Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 536 "Fog Train" in the Deep Sea

"With five thousand points and a certain life guarantee, he is willing to take a trip."

"But I communicated with him for a while and the points were reduced."

"Now he only needs three thousand points. The most important thing for him is to come back and be as safe as possible. I think this won't be a big problem for you, Brother Shunzi."

"In addition, the reason why he wanted to go was to find out what happened to his teammates, etc."

"By the way, the reason why I fight for him is that I found that they are the group of people who can find the deepest depth at present. Our own team has only reached the sixth floor and seems to be unable to find the way to the back. "

Lovely messages were sent one after another, roughly explaining the reasons.

"Three thousand points as reward? That's fine."

Colin didn't object to this. After all, it was a very risky and fatal matter, and it was okay to take it all the way to the eighth floor.

Then, he asked another one of his employees what he wanted.

Kaidao responded quickly, but the person didn't ask for points, and even said that he didn't need any reward.

Of course, if you have the choice, you can get a suitable "'Bonfire' Golden Seal" or "'Light' Golden Seal".

As for safety, there was no inquiry. Regarding related matters, this group of employees who had been with him for two or three months knew his character and strength very well, and had a higher degree of trust.

After all, if Brother Shunzi can't solve it, then any guarantee will be false.

"Speaking of which, how about the golden mark? It's better to just give it 3,000 points and be done with it."

In Colin's opinion, the value of a powerful enough golden mark must be more than three thousand points.

And this thing is quite troublesome to make.

He's not particularly skilled either, and it usually takes him a few hours to do it.

As for the one specially made by Shana.

"I don't even have enough for my own use. How can I give it out? Forget it, I'll spare some time and spend two hours to make something similar."

After thinking about it, Colin decided to get one for the other party.

If he uses his own mark for himself, it can only be the icing on the cake, but if Shana uses it for him, the two powers will be superimposed on each other, resulting in an effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

Without thinking much, after letting Kaidao take his place and agree to the other party's request, Colin received a private chat interview from a stranger in less than ten seconds.

He is an employee named "Xiantian Ashes Holy Body".

"Kai Duo said that the matter has been settled. Let me join you, Brother Shunzi. This is our first cooperation. I hope it goes well. After the matter is over, just give me points." Greetings from "Innate Ashes Holy Body" A sound.

As for the main content I want to talk about, I have already discussed it with Kaidao before. This time, I mainly want to ask for confirmation.

"No problem. During this period, I may entrust Kaidoo to ask you some questions on my behalf. For the rest, when the time comes, I will remind you to come over for the mission, which will probably be around nine o'clock the day after tomorrow. During this period, you can prepare yourself. "

Colin simply responded "Ashes Holy Body", and then took a moment to create a mark, then sank into the office space and pulled another employee down.

"It's all the orange cat's fault."

Colin had some impression of this employee. If he was not mistaken, in addition to the weekly "Advent Project", he had also acted together before when he went to the world of "Ms. Thorn", and his personal strength was pretty good.

But the other party was acting as a signal booster that time, so this time.

'Well, it seems to be about the same. If nothing else, I will do the same thing I did last time. '

As the thoughts flashed, Colin shook his head slightly, collected his thoughts, then looked at the employees who were pulled away, and began to ask some specific details about the "non-existent hospital".

At the very least, you need to know what kind of monsters there are.

However, after a few minutes, Colin frowned. He did not get any valuable information from this inquiry.

"Hey, it seems that after I came out, the relevant memories were a bit blurry. Thinking about it carefully, it feels like the experience is like a dream. I can't remember the details. I only know roughly that there are a lot of troublesome things in it."

Orange Cat said, seeing Brother Shunzi's aura after the smoke, something was wrong. He paused and added: "Of course, I have a hunch that once I see something at the scene, I can immediately think of some of the key things I encountered before. .”


Colin waved his hand and estimated that the "Innate Ashed Holy Body" was pretty much the same, so he could only remember it roughly.

