Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 532 The "Snow Girl" who won't grow up

Nowadays, the "Snow Girl" is said to be a prop, but because the "Snow Girl"'s human condition has increased, the restrictions on her in the "Containment Agreement" seem to have been reduced.

The original "negative effects" of the so-called "Snow Girl" trying to possess and freeze the user's body are basically gone.

I feel like one day I might just smash the ring and let it go.

"No, we can't release them either."

Colin looked at the snow girl in front of him, who was rubbing the brain scepter like a bamboo dragonfly, with a silly child look on her face, and suddenly felt that the increase in intelligence was not obvious.

The brain scepter circled in the sky like a bamboo dragonfly, and spread out waves of vague mental shocks.

The "Snow Girl", who has a slender figure comparable to that of a young woman, and has obviously increased her intelligence, but still has the same temperament as a little girl, surrounds her head with an excited face, puffing out her cheeks and blowing out cold air, making it spin faster, and at the same time, she blows out those spirits. All the shock was absorbed, as if I was eating snacks.

Seeing her like this, Colin felt that something would easily happen if she was released.

Well, I can't let it go.

"If the difficulty of the next task is not too high, you can consider letting the 'Snow Girl' perform the entire process and I will supervise it?"

Colin raised his hand and touched his chin, feeling that it wasn't impossible.

The fully liberated "Snow Girl" has the ability to be ranked among the top three in level three containment facilities.

If met in the wild, Colin would have to use a set of skills to survive in seconds.

After all, Yuki-onna was also his very strong right-hand man in the early days. Although she is a little behind now, she is not completely useless.

Colin still often lets her merge into his body and gain some properties of the containment object, such as floating through walls.

"If we encounter something suitable for the 'Snow Girl' in the future, we can let her fuse with her to improve her life status. If she can be raised to the level of a first-level containment object one day, that seems to be good, too?"

"Well, even if she has enough humanity, one day when I reach C level and have my own team, I can turn her into my employee to achieve better exploitation. Oh no, it is to guide and guide her better. Serve human society”

Colin was a little regretful that he didn't notice this until now.

However, it is not easy to find something that can adapt to the "Snow Girl".

It does not mean that a certain item can be synthesized if it has attributes such as "ice"

After paying a little attention, Colin turned his attention to this week's "delivery" incident.

The requirement is to arrive at a small village in the mountains and forests of Yunnan and Guizhou after ten o'clock tonight, find a well in it, jump into the well, reach a special area from inside, find a door buried deep in the ground, and open "Rosen" Copy of the severed hand" was thrown in and it was over.

Risks not mentioned

After Colin read it briefly, he went directly to Duo Jin and asked him to get some information.

'It's a relatively remote area. If it wasn't for the mission, the official might not know that anyone has lived there.'

Colin briefly read the information, finished a meal, and started to set off directly.

After a few hours, he arrived at the target area alone.

An unusually primitive mountain forest, in which the so-called village

"Where is the village here? Is it the wrong time?"

Colin looked around. They were all tall trees. There were all kinds of noisy insects and insects all around. Coupled with some faint cold fog at night, it was quite eerie.

In the upper right corner of the sight, there is a time display provided by the little maid.

It's about nine o'clock now

Arrived a little early.

Just standing like this until ten o'clock, Colin suddenly turned his head as if he was aware of it, and saw that a few meters away from him, the area that was just a forest was suddenly covered by cold and misty mist.

With a thick tree as the boundary, in front of the tree is the normal world, but behind the tree it begins to become eerie and weird.

Deep in the dim mist, under the light of Colin's body, one could see an ancient doorway about ten meters high, with mottled and blurred ancient characters written in faded cinnabar.

"Snack Villa?" Colin read softly, but was not very sure. Then he moved his eyes, looking past the doorway and looking into the depths. He could see the outlines of some low-rise houses that had lasted for countless years looming behind the fog. .


Colin felt a little scared in his heart.

It’s hard to say whether the unusual events in the country are strong or not, but the atmosphere of horror and weirdness is always there.

Originally, he had thought of using this place as a place for "Snow Girl" and a maid to practice, but looking at the situation, it was better to take it easy to avoid problems.

"It's better to go back and find a foreign mission type. It's simple, rough and easy to bully."

Colin took a breath, stretched out his hand to gather a ball of flame and hung it above his head, then opened his legs, passed through the door plaque, and entered this secret world.

"An independent inner world that meets reality."

Feeling that inexplicable sense of trance, Colin nodded and continued walking deeper along the trail.

Soon we saw the village we had vaguely glimpsed before.

There are dozens of ancient buildings made of earth and wood, some of which still have faded red lanterns hanging on them.

Following the mission instructions, Colin saw from a distance that in the largest building like a clan ancestral temple, there was a well that was dry or not.

The mission target has been located, but Colin did not act immediately.

After all, whether you are walking or flying over, you will most likely pass by the ancient and gloomy buildings.

"It looks weird, I want to set it on fire."

Colin didn't feel any real danger, but the indescribable gloom made him want to eliminate all possible dangers.

What if there was a forest fire here and everything was set on fire.

Then his sense of security will be full.

However, just when Colin was wondering whether it was feasible to do so, he suddenly felt that his flame seemed to be shining on something strange.

Immediately, Colin turned his head and looked to the side, and then his heart trembled.

On the right side, about a hundred meters away, there is a quite huge crooked neck tree. Looking at the crooked neck tree with its teeth and claws showing, there are rows of Chongzhen, no, corpses hanging on them.

The number reached an astonishing thousands.

"There is no breath of life in the village. Will everyone be hanged?"

Colin was confused for a moment, and then a flame jumped and appeared in front of the crooked neck tree.

He was about to raise the flame, shine it on the fire, and take a closer look at the condition of the corpses, but he found a corpse sitting under the tree dressed in a modern style.

And through the prop information that popped up on an item scattered next to the corpse, Colin immediately determined his identity.

"Actually a company employee?"

Colin looked at him and then at the corpse above his head, frowning:

"How come there are employees dying here?" (End of Chapter)

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