Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 548 We lost an employee

Chapter 548 We lost an employee

"Outsiders like you?"

After hearing Colin's words, some female survivors seemed to remember something.

After a moment, the leading woman nodded again and said: "There was one, about two and a half years ago, a similar person did come over, but I don't know if he is the person you are looking for, and there is one more thing, It was not us who came into contact with him at that time, but other shelters.”

"Other areas? Can you tell me what the situation is? Or, I can agree to some normal conditions in exchange for his information."

Colin was surprised. He was actually just asking casually, not expecting any answer.

After all, the hospital covers a very large area on each floor.

If he didn't have a far superior sense of smell than ordinary people, etc., he might not be able to meet the people here even if he survives for a long time.

But I didn't expect, I didn't expect that it would actually happen?


'The time point of two and a half years is not quite right. According to the forum, he should have only been there for more than half a year, less than a year. However, most of this information is his personal words and may not be true. of'

Colin's thoughts were turning, and he planned to learn more.

At this time, he heard the leader sister continue to say: "There is no need to exchange this information, I will tell you directly. We were supporting that side at the time and had some contact with them. Although we did not have much contact, the impression was still very deep. .”

Colin asked the female leader again to make sure that there were no errors in the information he received due to "translation".

At this time, the female leader who was 2.34 meters tall continued to ask: "What is your relationship with him?"

However, all descriptions fit.

When describing it, Jie Gui couldn't help but admire him. That guy was one of the few who could survive the "Corpse Tyrant" and even stronger "Puppet Tide", "Corpse Feast" and other disaster entities. By.

After all, if it weren't for "bad luck", it would be very difficult for a normal E-class extraordinary person to stumble over stones while walking or choke on his saliva.

"If nothing else, he should be a lost employee of our company." Colin said simply.

So far, the other party has not informed her of the relationship.

Not to mention that after multiple injections of "gene compensation drugs", the coordination of his whole body is far beyond that of ordinary company employees of unknown levels.

"This description should be correct." Colin knew as soon as he heard it that it was the old unlucky man.

"In other words, the time he was actually trapped may exceed his own knowledge? Or is it time difference? No, he should be aware of the time difference, just like 'World Number 13', no I have been here for two and a half years, but I don’t know what happened in the middle.”

He would choke when he swallowed his saliva, would bite his tongue from time to time when talking, had various allergies all the time, would trip over small stones for no apparent reason when walking, and there would always be various abnormalities and "accidents" around him. "find him

If it weren't for his outstanding strength, he might have died in these various disasters long ago.

'I remember that the guy's earliest distress signal was sent by him seven months ago. According to his own words, he probably stayed there for a month or two before the mission ended. And find opportunities to send a message. '

No, this is difficult for ordinary people.

Soon, under the leader’s explanation, Colin understood what “profound” meant——

Only the time doesn't quite match up.

That was a very unlucky guy.

"But it's a pity that when we later tried to find him, not long after we contacted him, he was targeted by the 'Dean' and had to escape into other abnormal areas alone. We don't know the final result, because we haven't seen him since then. However, according to our guess, there is a high probability that it was either swallowed or dismembered and carried deep into the depths."

Colin thought about the code in the lobby of the hospital's outpatient department.

Although I have long suspected that I have a relationship with that employee, suspicion is suspicion, and actually making contact is another matter.

"Actually speaking, that person was kind to us. If it weren't for him, we might have been surrounded by various disaster entities." The female leader seemed to have thought of something and said with lingering fear.

'But if what is said here is accurate, then within two and a half years, there was an obvious conflict.'

'It doesn't look like a good ending. ’ Colin pursed his lips.

"Is that so?" the female leader nodded. She didn't know the specific meaning of "company", but according to the information converted from the other party's words, it seemed to be a force similar to religion, gangs, or managers of different shelters. call

After answering the female leader's doubts, Colin turned his head and looked at the employees lying on the other side:

"By the way, do you remember how long ago you received his message?"

While talking, he looked at this employee who was lying on the hospital bed covered in bandages and seriously injured. Looking at his appearance, Colin suddenly couldn't help but be distracted, and he was a little doubtful. If he hadn't come here this time, this guy would be recovering from his injuries. After raising it, won’t it be pulled into breeding by these ladies?

But before he could think about it, he sat up with great difficulty, enduring the pain all over his body: "Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, I remember it was about five months ago, he, cough, when he first appeared. , based on current calculation, it seems to be about nine months.”

Listening to Colin's conversation with the people here, he also discovered clues.

What is this "man who never surrenders"?

There must be something wrong!

The first possibility is that either he deliberately concealed something and deliberately tricked people into coming to the rescue. The second possibility is that he didn't even know the situation himself.

I really just thought that I had only been here for more than half a year and eight or nine months.

As for the reason, there are many possibilities. Either the other party is controlled, replaced, or contaminated.

Everything is possible.

But whatever the possibility, the situation is not good.

"I think he... cough, cough, cough," said the Holy Body of Ashes. He couldn't help but cough violently, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

"Stop talking now. I probably know what you mean. Let me treat you first."

Colin raised his hand to stop the other party's words, and then continued to summon his medical model workers.

The next second, a fire tree that looked like a water banyan tree, but with leaves like balls of flames appeared in front of the ladies. Hundreds of aerial roots stretched out and penetrated into the skin of the ashes holy body like raindrops. .

When the ladies on the side saw this, they all took a breath.

However, apart from being frightened, they also discovered that the injuries on Dahui Holy Body that were so serious that ordinary compatriots could not survive were being repaired quickly.

After a while, I was able to walk directly on the ground!

You must know that not long ago, the opponent's internal organs were exploded and his limbs were shattered. It was as if he was dying. But now I can actually get out of bed and move around.

