Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 522 "Mirror London"

"This place has been occupied and is dangerous! Please leave immediately."

"This place has been occupied and is dangerous, please immediately"


There seems to be a loudspeaker on the woman wearing white clothes and holding a large axe, and she is repeatedly shouting these words.

And along the way, she frantically attacked every anomaly she could find.

"The body of a Level 7 personnel."

Colin took a look. This woman was not very strong, but there were some interesting things attached to her body.

Its strength is enough to meet Colin's requirements.

"Grace, an official who worked for the Opera House during his lifetime, was attacked by an anomaly when he was relocating to evacuate civilians four months ago. He was confirmed to have died, but his body was not successfully recovered. Some people have experienced being manipulated by an anomaly. However, due to the short time of the confrontation and the emergency, it could not be determined, and the official threat level was set as level 4 containment strength."

The voice of the little maid rang in my ears.

"Level 4? Level 4 is probably too low. It probably didn't explode. The display effect is not as explosive as others, so I don't think the threat is high."

Colin saw the woman who had been controlled by an abnormality and acted like a ghost. Judging from the "fire bearer"'s certain inspiration on firewood, he was basically sure that this was the target he needed to wait for.

That is: the burning value of a secondary containment object.

To be more precise, it was the golden mask on her face that exuded strong malice.

"After waiting for so long, I finally saw one that works."

Colin didn't waste a moment and started decisively. He slightly bent his feet and kicked hard on the ground. His whole body flew out like a cannonball.

Duo Jin, who was still sitting on the mountain of corpses, immediately raised his hand and adjusted his glasses, intending to see how Colin could quickly kill the secondary containment object.

Although the two sides have different strengths, they should learn more if they have the opportunity.

No matter how bad it is, it is still very good to have a meal.

However, as soon as he assumed the melon-eating posture, he suddenly realized that the target lock was lost.

The thing that Colin considered to be a secondary containment object, as well as Colin himself, disappeared.

Duo Jin immediately opened his eyes, a little panicked.

But at the same time, he vaguely heard a word floating in the haze.

"I request a fair and just duel for this particular anomaly"

"Duel? What is this? A necessary speech when using a certain prop?" Duo Jin was also well-informed and immediately guessed the reason why Colin said this.

It's just that I still don't quite understand where the two of them went. I can only feel that they seem to be here but they don't seem to be here.

Coupled with the effect of "Haze Angel", you can't see anything at all.

The idea of ​​going to the theater was lost.

However, relying on the powerful spiritual premonition of "fate promotion" that far exceeds other types, he can still vaguely detect some of Colin's current situation, and hear that there seems to be a battle. Or should we say a confrontation?

"I promise not to evade this fight. As a fair opponent."

".Promise not to use mental attacks in this battle as a matter of fairness."

".No need to call for help from any great being. Fair"

The sound that hits my ears is intermittent, full of the word "fairness".

For Duo Jin, this little thing is enough for him to roughly understand the situation, and then his old face twitches, showing a look of astonishment:

"What the hell, is there such a shameless prop in this world?"

He couldn't help but think about what would happen if he was pulled into such a space by the other party and then had some "fairness".

The result is something you can imagine with your feet, and the end will probably be miserable.

The opponent may have some restrictions on banning, and it is impossible to ban all his abilities unconditionally, but as long as it can affect the key points, for example, banning avoidance of combat.

Those who engage in guerrilla warfare like "Tui Ming" will probably be beaten badly.

And just when Duo Jin had something to think about, Colin also started fighting directly.

One after another, huge waves of flames swept around, causing the temperature in the field to rise rapidly, creating a territory that was beneficial to oneself.

Then, from the flames, Colin became furious, stretched out a huge hand of overwhelming flames, and launched a direct and violent attack on the abnormal body.

The corpse of a woman wearing a half-faced golden mask raised the ax in her hand and struck it hard at the flaming hand, splitting one finger open.

Strange power spreads in the ax

She was about to break open the entire bonfire hand with overwhelming force.

"You are actually looking at my crazy hand instead of me. This is a bit too young."

A thought flashed across his mind. Colin clenched the revolver in his right hand, activating the power of the bonfire. Then he blinked his left eye and activated "The Goodwill of the Fire Holder".

