Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 542 The mutated female employee!

"This guy actually followed?"

Colin raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised, but not surprised.

After all, in that room, as long as you fall asleep, you can jump to the next floor. But I didn't expect that you don't need to lie on the bed to do it.

kindness? Colin suddenly realized something was wrong. He stretched out his hand and waved a wisp of flame to cover the other party.

"This guy has arrived in his true form."

After some inspection, Colin confirmed this.

However, the mission does not seem to mention how to deal with this thing.

He was a little doubtful whether he should bring it or not.

"Why is this ghost following you?" The Saint on the other side noticed the direction Colin was staring at, and looked along with the same surprised expression.

"Do you now recall seeing this in the hospital?"

Colin asked again, but the Holy Body of Ashes still shook his head, saying that he had never seen any "mental patients".

Moreover, there is no impression at all, which means that I have never seen it before.

"Maybe it's because 'Ms. Rabbit' made some communications behind the mission. Who did she contact?"

Colin felt that there might be some deal behind the scenes.

After thinking about it, he asked the ashes to carry the person on his back to avoid having to continue to draw a little more from the person if the thousand milliliters of blood behind him were not enough.

Then, Colin came to the ward door, which was closed again, and kicked the door open.

It was a gloomy place outside the door, and the air was filled with an unspeakable stench, like mold, blood, rotten flesh, disinfectant, formalin, and even some unknown excrement mixed together.

Colin sniffed a little and analyzed it through the super-enhanced sense of smell given by the "lycanthropy" in his body.

"It's still under processing."

Confirming this, Colin did not delay any longer and walked out with the ashes body.

In the dark and gloomy corridor, the incandescent lights sizzled and flickered frequently like a bad electrical connection.

The shrill and piercing cry came from nowhere, making people feel numb.

As soon as he left the building, Colin saw that there were shadows like balloons slowly floating towards here. They were not just a few dozen, but a large one, densely packed, crowding every space.

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts."

A group of balloon shadows entered the direct range of the fire, suddenly let out a scream, fell from the air, landed with a thud, and rolled crazily on the ground screaming——

A little boy's head!

"Hiss, a balloon made of human heads?" The Saint of Ashes felt a little inexplicable horror in his heart when he saw the whole thing.

The head looked like a normal person, but the bottom of the neck was sutured with a centipede-like surgical rope, and a black rope that seemed to be a surgical rope was floating in the air.

Screaming and floating at the same time!

Something suddenly happened to the Ashed Holy Body: "The screams in the previous levels were caused by the hair of these people. If you want to avoid it, you have to avoid looking at it as much as possible, shield your hearing, etc., and reduce contact as much as possible."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly came to his senses and glanced at the human-headed monsters in the sky that were excluded by the flames.

It seems that together with Brother Shunzi, there seems to be no need to run around like he and others did before.

"It's not a big problem. Now go to the lobby of the consultation department."

After saying that, Colin stepped forward and asked:

"What was the big trouble that separated you before?"

It's worth understanding the threat that can scatter a D-class team.

If it were just some simple entities with stronger individual lives, then it would be fine, but what are the rules to be afraid of?

Even Colin could only try his best to abide by those rule-based things and not dare to go beyond them easily.

"I still can't remember. I should have happened on the eighth floor." Ashes Saint said uncertainly. He felt that there were still some things in his mind, but they were still very vague.

According to previous experience, this should only happen in areas that are currently unreachable.

Otherwise, everything will immediately come to mind.

As he moved forward, Colin could feel that there were a large number of strange things following him silently in the darkness beyond the firelight.

Occasionally, he went overboard and tried to attack, but the result was that he was directly burned into slag by the flames.

Then the whole thing was quiet for a while.

'It's rare to show a certain level of intelligence, but when seeing the power of the 'bonfire', you won't run away, and even try to collide with it.'

Colin commented simply in his mind.

At this moment, he was a little lucky that he was strong enough, if he would be sent here when he changed to E-level or F-level.

It’s hard to say anything else about this mission, but it definitely has a terrifying atmosphere!

