Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 529: Shana’s merchandise.

"Another 3,000-plus points. It's disappointing."

The contents of the mission settlement made Colin shake his head and sigh.

Although it is a lot compared to ordinary employees, if it is used to upgrade and repair gold cards, it is not even a fraction.

However, the Advent project did not do much this time, and it is unlikely to give out lottery tickets or anything like that.

So I didn’t worry too much about this issue.

Colin glanced sideways at the time. It might have been a few seconds past three o'clock on Monday afternoon.

"The next wave of official transactions with the company will be the day after tomorrow."

Getting up from the bed, Colin looked at the sunshine outside the window not far away, raised his hand to touch his chin, and thought for a moment.

It seems that there are quite a lot of things that the official wants to trade to the company this time.

He had to see if he could touch some oil and water, no, more precisely, what kind of oil and water.

"You need to reserve some backup energy. There are some high-level anomalies that have no special characteristics, and they don't seem to be particularly suitable for making props. But you can get some and use them as fuel."

According to Colin's understanding, generally special anomalies can produce useful equipment just like elite monsters.

As for ordinary anomalies, nothing will happen if you kill them.

But it is suitable for making carbon materials.

Of course, this situation will basically only occur under the first-level containment object. When it reaches the first-level containment object, it has become the incarnation of some kind of authority. No matter whether it is strong or weak, it will basically not have no characteristics.

After thinking about it, Colin took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Duo Bing, but received no response.

"Huh? Speaking of the last mission to Sunset Island, it seems that you didn't bring him back with you?"

What did Colin remember then? He didn't know what Duo Jin's situation was now.

It's just that since that day, except for a short follow-up phone call, there has been no more news.

Just when Colin was thinking about whether to ask Mr. Wu about the situation, Duo Jin responded.

He didn't talk about what happened that day, but about Colin's request.

"In fact, for the type you describe, we usually choose complete destruction. This is rarely a complete solution, but if you need it, we will keep it in the future."

Duojin responded with a message saying there was no problem.

After seeing with his own eyes how Colin quickly killed a second-level containment object, he no longer worried about what would happen if the other party took these things.

'Why do you feel like the officials are quite happy with my taking 'kickbacks'? '

Colin was confused for a moment, but soon, based on the other party's words and his own understanding of the backside of the world, he figured out the reason——

Compared to him, the officials are obviously very loyal to destroying high-level restless anomaly containment objects.

It's just that it's not easy for them to do this on their own.

Because although secondary containment objects can be destroyed, how to destroy them is not a simple matter.

It can't be solved by finding a pit and detonating a nuclear bomb.

Doing that might make them escape.

All executions must be handled by high-level officials one by one, exchanging one's own condition and lifespan for the other party's destruction.

Since Colin needed it, they couldn't ask for it.

Afterwards, they communicated for a while, and after finalizing the relevant situation, Colin ended the conversation in this regard.

Then he opened the parchment as usual and looked at it.

The reality has only been three hours, and there have been no big changes. What was before is what it is now. The only difference is that there are a lot more "inside" employees who boast that "World Number-13" is better. .

"The next major expansion will probably have to wait until I reach C level, right?"

Colin thought for a while and felt that the choice would suddenly expand greatly.

I just don’t know what kind of assessment C level will go through.

"Speaking of which, the mission of the 'Happy Seven Days Farm' seems to have never been found. Where are the employees who disappeared after clearing the customs? Could it be that they were captured and used as a group army?"

Colin was a little surprised. At present, there was no news at all.

After browsing the forum for a while, he didn't see any useful information, so he opened the auction house and took a look, intending to find some items that could help him recover from his injuries.

Although he doesn't particularly need it now, as long as this thing is available and the price is not outrageous, he must buy it.

He can't use it, but the territory can use it, and medical resources are in short supply.

Unfortunately, after browsing through it, I found none.

"It must have been swept away by the official, so you can't grab it. Also, after the official forces joined in, those 'mental stability' props that ordinary employees would never buy have also been swept away."

