Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 530: Rosen’s “Heart”.

Wednesday, outside Base 5, in a very large space.

Groups of official personnel are carefully handling various contained items to ensure that the transaction can proceed smoothly.

Although most of the things here have gone through various containment measures.

But now that they are transported and gathered together, it is difficult to guarantee that no accidents will occur.

After all, the ones that can be sent are all very difficult to handle, and the total number of these difficult-to-handle objects has reached 500!

This is an extremely terrifying amount!

If you are not careful, big problems will occur in the entire No. 5 base!

"Be careful, be careful. Don't make any footsteps when you leave it. Be careful."

"When passing this thing, lie down and lower your head. Don't go higher than it."

"Damn it! Someone looked at it!"

An official cursed lowly, and saw countless faces sprouting out of a mirror covered with spells. The faces were crowded on the mirror one by one, facing his gaze, as if they wanted to Break free.

The writing on the talisman emitted a faint light and pressed it back.

However, a small fork here seems to have triggered some other chain reactions.

On an unusual sailing ship that originated from the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, there was a strong wind, and a fishing line was suddenly thrown out, and it was thrown towards an employee present.

Not far away, several employees' eyes were suddenly cut out by unknown things.

But this is not the key. The key is that there is a statue in front of them that they must stare at. Otherwise, if they lose their gaze, their necks will be broken. The sculpture begins to act.

Eyes suddenly split out of a meteorite like cells rapidly dividing, and lasers were emitted from them.

With just a small mistake, within a few seconds, area C immediately fell into chaos.

At this time, a stationed seventh-level personnel immediately stepped forward to deal with the emergency and unceremoniously threw out three special pages:

"All seals here are more effective!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the abnormalities began to decrease, which made him breath a quick sigh of relief, and secretly sighed that the "Book of Laws" was really useful.

"There are only ten minutes, hurry up and rescue the injured and maintain the seal."

Only halfway through speaking, the level 7 personnel suddenly became alarmed, blinked hard, and then his pupils shrank.

I saw that the originally stable picture disappeared, and the scene was chaotic. Some people had been dragged to the fishing boat by strange fishing lines, and some people had their necks broken because they had no visual target.

Although there was a professional team present, they were still stretched thin in the face of this situation.

Moreover, what frightened the seventh-level personnel even more was that he suddenly recalled that what he just said was not "all seal effects are enhanced" but "all mysterious effects are enhanced!"

Although there is only one wrong word, the consequences will be catastrophic!

"Damn it, something abnormal just disturbed me!"

The seventh-level personnel in charge of this area cursed lowly, and without any time to think, he wanted to call for help without any hesitation.

And at the first moment, press a button to directly block the entire containment area C to prevent the danger from spreading.

As for their own safety, they no longer care about it.

"We must not let things break out here!"

With this thought in mind, the seventh-level personnel sealed the place, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a surging flame melting the door and pouring into the place.

His pupils shrank, and he felt dead for the first time, thinking that there was also a breakthrough outside.

But the next second, it was discovered that the flames did not cause harm to him, but passed through him and poured into the containment room in Area C.

“It’s so lively here”

Colin walked into this place with the flames.

Under the gaze of everyone including the seventh-level personnel, with every step he took, a circle of terrifying flames erupted from his body, covering the entire place.

In the flames, all the abnormalities that tried to break free shrank back.

Even trembling? !

Ignoring their gazes, Colin looked at some pieces scattered on the ground that looked like a pork shop, and then looked at several bodies with their spines and heads torn out.

During the short period of chaos, the disability rate was quite high.

"I'm sorry it was my carelessness that caused everyone's death."

"It has nothing to do with you. There was an accident in Area A." Duo Jin appeared and comforted him.

"A lot of injuries, but not death."

Colin's voice came from the side. He looked at the pieces of meat on the ground. The activity was still there, and more importantly, his mind was not damaged because the time was relatively short, less than a few minutes, and there was no pollution.

You may also consider rescuing it.