But speaking of it, what is unusual here? There seems to be certain rules for how to act.

As long as you figure it out and prepare carefully, it's not impossible to implement it.

Even if you can understand the habits of these aliens, you can also guide them to fight against each other to gain opportunities.

Along the way, Colin saw an anomaly in a security uniform that seemed to attack other things that came close to it.

"This hellish place feels like even if it's not out of control, it's not a good place."

Colin shook his head secretly.

Almost half an hour later, he quickly returned with the ashes of the holy body.

During this period, except for encountering a few Chinese medicine puppets who blocked the way, and being slightly hindered by a nursery rhyme that sounded like a chorus when arriving at a certain area, the whole process could be said to be uneventful.

Not long after, Colin and the two passed through hospital buildings and finally returned to the "Outpatient Department".

As soon as he came in, his breath froze. He saw that in the center of the outpatient department hall, the previous front desk had turned into a huge parasol, more than two meters high, inserted on the ground.

This is a company prop for a colleague!

Under the umbrella, there was a female corpse that had been hung for an unknown amount of time, with her head tilted and her skin glowing pale white.

The Ashed Holy Body opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and the last bit of luck in his heart disappeared.

Ignoring his emotions, Colin walked into the lobby of the outpatient department and looked at the female employee's body.

The body is relatively clean after death, and generally there is no incontinence caused by hanging.

But the corpse was not the point. Colin looked past her and towards the huge LED screen not far behind.

On the LED screen that flashed like blood, except for the guide, all other subsequent contents had changed.

"1. There is nothing unconventional in this hospital. If you encounter something, please do not think too much to avoid encountering something that should not appear. In addition, if you encounter something unusual, please look for the slogan nearby. If there is a slogan, please follow the slogan. Action, if there is no sign and you cannot escape, please call the doctors and nurses immediately. They will arrive at the scene for rescue as soon as possible. They are trustworthy."

“2. Jian Yu Ling "

"3. Help me! Help me! Help me out quickly."

"Ang? Is the second line garbled this time?"

Among the three pieces of content, Colin noticed the bunch of strange fonts at a glance.

Interpretation couldn't reveal anything anyway, so he didn't hesitate and went straight to the third item first. "Help me? That passage in the dream?"

Colin quickly connected this passage with those in the dream.

It feels like it should be coming from the same thing

"Will it be the unyielding brother on the parchment who changes the content of the code?"

Colin felt that there was still a possibility, but he didn't know what the guy's current situation was.

In addition, the final requirement of the mission that came in this time still did not appear. It is not clear whether it will be related to the other party, or in fact, because the journey has been so smooth, the other party has a helping hand?


Colin shook his head and looked at the first content again.

"Looking for slogans, those I passed by before, saying don't smoke, or something like no one singing in this house, stay away if you hear it?"

Colin thought for a while and remembered that he had seen some signs when passing by before, but he didn't care because the abnormal threat was not too great.

However, those slogans are quite deep and difficult to find, and there is more than one anomaly in one area.

Not particularly reliable either.

As for doctors and nurses, etc.

On the first floor, they said that the hospital is fully automated and there are no doctors or nurses. Now they not only change their story and say that they do, but they also say that it is very reliable.

Colin pursed his lips, not sure whether it was saying that this layer was reliable alone, or something else.

If a wrong choice is made, it will definitely be fatal for low-level employees!

"This ghost place feels like it's suitable for 'destiny'. You can use extraordinary abilities to deduce whether these rules are correct one by one. If you find other ways, you will be in trouble if you don't have enough strength."

Of course, the prediction of "fate-promoting" is not omnipotent. If one is not used well, it may be directly connected to the deep-seated terror.

I'm afraid it would be very miserable to die like that.

That is to say, after reading all three rules, new events appeared immediately.

[Event 3: Go to the morgue, randomly look for a morgue with corpses, and pass through the morgue to reach the tenth floor. At this level, seek to find and hand over the "mental madman" to the "red nurse" ", and after confirming that he has entered the rescue room and the rescue indicator light is on, he injects himself with "Psychic Madman Blood Extract" and sinks to the next level.]

