Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 521 "Contained objects all over the world, unite!"

"cough cough"

Under the heavy fog, some people, even extraordinary ones, could not help but cough violently and feel the unbearable acridness in their noses and throats when they continued to inhale the smoke and pollution particles that filled the air.

Colin, who fell into the frontline position and was about to collect some further intelligence, heard coughing and gasping as soon as he arrived.

Although the "Haze Angel" did not mainly cover this area, it only had a slight spread of influence, which still made them very uncomfortable.

'The level of utilization of this 'Haze Angel' feels a bit low, and it is a bit indistinguishable between friend and foe. '

Colin looked at the crowd and couldn't help but think.

At this time, footsteps were heard. Colin looked away, followed the sound, and saw several powerful people approaching.

After the leader arrived, he noticed Colin's previous gaze and took the initiative to explain:

"They have been here for a few days, and a new group of people should be coming soon."


Colin nodded, noncommittal, and the man continued: "I heard that you brought a way to save this land?"

"I'm certain, but not very sure. Let's give it a try first. I'll come to you to ask for a piece of specific information about that place, what kind of containment it is." Colin pointed to the thicker haze in the distance. area.

"Well, please show me the documents."

Upon hearing the request, Duojin stepped forward and handed over a newly obtained identification.

"Ahem, okay. No problem."

The visitor glanced twice, coughed twice, waved to one side, and someone immediately brought a briefcase up.

"These two are your general documents. There are protections on them, which can reduce the influence of the 'Haze Angel' on you and prevent you from getting lost under the influence of the haze. Don't ruin them, cough. Cough, it will cause failure."

"Ahem, if you accidentally break it, just wait where you are and we will send someone."

"Secondly, here are the specific conditions of the Fog City, including several other crisis points. However, if you want the latest news first-hand from other places outside the Fog City, you may have to go to other nearby garrison points. Only then cough cough cough."


Colin nodded and asked the maid to read it directly.

At the same time, he did not linger here any longer. After a brief exchange, he started heading towards the city.

Ten minutes later, the haze in the air became thicker and thicker.

Even when Colin was walking in this gray scene, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable in his nasal cavity and his throat was dry and itchy.

"With a layer of bonfire protection and the protection of pass documents, it is still like this. The negative effects of this 'Haze Angel' are a bit shocking."

Colin increased some flame protection, and then he felt that the negative effects disappeared.

However, the negative effects were gone, but the bright firelight attracted some other abnormal attention.

"Cough cough cough cough cough."

"Please help us, ahem, please."

"Good Samaritans passing by, please, don't abandon us again, cough cough cough."

The whispers made people couldn't help but stop in their tracks. Colin and Duo Jin turned around to look. They could see a group of seemingly ordinary people appearing in the haze that covered the sky and approaching quickly. , coughing and calling for help.

Not only this, there are strange things approaching from all other directions.

In the sky, on the ground, under the water, living or non-living things.

"It's so strong that it doesn't feel that strong. There are quite a lot of varieties."

Colin mumbled something casually and continued moving forward without stopping.

During this process, some abnormally approached to a certain distance and suddenly retreated for unknown reasons when they felt the fire, while some still moved forward.

For example, the group of "people" who first called for rescue.

Their calls seem to create an indescribable desire to help people, causing psychological changes.

Colin was also awakened to the idea of ​​helping others. He raised his hand with kindness and flicked it casually.

Dozens of fireflies flew away

After a while, the calls for help disappeared and were replaced by desperate screams.

Under the burning flames, these dozens of humanoid figures all exploded and expanded, revealing their true bodies, a powerful, blood-red, human-like, non-human reptile creature that looked like a licker.

"The 'Beast of Thousand Roars' hunts various creatures through disguised sounds, flesh and blood, and spiritual temptation. The intensity is below level five. If the number is large, a 'king' may be born, possibly reaching level four." The little maid's voice rang in her ears, introducing Colin.

"Oh, the 'king' has only reached the fifth level and the fourth level. No wonder he died if he was touched. I hope they will have a chance to become human beings in the next life." Colin put away his generous kindness.

When solving these abnormal things, he also tried his best to not affect the haze without using too much power of "bonfire".

After all, once "Bonfire" is used forcefully, it is likely to have a relatively large impact on "Haze Angel".

That would most likely destroy the balance here.

"Speaking of which, I still need some firewood."

Colin's idea was to first pile a firewood waiting to be lit outside the foggy city, and then move on to the next one. After each place was arranged, they would all be lit in an instant to form a kind of encirclement.