In an instant, the woman who had just jumped up exploded into flames. She was caught off guard and burned, leaving only "a trace of blood".

On the woman's face, something like a black wireworm protruded from the golden mask on half of her face and penetrated into the woman's facial features. It seemed that she wanted to completely dominate the body in order to fight against Colin.

However, the next second, Colin flicked his hand, and the bone spur flew out and pierced into the woman's heart.

The charred corpse instantly swelled and swollen, and black pus flowed from the cracks on the body surface caused by the flames.

This body is completely useless.

The golden mask's tentacles were retracted like iron worms.

Colin's figure flashed, and he came to it, turned the revolver into a long clip, clamped the mask, and at the same time performed a brief cremation for this foreign official who had the courage to save civilians.


The flames crazily poured into the golden mask, disintegrating the seal that had almost disappeared.

"There is a special space inside. This thing is not too small."

Colin increased the flame while sensing it.

As the flames burned, the special space began to collapse. The thing that looked like a black wireworm had to be squeezed out of the golden mask, and then was instantly burned by the flames into charcoal containing terrifying energy.

Although this strange creature that seems to be accustomed to parasitism still wants to struggle, at this point, it is impossible to make a comeback.

Except for Colin, there is nothing for it to parasitize around.

Nearly half an hour later, there were almost a hundred cubic meters of high-efficiency energy carbon like mango powder in front of Colin.

And with its complete death, the "Arena" effect was finally lifted.

"bang bang bang"

The two-headed small fist stone came from afar, dragging other charcoal firewood collected along the way here. Under the instructions of Colin's thoughts, it began to organize the bonfire firewood pile.

"Unbelievable. Is this settled?"

Duo Jin stood aside, looking at the big black thing, a little unbelievable.

But judging from the faint aura emanating from it, this is indeed the remains of a genuine Level 2 containment object. As a result, in the opponent's hands, everything turned into a lump of carbon without showing any ability.

"Well, it only took a few minutes to kill it. It took me a lot of time to bake it into charcoal."

Colin then said something, as if it was as simple as killing a chicken, and Duo Jin shook his head not knowing what to say.

Not paying attention to what he was thinking, Colin simply arranged the pile of firewood, then continued to move forward and hunted some level three or level four containment objects.

Use as much firewood as possible to roughly surround the fog.

As for how to arrange these

Colin has never learned it, but after becoming a "Fire Bearer" reserve, he has learned some things without a teacher.

"After the decoration is completed, the firewood is just left there. Aren't you afraid of being damaged?" Duo Jin asked.


Colin did not deny it, but continued: "But the possibility is not very high. First, the influence of 'Haze Angel' is still very high. If we put it outside, those things cannot be seen.

"Second, in anomalies, those with intelligence are basically very strong. Not to mention the high ones, official personnel at level 7 or 8 must have the strength, but these are basically within the seal.

"General low-level anomalies are naturally repellent to the 'bonfire' scent and will not come over, so the possibility is not high."

Of course, in fact, the safest way is to take firewood with you. It is safest to wait until enough materials are finally collected before making arrangements.

But the problem is that Colin doesn't have that much independent space to carry so much firewood.

Hearing Colin's answer, Duo Jin thought for a while and said, "Do we need to find some people to guard us? No, it doesn't seem to work. It's okay when we are at the garrison point. Once we leave the garrison point, people themselves will attract monsters. , but it’s more likely to cause trouble.”

Only halfway through speaking, he shook his head and rejected his idea.

"Well, so let's do this for now. If there are any problems, we can start hunting again."

Colin waved his hand and started to move on. It took him about six or seven hours to build a total of twenty-nine bonfires around the foggy city.

Except for the most important bonfire pile, the others are stacked at three levels or certainly four or five levels.

After finishing, start heading to the next dangerous restricted area.

That place is not very far from here, less than a hundred kilometers away.

However, not long after he walked over, Colin was suddenly startled and realized something was wrong.

There is an intact city ahead?

There are even a large number of people among them

Colin waved his hand to stop the "Smiling Corpse Mountain", and the flames in his pupils gathered. He looked at the smog-covered city in front of him and looked at the figure of a man dressed in white-collar clothing.

"Cough, cough, cough, this damn weather"

The white-collar worker coughed and cursed as he walked into an office building.

