Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 539 "Don't come near me!"

"'Crying madman'? Is that what the crying thing below is? But what is a madman?"

"I didn't mention killing him, I just caught him and drew a thousand blood and that was it."

"The mission requirements are quite gentle."

Thoughts flashed through Colin's mind, and within a brief second, he immediately made a decision.

Accompanied by a "boom" explosion.

His figure seemed to turn into a ball of crimson fire, rushing towards the stairs below, trying to get close to the guy named "Psychic Madman" for some reason.

One thousand milliliters of blood was drawn from his body.

When Colin disappeared in an instant, the two employees behind him suddenly looked confused, and three question marks popped up in their heads.

"Ah? What's going on? What should we do?"

For the first time, a sense of tension emerged from their hearts, and they couldn't help but wonder if some powerful enemy had appeared.

So Shunzi brother just left them behind.

But just as they were thinking wildly, a sentence suddenly floated in the air.

"I'll go down and deal with that thing. You guys are within the flame coverage. Don't move around at will."

Although they didn't understand why Brother Shunzi suddenly went down, the two of them looked at each other and stayed obediently in the flame-covered stairs.

With Brother Shunzi's reputation, he shouldn't be able to leave them here and run away.

At the same time, while Colin was constantly tracking, he suddenly discovered some problems. The speed of that thing was obviously much slower than his own, but he just didn't know why and couldn't get close.

No, to be precise, I can feel it getting closer.

But the approaching speed is too slow. According to this progress, it may not be possible to catch up in ten or eight days!

Moreover, Colin himself couldn't bear it if he kept rushing like this for ten days and eight days.

'It feels like there is a special rule. No matter what, you will be separated by one floor. If you can't catch up, you can't catch up. Wait, 'rule'? '

Colin suddenly thought of the special features of this "non-existent hospital": "You can't think about it getting further and further away, nor can you think about things that are out of reach. You have to hint that you are getting closer to it."

After realizing this, he immediately began to hypnotize himself from the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, this time the distance between the two parties finally narrowed significantly, but Colin could still feel that some indescribable force was confronting him.

'The power of this confrontation is no surprise. It should be that 'mental madman'. Didn't he come to provoke me from far and near just now? Why is he running so fast now? '

Colin grunted in his heart, and while fighting mentally, he continued to speed up.

The stairs covered with dark patches went down layer by layer. No matter which floor Colin and this "mental madman" went down to, they could still see the next floor, as if they were endless.

"The staircase itself is an anomaly."

During the chase, Colin vaguely realized that the endless stairs might be spliced ​​into it.

And it is specially set up as a passage to the "inner level".

The "artificial traces" are still very obvious.

But he didn't care about it for the time being, and Colin concentrated on chasing that guy.

Ten minutes later, he suddenly felt a strong sense of mental depression coming from the front. A vague humanoid figure could be seen vaguely at the front illuminated by the light of the bonfire.

At first glance, he looks like an ordinary man wearing blue and white vertical stripes, which doesn't look out of the ordinary.

But when Colin got closer, he clearly felt a strong sense of mental depression and madness spreading out of him, like a real storm.

For the first time, Colin clearly realized what "spiritual power" is.

"You can't catch up with me. You can't catch up with me. Don't! Don't get close to me!"

"I'm not sick! I'm not sick! Don't get close to me! I told you, I'm not sick!"

"I didn't help him! I can't help him! I don't know anything, I don't know! Don't."

"Don't take me back!"

"Go away!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mom, please save me! Mom, there is a bad guy!"


The disordered whispers were mixed with the frenzied mental waves, making people dizzy, and even the distance they were about to catch up with was stretched again.

It wasn't until Colin regained his composure that he closed the distance again.

Then, this time he saw the "mental madman" crying and crying as if he had seen a ghost, while half rolling and half running on his hands and feet and running away.

'As for that, I'm not a bad person, I just drew a little blood. '

'But speaking of it, these things that are close to the same rules are really weird. It seems that the running speed is not fast at all. With just two legs and two hands, it can run faster than I am now faster than a supercar.'

