Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 549 The world of three celestial bodies!

Chapter 549 The world of three celestial bodies!

[Special Event 1: Within twelve hours, gather all the survivors on the 12th floor who are willing to leave, and evacuate through the temporary bonfire 'evacuation passage' to the door of the "Inquiry Department" on the first floor of the "non-existent hospital" on the train. 】

"Note 1": When the time comes, please tear open the "letter" and create a passage.

"Note 2": Spread the news to be transferred as far as possible.

[Special Event 2: After the 'Evacuation Channel' is opened, it will trigger the peek of the deep gathering things. Please complete the blocking action on the twelfth floor to prevent the things from trying to enter the 'Evacuation Channel'. 】

"Remarks": It can only appear as an individual. If it fails, the mission will be declared a failure.

[Special event three: When it appears, please kill it, and while the contact is not interrupted, deliver a "token" to the area behind the thirteenth floor. 】

"Remarks": Completion of this event will be deemed as complete completion of this event.

"There are actually three more tasks, but the overall task is almost the same."

Colin pursed his lips and examined it carefully.

The first mission required a transfer. He had already had a premonition the moment he saw a sane person when he arrived, so there was no surprise.

Colin said noncommittally: "That's a coincidence."

Unlike some places, when you go there, you already have the idea that the world is about to be destroyed and you want to move.

Colin thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the ladies at the table who were waiting for him to finish thinking.

'If nothing else, it should be a special contract or something like that. When will I be able to sign a document and directly mobilize the power of other places? '

Ms. Bai is the manager of other shelters.

The reason for coming in person is probably because I have heard rumors about "outsiders" for a long time.

The female leader thought for a while, nodded and said, "There is also a small group of people in the shelter who always want to leave here, but they have never found any suitable opportunity."

After all, if there is really a place to survive outside, then these people can help explore the way, then retract the news, and then try outside.

However, just when she was about to say something, a similarly tall woman walked in.

For example, this is the case with the "King of Crazy Sound". In addition to being tortured, that guy can also feel that some kind of ultimate moment is approaching. If he doesn't go out, he really has no chance.

As his thoughts turned around, Colin suddenly discovered that big shots often played their cards right in their "fights".

Colin thought about it and felt that it was a "conspiracy".

Then, he looked at the second part: "So, there should be something coming out later, trying to escape?"

After letting people leave, she looked at Colin and nodded: "It just so happens that they are very ambitious and powerful. They are one of the few people who want to be exposed to the outside world."

Not required for everyone?

Colin was startled, feeling that this problem didn't seem to be a big one.

Some of them were carrying cannon barrels, and some were carrying large swords. Coupled with the presence or absence of aura surrounding them, their overall strength was pretty good.

But from the past to the present, most attempts to leave have basically ended tragically.

But this time, she didn't mind doing some favors and helping Colin contact those people.

Colin was a little envious, but soon he got a headache

How do you get these people together?

From the current point of view, the life of the people here is miserable, but it is not that bad, because the food will be refreshed, and there are abnormalities and the like. After decades of exploration, I have long been accustomed to it and have my own set of social operation patterns.

"One thing I can ask is, are there any people or forces here who are willing to leave?" Colin asked.

'Should I also improve my body shape? 'Colin couldn't help but think about it.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they don't have any trouble at all. After all, they are currently suffering from some "gene" disorder and difficulty in finding a good mating partner, among a series of minor and minor problems.

'It's a bit troublesome.'

Many times if you don’t try, you really have no chance at all.

Not long after, another group of tall women came over.

In addition, they fled here when they fled, and their impression of the outside world has always been a "doomsday" scene that has been destroyed.

However, the mission was not mentioned, so it must have been taken care of, so there is no need to worry too much.

As for why he continued to try even though he knew there was a trap, after experiencing so many things, Colin probably guessed something, as a certain time approached.

Colin thought about it and was not sure.

"Ms. Bai? She came in person?" The female leader was stunned for a moment, but soon remembered that when the female captain went out to explore and something happened, they had sent some distress signals to other shelters.

Colin raised his hand and pinched his forehead, feeling a little headache from this - no, as if he missed it, Colin suddenly paused: "Among all the survivors, are they willing to leave?"

