Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 533: Super Antique “Employee”.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"Employees of the company feel that if they go out, if nothing unexpected happens, they will always find a few corpses. There are dead people in every corner of the universe."

"If this mission hadn't been to deliver a courier, I would have thought that I would have to recycle some body parts, but speaking of which, what happened to this old man? There seems to be something wrong with the way he died."

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Colin was no longer surprised to see the corpses of his employees when he went out.

He stood in front of the corpse, examined the old man's body, and found that many air roots had penetrated into his skin.

Then look up at the thousands of corpses wrapped in cocoons by aerial roots on the giant crooked-neck tree.

The first feeling is that he is absorbing the nutrients of the corpse through this strange tree to restore himself.

But intuitively it doesn’t feel like it.

At this time, the little maid suddenly made a voice: "The corpse existed for at least a hundred years, and finally died of organ failure caused by fatal injuries to the whole body."

Not paying attention to the second half of the little maid, Colin listened to the first part and couldn't help but frown: "More than a hundred years. Are you sure?"

"Not sure of the specific year, but he has been here for at least more than a hundred years." The little maid affirmed again.

a hundred years ago

Colin squatted down and frowned deeply. You must know that a hundred years ago in this timeline, there was no such thing as "Bonfire Company".

So, this is the "previous batch of people"?

Combining his own information, official content, and discussions among some employees within the company, Colin has always felt that the world here may have restarted once, and the restart was incomplete.

That's why there are all kinds of strange places.

Only in this way can we explain what happened to these "modern people of the 21st century" who have been dead for a hundred or even hundreds of years.

However, when Colin was staring at the corpse and examining it, he suddenly felt that there was some company information or data-like things surging in his mind.

It seems to be receiving some information from the corpse.

"Is this cracking?"

Colin had an inexplicable feeling of calculating super complex diseases.

But doubts remained, he still didn't shift his gaze, but kept staring cooperatively.

Almost a minute later, it was over.

[After receiving and interpreting the information, the following is the content left by the former company employees——]

"The current investigation results can confirm that the 'Qingmian Zaojun' worshiped for generations in the 'Small Food Villa' has an extremely close relationship with the 'Eaters' who are suspected to be one of the sources of the unrest, but it cannot be confirmed whether it is a part of it or a follower of some kind of belief. By."

"What is certain is that the 'Eater' appeared from here and then left here without knowing its whereabouts."

"Everyone in the snack villa went completely crazy after he appeared. No one was spared. If they were allowed to go out, they would definitely attract the attention of other troublemakers, so I have solved it."

"In addition, there is a source of pollution in the area where the 'Green Face Stove Lord' was originally worshiped. There are some restrictions on it. Although it will not break out in the short term, it still needs to be solved in the long run."

"Of course, if you are a person who has fled here and really doesn't have any extra strength, you can ignore it."

"Most of the area here is safe, but it is not suitable for hiding for a long time because food cannot be grown and there is some slight pollution that causes hunger, so it is best to find a way out within a year."

"I hope one day you can leave smoothly and see the sun rising again."

"." "Legacy information."

After Colin quickly ran through the information in his mind, he immediately extracted a few keywords.

"Green Face Stove Lord", "Eater", "Unrest".

These words made Colin realize that the corpse in front of him was probably a very early employee, very early, very early.

Because he had a hunch that this turmoil should be the "dark turmoil" that Teacher Big C mentioned that mankind had experienced once before.

Judging from the content left behind by this employee, the turmoil should have been ongoing during his active period. It has not yet been overcome, and the future is unknown.

"Hey, this corpse is so old."

Colin took a deep breath and thought about the content of some other words.

I don’t know what’s going on with “Green Faced Stove King”, but the Buddha statue of “Big Eater” is green and black, not to mention the word “Eater”. As long as you add “big” in front of it, it will be famous, Ling Yi "0-09 'Hunger'" that all the demons and alien gods were frightened by.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the 'Eaters' in this period have not yet reached this level? And they have not been completely contained and transformed by the company, and are still on the run? No, are they in a wild state?"

Colin thought about it thoughtfully. If it has been contained, the employees will usually call the number directly.

Rather than calling it some kind of god's honorific title

This kind of statement is not in line with the common values ​​​​in the company that human beings are above all else.

'That kind of confidence in high-level containment objects should also be gained from this disaster'

As his thoughts flashed, Colin did not continue to explore. After all, these things had passed. Although it satisfied some curiosity, it was not very useful to him.

The most critical thing is that the employee did not mention much about the "source of pollution".

However, after learning that this place had a certain connection with "hunger", Colin couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, we didn't let the "Snow Girl" handle the matter directly.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, with the involvement of the "0" level thing, he may not be able to successfully keep the opponent intact.

Then, Colin looked at the corpse in front of him and didn't know what to do with it for a moment.

According to his habit, when he has a choice, he definitely intends to eliminate all threats from the outside and then push in step by step.

Naturally, this also includes the corpse in front of you.

But for such an old antique, it would be a pity to burn it directly.

Maybe we can get some key information from it later?

It was at this moment that a task suddenly popped up.

[Temporary event: Recover the remains of the former company's D+ level employees. 】

"D+ level employee? The level is not that low."

Colin grunted, took out a disposable glove from his pocket, put it on, and then touched the body under the guidance of the mission. Suddenly, some kind of guidance was completed.

An invisible transparent vortex appeared, sucking the corpse and the broken props next to him into it.

mission completed.

Colin took off his disposable gloves and stood up when he suddenly heard a "click, click" sound coming from the air above his head.

He raised his head and saw that thousands of corpses hanging on the crooked neck tree, which had been wrapped and hung by D+ employees with tree aerial roots, began to shake one by one.

Under the roots, there was a crunching sound.

It seemed like there was a mouth chewing something, or like a chrysalis about to emerge from its cocoon.

Something is coming out!

(End of this chapter)

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