To everyone, it was nothing less than a miracle of resurrection!

"If you need it, you can come here for treatment."

Colin looked at the wide-eyed ladies and directly made a decision for Huoshu.

It has to be said that although the "Fire Tree" is not a true resurrection device in terms of treatment, the company and even the official government have many medical props that surpass it.

However, its scope is indeed very broad.

Not to mention the normal carbon-based human body, it is those stone silicon-based ones. He has dabbled in a lot and knows how to treat. He is very familiar with the treatment of level 3 and below pollution. He can be regarded as a general practitioner.

After hearing what Colin said, the ladies hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to accept this "generosity".

After all, many of them were seriously injured, and it would be best if they had the chance to be cured.

'The task progress is over 90%, it's almost over'

Colin looked at the progress of the current task.

Collecting information through chatting to do investigative tasks is not only less risky, but also much faster than killing people outside. If you were outside, you might not be able to pass half of it now.

'We should learn more about the current local ecological environment, various abnormal information, etc., and then we can complete it. '

As thoughts flashed, Colin began to ask about related matters.

"In the lobby on the first floor of every hospital building here, or in other areas such as the inpatient department, the available food may be refreshed every three to fifteen days. During this period, we will send out exploration Team, go out and collect these supplies."

"If you don't take them out, they will be left to stink until a 'red nurse' takes them away and throws them away, and they will continue to be refreshed."

"Well, it's not just food, some medicines and the like will also be refreshed. However, in this regard, each different department will refresh different medicines. For example, if you have a mental illness, you have to go to the psychiatry department. If you have a broken leg or hand, you have to go to the orthopedics department or emergency department. Over there."

Of course, although they may not necessarily use medicines, they will definitely collect as much as possible if they can collect them.

Because medicines can not only be eaten, but if processed well, they can also be turned into explosives, poisons, gas weapons, etc.

'It seems true that many drugs can be made to explode, but what the heck? A racial talent that allows humans to explode wherever they go? ’ Colin pursed his lips.

To be honest, judging from some of the information given by the female leader, the people who fled here were

They are probably a group of ordinary earthly humans with some abilities.

An example is the language of the people here, which is a rare hodgepodge of earthly languages. Although there are some self-created fonts, most of them use the original characters of Chinese, English, German and other fonts directly.

So the talent of "explosion" may be due to their being "earthlings"?

At this time, the female leader continued:

"During this period, we may encounter dozens of different anomalies such as 'Puppet Man', 'Laughing Nightmare', 'Living Corpse', 'Corpse Tyrant', 'Big-Headed Madman', 'Group of Minced Meat', etc. Well,' The "Group of Minced Meat" is the pieces of minced meat on the ground. We suspect that these may be the result of the people captured by the "Red Nurse". They can't be killed no matter how hard they are killed."

As the female leader spoke little by little, Colin's mission progress was getting closer and closer to 100%.

'I was curious about where the food in this ghost place came from, but I didn't expect it to refresh automatically. And it looks very nutritious. ' Colin murmured in his heart, this kind of place can be said to be a "saint trap"

If Shana knew there was a similar place where she could get food without any moral burden, I'm afraid that even if there was an "ancient god" guarding her, she would probably risk getting hurt every day by going in. "0 Yuan Gou”——

After all, Shana has really done something similar before, and fought with the "Ancient God" for 800 points.

'You are so tough, eh, damn, no, the guys in the bullshit branch are really not human beings. Eight hundred points fooled my Shana into shopping with that kind of existence! If something goes wrong, I have to dismantle it! '

Shaking his head and collecting his thoughts, Colin continued to listen to the message in silence.

Then I heard the female captain next to the female leader interjected and said that I didn't know what happened before. The whole hospital world was shaken. A large number of abnormalities and "red nurses" died suddenly, and a terrifying rift opened.

But it is this crack that leads to something deeper in the world, and something seems to emerge.

Colin's expression was strange: 'Are these the three most capable of fighting each other? '

He thought before that it would only affect a few surrounding layers at most, but he didn't expect it to go so deep?

After asking for some details, it seems to be true.

The impact of the fighting was more profound than he thought, and even the twelfth level and even deeper levels were severely affected.

"By the way, do you still remember why you have such an imbalance between male and female protagonists?" Colin asked curiously.

When the female leader talked about these things before, she just said it in one stroke and did not go into detail.

"We don't know the situation very well. Some speculate that it is due to food, and some speculate that it is environmental. In addition, there are also some broken related inherited memories, which may also be the reason."

"Broken memory?" Colin asked.

"The memory we pieced together is that a hundred years ago, there seemed to be something very terrifying that broke away from the depths of the hospital. When it left and passed by, our bodies seemed to be affected. In this regard, the time is That's right, well, according to our observation later, that thing may not have left, it may not have left, or it may have come from outside the world, and it may want to enter here."

That period of history is too broken and difficult to restore, so they usually assume that something has left deep within.

But there are many possibilities, and it is not absolutely certain.

"What thing can make an impression?" Colin became more and more curious. What thing, just passing by, could cause such mutations in people's genes?

The female leader said uncertainly: "I vaguely remember that it seems to be related to a burst of 'red light'. We suspect that the 'red nurse' may have been caused by it, because after that incident, the 'red nurse' was the first Appears once."

But before he could finish speaking, Colin suddenly raised his hand to signal to stop talking.

When he heard the word "red light", Colin stopped asking.

Not to mention the genetic damage caused by the "red light", this group of people can now stand here properly instead of turning into a pile of organs crawling around. They have to pray for blessings from the bonfire.

Of course, the most important thing is

When the female leader spoke just now, this investigation mission was displayed as completed!

That is to say, after waiting for Colin to confirm, a new round of events appeared. This time, it seemed to be the last event!

(End of this chapter)

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