'It seems that it takes advantage of 'hospital rules' over me. '

Colin couldn't help but complain, and then accelerated even more.

Finally, after two or three minutes, the distance was reached. Colin suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the opponent's neck accurately.

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to try to suppress this guy and stabilize him.

However, an accident happened suddenly!

The "mental madman" shouted:

"Don't touch me! I said! Don't come close to me! I said I didn't help him! Why! Why are you forcing me!"

After the words fell, the "mental madman" twisted his neck, his eyes popped out of the sockets like snails, and his back split. The entire spine was divided into two halves, forming a big mouth. In the big mouth, there were countless eyes. They squeezed together and sprayed out foul-smelling blood-red mist, trying to wrap Colin up.

Colin's expression remained unchanged, his hands pinched his neck, and the bonfire surged from his body, easily burning the blood-red mist, and suppressing that power first.

As the suppression took hold, all the abnormalities on the opponent's body disappeared at this moment.

"Ah, ah, I don't want to go back." The "mental madman" swung his limbs wildly, trying to make a final struggle.

I don't know what he thought of, but Colin actually felt that the neck he was holding began to soften, and thick secretions appeared, and his whole body began to soften and shrink, as if there was an invisible shell appearing.

If it is not terminated, he will probably shrink into something like a shell and become a "snail man".

"I don't know if it's this place that defies heaven, or whether I should say this 'madman' defies heaven."

Colin clicked his tongue. He probably understood what "madman" meant.

Most of them are people who become crazy because they come into contact with some unknown existence and know knowledge that they shouldn't know.

Coupled with the special nature of this hospital, this kind of person is very dangerous.

However, without thinking too much about this matter, Colin pinched the "Time Countercurrent" with his left hand, directly rewinding the previous time, and returned the "mental madman" state to a few seconds ago. Immediately afterwards, before he turned into a "snail man", the power of the "bonfire" completely enveloped him, melting away the mental influence.

Push this guy, who might be imagining himself into a snail, back into his original form.

Gradually, the "mental madman" stopped struggling and passed out.

"The question is, how to draw blood?"

Colin thought for a moment. It wasn't that he couldn't draw blood, but that he didn't seem to have the corresponding tools?

But as he thought about it, Colin suddenly laughed at himself, why did he forget the little maid?

Immediately, he called the little maid out and asked the other party to change the needles and other props to start extracting the blood from the other party.

Not long after, one thousand milliliters of blood was received, and a confirmation appeared whether to hand over the blood to complete the task.

After Colin confirmed, he obtained a packaged syringe of "Madman Blood Extract" from the settlement in less than ten seconds.

"Suddenly I had a not-so-good premonition."

Colin was silent for a moment when he saw the syringe containing the light red transparent extract.

You're not going to have him injected with this thing soon, are you?

At this time, a new task event appears.

[Event 701: Take the "mental madman" to any bed in Room on the third floor of the "Psychiatric Ward" on the fourth floor. After taking protection in the room, take at least one employee and come to the place through a dream. On the seventh floor of the non-existent hospital, return to the "outpatient department" lobby and observe the content of the code]

"Remarks": During the dream state, some high-risk memories will be processed to a certain extent, so please do not panic.

"Huh, it's so dangerous. You didn't ask me to inject it, but you came through a dream and jumped directly to the seventh floor?"

After scanning the mission content, Colin was stunned. He didn't expect "Ms. Rabbit" to give out a way to jump to another level so quickly.


Weren't the two employees he paid for in vain?

"That's not right. It's not a free invitation. After all, the first few layers did play some roles and avoided a lot of pitfalls. Moreover, after a while, the later layers should be more familiar to you than those who are here for the first time. Some."

Without too much entanglement, Colin took another look at the "mental madman" lying on the stairs with a peaceful face.

He began to be curious, where did this guy come from?

According to the rhetoric of "Innate Ashed Holy Body" and "Orange Cat", it seems that this guy does not exist in this "infinite staircase".

