange.

'This, after so long, is there finally a character that makes me slap in the face? '

Colin thought about it and felt inexplicably excited.


He didn't particularly like this thing. He raised his hand and scratched the back of his head: "Actually, I know that you senior staff have some personality problems. I have always respected you very much, but..."

"What do you want to say?" The woman and some people around her were confused.

But the next second.

The scorching fire exploded in front of their eyes, and everyone's hearts sank, but they didn't wait for them to do anything. A giant hand made of flames fell from the sky.

Five thick fingers, straight to the ground, like a cage. Cover everyone around you under the palm of your hand.

Plop. Plop. Plop.

Under the terrifying and heavy pressure, even eighth-level personnel were unable to stand upright and fell to their knees one after another. Even the extraordinary strength in their bodies was greatly suppressed.

The astonishing power of the "Bonfire" suppressed the entire audience, and its transcendent power was overwhelming.

The entire large aircraft carrier sank more than ten meters to the sea surface in front of this sudden sinking force, causing huge waves.

Many of them were lying on the ground, raising their heads with difficulty, and looked at the young figure who had started to be covered in flames at some point.

"Respect is mutual, ma'am."

Colin put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the woman kneeling not far away from his big slippers: "Do you have any different thoughts about what I said?"

Behind Colin, many Jin and others looked at the big hand that covered almost half of the aircraft carrier and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This, just with this move, his strength is stronger than many level nine!

'Wait, he controlled that thing? ! ' Duo Jin suddenly realized that this thing was the "one-time" prop they gave Colin last time.

Looking at it now, he was actually directly controlled?


The opponent's strength is probably beyond that of most ninth-level personnel.

Only a small number of level nines like "Old Mr. Wu" who can utilize certain things at a certain level and have strong uniqueness can compete with them.


The level eight woman on the ground shook her head with difficulty. After experiencing the slight shock brought by the power of the "Fire Holder", her eyes were much clearer than before.

This power is difficult to describe, but it seems that there is some kind of natural suppression on her——

Not that kind of restraint, but an all-around advanced feeling.

Just like the automatic rifle to the 38-year-old Gai.

"That's good."

Colin waved his hand, and the flames covering the place instantly dissipated. However, the brief conflict that lasted less than two minutes made everyone look at him much clearer.

Although some high-level personnel watching from a distance did not have the power to face the "bonfire" directly.

But they can appreciate the power within it.

Seeing this scene, Colin nodded happily. It seemed that everyone could still talk to each other properly.

Then, Colin immediately asked about the real-time situation on the island.

"There are about a dozen hardest-hit areas you want to find. It's not that easy to encircle them." She wanted to say it was impossible, but thinking about the other party's strength, she changed her words to avoid being disrespectful.

Then further introduce the situation.

Things like what's going on with the survivors, and what some of the other people working on the island are doing.

"Currently, there are 61 level 7 personnel, nine level 8 personnel, and one level 9 personnel on the island. They are trying their best to monitor some high-level abnormal containment objects that are still in a semi-out of control state and stabilize the situation. , and transfer people out of the island.”

"The number of extraordinary people outside the island is about the same, but there are no ninth-level personnel, only some remote monitoring."

Watching? Is this considered to be a problem for one party and for all parties to take advantage of it?

Colin thought for a while, and finally felt more relieved after hearing what the other party said.

Because the control above is not completely out of control, but a state of semi-loss of control with a small part of the area falling. This is why they think they can still save the unwilling sinking island.

“We have made a lot of efforts and sacrifices for this”

"Haha, work hard? Sacrifice? If it weren't for the concealment and delay here, waiting for the abnormality to cross the ocean to us and other countries, and rejecting international support in the early stage, how could there be so many things here?" A brown-haired man next to him The blue-eyed man suddenly appears and interrupts with a taunt.

On his hands are black gloves decorated with skulls.

Not only on his hands, there are various skull marks all over his body.

"Hand of Punishment".

Colin recognized these items as symbolic decorations of a well-known organization across the ocean.

It seems that the human skull symbolizes human purity, determination to die, etc.

"Shouldn't these two belong to the same race and the same pants?"

Colin turned his head and asked Duo Jin beside him in a low voice, and then heard him respond in a low voice: "It is true, but in the previous operation, some people died, so they are not small."

"Oh, I understand."

Colin nodded, but he was not very interested in these things or the subsequent human greetings.

Faced with his attitude, no one would say anything, and they even said in a very friendly way that they would definitely ask him to do something if they had the opportunity, and so on——

After showing their strength, people suddenly became kind and friendly.

'The official internal hierarchy is quite strict. The stronger you are, the higher your status is.'

Colin felt the atmosphere for a while, but didn't think much about it. He just rejected some other people's access requests, allowing Duo Jin to obtain the most real-time map.

After further understanding the current situation, he communicated with the level nine person on the island, and then started taking action.

There will be no need to use any planes this time.

Colin took a lot of gold and stepped on the big skateboard transformed by the little maid, flying directly over like flying with a sword.

After flying over the various warships on the sea for a while, Colin saw the scene of the demonic island.

All functions in a port location not far away have been shut down and are shrouded in a layer of thick fog.

In the haze, many strange figures are wandering and fighting among them

Roars, screams, explosions, etc.

Various movements continued one after another.

"Good guy, it's a small semi-out of control area as soon as it comes up."

Colin pursed his lips, felt it for a moment, and noticed that all the anomalies in the port were unable to leave the port, and seemed to be imprisoned by the turbid and rich haze.

In the haze, countless hideous and emaciated human faces emerged and shattered like bubbles.

These ghostly figures seem to be trying to break free from the haze, but unfortunately they can't.

"The haze should be the super-powerful prop of the official 'Haze Angel'. It's a general conceptual thing, and the anomaly is sealed inside. Well, there are two secondary containment objects fighting inside, as well as some heretical races, and a large number of strange things. The strange monster is releasing its power from the containment object, is it raising Gu?"

Colin felt a little and probably understood the situation.

Then, he shifted his gaze and looked towards the port, where there was a forward base.

Some people inside looked at him curiously, but because they were angry beforehand, they did not come to make trouble.

Colin looked at it for two seconds and then shifted his gaze. Flames surged in his eyes. He raised his head slightly and looked at a large modern city in the distance that was completely obscured by fog.

He planned to start with the biggest trouble -

The city has completely fallen into smog and had to be sealed off with "Smog Angel".

(End of this chapter)

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