It seems that there should be some protection measures implemented by "Bonfire Company"

"By the way, one thing I can remember is that the enemies over there are troublesome, but the real troublesome point is how to get to the next floor. You can't reach the next floor simply by taking the stairs. I have the impression that , It seems that when I first performed this mission, I spent a long time just looking for the hospital gate." Orange Maomao described the impressions he remembered as much as possible.

The details are unclear, only the impression remains.

'Isn't it difficult to find the door? But the door shouldn't be a big problem. After all, there are a lot of people going in. In addition, the mission has indeed been mentioned. The difficulty lies in how to get to the next floor, not the anomalies in it. '

Colin thought of "Note 2" for this task, which contained more information than what Orange Cat said, asking him to pay attention to the hall.

'Why do I feel that none of them are so reliable?'

After asking a few questions without hope, he ended the small meeting directly.

The situation in reality was the same as he thought. The situation of the Ash-Breaking Saint was not much different from that of the orange cat, but the impression was more profound. He mentioned some unkillable anomalies, "Be careful, doctor" and "Don't respond to it." some type of.

But that's all.

Asking him to say more, it was as if the memory was covered with a veil and he couldn't recall the specific details at all.

"The only person left that I haven't found yet is the 'Never-Subdued Man'"

Colin opened the parchment and looked at the other person on it. He could see that this guy had posted a few words in a fun-type "retarded chat room" not long ago.

Then, as if clocking in, more than ten minutes later, @KeLIN’s internal employee account name: “@654321, please, I really can’t hold on anymore, Brother Shunzi, as long as you can come and rescue me, I will be yours from now on, and I also have orange equipment information and tens of thousands of points."

After he posted it, some people immediately followed it.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Buyi? Didn't I just see you squirting so hard on me? I see you are in good spirits, why can't you hold on?"

"Exactly, just like the uncles and aunties who grab seats after the square dance, when you return to Brother Shunzi, you start to pretend that you can't do it?"

"Speaking of which, you won't get the points by tricking people into killing them, and then increasing the points to deceive them layer by layer, right?"

"Hahahaha, don't make fun of me. One day my unyielding brother will appear in an abnormal form and I will get under your bed on the first day."


Faced with some slanderous words, the "Never Surrender Man" naturally refuted them, saying "It's impossible, I accumulated it myself", "I occasionally have the opportunity to do small tasks", "I have never deceived anyone", etc. kind of discourse. However, Colin did think that one day it would become abnormal.

This seems to be really uncertain.

While thinking and checking, he collected as many posts as possible about the "Never Surrender Man".

Compared with the earliest times, Brother Buyi's words now seem to be a bit more open-minded. It seems that if you can ask for it, you can ask for it, but if you can't ask for it, forget it. There is an inexplicable feeling of powerlessness.

"Does this mean that his situation has stabilized now?"

Colin was thoughtful. He originally wanted "Lovely Duo" to communicate with the other party.

But after thinking about it, I still felt some inexplicable uneasiness and didn't do it.

This person's situation is very complicated. It may not necessarily be a good thing if he knows that he is going there. I also mentioned to the two employees before that they seemed to have come into contact with him during their mission, but they were not sure.

However, what secretly shocked Colin was that one of them had only reached the eighth floor and the other had only reached the sixth floor, but they both said that after entering, they had unofficial and private contact with "Brother Unyielding" from the 18th floor. .

This is a bit weird.

If the other party can reach the sixth and eighth floors, then where is the need for rescue?

"You have to be careful. Whether you want to contact him or not, you have to see what happens after the investigation is completed. If necessary, contact him again. If it is not necessary, just don't communicate. At least, you can't let him know in advance that I am going there."

Colin suppressed the idea in his heart to communicate with the other party.

At the same time, I also remind Kaidao not to make any unnecessary moves. Even if it is just insinuating information, it is best not to let the other party know.

A few hours later, Colin, who had not gained much, could only sigh:

"It seems that intelligence gathering and other tasks can only go so far."

