Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 551 Me, I killed Brother Shunzi? !

Chapter 551 Me, I killed Brother Shunzi? !

After thinking for a while, Colin suddenly burst into laughter:

"The sky does not need to be repaired. As for why, you will know when you go out and see it."

As he said that, he wanted to reach out and rub the little girl's head, but found out awkwardly that although the girl seemed to be only a few years old, she had already developed ahead of schedule and was half a head taller than him——

This would be very embarrassing.

However, the little girl suddenly realized something and obediently lowered her head and let him rub her with a cat-like expression.

"Okay, take these and drink them. Don't disturb Mr. Messenger's work." Ms. Bai who was following took out a few bottles of glucose ampoules and drove all the "little girls" away.

Is this considered a local specialty snack? Looking at the glucose solution, Colin pursed his lips, then casually took out a handful of White Rabbit toffees from his pocket and gave them to the children:

"You can eat some of these too."

He still prefers sensible children.

After the interlude, Ms. Bai watched Colin throwing some strange things around, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously: "What are these things for?"

For the next battle, you must be at least D-level to be eligible to participate!

"Okay." Ms. Bai looked at the huge flame hanging above Colin's head, and without any pretense, she waved her hand and led the team into the "bonfire passage".

They were not prepared to leave, but they also did not want to miss what was going on here, and they gave all support except actions.

She knew this was still a hospital, but it felt like another world.

He used the interweaving of light and shadow to create the general appearance of the "train in the fog".

"Hurry up and move when you hear it. What are you still doing?" Ms. Bai immediately organized a team and asked everyone to enter the flame channel and leave here.

'I guess if things go well here, they will all want to come out, but by then, if 'Ms. Rabbit' has achieved her goal, she may not come to transport people away. '

When your feet step into the flames, they feel like soft cotton, but they feel strangely stable when walking.

With a "boom", fire shot into the sky.

In a place like this, even if you just stand blankly, you can feel that certain perceptions in your mind are being "corrected" from the distortion little by little.

And there are relatively positive feedbacks in all aspects of the body!

The passage was not too long, maybe only about a hundred meters. After crossing it, she immediately came to an extremely neat hall.

'But I'm just afraid of playing dirty tricks.'

Everything is neat and tidy without any distortion.

There was no trace of the "hordes of minced meat" that could be seen everywhere on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in Colin's mind, several "bonfire sacrificial points" he entered here exploded at the same time, and then spun wildly, like a vortex that could swallow everything.

After that, he ordered his deputy to lead the team in.

This flame is very strange, there is no burning sensation, but it makes people feel warm.

Withdrawing his gaze, Colin observed the flame again to determine the burning condition.

'However, everything is almost arranged now. Even if a first-level containment object comes, we can still resist it to some extent. '

Colin looked around and told Ms. Bai to get ready, he was going to open the passage.


It attracted a lot of people to scream.

This time, because the main body was not in charge, and there were thousands of people there, and the "assembly order" had not yet been seen, he was not able to accurately grasp the situation, so he did not dare to save on casting materials.

The campfire point has been established and you can proceed to the next step.

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Then she looked at Colin: "Do you need my help?"


Seeing that everything was ready, Colin put the "false former" that he had just torn off on his body in front of everyone's eyes, then took out a five-pound bag of pure grease and some firewood, and lit it directly.

Ke Linyan explained briefly and comprehensively.

"I can suppress a small scene by myself!"

The letter was torn open and instantly set on fire.

It should have been handled together when there was a "suicide" behind the scenes before.

"Okay." Ms. Bai took a deep breath, turned around and left in a hurry, notifying people everywhere to be prepared for unexpected events.

Some of the glass bottles contained stuff that looked like human oil.

Many things don't look strange, and I don't know how they work.

He continued to take out the letters from "Ms. Rabbit" in an orderly manner.

In the vortex, a passage about three meters wide slowly unfolded, and at the end was a quiet and spacious hall.

In the dark world outside the hall, there is a faint gray mist floating in the air.

'It would be much better if we could bring all the D-class personnel here, but unfortunately, there was no movement.'

Colin casually refused. Of course, his real thought was that Ms. Bai might only be in the late F-level stage, and she might not even be an E-level employee, so it would be difficult for her to be of much help.

Feeling his rapid growth in strength, Colin raised his head slightly and looked around in the distance. He could see some people from other shelters watching from a distance.


Colin glanced at the middle of the hall and saw that the female employee who had hanged herself before was nowhere to be seen.

After some observation, Colin quickly issued an order: "After passing through the lobby on the first floor, wait there. If you see a train, that is, something like this, just get on it."

The objects thrown out by the other party and arranged around them seemed to be ordinary-looking glass bottles and the like.

