Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 550 The Price of Leaving

Chapter 550 The Price of Leaving

"call out--"

A flash of fire shot out like a sharp arrow.

Along the way, any anomaly that blocks the path will burst into flames in an instant if it touches even a little bit of flame, and will be reduced to ashes amidst the screams.

At the end of the flaming arrow's direction, a creature composed of a large number of broken limbs was killed instantly.

And the entire area was engulfed in flames, turning into lava.

"It's too weak. It can't even catch one of my moves. Alas, it looks quite big. I didn't expect it. If I had known it, I wouldn't have to use so much strength. But it's my fault. I can't control this weak body well." , poor control of strength."

Colin took the lead and walked forward, spreading his hands, shaking his head helplessly and sighing.

Beside him, Ms. Bai, who led the team all the way, followed numbly.

When Colin said before that he could make the journey without danger, Ms. Bai and others obviously didn't particularly believe it. After all, she didn't know the opponent's strength, but she knew very well the strength of the abnormal physical entity here.

Unexpectedly, in the hands of the opponent, most of the time these gadgets can't even be used in one round before being killed.

"Is it possible that these monsters have become weaker now?" A survivor member behind the team couldn't help but whisper.

"Yeah" she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything. She put her hand on the other person's outstretched hand and was pulled up.

During this period, she couldn't help but secretly squeeze the other person's little hand, which was soft and warm.

"Go back in a while, you will do the ten rounds of training." Ms. Bai's voice came, which made the member of the survivor exploration team who suspected that the monster was weakening feel disconnected. His expression changed, but he still nodded to express his understanding.

At some point, Colin's figure appeared beside her and stretched out his hand: "Follow me honestly."

Where will it be like now, with most people still alive?

Of course, now that Brother Shunzi is on behalf of someone, it's normal that his strength is not as good as his own. But Brother Shunzi doesn't know if he used some props, and what he said is very strange.

Meanwhile, ahead.

On this trip to pick up people, they only brought a few dozen people with them, and most of the others stayed with the female leader.


"There's another shelter just a few hundred meters away." Ms. Bai took a step behind Colin and pointed in the direction.

When she saw this, she immediately broke away from the team and rushed forward, striking the opponent's head with her sword.

All abnormal things will be burned to ashes, and it will look like the end of the world.

After one round of punishing training, the skin will almost peel off, let alone ten rounds.

After looking back, Ms. Bai apologized to Colin, and couldn't help but sigh at his strength again.

However, regarding their emotions, they don’t have much thoughts about the Ashes Holy Body later. After all, Brother Shunzi’s performance in terms of strength is already very “restrained”.

Previously, once Brother Shunzi let go, wherever he went, he would be reduced to a large sea of ​​​​fire.

The other person spoke so gently before, I thought he was just an ordinary person talking big words.

Although teammates around him fired back, the "experiment rabbit" still bit him head-on without being affected at all.

Just when she felt that her head was about to be bitten off, a fire exploded on the rabbit's body and suddenly became intense, burning the entire experimental entity into dregs.

However, with a heavy blow, her two-meter-long body flew backwards like paper.

Colin nodded and continued forward.

At this time, not far away, a huge "experimental rabbit" as big as a car, without fur, covered in flesh and blood, and exuding a twisted aura suddenly attacked.

Even a glance at it will carry the original sin.

As the flames floated, the woman who left the team suffered no obvious injuries except that her hair and some of her clothes were burned away.

"Fortunately, I react very quickly, but please don't leave the team at will, madam. I may not be able to save people easily every time."

When acting, unlike the "arrogance" shown on the outside, Colin still had a lot of ideas in his mind, and he was constantly thinking about one thing after another in his mind.

'After a while, people gather to open the passage, and after blocking the guy and dropping it on the thirteenth severed hand, this round of missions will be over. Does this mean that the employees who have lost this place will be given up directly? '

After all, it was too easy for the other party to deal with it.

A bit fake!

