Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 537: Conflict Code in the Hospital.

During the communication, time passed little by little.

After two uneventful stops, the train arrived at the third station.

In the gray fog gradually dissipating outside the window, a dilapidated city like ruins appeared before everyone's eyes.

Under the slightly dazzling full moon, the city was destroyed for unknown reasons. High-rise buildings collapsed, the earth cracked, and ferocious sections of exposed steel and concrete were exposed to the air, which was shocking.

However, within the cracks in the ruined walls, overgrown weeds and vines are slowly wrapping and swallowing up the ferociousness of the past.

If nothing else happens, perhaps in tens of thousands of years, only a virgin forest will remain here.

"Is this this place?" Colin asked the two of them while looking at the luminous body in the sky.

It feels similar to the full moon.

But whether it is or not is hard to say.

"Well this is it."

The orange cat glanced at the moon-like celestial body and seemed to have thought of something:

"The luminous object here is very magical. After falling from the east, it will rise from the east again. It will fall from the west and then rise from the same place. It will jump left and right repeatedly."

"Indeed, when it reaches the highest position in the center, the brightness is about the same as that of a common cloudy day." The Holy Body of Ashes nodded.

"Is that so?" Colin nodded, realizing that there was a high probability that this was a world under the company's jurisdiction.

Things in the sky should be man-made.

And this place shouldn’t be particularly far from the earth.

'It seems that if the destination is far away and cannot be easily reached, the 'Advent Protocol' will be activated. Only if it is closer, the destination will be reached directly by train. Well, this is not absolutely certain.'

As his thoughts flashed, Colin felt the train stop, so he stood up and walked towards the door.

That is to say, when I got here, the door opened with a "click".

Fresh air mixed with the smell of biological feces comes to your face.

After confirming that there was no problem, Colin went out directly, followed closely by the two of them, and left the train together.

When a few people left, the train closed the door with a "snap" and quickly moved away amidst the "dang-dang-dang" whistle.

“There shouldn’t be any danger nearby, it’s quiet and clean.”

Colin set up a ball of flame and covered the heads of the three people, preventing them from receiving direct sunlight from the celestial bodies here.

Sensing his surroundings through the flames, he rarely felt an indescribable tranquility.

It’s as if the slightest bit of pollution doesn’t exist.

However, considering the "non-existent hospital" and the characteristics of the "Fog Train", Colin expressed doubts about his idea.

But the goal of this trip is not to examine the world, but to "non-existent hospitals."

Colin didn't waste too much time on this. He looked around for a moment, and after some discussion, he followed the instructions given by the mission and flew over the ruined world.

A large number of frightened animals felt the deafening vibration in the air, and they got into their nests and trembled in fear.

"The animal image is just like a rabbit, cockroach or something, nothing particularly strange."

Colin took in everything and did not stop on his way.

But almost half an hour later, the big fireball that enveloped the three people and flew around stopped.

"Why do you feel that the distance from this hospital is not getting any closer?"

He frowned and looked around, feeling something wasn't quite right.

The mission guides us forward, but no matter which way we go, the distance seems to be neither far nor close, and there is no substantial change.


The ashes behind him suddenly opened his mouth, catching Colin's eyes, and then continued: "I remember the hospital is here."

"right here?"

Colin looked around. Apart from the ruins of ordinary residents or the ruins of ordinary residents, where was the hospital?

However, the orange cat who also entered it also said: "I also remember it was nearby."

The two people confirmed this at the same time, which made Colin have to think carefully about the reason.

"Maybe this hospital is built underground?"

He tried to let the flames seep into the ground in the surrounding area. There were many underground buildings, such as underground garages, sewers, lower-level shopping malls, etc.

But there is no sign of any hospital.

"Are you sure you are really here?" Colin took back the flame and asked again.

The other two people didn't answer immediately. They frowned and looked around, lost in thought. If they remembered correctly, the hospital was nearby.

It's not hard to find, it's just a little special.

"Is this hospital going to have some kind of high-level invisibility? It has a low sense of presence, or is it something else?"

