Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 527 Kind-hearted Grandpa Colin

Unfortunately, even with Shana's help this time, it couldn't give a suitable answer.

It just said that the situation of that thing is special and it is one of the hopes that cannot be ignored in the future, but it did not say what it specifically meant or what it was used for. It was like a Riddler.

"The Riddler deserves to die"

Colin cursed lowly and did not ask any more questions on this issue. Seeing that this dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, unless he got a lot of points, he might not get any response.

Then, Colin looked at Shana and saw that she was calm and a little stunned, and yet she was very calm. Finally, he felt an inexplicable but indescribable feeling of grievance, so he said:

"I can't talk about the past, but leave the points to me in the future. When it comes to managing the territory and rescuing refugees, I will spend the points. At the same time, I will give you enough points as a reward."

In the past, Colin would have thought of asking Shana to contribute some points and everyone would jointly contribute money to manage this territory.

But after knowing that she was exploited like this, Colin had no corresponding thoughts.

If it weren't for him, Shana wouldn't be able to get much money out of her body.

Hearing this, Shana opened her mouth, subconsciously wanting to express that her points were enough now, and this was what she had to do, without any reward.

She still has tens of thousands of points on her.

If you don't buy that deceptive tank and the "skin" in "Dream of Light" and other things, then the points are still enough.

At least according to her usage, it wouldn't be much use in a year.

And to be honest, she personally has no particular desire for points.

But Colin was one step ahead of her and said: "In short, let's leave it like this. I will give you what you deserve. Otherwise, what's the difference between me and it?"

As he spoke, Colin pointed at the bubbling parchment.


Shana did not refuse, but still added:

"But, can I request that the points given to me in the future be deposited directly with you? If they are given to me, I feel that it will continue to collect the 'handling fee'."

The ''handling fee'' was not cancelled. Damn it, I know I was wrong, but I still dare to do it next time, right? '

Colin felt inexplicably angry and laughed, then nodded:

"No problem. From now on, your points will be kept with me. If you need to buy anything, or if you need to use it, just tell me at any time."

Shanna usually uses points to buy a bunch of brown bread with one point.

That thing is unpalatable, but it can support one person's consumption for a day. In a sense, it is a black food technology.

However, this black technology is highly replaceable.

If Colin pulls a bucket of the official super-concentrated nutritional complex solution, it won't be much worse than this.

And it doesn't cost a dime, or in other words, the official still owes him a large sum. This money is enough to support the people here for the rest of their lives.


Shana said sincerely. She blinked and didn't know how to thank Colin. If it weren't for him, her situation here would probably be very difficult.

No, as long as it is just difficult, the key point is that this difficulty will cause countless people to die.

What she can repay is to protect and manage the land she developed together with Colin.

Of course, there is also the need to teach Colin some combat skills more carefully, without any reservations.

"By the way, I have restored about three sub-clones now. If you need anything in the territory, I can help at any time." Shana said.

"What is currently needed to loosen soil and move bricks? As the population continues to increase, things in this area can't keep up. The other thing is to apply some blessings so that people can learn some basic knowledge faster. Knowledge Enlightenment is quite important." Colin immediately thought of many things Shana could do.

Shanna had no objection to this.

After communicating for a while, the topic came to an end, and Shana sent her "Light Clone" out to do things.

The main body stayed in the chapel, preparing to instruct Colin on combat matters.

But before that, Colin took out the "Fire Bearer's Goodwill" and the document, preparing to melt some skills and something. "Hopefully I can melt something valuable."

Colin prayed and then used the fusion function.

The bonfire is rolling crazily in front of you, and with the cool special effects, it seems that some incredible magic weapon is about to be born.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Among the sounds of hammers hitting one after another.

There was a "click" sound.

Fusion completed.

Colin took it out enthusiastically, and then discovered that the name of the equipment seemed to have changed.

It changed from "The Goodwill of Fire Holders" to "The Goodwill of Fire Holders Max", and there was an additional description of "Haze Angel Special Enhanced Edition" in the description column.

"The name is straightforward enough."

Colin pursed his lips and continued to check its specific changes.

There was a small haze figure swimming in the transparent fiery red crystal eyes. Some kind of "inspiration" made Colin realize that this thing could directly connect to the contained "haze angel".

And then you can get some kind of remote assistance from it.

"Using it this time, I can use it to release a very large haze field composed of sulfuric acid and other things. The coverage diameter can reach dozens of kilometers. People in it will be deprived of their sense of direction to a certain extent. By controlling the regional concentration, To enhance this effect, is this how the anomalies in Britain are controlled? Not bad."

"Second, regardless of whether you breathe or not, everything in the respiratory tract will be corroded and damaged accordingly. You must either resist hard or use extraordinary abilities to offset it. This is a kind of assimilation of the times. To put it more directly, is it to let the world feel the pain together?"

"In addition, I can also summon tens of thousands of workers, orphans, etc. in the 'Smog City' to work for me. As long as I don't die, they will not die either. Moreover, everyone who dies from the corrosion of the 'Smog' will I have the opportunity to be a part of it, and being in it, I can become any of them."

The abilities listed specifically for explanation are probably these three.

It seems to have been weakened somewhat, but not too much.

However, according to the past, there should be some more detailed usage postures in it, waiting for him and Shana to develop them together later.

If it doesn't work, you can burn it on fire to maximize its effectiveness.

"There are three main negative effects. The first one is that the larger the range, the greater the energy consumption. If you use it for three consecutive days, you have to cool down for one day."

"The second is that within the coverage area of ​​the domain, teammates cannot be completely immune to injuries like a campfire. No matter what, there will be some damage."

"The third thing is, you can't exploit the summoned objects too harshly, otherwise it may trigger debuffs such as general strikes, resistance, and even street lamp seats? It's best to give them reasonable arrangements, huh?" Why do you care about exploitation after you die?"

Colin raised his eyebrows. He felt that the negative effects were acceptable, but he just couldn't understand the strike.

After thinking about it, he pinched the upper and lower sides of "Max's" eyeball, brought it to his left eye, and stuffed it into the eye socket.

As the thoughts turned, an extremely thin layer of haze began to fill the surroundings.

And when countless people came out of the smog, there were emaciated workers, child laborers with incomplete limbs, sick old people, tired women and children.

When these figures looked at the surrounding flames, their faces began to show obvious desire and enjoyment.

This gave Colin an idea of ​​how to drive them.

Of course, as a conscientious person, it is impossible for Colin to say "If you want to have a campfire, you must work", "If you work for an hour, you can enjoy one minute of warming yourself by the fire", "If you don't work today, you will be used as firewood tomorrow" "Words like that.

After thinking for a while, kind-hearted Grandpa Colin said in simplified vernacular:

"Ahem, friends. I ask you to build a new home together, build a house for yourself to live in, grow food for yourself to eat, and work hard for yourself. Of course, everything is voluntary."

(End of this chapter)

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