Of course, the most important thing is that all the people on site are extraordinary people, and their physiques are much stronger than ordinary people.

In addition, his "bonfire" is here to "insulate" it and keep it active.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

Colin casually threw a few "colorless crystals" while hanging their lives.

The tree roots from the "Seal of the Fire Tree" spread out, and together with the little maid, they started to treat him. The pieces of flesh were quickly connected, and finally returned to their original state.

Although he was still unconscious, he was breathing.

After almost ten minutes, the roots of the "Fire Tree" gathered together, condensing into the image of an old man, and ordered to the medical staff on the side:

"It's almost the same. It's almost impossible for me to miss this kind of ordinary injury, and it's all physical trauma. There's no pollution or disease. It's easy to solve. However, it's impossible for the maid to keep connecting the wounds in their bodies, so If you don't want them to turn into pieces again, you juniors remember to handle them gently and put them down slowly.

"Next, these people should be in a coma for ten days, but it's not a big problem. Don't wake up early, otherwise they won't be able to bear it when the sutures are connected, so they will lie down.

"Props to assist recovery are available or not, but remember, it's best to have them, but it's okay if you don't have them. And if you use them, they must be gentle.

"In addition, there may be some impact on memory, but it will recover little by little, so don't be afraid.

"Pay attention to the configuration of nutrient solution."

While it was explaining each matter to the medical team next to it, the level 7 personnel on the side were dumbfounded:

"This, I was actually saved."

The corpse on the ground just now was no better than the pork on the pork shop.

In the end, it only took about ten minutes, but I was able to fight back and survive!

Colin smiled and said: "Bonfire technology, boy."

After another ten minutes passed, the situation at the scene was completely resolved, and in the "bonfire", all the abnormalities were silent.

"Okay, leave everything to us, you can quit."

Hearing Colin's words, many Jin and others nodded and led everyone out of this super large space.

Then, the thick baffles between each section were gradually removed.

Colin also took over the entire space.

As the bonfire closed the place, he activated the transaction mission. Immediately, the hazy haze suddenly appeared, and it quickly became thicker "inadvertently" in a few seconds.


The monotonous sound of the flute and the sound of train tracks came from far away from the depths of the gray fog.

A few more blinks of an eye.


Covered with various scratches, it looked like the door of a train that had just left the battlefield opened, and many company employees wearing lightweight, full-coverage exoskeleton armor stepped out.

Compared with the previous times, because there were more items being traded, there were a lot more people coming down.

There are nearly forty employees in total.

It’s just that I haven’t been working for long

"I feel like everyone is getting more and more irritable." Colin blinked.

It can be seen that the light spots on the faces of these employees flash frequently, and they are not sure of the content, but as expected, they seem to be saying very dirty words.

However, despite the scolding, these people did not stop their movements. They handled the various contained objects honestly and carefully before carrying them back to the train.

But before Colin could stare at them longer, an employee who seemed to be the commander came up to him. He first saluted and then handed over a thick letter.

Letters from 'Ms. Rabbit'? Why is it so thick this time? '

Colin nodded doubtfully and responded with courtesy, then reached out to take the envelope. He did not open it in a hurry, but put it in the "storage room", and then thought about whether he could communicate with this logistics employee.

He was quite curious about where these people came from.

'I wonder if it's some other 'branch'? '

Colin was thoughtful. He couldn't tell it before, but now he feels that these people seem to be support staff, not to mention, but their strength level and quality are very high.

Of course, this height is due to the height of some of his company members, which is far behind him.

Unfortunately, after the other party handed over the thick envelope, he did not show any desire to communicate and walked away directly to supervise the scene to avoid an accident.

The work of moving the abnormality lasted about half an hour.

When the transfer of all the contained objects was completed, another member of the logistics team took a confirmation letter for him to sign, then waved his hand and quickly rushed into the train and left in a hurry.

"Why do you feel like you're missing something this time?"

Looking at the train starting to move, Colin felt something was wrong.