Colin looked at the much empty auction house and found that there seemed to be a lot fewer such props.

This type was the most common in the past.

As for the reason, it is simple. Employees are not afraid of abnormal contamination at all because of a series of company methods such as injections. But the official situation is different. A large number of employees are in extremely unstable mental states. It is estimated that these people are the main force who buy them and use them. .

"I also sell something."

After Colin scanned it and found that there was nothing he wanted, he opened the storage room and looked at the more than 400 small golden beans the size of rice grains. Each golden bean had something strange on it. It looked twisted but was actually a straight line. The light texture——

These were seven consecutive days and nights where Shana took the time to fight with him while assisting in the construction of the territory, and then worked tirelessly to rub out small buffs one by one.

A D-class personnel can use it for at least 3 hours under extremely high-intensity use, and half a day under normal use.

If you lie still, it can probably last a day or two.

Of course, the specific usage conditions also depend on the user’s own qualities.

The stronger it is, the faster it will be used.

"In fact, we can produce more golden beans by reducing costs and increasing efficiency."

Colin touched the batch of products that were about to be put on the shelves. Shana also made the items for sale with great care and put a lot of strength into them.

If she made it rougher, it would be at least more than 700 a week, nearly double.

But unfortunately, Shana didn't take the advice that Colin asked his employees to come forward. Instead, she saw through everything, lightly hammered Colin on the shoulder, and gave him a white eye.

After shaking his head slightly and putting his thoughts behind him, Colin temporarily hung up the items for 20 points each.

Then he casually found his employees and asked them to promote it, and then looked no further. Colin had no doubts about whether this thing could be sold.

"Take a look, take a look. The original price of the super BUFF is 30 points. Now it is limited to a discount of 20 points. Use the same BUFF from Brother Shunzi."

"A temporary blessing effect is so expensive for 20 points? It costs more than 10,000 yuan in cash, why don't you grab it!"

"Why is it expensive? It's not expensive at all. This is a life-saving thing! Sometimes you can't afford it, so look at your own reasons." "Holy shit, who is it? Why is it gone all of a sudden? I just wanted to buy one to try. You’re trying it, you’re playing hunger marketing, right?”


That is, while the employees were wailing, Duo Jin walked into a meeting room. When he pushed the door open, it was already filled with a group of official personnel above level seven.

Almost everyone in the province, both resident and passing by, came here.

When Duo Jin came in, everyone stood up and said hello. He waved his hand and asked everyone to sit down together. At the same time, he then looked at the things that people were surrounding.

Those glittering bits of gold are exactly the BUFFs that Colin sold.

"Is this thing you are talking about really that magical?"

Duo Jin asked curiously.

I heard that it can suppress and purify the negative effects on the body to a certain extent. This is simply unheard of.

"Yes, I have tested it all, and it is confirmed that there is no problem. It is very effective for levels 7 and 8. It can significantly reduce the pollution in our bodies for at least a day, and we can use our strength better." A man on crutches Level 6 personnel said.

"What about the side effects?" Duojin asked immediately.

"After using it for a long time, there will be a little loss of emotion, but it does not affect thinking, and it seems to be reversible!"



"This has absolutely no side effects."

Many Jin reached out and clicked on their black-rimmed glasses. They were almost going crazy under the torment of pollution and so on. It was not a big deal to lose a little emotion.

Immediately, a lot of gold picked up a golden bean, poured it into the spirit, and drove the power inside.

Soon wisps of pale light emitted

Under the illumination of this ray of light, he could clearly feel that the constant "buzzing" noise in his brain, which was in pain from time to time, began to weaken.

The disappearance was very limited, but even this limited amount made him feel a lot more relaxed.

This feeling reminded him of the time when Colin was illuminated by a "bonfire".

He would also be more comfortable under the flames.

But "Bonfire" seems to be resisting by enhancing its own humanity to achieve the corresponding effect, and this one is directly erasing and suppressing pollution in a certain sense.

If a two-pronged approach can be taken, the effect will be very obvious.