Looking at it like this, it looks like I'm going to work

No, I do go to work!

Because not only him, but many stores around here are still operating normally.

Colin looked a little confused and didn't know what to say, but at present, it seems that because of the good protection, the city is not haunted?

"How did you do it? People outside are considering whether to sink the island, but there are still people above who don't notice anything."

Colin was a little shocked to be honest.

He knew that there were many survivors on the island who had not yet had time to leave the country, but what he did not expect was that these survivors could still go to work as usual?

But the next second, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. This city looked familiar.

"Isn't this the Fog City?! What kind of illusion did we fall into?" Colin glared. The two of them had just come over there, so why did they bump into another one?

"This city should be their other large special containment facility, it seems to be called 'Mirror London' or something. It has a very high level of confidentiality and has not been announced to the public. During the original disaster, many people were somehow transferred into it by them." A lot of gold After looking at it for a few seconds, he said.

Although he has never seen it, he roughly knows some information.

Colin waited for him to continue, but Duo Jin waved his hand and said it was gone.

You know the name of feelings

Colin was speechless, then looked towards the city and noticed many details. For example, everything in this "foggy city" seemed to be the opposite of reality.

It is indeed like a mirror, and it seems that there is not only one foggy city, but also a wider area further away.

It's like a different world.

But at the same time, Colin also realized that the flames on his body could not shine into it.

In the fire light perception, one can detect a strange but tough layer between the mirror image and reality.

He tried to ask the little maid, but the maid told him that in the information given there, "Mirror London" was only given a name, and the rest was at most a reminder that no one should try to enter, otherwise there will be consequences.

"It seems there is no need for us to intervene here."

Colin said casually, and then looked at an area not far away that was wrapped in thick haze. The things in "Mirror London" seemed to attract a lot of abnormal life, but they could also see it but couldn't get in.

So they crowded into a pile at the edge of "Mirror London" and were sealed by the "Smog Angel"

At this time, there was movement in the haze.

Colin and Duo Jin turned their heads at the same time, looked around, and saw a team led by level eight personnel wearing red turbans sitting on a flying carpet and quickly approaching them.


Before the eighth-level officer in the red turban finished speaking, Duo Jin took out the document in his hand and handed it over: "We are here specifically to carry out the incident on the island. We hope you can provide some assistance."

"Okay." The red-headed eighth-level officer took a look at it twice, determined that the document was at a loss, and then nodded numbly.

But this time, he looked at Duo Jin's slightly bald figure, with more respect on his face.

Feeling this inexplicable extra respect, Duo Jin had a slightly strange expression, wondering if the other party had misunderstood something.

But without further ado, wearing a loose ethnic-style robe, but with an extremely thin figure and a red-turbaned ascetic-like figure, the eighth-level personnel took the two to a surveillance station not far from here, and then gave the corresponding information. .

It records the abnormalities that should be paid attention to in the "sealed area" next to it, etc.

Like last time, Colin didn't stay here too long and headed to the restricted area with a lot of gold.

However, this time the red-turbaned level eight personnel did not just sit there, but organized a small team to follow them.

"Sorry, this place is more important and we can't make any mistakes, so the headquarters ordered us to follow. I hope we can help you." An accompanying person next to the red-turbaned level eight personnel said.

Duo Jin frowned, but before he spoke, Colin waved his hand: "If they want to follow, let them follow."

Although I know that the other party is more for monitoring.

But Colin didn't really care about this.

After the interlude, Colin stood on the "Smiling Corpse Mountain", releasing sparks casually to solve the anomalies attracted by the flames on his body, while quickly heading towards the target area

The red-turbaned Level 8 personnel following the two men saw Colin's unusually nonchalant and relaxed look, and the numb expression on his face became even more silent.

Previously, the rear area told him that an eighth-level and a ninth-level officer were coming over, and asked him to try his best to cooperate.

He subconsciously thought that the bald and older man was a level 9 personnel, and the younger-looking person was a level 8 personnel, but he didn't expect that


But it's not a big problem.

He withdrew his respect for the bald man and instead gave respect to the "young man" who looked young, but was actually probably the oldest.

In the extraordinary world, everything is based on strength.

Of course, respect is respect, and the tasks that should be performed must still be performed.

ps: Change first and then change (end of this chapter)

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