It wasn't until the train left and disappeared that he suddenly remembered that the logistics staff who had been inexplicably hostile to him before seemed not to have been seen in this transaction.

Don't know where it went.

Probably dead.

Colin shook his head, collected his thoughts, said goodbye to many Jin and others, and returned home directly.

He was quite curious about what was in the letter from Ms. Rabbit this time.

"Hopefully something good will come."

Taking out the envelope and opening it along the seal, Colin opened it and found that there was a thick pile of letter paper inside, a lot of it, ten pieces in total.

He first unfolded the top one and looked at it.

"I have received your message about the situation of the employee in 'World Number-13', but unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to transfer her here. Unless I arrive there myself, I will not be able to transfer her to the 'branch' 'Transfer her without consent'

"After all, its creator has a higher status, and it is difficult to act against it through company rules."

"In addition, even if I do it forcefully, the price will be very high and my company's reputation will be greatly reduced. It will be difficult to eliminate in a short period of time and will seriously affect some of my arrangements."

"So there's something about that employee in that area that just can't be circumvented."

'As expected, it won't work. I can only be pumped out.'

Colin pursed his lips, but didn't pay much attention to it. He focused on the second paragraph.

The "creator" has a higher status.

If "Ms. Rabbit" can say that he has a higher status, then he can be identified as Rosen.

Of course, he was not surprised by this. He had already guessed that it was related to the other party, but he lacked any concrete evidence.

Then Colin continued to look under the envelope, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Second, as to why it collects a large number of points, although there is very little information in this regard, on the whole, it may just be because it still has some thoughts about Rosen."

"Although the circumstances related to it have been basically discovered and his fate has been determined, there is something extremely important that has not yet been found. The most important part of Rosen and several 'Fire Holders', the 'heart', has not been found. Recycle."

"This may be the reason why it exists by chance. I am looking forward to the return of that person, or hoping that his heart can be found."

"Theoretically, if he is really alive and comes back, then everything can be declared over. But unfortunately, this is impossible."

"Its previous 'logical point shielding' against you would not have taken effect normally, but it has taken effect. This can only mean that its reason should be related to protecting part of Rosen's information."

"My guess is that it shields the direction of use of points to ensure that you will not realize that it may use these points to activate certain protocols to pursue Rosen's situation."

"However, as I said, the relevant information is basically clear, and there is no point in going deeper. It is extremely difficult to make progress in this investigation until the 'Fire Bearer' reappears and triggers the return of the 'First Fire'."

"So this is it. I want to find my former owner, so I want points. And then Ms. Rabbit thinks it's just a meat bun beating a dog and doesn't want to go further?"

Colin looked at this passage thoughtfully.

He also noticed during this period that after the two "Hungry" fragments were successfully taken away by the group army, "Ms. Rabbit"'s attention to "World Number-13" could not be said to be completely gone at once, but it could also be said to be less. More than half.

As for the remaining half, I am afraid that they only pay some attention to the "branch" of "World Number-13" itself.

It's a pity that this thing has its own ideas. It doesn't cooperate with many things, and it doesn't want to be captured by "Ms. Rabbit". Oh no, it works for "Ms. Rabbit".

Then, Colin continued to read. Below were some other things, such as the next transaction, which was scheduled for the end of the "Advent Project" next week.

And from next time, trade once a week.

"Backroom dealings suddenly became more frequent."

Colin pursed his lips, feeling that everything was starting to become urgent.

After reading this paragraph, he turned to the back to see if there was anything else.

But alas, these responses are all.

Things like "2044", "a certain company's final prop", and "Happy Farm" that Colin is most looking forward to have not been followed up.

At this time, as if to confirm that he had finished reading the contents of the paper, the paper burned itself without leaving any ash.

Colin looked at the other papers, one after another, with some introductions to the items written on them.

The props from the last transaction feedback have arrived!

There were thirteen items in total, and what surprised Colin was that eight of the thirteen props were purple, and the rest were also green!

"Is the quality of this batch so high?"

Colin checked the item information with a surprised expression on his face. (End of chapter)

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