Colin jumped onto a taller reinforced concrete building, looked around, and thought thoughtfully.

In a similar situation, he immediately thought of an out-of-control "Humble Knight" he encountered earlier, who cut off his head several times in "The Book of Numerology: Fragments" by reducing his sense of existence.

Thinking of this, Colin tried to spread the flames from his body.

With his current strength, if he encounters such a method again, he can easily break through the "bonfire".

However, ten minutes passed.

Colin reluctantly put away the flame and gained nothing.

Not far away, the Holy Body of Ashes saw the flames retracting and knew that Brother Shunzi had failed to find it this time. He couldn't help but said: "It's strange. I obviously feel that it is here, but there seems to be a force that prevents us from finding it." it"

"To be honest, I feel like it's right here, as if I can touch it." Orange Cat said and even reached forward to touch it.

'I've checked everything, how could it be possible?'

Colin was equally puzzled and a little creepy for no reason.

Both employees have very strong feelings, but they don't realize it at all. What's the reason?

Could it be that being stronger would prevent him from being able to see that hospital?

Or is it that the feelings between the two are all imaginary and false?

"No, it should be true. Combined with the invisible guidance of the mission, the 'non-existent hospital' has indeed been pointing nearby. Theoretically, I can directly see this distance, but I can't feel it at all."

"Suppose there is really a hospital here, then why am I the only one who can't feel it, but both of us can...?"

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Colin suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

But as far as I could see, I couldn't see anything but ruins and vines. Everything just now seemed like an illusion.

He rolled his eyes, thinking quickly about what he had just felt, and then he realized something and suddenly closed his eyes: "The hospital should be here. Since both employees have confirmed this, it must be right.

"The hospital is over there, it is over there, yes, the mission confirms this, it is right there!"

That is, when Colin was muttering to himself as if under self-hypnosis, the voices of two employees suddenly came to his ears.

"It's out! It's out of the hospital! Brother Shunzi, look!"

Hearing this, Colin held his breath and opened his eyes, only to see an asphalt road appearing out of thin air in front of him.

At the end of the asphalt road, a gray-white medical complex with a large number of departments is looming.

At the same time, certain inspirations kept emerging, allowing Colin to understand the reason.

'This hospital is, if you believe it, it exists, if you don't believe it, it doesn't exist'

'The reason why the two of them always felt that it was nearby was because they had been there once before. They probably knew the reason and believed that it was nearby. But because I didn't believe it, that's why it didn't appear.' 'In other words, if it weren't for me, But it was just the two of them, so it should have appeared. It was just because my spirit was higher than the two of them, so I suppressed them directly, but I kept hinting afterward to make it appear. '

Colin roughly understood the logic behind the emergence of this thing.

If you lose your relevant memory through some means, I'm afraid it will disappear again and no longer exist in the world.

"It is indeed worthy of its name of 'non-existence'."

After thinking about the situation, Colin retracted his thoughts and waved to the two employees to follow him.

And when the three of them entered the asphalt road at the same time, the hospital, which existed in a strange way, disappeared again.

Everything on the asphalt road was intact, and there were no signs of damage. As we walked along this road, the looming hospital became increasingly clear as the firelight entered.

This is an extremely large hospital composed of multiple buildings. In fact, nearly one-fifth of the windows are still lit with lights on, as if there are patients being treated there.

"It's better to turn off all the lights. Some of them are quite scary when they are on." Colin breathed out.

When looking directly at the hospital, he felt nervous and indescribably depressed for some reason.

"There will be some shadows in those lights, but there are no people. Anyway, as long as you don't touch those shadows, there will be no problem."

The orange cat on the side said something, and then pointed in a direction: "In fact, there is no big danger in the first three floors, and there are no people even there.

"Let's go to the outpatient department first and find a special staircase from inside."

"Well, yes, there's nothing going on in the first few floors. As long as you find a somewhat special staircase, you can go up." The Holy Body of Ashes added.

"What special method?" Colin asked.

"It's hard to say. Anyway, you can feel something is wrong at a glance. It's a very uncomfortable feeling."

