Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 540 Terror strikes!

Building No. 3 of the psychiatric ward is located at the back of the entire hospital.

Feeling some unexplainable threat, Colin did not forcefully fly across as he did earlier. Instead, he minimized the stimulation of this ghost place and followed the guide signs on the ground.

'Maybe you are aware of something deep inside the hospital? '

Colin tried to interpret the inexplicable threat.

He felt that he was not particularly scared, but the task was not completed yet, and it was not time to break up.

If it breaks out in advance, the mission may not be completed.

Along the way, apart from the footsteps of a few people and the occasional conversation, there were only lingering wails.

The source of these sounds cannot be traced, they seem to come out of thin air, making people feel an inexplicable chill.


The orange cat following Colin crossed his arms and looked at the empty and depressing surroundings:

"Who created this ghost place, and what was it used for? It's so weird."

'Who made it? I'm afraid you have to ask Bonfire Company about this. '

Colin responded in his heart, but did not say it out loud. He continued to hold the "mental madman" with one hand while leading the small team forward.

The fourth level of danger is not too troublesome if you know how to deal with it.

If he hadn't been worried about being targeted by more dangerous things in advance, he would have launched the unparalleled action here.


The sound of the metal door panel sliding suddenly came from not far behind.

"Hiss!" The two employees suddenly felt shocked and subconsciously picked up the weapons in their hands to look at them.

The disgusting rotten stench slowly wafted out.

But other than that, the door was only slightly opened and nothing appeared.

The Holy Body of Ashes looked at the font of "Emergency and Rescue Room" on the door: "Maybe it's that kind of thing. The corpse in the rescue room is alive."

He gave a brief introduction to the situation, roughly speaking, starting from this floor, some wards including the "emergency room" may have some strange corpses appearing out of nowhere.

Once someone passes nearby, they are likely to follow

But he just keeps up and doesn't do anything else.

"It sounds like a toad." Colin pursed his lips.

"Yes, almost. Anyway, I remember there was no threat." The Holy Body of Ashes was halfway through.

The orange cat on the side seemed to have thought of something and interrupted him directly:

"There is a threat! I remembered that the place corresponding to the corpse is similar to the location of the lighted windows when we entered on the first floor. If I still remember, I can avoid it.

“Also, not only will they follow, they will also attack.

"As long as someone in our team is unconscious, you will see it appear."

"In other words, the rule that triggers their attack is that people fall into coma?" Ashes Holy Body noticed the key in the words.


"Wait a minute, that sick brother in Brother Shunzi's hands." The Holy Body of Ashes looked at the person being dragged in Brother Shunzi's hands.

Orange Cat was stunned for a moment, remembering that this old man was in a coma. He hesitated and said speculatively:

"Maybe it's because this is a hospital patient number, so he defaults to being one of his own?"

"It's possible, but it's not important."

Colin ended this conjecture. He could sense through the campfire that in the rich stench behind the metal sliding door, there were twisted figures that seemed to be peeping out.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a sticky sound of blood or some thick liquid falling to the ground.

During the induction, these shadowy things seemed to be just spying on them secretly, and had no interest in the "madman" in Colin's hands.

'But speaking of which, attacks will occur if you are in a coma, so does falling asleep count? '

Colin couldn't help but think for a moment, wondering if these things would come when they reached the depths of the hospital.

If there is a risk, it still needs to be dealt with.

"Can they kill?" he asked.

Orange Cat shook his head: "No, it can't be destroyed. If you kill them, they will appear again from where they came out and continue to come until the person wakes up or is completely dead."

During the exchange between the two, Colin also noticed another key point in the other party's words: "You mean, after killing them, they will reappear from where they came out?"


"That should still be able to be solved."

Colin thought for a while, took out a new energy carbon part baked from a Level 3 containment object from his pocket, and threw it into the metal door.

"Boom" shook, and the fire filled the entire room in an instant.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" The heartbreaking scream suddenly came, but disappeared quickly within a few seconds.

"This fire can last for a long time. If you just resurrect from the original place, this should be solved. Let's go. If you see any problems on the way, let me know."

After saying that, Colin continued to move without wasting another second on these things.

"Ah, he is so strong."