And although this person has problems, is full of pollution, and is mentally disturbed, he is still a human being.

In doubt, Colin couldn't help but recall some of the words this guy had yelled before.

"He seems to have said something about not helping anyone? Who is this referring to? Who else is arresting him?"

Colin thought about it and estimated that it should be something from the later floors. It might be some anomaly, or it might be a heretic or something like that.

Unfortunately, the information is currently insufficient.

At this moment, he noticed that the other party's face was sluggish and pale due to the blood draw. In order to prevent him from dying suddenly, Colin thoughtfully injected a "colorless crystal" into him to support his body without any problems.

After doing all this, Colin quickly returned and met the two people waiting above a few minutes later.

"Did you go down there just now?" Colin asked.

He chased down for more than half an hour and went up, but only went up for a few minutes. It was obviously wrong.

"No." They both shook their heads at the same time.

"You must be thinking that I will come back soon, right?"

"Uh, a little bit." Orange Cat said with inexplicable embarrassment.

'It seemed like they wanted me back and it was a sort of 'two-way trip'. '

Colin probably understood why.

Not only does this ghost hospital itself "have it if you believe it, but don't have it if you don't believe it", but also the people who enter it will also be affected by this situation.

"Is this abnormal some kind of deep pollution leak, or is the 'hospital' itself like this, and it just became out of control because of the weakening of the 'Bonfire Company'?"

Colin couldn't help but become curious, but thinking of the characteristics of this ghost place, he quickly stopped his thoughts.

Avoid causing things that shouldn't appear due to your own "random thoughts"

Not long after, a group of people walked out of the fourth floor of the infinite staircase.

After coming out, I was still in the inpatient department, but it was on the fourth floor.

At this moment, the surroundings were brightly lit, but even darker. There was a strong stench of formalin and rotting corpses floating in the air.

And vaguely, the screams of some women or men could be heard.

Colin looked at the "patches" densely scattered around. They were no longer pure black in color, but a bit dark red, and there were some sarcoma-like things twitching and squirming in them.

It doesn't matter if there are only one or two, the key is everywhere.

He had a feeling that the building was about to come alive.

"No, an illusion! It's impossible to survive!"

Colin quickly stopped his dangerous thoughts. If he really gave himself a few ideas to come to life, it would be much more troublesome.

The two employees on one side were "emotionally moved" after arriving, and the originally fuzzy memories in their minds suddenly became clear:

"The patches on the ground are still like that. It's fine if you don't touch them. In addition, there will be some figures, but they are not common now. In addition, don't pay attention to those screams. The more you pay attention to them, the closer they get, and eventually something like a ghost will stalk you. Come up here, you can’t kill it, and it’s very scary, but it’s easy to deal with, just divert your attention.”

The orange cat quickly said what came to mind.

"Well, that's roughly it. Apart from that, there are some occupied rooms that cannot be entered, that's all."

After replenishing the innate ashes holy body, he continued:

"The next way to go to the next floor is to find an abnormal 'nurse' wearing pink clothes, tell it that we are sick, very seriously ill, and let it take us to a certain floor, follow it for a while, and it will naturally "Going deep"

Find a nurse? This method seems to be different from "Ms. Rabbit". Colin raised his hand and interrupted him:

"No, I have another way. You can go directly to the seventh floor."

Compared with their "local methods", Colin believed more in the methods given by "Ms. Rabbit".

Then, without waiting for the two to ask, Colin continued: "Do you know where the 'psychiatric ward' is?"

"Psychiatric ward?!"

When he heard the name, his expression suddenly changed.

"What? Is there any problem?" Colin looked at him in surprise, wondering why the person's reaction was so big.

The Ashed Holy Body opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found that he couldn't think of anything else except fear.

"There should be no problem on the fourth floor, but I can't say what happens next. It's very dangerous anyway. It seems that something happened there when we explored it before." When mentioning that place, Dashes Saint's heart was full of repulsion.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Do you know where it is?"


"Then let's go."

Colin made a decision directly and could not refuse. (End of chapter)

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