Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 541 Is it true or false "Innate Ashed Holy Body"?


To the orange cat's relief, the indescribable darkness finally stopped outside the firelight, and the figures also stopped.

However, before he could fully breathe out, he saw a hand covered with old man's body spots reaching into the firelight from the darkness.

The next second, a "sizzling" sound was heard, and the old man's palms were instantly roasted until they cracked and became oily.

After a low roaring scream, the figure in the dimness retracted its hand.


The breath that Orange Cat had just choked slowly released.


As more and more figures came from all directions in the hospital due to the firelight, Orange Maomao felt the indescribable coldness in his heart intensify again.

Looking at the other side, the maid stood loyally beside Brother Shunzi without any intention of moving.

Orange Cat has no idea what this person's methods are.

However, a strong intuition told him that this robot-like motionless guy was definitely not a weakling.

Even if there is a conflict with him, he will probably die!

"Oh, I hope it can be done soon. If there is a problem, I may not be able to withstand it."

The orange cat sighed nervously.

Now he felt that what he was facing was not a few anomalies or a dozen anomalies, but something in the hospital itself that he couldn't tell whether it was "will" or something else.

At the same time, Colin closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep smoothly.

But even in a dream, he could still clearly feel his consciousness, similar to a "lucid dream" in the general sense.

"It feels like I'm about to wake up. No, it feels like I'm in another place."

Colin made a frowning gesture.

He knew that if he opened his eyes this time, he would reach the seventh floor smoothly.

But somehow I found that I couldn’t open my eyes!

'what happened? Who stopped me? Colin's thoughts turned and he realized that an accident might have happened.

It was at this time that some luminous mist began to appear in the world of dream consciousness.

Everything fell into a heavy fog.

Something invaded his dream world!


Fire burst out from Colin's consciousness, protecting him.

'Fortunately, in this case, the power of the bonfire can still be used. '

While Colin breathed a sigh of relief, his conscious gaze focused on the depths of the fog in front of him.

Although he couldn't see anything, his strong intuition told him that there should be something inside.

"What the hell?"

In his doubts, Colin suddenly heard a whisper coming from deep in the thick fog.

At first it was very vague and slight, like the noise of a mosquito buzzing, which was inexplicably irritating, but as he concentrated, the sound gradually became clearer.

"Help me, help me, help me"

The content of the request for help?

Colin was stunned for a moment, then tried to communicate: "Who are you?"

Although the specific origin of this sound is unclear, it is most likely related to something in the hospital, so you can try to see if you can learn something in advance from it.

"Help me, help."

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me, help me."


"help you."

Colin stopped his inexplicable desire to curse, pursed his lips, and gave up the idea of ​​communicating with him.

There should be no way to communicate with this thing.

However, when the other party asked for help, he couldn't help but think of the old man in the company's internal group.

I don't know if there is any connection between the two parties.

"Help me, help me" the whisper came over and over again.

But due to some kind of barrier, communication was impossible.

'You can't help but wait to die. '

Colin did not continue to waste time on this thing. As his thoughts flashed, the flames on his body exploded and spread directly in all directions, forcibly cutting away from this place.

The next moment, Colin opened his eyes and saw a familiar but unfamiliar department.

He was still lying on the hospital bed, but everything around him became very distorted, like an oil painting after being heated, as if it was about to melt at any time.

When those dark red shadow patches on the fourth layer were seen again on this layer, they began to become somewhat three-dimensional, showing strange outlines.

And it seemed to be exuding an indescribable malice.

At this moment, it seemed that due to the influence of the thick fog in his dream, his mind was a little confused and unclear.

"Brother Shunzi, are you awake?"

A somewhat surprised voice came from one side. Colin looked sideways and saw the ashes staring outside the door while speaking.

This gesture is a bit strange.

Colin looked along, then raised his eyebrows, and saw behind the observation window of the ward door, a face with no facial features and a bloody face staring inside through the observation window.

The skinless human face looked ferocious and terrifying. The two rows of teeth exposed to the air were opening and closing continuously, as if making an invisible sound, and the bloodshot eyes were staring at everything in the room.

And as if he noticed Colin's gaze, the head of this skinless man suddenly hit the door hard back and forth.

The sound of "bang bang bang" kept coming through the door and echoed in the empty corridor, making people feel panicked.

"What the hell?"

Colin was surprised, feeling an indescribable familiarity from the face of this bloody thing.

It's like they've seen each other before.

Moreover, when he turned to look at the strange things outside the door, he felt an inexplicable sense of danger appearing from behind.