Killed at a touch, killed at a touch, it feels completely different from what you usually encounter!

As for some of the "weird things" that Colin said, they didn't feel much embarrassment. They even felt that this was the posture and confidence that a strong man should show! Make public! Keep moving forward!

The giant "experiment rabbit" opened its pitted front teeth and rushed towards her head.

'That's not right. After such a long time, there is a high probability that everyone will die. In addition, the situation is not clear, and there is no way to save him even if he wants to.'

While thinking, Colin couldn't help but think of the old man trapped on the 18th floor

Judging from the content of the mission, it seems that this guy is out of luck.

'Fortunately, I didn't ask him for information at the beginning, otherwise it would be embarrassing now if I really had to promise rescue.'

Colin has never broken the promises he made.

If you make a promise and then go back on it, your remaining conscience will hurt.

Shaking his head secretly, Colin gathered his thoughts and then focused on what was in front of him. His current strength mainly came from various props and two golden seals.

The strength he displayed was roughly the same as in the middle and late stages of his E-class period.

This has reached the limit of what this body can bear.

Further up, Colin suspected that if he tried something like "Prop Liberation" again.

There is a high probability that it will not last for thirty minutes, no, it may not last ten minutes, and the body will turn into ashes within ten minutes.

However, although the strength is a bit lacking, it is still enough to deal with all the things here before the possible secondary containment object arrives.

At least seven or eight hours can be maintained.

"Boom" sound.

After directly detonating the explosion and destroying half of the building, Colin took a deep breath to relieve the fatigue reflected in his body.

'I finally understand the helpless feeling those ancient gods felt when they came to the external container. '

Colin pursed his lips. He really had the feeling that his body would explode if he was not careful.

You have to be careful in whatever you do.

'However, before the passage is opened, the things in the depths should not come easily, and will retain some kind of tacit understanding. Well, just like now, if you are exhausted and encounter some ordinary creatures, they are not too strong, nor are they too weak. . '

Similar tasks have been carried out several times. Colin just sensed the surrounding situation and knew what these abnormal things were.

Maybe even if his plan doesn't go smoothly, the thing behind the scenes will have to lend a hand.

Both parties have more or less "tacit understanding" on these matters.

Of course, Colin did not reject this.

After all, in this way, at least before the channel is opened, there won't be so much nonsense. From a certain direction, both parties are now in "the same interest."

As for when this stage is over, it all depends on who has the harder fist.

With thoughts flickering one after another, Colin led a group of people across the giant hospital space. In just about ten minutes, they arrived at another shelter that was dug out a hundred years ago. A group of tall ladies who were dressed a little differently but still had huge muscles came out.

There were not many people, only a dozen or so, and everyone looked at the arriving Colin and others with solemn and bewildered faces.

As these people walked, flames shot into the sky and the earth shook. It was impossible not to notice them even if they wanted to.

"I'll go up and tell them." Ms. Bai took the initiative to walk out of the team and faced the gunfire and hostility of the ladies.

"Bai Qiangwei, you" The person who responded was interrupted before he could say "betrayal".

"I'm here to tell my people that when the action begins, we will be the first movers and get out of here first." Ms. Bai said simply and quickly.

After hearing her words, the team members who responded were silent for a while.

They do know Ms. Bai's bold plan, or in other words, for hundreds of years, there have been people like this at every point in time who are unwilling to "accommodate with the status quo."

It’s just that compared to those who paid a miserable price and didn’t know whether they left in the end.

There seems to be something different this time

"This time, is it because of this person?" The team member stationed in this area said while looking at Colin.

"Yes, he is an outsider and promised everything." Ms. Bai briefly and quickly introduced the situation.

After a pause, she continued: "Of course, it's not without cost. If we want to leave, as a reward, we need to work for them for twenty years, nine hours a day, and do some ordinary work to repay them."

When I took the oath before, I also included relevant content. The work will include normal vacations, wages, food and accommodation, etc.

In addition, there seemed to be a bunch of cute little men - she didn't say this.