"It is indeed a good thing, but it seems to suppress our extraordinary power to a certain extent. However, the suppressed part is almost offset by some of the buffs it brings. Well, I will take this away and do it for you. Try the effect to avoid any pitfalls.”

Duo Jin made a brief evaluation, grabbed a few more golden beans and put them into his pocket, looking at the others with twitching eyelids.

Before they could speak, Duo Jin said, "So, where did this thing come from?"

"I only know it's from Bonfire Company." A seventh-level personnel from out of town shook his head.

Duo Jin raised his eyebrows: "Bonfire Company?"

"Well, I heard that it was sold by a person named '654321', known as 'Brother Shunzi'. This person is very famous. I heard that he is the strongest employee of the company. You should also know him. He has been registered in the company. Looking for who it is, but no whereabouts yet.”

After a pause, a seventh-level personnel from out of town continued: "We asked our superiors for instructions, and then got instructions from Mr. Wu. He said he didn't have time, and asked us to come to you. Maybe you will know something here?"

Brother Shunzi, Duo Jin was silent for a moment after hearing this.

learn? Not only do you know that you have to keep an eye on it almost twenty-four hours a day, even when you are doing some things, you have to keep an eye on it to avoid accidents.

As for these people not understanding it, he was not surprised.

The confidentiality level of Colin's matter is extremely high. He is almost the only one among the eighth-level personnel who knows the complete truth. The higher-level ninth-level personnel, except for Mr. Wu, do not fully understand it either.

So it’s normal that the people on site don’t know.

"Okay, I'll try to understand the situation later, but there may not be a response."

Many gold simply finish this topic.

"Okay, this matter is very important. I leave everything to you, Mr. Xu. We must prepare as much supplies as possible for future use." The seventh-level personnel from the field said sincerely.

Now, as Mr. Wu's "big birthday" approaches, the entire planet is making intense preparations for war, using all resources to survive that period of time.

No one knows how the disaster will happen when that moment comes, and how many monsters and monsters will emerge.

But it is undeniable.

Even extraordinary people who are not related to precognition and reasoning will have a vague premonition that terrifying things are approaching as time goes by.

Duo Jin nodded and said that he would pay attention to it.

After the meeting ended, he immediately called Colin and explained the situation.

"Ang, so it was you who bought it? I wonder who is so wealthy? It was sold out within ten minutes of being put on the shelves."

Colin plays games with one hand and answers the phone with one hand.

He was confident that he could sell the items before, but he didn't expect that everything would be sold out in about ten minutes.

However, from Duo Jin's description, Shana's BUFF seems to have a great effect on them.

"I would like to ask a few questions. First, is it possible to conduct transactions through currencies other than points? Second, how many of these items are there? Are there any more powerful items of this type?"

All golden beans have the feeling of being made on an assembly line, and Duo Jin intuitively tells them that these are energy-producing things.

"Things other than points, let me think about it. See if you have any list. I'll take a look first. Secondly, the current upper limit for this thing is about five hundred per week. There can't be more. As for more There are strong ones, but we have to look at them later.”

Colin thought about what happened in the past few days. Shana has been contacting various branches or subordinate forces of the "Light" religion, hoping to get everyone to do this together, but currently she can't come up with anything valuable to motivate everyone.

After all, points are only valuable to her and have little meaning to others.

But there are a lot of official miscellaneous things, so it may not be impossible to get them out.

Once large-scale transactions are established.

With the few gold cards he has, he may not have to worry about points!

'It's a pity that I don't have much space, even if I include my employees, it's not very big. Large-scale transactions are not easy to form, but in the end, if you work hard to do the tasks, you may not make as much money as a smuggler in the end. .'

Colin couldn't help but mutter under his breath.

Capital is so abominable!

Fortunately, he was the one cutting the leeks with the knife.

After communicating for a while, and finalizing some preliminary intentions, we did not continue the communication.

After hanging up the phone, Colin continued to look at the screen in front of him.

"Dark Soul, activate!"

(End of this chapter)

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