There is some external resistance that is not very strong but is somewhat strong.

Therefore, related work is not easy to handle.

After so many years, it is indeed impossible for everyone to want to stay here.

After seeing the note, Colin opened the "storage room" and took a look.

There may be some secrets and conspiracies, but the proportion is not the largest.

The "Rabbit Lady" puts the opportunity and the bait out there, and no matter what, she has to give it a try.

As long as Colin himself is defeated, he will have a chance to leave.

"Someone who wants to leave?"

"But according to my understanding, after the severed hand is put in, the 'hospital' will be safe in a sense, but the 'buffet' in the hospital may not be refreshed by then."

Colin suddenly understood why the note on incident one required that the news be spread as much as possible.

Generally speaking, it can be regarded as a drunkard who is not interested in drinking.

Because according to the above statement, if that thing does not come down and appears without yearning for the outside world, then it is likely that it will not be able to kill it, and it will not be possible to open a deep channel through it and release the severed hand.

"So even if you know there's a problem with the deep stuff, you'll still give it a go and fight for the future?"

"You can bring them directly here." The female leader said.

And quickly came to the female leader and whispered: "Ms. Bai personally came with the support team."

Compared with this group of people, he is only a little over 1.7 meters tall in this body, like a child.

'The next step is to think about how to find people who are willing to leave. '

As expected, there was a special letter inside.

However, before he could do anything, the female leader stood up and briefly introduced Colin's situation to the other party. When Ms. Bai, who was carrying a sword about two meters high, saw Colin for the first time, her eyes suddenly lit up.

This mental state, etc., is very tender, and people can't help but want to play with it. Ms. Bai took a breath and took the initiative to sit not far away from Colin. The two parties briefly got to know each other.

"How do you feel? This woman looks at me with such a naked look." Colin didn't know how to describe his emotions.

Then, after he finished talking about his own situation, Ms. Bai also focused on something in her eyes:

"You mean, you're here to take us out of this dangerous world? How can you prove that you can do this? And guarantee that it won't be a scam?"

Although they want to leave here and find the real blue sky and the real world. But this does not mean that they will believe others' words casually.

Hearing this, Colin thought for a few seconds and finally shook his head: "To be honest, it's really not easy for me to give out tangible evidence now. All I can do is swear an oath in front of the 'bonfire' and finish this." Everything to make sure I'm not lying."

After taking the oath in front of the "bonfire", both parties can feel the feeling of "contract establishment".

But it is a pity that there are no basic conditions for the "Bonfire" belief here.

The other party may not even give him a chance to swear an oath to avoid possible dangers.

"'Bonfire'?" Ms. Bai tilted her head and looked at him.

"Well, that's it."

Colin was also unambiguous. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers with a "pop" sound, and secretly used the "Bonfire" gold mark with his left hand.

The next second, a burst of flames burst out and filled the entire hall!

The warm flames emanating from above made everyone present feel a very comfortable and positive emotion that they had not seen for a long time.

"We'll talk about the oath later. First, you have to tell me, what is the outside world like?"

Ms. Bai glanced aggressively at Colin's collar and licked her lips, which made Colin feel goosebumps in his heart. He couldn't help but grab his collar and lift it up.

'How come negotiations are like selling one's body?' Colin was not used to this weird atmosphere.

It always feels like people here will strip themselves naked

At this time, Ms. Bai smiled: "Then you can always tell us what the outside world is like, right? And after we leave, where will our living space be, etc., we have to give some news, right?"

"Otherwise, if we leave, no one will welcome us, and if it's worse than here, wouldn't we leave in vain?"

If the outside world is beautiful, but if those people are unwilling to accept them, then going there will become an invasion.

By then, a war will inevitably break out, and countless people will die.

If that's the case, there's no need to leave.

"This is easy to say. We can all promise living space, guaranteed benefits, etc. As for what it's like outside."

Colin took out the golden mark of "light" and activated it according to what he thought.

Pieces of light intertwined in the air, reflecting the outside world, with neat tall buildings, lush forests, long and winding rivers, and three huge suns above the sky. Huh?