Subconsciously turning his head, he saw the Holy Body of Ashes staring outside, and said quickly:

"I just woke up and didn't see you, so I went out to look for it, and I got stuck on this thing. It seems to be an anomaly. We need to deal with it quickly."

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly got stuck, as if he was being strangled.

The Holy Body of Ashes was stunned for a moment, and found that Colin had appeared beside him at some point, grabbing his neck with one hand.

Colin pulled hard and knocked the guy down with one hand, slamming it to the ground. Then he continued to strangle the guy's neck with one hand and put his knees on the guy's chest to press down on him.

The Saint of Ashes, who was subdued by American pressure, wanted to resist, but found that he was completely suppressed and could only yell helplessly:

"Brother Shunzi, what's going on? Are you crazy?!"

"You look pretty good, let me see what you are like."

After saying that, Colin stretched out his hand and pinched the face of the "innate ashes saint" in front of him. As expected, the skin and flesh were immediately separated. He grabbed the opponent's chin with his nails and tore it hard, and the entire face was torn off.

When he saw the thing behind him, Colin was stunned for a moment. It seemed to be a wooden man?

The surface of the wooden figure is also engraved with descriptions of various meridians and acupuncture points. It looks like a common prop in a traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

"Ah ah ah, my face hurts so much, are you crazy?!" The wooden man screamed in fear, stretched out his wooden hand, and used terrifying force to snatch back his face and scalp.

Colin kicked it away without killing it.

He was a little unsure whether killing this thing would have an impact on the real Ashes Holy Body.

'Also, what's going on? Why, when I woke up, it seemed like the ashes had been sent.'

Colin stood aside, holding a leather hood that was limp and dripping like a deflated balloon, looking at the wooden man and wondering what the mechanism of this abnormality was. "Is that thing outside a real person?" Colin thought for a while and felt that the hood in his hand seemed to be suitable.

But before he could open the door and let someone in for verification, he saw that the wooden man who had been pulled out of the real leather jacket actually shook off the restraining flames and stood up, wanting to launch an attack, but he didn't know what he saw, and suddenly froze. .

Colin looked in the direction it was looking and found a mirror there.

"How is it possible, me, why is there wood under my face! Impossible! Ahhh! My hands, my hands have become wood!"

The wooden man without the leather hood groped his face with both hands, seemingly finding something wrong, but as he touched it, he discovered that his hands were also wrong.

"Ahh! No, this is not my body. What curse did you use on me!"

"Give it back to me! Change my body back! Give it back to me quickly"

"You're not Brother Shunzi! You're a fake, you're a fake! You damn guy, change me back! Change me back!"

The wooden man seemed unable to accept his own appearance, suddenly went crazy and yelled, and flew towards Colin with a ferocious look on his face.

However, just halfway through, a big flaming hand grabbed it.

Colin turned his head, glanced at the door, stretched out his hand, and a ball of flame surged through, blasting the door open.

Starting from the collarbone upward, all the people with their skins peeled off rushed in. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out, and then pointed to the hood in Colin's hand, as if to imply something.

"Don't be impatient yet."

Colin looked twice, took out a mark, and said: "Fire Tree."

After that, the shadow of a big flaming tree was outlined in the air behind Colin, and on the thick trunk of the flaming tree, the old man's face appeared, and he lowered his head and responded loyally on the surface:

"I'm here."

"Can this be handled?" Colin pointed at the bloody person trying to communicate.

Although what happened to the other party, judging from the feedback given by the campfire sense, he was right, it was indeed the Holy Body of Ashes.

"He was cursed and deprived of some flesh and blood, functions, etc."

"Can you recover?"

"Yes, although it involves some advanced characteristics and abilities, the level of use is very low. Just press back the stolen flesh and blood, and then solve the source of the pollution."

"Well, then you start."

Colin handed his hand to Huoshu, who claimed to have the certificate of Bonfire's senior doctor.

The roots of the tree took over the bloody hood like a hand and pulled it open. After comparing it for a while, the "Fire Tree" rolled up its tentacles one by one and put it back on the ashes of the Holy Body. Each tiny branch Start doing fine stitching and other work for each other.

This kind of sewing work would be very effective if the maid lady did it, but unfortunately, she seems to be away.

During the manipulation, the puppet suppressed by the madness struggled wildly and screamed:

"Give it back to me! You damn anomalies! You will all die when Brother Shunzi comes here! You will all die!!

"You can't fool him! You damn heretics and criminals!"

'Why does this anomaly really think of himself as his own person? '

Colin felt an inexplicable sense of absurdity when he heard this thing.