However, before she could think about it, a deafening explosion came from the campfire passage.

Accompanied by people's exclamations.

An extremely heavy and strange aura of power descended!

"It's those things in the depths!"

Her heart tightened, and she turned around nervously. She vaguely saw a battle breaking out, and heard the words of the "bonfire" messenger coming from afar -

"I am here to suppress all enemies!"

Colin raised his right hand, inserted his five fingers into the fireball above his head, and pinched "Force·Repulsion" with his right hand.

The next moment, the big fireball exploded instantly, and with the powerful repulsion, it flew towards the world like a swarm of meteors in many directions, launching a preemptive attack on the slowly approaching figures!


Someone suddenly screamed in some places hit by the fireball, and seemed to have been severely injured.

But there was also a place where the flames exploded, and a figure rushed towards the passage, shouting as he rushed: "I, I am one of our own! One of our own!"

"Employee?" Colin looked at the man and frowned.

"Please, let me go, I want to leave." Another man in an awkward shape rushed over.

He also held the company's props in his hands.

There are similar figures in several directions, a total of eleven people!

"You, you are the 'Happy Pipi Shrimp'?! Are you alive?" The "Innate Ashed Holy Body" on the side suddenly looked at one of them and was startled.

I’ve seen female employees die before, plus the horrors I encountered along the way.

He thought that all the teammates he had explored with before were dead, but he didn't expect to see living people!

"Yes, yes, it's me, please, please tell me something, I am one of your own, let me go." The man known as "Happy Pipi Shrimp" stood at the edge of the fire, begging.

The Holy Body of Ashes frowned, but before he could say anything, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He saw that teammate suddenly appear next to him. There were two faces on the other person's face. One face looked like he was sleeping, and the other face had eyes full of strange colors with a black background, as if he had already fallen asleep. Being manipulated by something, when she came to him, she grinned ferociously and slapped him on the neck.

The eyes of the Holy Body of Ashes were condensed, but at this critical moment, the body instantly became metal, and he raised his hands to block, making a deafening sound of metal collision when it collided with the opponent.

At the same time, his metal body rapidly expanded, turning into a three-meter-tall humanoid giant wolf in the next second!

"Super Alloy·T3 Level" is paired with "Body of Violence·Normal Version". The combination of dual talents activates instantly, allowing him to avoid the dilemma of being taken down face to face.

However, this was only to avoid sudden death, because more than one person launched the attack. At this moment, a large knife stabbed his back diagonally, directly cutting into a few inches of the metal body.

Dust the Holy Body and crush a "Light" golden mark.

The strong light burst hit him and he withdrew from the attack circle. At this moment, he didn't need anyone to remind him. He knew that his teammate was probably already here.

"It's so dangerous. It seems they won't be able to use the props. Otherwise, I would have to break at least one of my legs in the attack just now."

He felt his left leg, which had been cut into a small section, and felt lingering fear.

He had some impression of the big knife, and he remembered it as a prop. However, the power of the "prop" had not been exerted. If it had been exerted, it would not be a small wound.

However, the whole process of attacking, retreating and exiting the battle circle takes less than a second, but it is extremely thrilling.

He just couldn't care about this. He immediately looked at Brother Shunzi and was about to say "Be careful, these people are cheating" when he saw a ball of flames rapidly expanding and expanding, swallowing everything including him into the bonfire. middle.

Bang bang bang.

Several flaming figures fell from the sky to the ground one by one, with flames crackling on their bodies, and their whole bodies were scorched black, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"Hmph, that's it."

Colin, who was wearing a blue psychiatric costume with vertical stripes, "soul-pierced" his body, strangled a woman's neck with his left hand, held a revolver in his right hand, and said arrogantly:

"Come on, someone strong. In this case, you just stay here and don't think about going out."

In just a moment, all attempts to avoid him and rush to the back failed.

However, this is because this group of people seems to be in a different state, cannot use props, and their talents cannot be activated, so he can kill them instantly.

If there were nine D-class personnel in full condition, Colin would really be unable to use this "alt account" for a full second.

However, even so, the Ashes Holy Body on the other side was still a little surprised when he saw this.

Among the eleven people, only two attacked him, and the other nine all went towards Brother Shunzi. As a result, he was almost severely injured by both of them, but Brother Shunzi on the other side instantly killed nine of them.

The key is to do it on behalf of others.

At the same time, in mid-air, after Colin finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that all the figures who had just been defeated had disappeared.

"'Shadow' again?"

Colin was thoughtful, and then discovered that they appeared from some places again.

And this time, abnormalities started coming from everywhere.

The atmosphere in the whole hospital became very strange.