Seeing Brother Shunzi's actions, both of them were obviously stunned for a moment——

All they were thinking about was how to avoid it, but Brother Shunzi blocked the spawn point and killed him. This was really a path they had never thought of.

After sighing in his heart that the strong man's thinking was different from his own, he quickly followed.

It took another ten minutes of action. Along the way, Colin blocked multiple wards, departments, and even buildings, and finally saw several psychiatric buildings in the middle and rear.

From here on, the misty screams that were originally far away and suddenly near became more "real".

The eerie sense of absurdity in the air became stronger.

After a brief observation and walking into it, even Colin felt a sudden feeling of top-heavy.

It's as if all functions of the brain have been affected to a certain extent.

So much so that there was obvious disharmony in muscle control and so on throughout the body.


Colin groaned, and the bonfire erupted, melting and destroying all this weird spiritual impact.

Then, under the radiation of the campfire, he felt that there were some hard-to-see "figures" around him. The form of existence was similar to the figures on the "Fog Train", but the essence was different.

However, the problem is not big at the moment. In the field of fire radiation, these things alone cannot be an obstacle.

Going up the stairs covered with moldy smell patches, we reached the third floor, and at the end of the corridor, we saw the room marked "701".

After pushing open, Colin first saw a small area that seemed to be a consultation room. There was a desk, a few seats, and a small refrigerator that seemed to store medicines in the small area.

Outside this area, there are five white cloth beds separated by a baffle.

Put aside the slight but unignorable rancid smell that came your way. It can be said that it is clean and tidy here.

Colin took a quick glance and made sure there was no danger, then he stepped inside and covered the entire room with flames, carefully checking all the blind spots inside.

Then, he reached into the small refrigerator to take a look, but found that the thing was locked.

However, the lock was not very tight. To him, it was almost the same as having it or not. After directly burning the lock cylinder, Colin easily opened it and found that there was indeed some medicine inside.

And through the analysis of the little maid, she learned the ingredients of these medicines


Colin raised his eyebrows and took the potion in his hand to look at it. How could there be such a thing in this psychiatric department?

Although he was completely confused about the names of most drugs, he was quite clear about this stuff. After all, friends who had been sentenced to death and executed by injection knew that this stuff was extremely toxic and was usually used for euthanasia.

It's obviously unreasonable to show up in a psychiatric department. You can't just euthanasia if you can't cure it, right?

When I was confused, some fonts suddenly appeared on the potion.

["Cyanide Injection Type O-3": a medical product dreamed up by some beings suffering from strong persecution paranoia, through inducement and suggestion, and using special means]

"Applicable conditions": After injection, it will not cause any damage to the organism itself, but it can accurately obliterate the consciousness in common level 3 and below containment objects.

"Usage Example 1": After an experimental invisible demon was successfully created into a human form, its human nature was disordered and biased towards the negative. It was confirmed that the creation failed. After joint approval by multiple departments, its human status and basic rights were deprived, and a good After all the work, an "O-3" injection was administered.

His more negative consciousness and cognition were all erased, and the small amount of goodwill consciousness that remained was cultivated with the help of the "Fire Holders" and eventually reshaped his cognition and regained a new life, becoming a glorious and noble person. warriors defending humanity.

"Usage example 2"


"Note": The use of this medicine requires the approval and sealing documents of nine relevant departments. If any link is missing, even if the injection is still invalid,

"Special use situation": Under special circumstances, more than three C-level personnel, one "fire supporter", or one B-level employee can be granted single emergency use permission.

"Special medical supplies for erasing failed human cognition, level three and below, the effect is not very special."

Colin was surprised. There was nothing surprising about the effect. There were many other methods and extraordinary methods that could modify cognition.

But this was the first time I saw these specialized “medical supplies”.

At this moment, he looked at the items in his hands, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he realized that his guess about the purpose of this hospital might be wrong.

This hospital may not be used to treat diseases, but it may be used to make medicines.

As for pharmaceutical materials, most of them are these people who have some kind of persecution delusion, no, they are lives.

But I don’t know what kind of life it is specifically.

Of course, it may also be regarded as a place for treating diseases, but just for making medicine.

"But no matter what, the company is still as evil as ever."

Colin shook his head, glanced at the four or five injections, and pocketed them all honestly.

Although he is not a fire owner yet and cannot find the three so-called "positive C-level", he has the opportunity to obtain the right to use it through "Rabbit Lady", and he may have the opportunity to use it when he knows.