"What about those buildings in the back?"

"It's just a cover-up. When we came here for the first time, we wasted a lot of time up there. When we finally wanted to leave, we discovered that the way to the next floor is in the low building of the outpatient department." The Holy Body of Ashes said bitterly. said.


Not long after, several people walked into the door of the outpatient department, and the smell of disinfectant greeted them.

Different from what was seen outside, the lights in the hall inside were bright. Except that there was no one around and it was unusually quiet, it looked like a normal hospital.

After Colin stepped in, he was about to find the so-called special staircase.

However, his eyes suddenly froze, he stopped and looked at the consultation desk in the middle of the outpatient department hall.

There, standing a figure of a woman in a white uniform

Noticing Colin's movements, the two of them looked at each other at the same time, and then they were also startled.

"Holy shit! Why is there someone here!?" The orange cat was shocked, and wind blades surrounded its body, almost flying towards the opponent.

But Colin stretched out his hand and used flames to disperse these wind blades.

"Don't disturb the balance here," Colin whispered. He didn't feel the danger for the time being.

In addition, I don’t know much about this place. In this case, it’s best not to mess around.

At this time, the woman standing on the front desk turned her head to look at a few people, with a professional smile on her beautiful face:

"Hello, welcome to our hospital for treatment. Is there anything I can help you with?"

The soft words echoed in the empty hall under the incandescent lights, making people shudder in their hearts.

"What's wrong? Last time we came here, there didn't seem to be anyone like this." Orange Cat looked at Brother Shunzi.

But before Colin could speak, the Saint on the side suddenly spoke: "The voice seems to be that of an employee we worked with before, and the other parts of her body look similar. No, it's her!"

"Employee? What happened to her?" Colin frowned.

"We got into some trouble and got lost. She was one of the two people who couldn't get out," Ashes Saint said with complicated emotions.

One of his reasons for coming in was to know what happened to his old teammates, but he didn't expect to see one when he walked in.

"In other words, if something happens here, it might become a part of this place?" Colin pursed his lips.

"Then what should we do now?" Orange Cat asked nervously.

After hearing his words, the Holy Body of Ashes also looked at Colin.

"It feels a little weird. To be honest, it doesn't look like a living person, nor does it look like a dead person. Instead, it looks a bit like a puppet." Colin felt the light of the fire and sensed it.

"If there is no problem, just ignore her for the time being. Focus on the task requirements at the moment. Investigate downward first, understand the situation, and then consider her."

After hearing Colin's decision, the two did not object.

But before taking action, Colin thought of the mission notes, looked for a while, and finally stopped on an LED screen.

"Patients are welcome to come for medical treatment. During the medical treatment, patients or patient guardians are asked to abide by the following regulations to avoid being deceived."

"1. Please note that the outpatient department of our hospital only has three floors. There are no more floors. If you see an upward corridor that does not comply with the rules, please withdraw in time."

"2. All diagnosis and treatment in our hospital are completely unmanned and automated. Please do not believe any fraudsters pretending to be our hospital, and please do not respond to any of their words."

"3. Please invite Ning Mansion and Ning Mansion."

Red fonts scroll on the LED screen

"What is this in the third article? Garbled code?"

Colin looked at the previous two lines again, and there were no more floors. If this is combined with the employees' experience, in a sense, is it hinting at the path to the next floor?

As for the second article.

There is a certain conflict with the female employee in the lobby who becomes the front desk.

"What will happen if this violates the rules?" Dahui Shengti and Orange Cat also noticed the font on the LED screen.

"Ignore this for now, let's take action first."

Colin waved and started searching the outpatient department building directly.

With two people giving information, they did not waste time entering other buildings behind the outpatient department, greatly shortening the search scope.

Almost ten minutes later, Colin was near a corner of the first floor and saw a corridor that was no different from any other, but gave people an uncomfortable feeling as if it led to an abyss.

"This is it." They both confirmed at the same time.

Hearing this, Colin did not hesitate. His whole body was wrapped in flames, he held a revolver and took the lead in walking at the front. (End of chapter)

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