Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 528: Freedom from Suffering

Colin could have dispatched this large group of ghosts directly, but he chose to do so in a more reasonable way.

Thinking of this, Colin couldn't help but feel moved by his conscience.

But unfortunately, they didn't seem to have a good understanding of what he said about building your own house, growing your own food, working hard for yourself, etc., so they didn't give back at all.

"Ahem." Colin was a little embarrassed and stared at the crowd.

After a while, inspired by the prop itself, he quickly understood why

This group of people has been squeezed to death over and over again, and work has become instinctive in a sense.

It doesn't make much sense to add other things to it.

'According to my understanding of 'Haze Angel', I feel that giving it two less whips would be considered a blessing. '

Colin grunted in his heart, looking at the large group of inexperienced ghosts in the fog in front of him, and after thinking for a moment, he couldn't think of anything useful to say.

Everyone is dead, and there seems to be no need for shelter or food.

There is a feeling of desirelessness and rigidity.

After thinking about it, Colin suddenly realized something and took out the "Colorless Crystal" and held it in front of him. At this moment, these people finally had desire in their eyes.

Finally I found a way. Colin threw out a "colorless crystal" and it landed on a severely malnourished teenage child. The incomplete limbs on his body actually began to repair and soon turned into a complete one. people!

Seeing this, Colin's eyes lit up and he was about to speak, but suddenly he realized.

After the child's limbs were complete, they began to melt away and suddenly disappeared.

"Ang? What's going on?!"

Colin was stunned, and then quickly figured out the reason through the inspiration from the prop itself——

He sublimated because of his own integrity and the warmth he had never experienced before!

'Thank you, big brother who radiates warmth.' A child's simple and tender voice of thanks came to my ears.

This ghost, trapped in the tragic past of death, is freed from suffering.

'Hiss, you have sublimated, what should I do with such a big piece of land? '

Colin couldn't help but think of this, but he also suddenly noticed that at this moment, all the ghosts looked at him with a kind of longing in their eyes.

Longing to be like that child, free from the suffering of history.

Looking at it this way, there are good and bad things about liberation. At the very least, enthusiasm has been mobilized.

That is, once they become complete, they will sublimate and disappear.

'No, although one person has disappeared, the integrity of 'Haze Angel' has increased a bit? But the number of summons is actually one less.'

'Forget it, it doesn't seem to matter. People who die from the erosion of the 'Haze Angel' have a chance to become part of it. '

'In other words, the lost labor force can still be made up for in the future. '

As his thoughts turned, Colin looked at the people in front of him thoughtfully and said:

"From now on, as long as they can complete the daily tasks, the top five people will each receive a crystal as a reward.

"In addition, the top 300 people who work best every day can enjoy the direct sunlight of the campfire at close range.

"Now go and start working hard for yourself!"

The number of crystals required for each individual is different. Colin estimated that one would be enough for a child, and three or five would be enough for an adult. Take your time, although everyone will be liberated in the end.

However, when all these tens of thousands of people are liberated, the value of their surplus labor should be almost the same.

Soon after, on the territory, after a small initial moment of panic, the people on the territory quickly accepted the existence of these ghosts.

For people who believe in bonfires, as long as you believe in bonfires, then we are half brothers.

This also made Colin feel relieved, feeling that there was indeed something to this church thing.

However, considering that the people of Bonfire even regard the "Smiling Corpse Mountain" as a sacred beast, it seems that it is not strange to accept a little ghost that is also relatively miserable. Of course, compared to the people of Bonfire Church, the employees’ reaction was a bit strange.

"Damn it, Brother Shunzi is really not a human being. Such a small child with such a big burn scar on his face is brought here to squeeze labor! I feel like my conscience is uneasy." Some people watched and helped him loosen the soil. The child, about ten years old, couldn't help but whisper.

"I came to work voluntarily."

The little ghost on the side also spoke in a hoarse and childish voice, and helped with some chores on the farmland.

Although the work was a bit heavy, when he thought of the chance to be free, his whole little body suddenly became full of energy.

"Ah, this is not a voluntary matter." A female employee felt a little distressed when she saw the child's sensible appearance.

"It's just a prop, it's not a big problem."

There was also an employee who learned about this prop from Colin and explained the situation.

"They once died in misery under the persecution of unscrupulous capitalists. After many years, thanks to Brother Shunzi's kind-hearted efforts, they have the opportunity to fight for themselves after death, realize their self-worth again, and be completely liberated, which is touching."

An unnamed employee, "Miss Neelu's Dog," reached up and wiped non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes.

However, his words aroused a burst of contempt.

"You're so kind, why are you exploiting me in other ways instead of just giving me a vacation and waiting for relief?" Someone said something.

Hearing this, "Miss Nilu's Dog" shook his head: "It is not advisable to seek liberation with malicious intent. Firstly, we don't have that many 'colorless crystals'. Secondly, only the liberation that we strive for personally is the real liberation and can we realize ourselves." the value of."

"Are these principles just for you?"

"Brothers and sisters, don't argue, I really come to work voluntarily." The child said in a husky voice, and helped cut the mature wheat.

Although he is just a child, his true form is indeed abnormal and his power is much higher than that of ordinary people.

"You're so good, come to my sister's place, don't stay there, there are dogs, it's very dangerous." The female employee waved and called the child to her side.

"Using me to play the emotional card is secretly taking up labor, right?"

When he heard the words "Ms. Nelu's dog", the female employee almost slapped him in the face.

"Don't fucking think everyone thinks the same thing as you!"

The busy work is passing day by day, because Shana, "Haze Angel" and new employees have joined, and the construction speed of the entire territory has been much faster.

In the originally barren area, small buildings have been built and acres of fertile farmland have been cultivated through people's spontaneous efforts.

Basically a certain degree of self-sufficiency has been achieved.

The breath of life suddenly became richer.

On the last day of this advent project, Colin took the time to come to the maze where the "King of Crazy Sound" was located. He did some perfunctory work on him, saying that "the organization pays more and more attention to you" and then left in a hurry.

With the launch of the "Advent Protocol", this "Advent Event" is completed. (End of chapter)

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