Three suns? !

No, it doesn’t seem to be the sun, it seems to be a super-large bonfire that replaces the sun?

'what's going on? Colin was startled. What he wanted to show was not like this!

It was at this moment that he noticed that some buildings in this picture looked very sci-fi and did not look like common things on earth.

And in the clouds in the sky, there are also "sky cities" floating in the sky one after another.

For a moment, an inspiration suddenly flashed through.

Colin understood the situation. This picture came from the "Second Box Garden World" and was a corner of the safe zone in that world!

In other words, the area where the train will be sent is not the earth, but here?

"It seems so advanced, I almost want to go there." Colin muttered in his heart.

Having been to so many "different worlds", this was the first time he saw such a seemingly safe place.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw the scene displayed by Colin.

Memories from the "ancestors" emerged in his mind, and the memory fragments began to correspond to the above. These were enough to show that the picture in front of him was by no means a fantasy, but a reality!

As for a small part, there are differences. For example, there is not one sun in the sky but three.

But after such a long time, it is normal for some small changes to occur.

And there is a high probability that there is something wrong with the memory of the ancestors.

"The real world"

Some people's hearts were filled with emotions, and they couldn't help but want to reach out and touch them, but their hands passed through the light and shadow.

On the other side, the "Innate Ashed Holy Body" who had recovered more than half of his body looked at the picture on the light and shadow. It was nothing at first, but after he noticed that there was more than one sun, he felt that something was not right.

Seeing that there were so many people at the scene, it would be a slap in Brother Shunzi's face if he asked, so he finally swallowed the words back in his throat.

Everyone watched for a long time before Ms. Bai looked away reluctantly: "Can you guarantee that I will have a place to live when I go here?"

Everything in it is extremely large and oppressive.

She knows very well that a group that has the ability to build these things is definitely not something they can defeat.

'If it weren't for the inspiration given by the mission, to be honest, I can't guarantee it myself.' A thought flashed through Colin's mind. Originally, he thought he was going to Earth, which would definitely guarantee preferential treatment based on his status.

Just like those children who came out of the "Seventh Box Garden World" before, they are currently being strictly protected.

But the problem is not that big.

Colin felt that he should be negotiating on behalf of "Ms. Rabbit" now, and the commitment he gave was equivalent to that given by "Ms. Rabbit" herself.

And a senior executive of "Bonfire Company" would not break the contract on such a general issue.

"Yes, the oath taken in the campfire will include this," he said.

"Then let's try it." Ms. Bai was silent for a moment, and finally agreed. Instead of letting her subordinates test it, she came up directly.

Not long after, a special bonfire was raised.

In the presence of the "bonfire", Colin made some promises to the "Rabbit Lady".

After Ms. Bai listened quietly, following some unspeakable guidance, she stretched out her hand and placed a seal on the bonfire.

"The contract review has been passed. The regulations for this event will be protected by the 'Bonfire Agreement'."

A line of red subtitles appeared in her eyes.

At this moment, although it was difficult for her to describe the feeling, she was able to confirm that these oaths were indeed true and effective.

"I believe you." Ms. Bai nodded.

"Then, let's take action now, notify everyone who is willing to leave, and find a suitable place. Well, how long will it take for you to gather here?"

Colin was somewhat relieved to see that she agreed.

Finally the first step was taken.

"There are many people who have the tendency to leave, maybe tens of thousands, but there are only about 3,000 people who can make a decisive choice like me. As for the time, it will take at least a day or two. After all, there are dangers in various shelters. A lot, and sometimes we have to wait for the danger to disappear before we can pass.”

However, before he finished speaking, Colin interrupted: "What if the roads leading to various shelters are not dangerous?"

"There's no danger? Haha, maybe a few hours will be enough, but how are you going to do that?"

Ms. Bai was about to shake her head and say this was impossible.

But the next second, an extremely horrifying flame suddenly burst out in front of his eyes, and the terrifying momentum swept across all directions, giving everyone a huge shock.

In the firelight, Colin raised his head slightly, looked around everyone, and said confidently:

"Because I can make this journey without danger."

(End of this chapter)

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