"Remark 1": No need to retain anyone

"There are many missions, but how about finding a morgue and lying down in it to enter the next level? Oh my god, who designed the way to go deep into the hospital?"

"Why is it so abstract?"

"Hiss, I still didn't escape this 'mental madman's blood extract' in the end."

Colin opened his mouth, feeling that all his previous luck was in vain.

However, the current body is not essentially the main body, and there is nothing to worry about, even if it is the main body.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you have more or less.

After all, there are a lot of things in his body. If these things enter, even if they are not dealt with by the "bonfire", they will be directly devoured by "hunger" or ancient god-level "lycanthropy" pollution.

"It seems that there are benefits to keeping Gu in the body."

Colin laughed secretly to himself.

Then, he withdrew his gaze and was about to turn around and leave when he heard the feeble voice of the ashes:

"He was obviously still alive on the first floor."


Colin was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that the ashes refer to the dead female employee in the center of the hall.

It seems like this guy has a pretty good relationship with him, otherwise he wouldn't be so depressed

As for what the other person said

"Maybe it has something to do with the special nature of this hospital." Colin said.

According to his conjecture, things in the deep layers will be projected onto the surface, and the appearance of the hanging corpse on the first floor may be because they subconsciously thought that there should be a receptionist at the front desk.

So, what was essentially a hanging corpse was projected into the front desk lady——

The one who can still speak.

But speaking of it.

"It's not a complete death."

As Colin's thoughts turned around, he noticed that the body of the female employee was shaking very slightly and was being held open by the hanging rope. The upper and lower jaws of the mouth with the tongue hanging out were also opening and closing at a very low amplitude.

But the traces at the scene looked like he had chosen to hang himself, rather than being an anomaly?

Because you can’t leave, why choose death?

"Brother Shunzi, can you dispose of her body later?" Ashes Saint asked.

"It should be possible, but now."

Colin did not refuse. The mission did not say that the body would be recovered, nor how it would be disposed of, but it was not a problem for her to be exposed to the wilderness after a co-worker.

Not much to say, but I can still do a little favor.

After all, helping others to be cremated leaves a lingering fragrance in your hands.

Colin stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, and sparks flew dozens of miles away, burning the strange parasol prop and the body under the umbrella in an instant.

In the flames, the pale skin of the corpse gradually dried up and disappeared.

Compared to ordinary monsters that are burnt to a black and hideous state, Colin gave him a decent burning method.

However, after a few seconds of burning, as the water in the body slowly evaporated, Colin prepared to wait until she was completely dry and then turn her into ashes in an instant.

But at this moment, Colin suddenly felt something, and his movements stopped for a moment.

Then, at the same time, I saw the slightly shrunken eyeballs of the female employee's corpse suddenly moved and looked over.

"It won't be burned alive right?" Colin was stunned.

To be honest, it feels like something is a little bit wrong now?

At this time, the female employee's upper and lower jaws, which were attached to the shriveled flesh, opened and closed slightly, making a sound as thin as a mosquito's fly.

"Run. I see it. It's right there with you all the time. Don't believe its message."

Hearing this, not only the ashes of the holy body, but also Colin felt a chill enveloping him.

Is something following them all the way?

Colin couldn't believe it, but after the other party said this, a strong premonition seemed to pierce a screen window, breaking something——

There really seems to be something following him all the way!

However, he didn't wait until he tried to understand what the thing about him was.

The female employee suddenly seemed like a different person:

"Help me, help me, help me, please help, no, no, no"

She seemed to be fighting something, looking at Colin with a kind of pleading in her eyes.

Colin understood, and immediately stretched out his hand, and the flames rolled around, completely incinerating the opponent. However, after the flames disappeared, he frowned and saw the female employee's body reappeared.

This is not the root cause!

"Help me, help." As the pleading words continued to echo, the atmosphere of the whole situation began to become weird.

A strong intuition told Colin that if he stayed here any longer, he would probably encounter very troublesome things!

"Let's go." Without any further delay, Colin grabbed the ashes and fled outside. (End of chapter)

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