Once the intelligence is collected, it doesn't matter if nothing is collected, but if there is any key information, it doesn't seem to be there.

The biggest feeling given to him by the whole understanding was that it was okay if this mission was not in-depth. Once it was in-depth, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much worse than something like the "Out of Control Copy".

In the "Out of Control Copy" thing, strength is just an admission ticket.

Unless a crushing series can be formed, in this kind of event, the stronger the strength, the easier it will not necessarily be.


Taking a long breath, Colin looked at the time and began to prepare himself as much as possible.

A day and a half later, on the morning of February 2, under a certain stretch of deserted high seas, Colin was covered in flames, fell into the water like a seagull, and then slowly dived.

After about ten minutes, in the deep dark ocean, he used the flames emanating from himself to see an arched seabed. In addition to dead corals, there were also some broken ancient ruins on the seabed.

There is an ominous atmosphere in it

"It doesn't seem to be a big problem."

After Colin simply observed and determined that it had little impact on him, he quickly landed on the ground. When he landed, he felt an inexplicable feeling of penetrating some kind of boundary.

He seemed to have entered a closed space.

However, in the firelight, the anomalies in this area seemed to shrink out of instinctive fear.

Almost half an hour later, Colin suddenly discovered that a gray mist began to appear in the surrounding dark sea, and it quickly became thicker.

Not long after, when the gray fog covered everything around, a monotonous and hollow flute sound came from the end of the gray fog.

Following closely behind was the train that kept coming with "clang, clang, clang, clang".

The gray fog did not separate the sea water, but just diffused and covered the surroundings. This also meant that the train was submerged in water at this moment. However, the water pressure thousands of meters below had no impact on the train.

It was as if it didn't exist at all, and even the thin train window couldn't be crushed.

"This ghost thing is still magical." Colin muttered in his heart, and then after a trance, he found that the train had slowly stopped.


The car door opens.

The sea water seemed to be blocked by an invisible force and could not be poured into it.

Colin was not surprised when he saw this, and he did not waste time looking too much. In a few steps, he walked into the carriage intersection and stood still. Then flames surged in his eyes. He glanced across it and sensed several dark figures. .

"Please go and stay in the corner."

He spoke calmly, politely pointed to the corner, and said with flames in his eyes.

Under the radiation of the flames, some sitting "figures" hesitated for two seconds. Then under the scorching heat of the flames, they reluctantly walked to the lower left corner of the carriage and sat in rows together.

After applying a flame to block them from escaping, Colin found a place to sit down.

These things themselves have no intelligence, they are closer to instinct, but at the same time they are close to instinct, they also have a little bit of understanding of human language.

"It's time to summon someone."

Colin uncovered the incident and sent tasks to two assisting employees.

In less than a few seconds, the two employees who had been on standby since early morning immediately agreed to the "support mission" invitation and appeared directly in the train carriage.

The moment they appeared, the train doors slowly closed and started moving again.

When the train disappeared from the seabed, some strange, dark, starfish-like creatures poked their heads out from everywhere in the ruins, as if to determine whether the human who had brought them great oppression had left.

However, as soon as he raised his head, he saw a flaming flame on the spot.

"Boom" sound.

Violent fire burst out under the deep sea.

In an unnatural way, the flames engulfed this place in an instant, purifying all unclean things.

"It's okay, the threat has been removed."

Colin withdrew his gaze from the already gray car window, then turned his head and looked at the two people sitting not far away:

"The mission has officially begun. Do you two remember anything now?"

"It's all Orange Cat's fault" and "Innate Ashed Holy Body" looked at each other and shook their heads, but then, the Ashed Holy Body spoke first:

"I still remember that when we went there, it seemed that we went directly to the area through the 'support mission', without taking the train or other steps."

"Me too." Orange Cat also nodded in agreement.

'Isn't the train passing by? Then maybe the method provided by 'Rabbit Lady' is the correct way to enter? '

Colin nodded thoughtfully, trusting Ms. Rabbit's arrangement even more.

ps: Change first and then change. (End of chapter)

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