Then throw out the "token"

This way, except for the pressure being a bit high when igniting at the end, you won't be alerted in advance.

After thinking about it, Colin took out a card that he had not used for a long time——

Using the flesh and blood corpses of these abnormal creatures as material


With a loud roar, the two-headed "Smiling Corpse Mountain" appeared, taking on the job of collecting firewood and walking.

Seeing Colin using this prop as a means of transportation, Many Jin's face twitched. He felt it was a bit wasteful, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he jumped up to the top of the corpse mountain and watched it dragging a piece of meat ball forward. A piece of meatball picks up the charcoal fire Colin made along the way.

"The contained objects scattered outside are not very strong."

Colin grunted, "If the pyre doesn't mention Level 2 containment objects, there must be at least one or two Level 3 foundations, right?"

Especially this most dangerous area, it feels like it needs to be backed up by a secondary containment object.

Otherwise, the flame may not burn strongly enough by then.

But the problem is not that big. There are combustibles everywhere here. All you need to do is find a way to hunt down a suitable secondary containment object without destroying the "Haze Angel".

"I hope I can meet the right one soon."

Colin thought for a moment, then continued to stand on the top of the mountain of corpses, with his hands behind his back, overlooking the front, and ordered it to continue moving forward, intending to go to the foggy city to see if it could catch a flammable object.

That is to say, as he moved forward, he discovered some interesting things.

Among the anomalies that could see flames around them, many would run away directly after seeing him, and these escaped anomalies or alien life forms seemed to have a corporate atmosphere.

And those who have a corporate atmosphere are usually "larger individuals", at least level five.

Below level five, there are all kinds of anomalies that appear out of nowhere.

"There are a lot of anomalies that came out of the company back then."

Colin whispered to himself, and then, in about half an hour, he finally came to the outermost area of ​​the foggy city that was tightly wrapped by the "Smog Angel".

This kind of package is not layer by layer, but starts from in front of him. The smog density thickens, so thick that you can't see your fingers. If you look directly here, you can feel stinging eyes, dry and itchy throat, and chest tightness. Difficulty breathing and other conditions.

"Kukuku" The mountain of corpses at its feet couldn't help coughing in front of the thick haze, but it held its mouth tightly with two huge palms and suppressed the cough as much as possible to avoid causing harm to the summoner on it. riding experience.

And all around, in the dense fog where turbid particles could be clearly seen, countless painful figures approached and stretched out their hands.

The blurry arms seemed to be trying to grasp the mountain of corpses.

"Plan-conceptual items do have some indescribable skills."

Colin reached out and rubbed his dry and itchy throat. He could feel that the "Haze Angel" had a very strong suppressive effect on various things, especially living things.

But it's not very deadly when it's strong.

Moreover, the cough on the mountain of corpses at his feet seemed to be contagious, so that he felt uncomfortable again.

The flames spread across Colin's body, protecting the mountain of corpses as well.

Prevent it from spreading and getting infected.

"I heard that the birth of this 'Haze Angel' is related to some unique containment objects. It seems to be a fusion with certain historical fragments and so on, and finally became this thing." Duo Jin said some information about the "Haze Angel" .

Now that the "smog angel" has enveloped the smog city, it can only be said that yesterday has reappeared.

Colin nodded and said nothing. The flames in his eyes condensed. His vision penetrated the terrifying haze and looked into the depths. From the feedback from his consciousness, he got very weird scenes.

A luxurious and retro British palace carriage was driving on the road and ran over a pharaoh's corpse that was only half covered with bandages. The person driving the carriage seemed to be a terracotta warrior and horse statue holding a long sword. .

Behind a golden door of unknown origin, inlaid with gems and in the style of ancient Europe, there are blasphemous creatures that look like humans but not humans, constantly peering into the outside world. Shadow-like creatures emerge from it from time to time, but as soon as they crawl out, they are purified by whispers. .

By coincidence, there were piles of Buddha and Bodhi sculptures squatting outside the door, chanting sutras.

The Buddha's light around them is bright, and there are words with mysterious power surrounding them.

"Bang" sound.

A statue of the Virgin Mary holding a baby in her arms, with blood and tears streaming down her kind face, raised the stone baby in her hand, smashed a bronze Buddha, and then walked towards the next "heretic" holding the stone baby.

Not far away from the thick fog, a gray-white stone statue with blood constantly pouring out from under its right rib was dragging a huge cross step by step towards a group of stiff and writhing human wax figures, coughing and moaning in the haze. Heavy footsteps and the sound of a cross being dragged.