To be honest, if it weren't for the existence of the power of the "Fire Holder", it would be difficult for him to tell who is who at the first time. Even at this moment, if there is no "bonfire" reflecting the light, he may be suspicious.

Has the Holy Body of Ashes really been usurped and turned into a wooden man?

And as the body of the ashes recovered, the voice of the wooden man whose body was covered with blood and various meridians and acupuncture points became hoarse and began to disappear.

What was taken away began to return.

When everything was over and it was confirmed from the fire tree that there was no problem, Colin burned it until there was no ashes left.

"Huh, Brother Shunzi, thank you." The ashes holy body, which had recovered a lot, said with lingering fear.

To be honest, when he was locked out, he was really sweating in his heart when he saw the wooden man who took off his whole head and put it on and turned into himself talking to Brother Shunzi.

Even he couldn't tell whether the people inside were real or fake, let alone Brother Shunzi, who had only worked together for less than three hours?

Fortunately, Brother Shunzi was not fooled.

"Actually, there's nothing to worry about. It's more like, even if there's no campfire, I should be able to tell the difference between real and fake through the smell of lycanthropy and the smell of the company. Well, tell me what happened."

Colin waved his hand to indicate the important point.

Soon, during the description of the Holy Body of Ashes, he figured out what exactly happened.

About half an hour ago, after the Holy Body of Dust woke up, he found himself alone in this room and did not see him appear.

You can wait a little at first, but stay a little longer, being alone in this hellish place.

He was having some random thoughts in his heart, so he was about to go out to look for Colin. However, not long after he went out, he encountered some strange wanderings. When he was trying to escape, he ran into a Chinese medicine department that didn't look dangerous at first glance, but was pitch black.

And happened to hide under a wooden puppet model.

"That thing reached out and touched my scalp, and I fainted for a while. When I reacted, the whole scalp was pulled out by it, and it was put on my body, and then it became me."

"Then it wanted to take action, but I blocked it, so we stayed in a stalemate."

"But then it suddenly ran away. I followed it all the way and found that it returned to the room where I appeared. Then, I saw you, Brother Shunzi, appearing. It must have wanted to attack you."

The ashes of the holy body told about his experience of despair. Although his face was a little uncoordinated because it had just been sutured, he still showed a deep fear.

If Brother Shunzi hadn't been there on this trip, he didn't dare think about what would have happened to him.

"It's not an attack. He wants to continue to deprive you of your social relationships in reality and truly replace you." Huoshu spoke from the side, denying the last words of the Holy Body.

Hearing this, the Holy Body of Ashes hissed, but he didn't expect that thing to be so vicious.

Not only did she steal his face, she also wanted to take away everything else.

"But it's actually meaningless. If you were an ordinary person, it might really take everything away from you, but at least it can't take away your company identity as a company employee. Even higher-level beings can't do it. After all, this is the 'agreement' Direct authentication, if it is really done, then it will not be a small matter of being deprived of identity," Huoshu said with certainty.

"Okay, since there is no problem now, it's not particularly important. Well, do you mean that I showed up about half an hour later than you?"

Colin interrupted Huoshu's words, and then looked at the Ashing Holy Body. He knew that his late appearance was most likely caused by the sudden "dense fog dream."

"Yes." After receiving the response, Colin thought for a while and continued to ask if the other party had had a similar dream.

"Never dreamed of it"

The Ashed Holy Body immediately shook his head to express that he was not sure. He appeared here as soon as he woke up, and felt that his body was very strange. There was a sense of unreality, but it was unreal, but it seemed real, and it was difficult to distinguish.

At least the severe pain after the scalp is pulled out is very clear.

My head is still buzzing now, and my face is itching and hurting.

"It should be the company's method. I don't know the details, but our real body is still on the fourth level."

Colin took a moment and gave a simple answer.

"Still on the fourth floor? Then"

Seeing that the Ashed Holy Body was relaxing, Colin interrupted and warned: "Of course, although we are not real bodies, it is best not to cause trouble here, otherwise even if we do not die, there will be great negative effects."

After a pause, Colin clapped his hands: "Okay, I've been delayed for a long time. Now go to the consultation department lobby to read the rules."

"Yes." Ashes Holy Body nodded without any objection.

By the seventh floor, there wasn't much useful knowledge he could provide. After all, when they first explored, they almost turned over the car on this floor.

All he can do is follow Brother Shunzi to see if there is a chance to see his former teammates again.

But just as the two were about to leave, Colin suddenly stopped and looked at the corner of the room.

It was discovered that the "mental madman" who was tied up on the fourth floor was also in this room.

(End of this chapter)

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