After putting things away, he looked around and started to "prepare for bed".

"After a while, the Holy Body of Ashes fell asleep with me and entered the hospital floor at the back. The orange cat will be guarding this floor to ensure that no accidents occur to our bodies. If it doesn't work, they can shake us awake."

Hearing this, Orange Cat was about to say that it was difficult to shoulder such a task, but Colin continued:

"You can rest assured that I will leave some preparations here. First of all, this 'Campfire Mark', you can use it. In addition to its basic effect as a substitute, it also allows you to use a small-scale one-time 'Delirium Booster' body'."

Colin made a total of three marks of this level, and even added "Fire Bearer's Grease" into them, which was extremely costly.

Otherwise, this is meant for the people around them, and if most people don't use the "grease of the fire supporter" to ignite the flames, but directly use the "epileptic fire", these employees will be directly burned to death by the "epileptic fire", which is very costly. There is no way


The orange cat looked confused, not sure what this thing was, but when he took the mark and saw the effect, he immediately said "fuck".

If you use this thing, it's just like a fucking cheating device!

If I can take it back safely this time, wouldn't it mean that I have a temporary plug-in?

"If nothing happens, can I?"

"Okay, just think of it as reward, but"

Colin saw through this kid's thoughts at a glance: "Remember, if you have serious trouble, just use it. Don't be reluctant to part with it."

"Okay." Orange Cat felt the vague and terrifying pressure and nodded quickly.

"If you are not sure about the specific timing of use, you can listen to my maid."

While they were talking, the two of them saw a maid with cat ears suddenly gather in the air, with an indifferent look on her delicate face.

At the same time, Colin continued to take out a piece of "firewood" made from high-grade containment materials and lit a bonfire.

Bright orange-red flames suddenly covered the entire room.

Then, Colin took out Shana's special "Sun Mark". As his thoughts turned, layers of light began to seal and isolate the entire room.

"Brother Shunzi has so many cards, I feel like I can't use them all."

Standing nearby and watching Colin continue to take out various things, one or two people couldn't help but click their tongues.

Finally, after all the arrangements could be made, Colin looked at him and said:

"With the mark, you can control the power of this bonfire to a certain extent. If you still can't stop it, and the protection is broken, and you feel that you can't hold it anymore, wake me up."

Colin felt that this kind of forced awakening might have a negative impact on his mental health.

But by that time, these small sequelae will no longer be taken into consideration.

After all, with the means available now, even secondary containment objects can block it for quite some time. If he still can't hold on, he can only solve it himself.

Otherwise, if the secondary containment object directly attacks his body, he still won't be able to withstand it.

'It's a pity that there is no clone like Shana, otherwise there is no risk at all in sending a clone to sink in. 'Ke Lin sighed secretly in his heart.

"Okay." Orange Cat nodded.

After checking everything to make sure there were no errors or omissions, Colin, the "mental madman", tied up and threw them aside, then found a bed and lay down on it.

Seeing this, the Holy Body of Ashes didn't waste any time and found a place to lie down.

As elite employees of the company, whether it is Colin or the Holy Body, it is very easy to fall into a dream independently.

After a while, the room became quiet

Upon seeing this, Orange Maomao felt a little nervous. He glanced at the little maid standing beside Colin's bed, and wanted to say a few words to ease the atmosphere, but seeing the other party's indifferent look, he finally did not speak and asked for trouble.

However, after waiting for less than ten seconds, the orange cat suddenly felt a cold chill.

An accident happened!

"dong dong dong"

A heavy and suppressed crashing sound suddenly came from downstairs, as if something was knocking on the door.

The orange cat holding the "Bonfire Mark" has some vague images in his mind through the connection between the mark and the bonfire.

In the elevator on the first floor, a figure wearing a hospital gown, covered in rotting body and exuding a strong stench of corpses, stood stiffly in it, hitting the elevator door with his head, making holes one after another, like It's about coming out.

And further away, a thick darkness like ink spreads

In the darkness, there were strange lifeless silhouettes of figures getting closer and closer.

Terror is coming!

"Hiss, it's coming so fast."

Even in the bonfire, Orange Cat felt a bone-chilling chill enveloped him.

(End of this chapter)

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