But according to Colin’s introduction, it seems like it’s like this outside. There are many men and few women. It’s a paradise.

Colin tried his best to obtain better working conditions for them.

In fact, the people stationed in the team did not understand Ms. Bai's words very well, but they just felt that it was not true.

Although she felt it was unreal, after listening to it, she still said to Colin very curiously: "Can you show what that world looks like?"


Colin did not refuse, he opened his hands, and the scene about the "Second Box Garden World" emerged again.

At the same time, he continued to say in a solemn tone: "The time to say goodbye has come. I will use the power of the 'bonfire' to lead everyone who yearns for beauty to leave this world full of disasters."

With the blessing of the two powers, flames floated all over his body, and holy light overflowed, just like a saint in a mythical story.

People at the scene couldn't help but be convinced by this.

Finally, she stepped aside and pointed at Ms. Bai: "Only you are allowed in, and I will take your people and some people who want to leave away with me."

Ms. Bai nodded, apologized to Colin, and then sneaked into the town.

Colin didn't think there was any problem. He continued to hold the flame and stood there, popping out some sparks from time to time and killing some anomalies that were tracking him.

After waiting for a long time, it was almost half an hour later

Colin saw that the manhole cover in the flower bed next to the entrance of a hospital was suddenly pushed outward. Then, a head poked its head out, took a curious look at the outside world, and then carefully climbed out.

After she came out, people came out one after another.

After several minutes of going back and forth, when the last person came out, there were 431 people in total.

What surprised Colin was that there were dozens of "little girls" of normal height among this lady, probably only about the same size as him.

There were even some who were obviously children, shorter than Colin.

"There are actually people similar to me?" Colin was surprised.

"The ones you see, except for some children who are about eight years old, most of them are malnourished. Their bodies cannot even exceed 1.8 meters, and they are only that small. However, there will not be many of them in a shelter. Generally, there is only a one percent chance of this happening.”

On the other side, a lady heard what Colin said and explained in a low voice.

"I think this is normal." Colin pursed his lips.

Among a bunch of abnormal people, the normal ones become a little abnormal.

No, even if it's "stunted", it's still much taller than a normal average person.

While explaining to Colin, the tall Deputy Bai was also observing Colin's expression to make sure that he was not angry because he had to bring a "malnourished person" with him. He even said that this was normal, and he was more or less normal. Some breathed a sigh of relief.

Among those who want to leave, about one-third are "malnourished."

It's not because they like to take risks, but because they are oppressed the most, so when they usually promote slogans such as establishing a new world order, they will respond more.

Not long after, the team gathered here, and Colin led hundreds of people to continue to the next area.

There are several shelters in a row, and in each shelter, some people will respond to leave.

There may be thousands of people, and there may be only a few dozen.

People leave for different reasons, some because they made mistakes, some because they were injured and became disabled, or they were simply deceived by Ms. Bai's words, etc.

All in all, almost five hours later, the team had expanded to more than 7,000 people.

Taking everyone to the consultation department on the twelfth floor, Colin began to make some protective preparations and began to arrange protection against possible abnormal attacks when leaving.

'There are too many people, and I am not my true body yet. I hope I can shake people off.'

Colin was "hinting" in his mind while arranging the arrangement, and at this moment, several little girls about 1.78 meters tall came to him and followed him not far away, staring at him with blinking eyes.

"What's the matter?" Colin said with a smile.

"I'm just, I'm just curious about what's going on outside."

The little girl said shyly, and after seeing Colin's encouraging eyes, she asked curiously:

"Mr. Messenger, the sky seems so high, so high. How can we repair it if it's broken?"


Hearing this, Colin was stunned for a moment, how to fix the sky?

His brain was short-circuited for a moment, and then he quickly understood why the little girl would ask such a question.

From the beginning of their memories, the "sky" is the various steel splints above their heads. If they are not reinforced, there will occasionally be some special anomalies and they will fall from them.

It's just that I understand, and I really don't know how to answer him for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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