In the quiet stone bust room, there were waves of eerie whispers, and I didn’t know what the things inside were talking about.

The bones of various ancient dinosaurs that have long been petrified are now attached to unknown objects, climbing randomly in the city, and colliding with buses with six arms, siren heads with legs that make piercing sounds, etc.

The squirming hyphae like hair are expanding their territory inch by inch, spraying out strange spores

In the sky, seemingly active auroras revolve around a celestial illusion.

Countless anomalies are active inside, and all that exists in the entire foggy city is chaos, disorder, and loss of control.

"Hey, it's quite lively."

Colin watched for a few minutes, then looked away, feeling a mental shock composed of indescribable chaos and distortion.

If an ordinary person were to see this kind of impact, even if their willpower was incredible, they would immediately collapse at the cell level of the body and die suddenly.

On the side, seeing Colin retracting his gaze, Duo Jin changed himself into a pair of sunglasses with stronger protection and asked:

"How does it feel inside?"

No matter what Colin thought, Duo Jin was frightened anyway.

"Situation?" Colin pursed his lips and unconsciously covered his stomach with his hands.

to be honest.

He looked a little hungry.

Those chaotic and disordered mental fluctuations awakened the "hungry" desire to eat deep in his body.

At first, it did feel like a bunch of demons dancing around, but after watching more, one or two of them started to become sweet and delicious.

'How delicious it would be to eat this.'

'No, no, take a hammer. '

Colin took two deep breaths and suppressed the strong desire in his heart to go in and eat a "buffet".

After the desire to "eat" was suppressed, a feeling of wanting to rush in and ignite everything emerged.

'Damn, let's alternate, right?'

Colin muttered in his heart, and then said: "We should wait here and see if we can hit a suitable secondary containment object and pass by."

"Passing by?"

Duo Jin was stunned for a moment, then realized the other party's plan: "Do you need my help to find it?"

As a high-ranking member of "Pushing Life", if he uses his power, he can find the specific location of the secondary containment object in the next second.

"No, there are some very dangerous things inside, so don't look at them blindly."

Colin waved his hand. After arriving here, he was sure that there was at least one first-level containment object in this place.

And nine times out of ten, they ran away from the company.

It's just that its aura is still there or not, and it's still impossible to determine its specific location. At most, it can be determined that it is still under control.

Of course, Colin didn't want to know the specific location. For him, as long as he roughly surrounded the island, lit a bonfire, and threw away Rosen's copy, he would have to shut up about any contained objects.

That is to say, after making the decision, the two of them started waiting as if they were fishing.

"Are you sure you can get rid of the secondary containment object you mentioned without causing a big mess?" Duo Jin asked curiously.

For officials, secondary containment objects are already extremely terrifying things.

The abnormal things that currently cause the most casualties among high-level personnel are not the first-level containment objects that can destroy planets, but the second-level containment objects that are much weaker.

Regarding this thing, there are not many people in the world who can say that it can be dealt with stably.

"Don't worry, it's no problem."

Colin indicated that it was not a big problem, and then continued to spy on the abnormal creatures passing by him in the foggy city.

In fact, he has seen several Level 2 containment objects. For example, the celestial illusion in mid-air is almost as strong as a Level 2 containment object.

However, its existence is in a special form. It seems to have no entity, and it is too large and difficult to organize.

For Colin, it is best to find someone who is not too big and has a solid body.

Almost an hour passed, and the two of them were still waiting silently.

The target did not appear, but instead various small anomalies killed a large number of people. The charred charcoal firewood piled up into a hill not far away.

“Resources are scarce”

Colin sighed. It was clear that this place was full of anomalies, but he felt like there was not enough firewood.

To be precise, it is difficult to wait for firewood that meets your requirements.

If you want to find the target quickly, you can also use other methods, such as turning the scene into a fireball. At that moment, high-level anomalies across the island will look at this place.

Colin can be sure that most of them will have their own goals.

But at the same time, he will also be locked by a large number of anomalies. The abnormal things that were originally fighting each other to death, under the gaze of the "bonfire", will probably shout "Contained objects around the world unite!" in the next second! " slogan.

The offensive and defensive momentum will probably be different.

However, just when Colin was thinking about whether to sacrifice a lot of gold.

In the foggy city, a woman wearing an ancient half-face golden mask, wearing a snow-white dress, holding a big ax and slashing all the way caught Colin's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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