But what is surprising is that in addition to various abnormalities, various figures of nurses in red appeared out of thin air.

They did not rush towards the bonfire, but flew towards the anomalies without any hesitation.

As the local survivors said, in the event of an exception, they will always give priority to handling the exception!

"Although there is a slight contradiction, in this case, it is considered even."

Colin saw a bunch of nurses in red being torn into countless mutilated corpses, and nodded slightly in approval.

However, at this time, some stronger individuals attacked the nurse dressed in red.

This includes the "employee" who was just killed.

"Still some old tricks."

Colin said disdainfully, and raised the revolver in his hand to fight back. At the same time, he was still a little worried that the "individual" where the thing was located would not appear.

After all, in addition to actually evacuating people, the most important thing about this retreat is the company's old skill - fishing.

Colin was really worried that the other party would not come out, which would lead to him not being able to complete the task.

However, at this moment, when Colin started to face the enemy, he suddenly found that his body was a little numb, and then he had the idea of ​​​​going through the bonfire door——

"This body?!"

Colin realized something, and was stunned when a large number of individuals rushed over.

Some of them rushed towards the "bonfire passage", while others attacked him.

At the critical moment of internal and external troubles, Colin did not panic. Instead, he used the special characteristics of the hospital to think crazily about a powerful, handsome, resolute and kind figure——

he himself!

When thinking about who to ask to help him, Colin considered many people, including Mr. Wu, "Ms. Thorn" or "Ms. Rabbit" and so on.

But in the end, it didn’t seem to work.

After all, some of them, such as "Old Mr. Wu", "King of Crazy Sound", etc., may not be able to sense this even if they think about it. There is a high probability that their strength is not enough, and the final result is likely to become the opponent's help.

Some are powerful enough. For example, "Ms. Rabbit" itself has a lot of limitations, but the problem is, if she can come here so easily, why do we need to send him?

He is really here, and anyone who can be invited will come. Who else is suitable besides himself?

Although after the previous incident, Colin could clearly feel that those "faith is there" qualities seemed to have weakened a lot.

But there are still some.

That is, the image in your mind outlines the moment of success.

"He" has come one step further and is now on this body!


Like a volcano erupting, the flames spread out as if they were swallowing up the heaven and earth. At this moment, all the incoming enemies were blocked by Colin.

After solving the external situation, Colin suddenly felt that the "faith is there" situation had been reduced to the extreme.

"He" was sent back again.

At the same time, some strange fog began to surge around, like the white haze not long ago.

Deep inside the haze, a voice came intermittently.

"Please, save me, Brother Shunzi, no, don't, kill me, I don't want to"

"Please kill me, kill me, save me."

"Kill. Help, woo, woo, woo."

"Be careful, don't let it get out!"

With the last roar, Colin saw a figure suddenly coming out of the white mist.

The other person looks almost exactly like him.

But the strange thing is that there are several faces on the other party's face, some are crying and begging, some are grinning, some are expressionless, and some seem to be afraid, with extremely rich emotions.

Just like the "nurse in red", it's like there are several people in one body, fighting for control.

"'The man who never surrenders'?" Colin was confused.

"Yes, it's me, it's me, please, Brother Shunzi, kill me, help me, it wants to replace me, it wants to escape, it wants, no, I don't want to, I don't allow it to hold my head I left my identity to get in touch with my family and my friends."

"Please, Brother Shunzi."

"Don't believe what it says, Brother Shunzi, get out of here. As long as I get out, it will be left here."


"help me"

Several faces were in a mess, frantically fighting for words.

Colin frowned. The other party was so deeply corroded and fused that even he couldn't tell the difference.

So the flames surged in my right hand, and I was going to burn it first. The price of letting the other person leave was too high. No matter which one was true or false, only the "unyielding man" who turned into ashes was a good employee.

But just as he was thinking about it, a chill ran down his spine, and he heard a scream-like reminder coming from behind:


Colin's eyes narrowed and he wanted to turn around, but found that he had lost control of his body.

There is a consciousness that is special and more suitable for this body and has seized control!

'Damn it, this body was copied from the 'Never Surrender Man'? ! '

Colin had a flash of inspiration and realized the reason.

At the same time, a picture emerged in his mind. The "Unyielding Man" who was in front of him just now appeared behind him at some point, and one of his mouths opened like a toad, penetrating his flames. , swallowed him up.

The next second, "Colin" stood on the ground with one of his legs bleeding.

"I killed Brother Shunzi?"

At this moment, the deeply corroded "Never Surrender Man" reacted and suddenly fell to his knees crying.

If Brother Shunzi dies, who will stop him?

"Uuuuuuuuuah, I'll kill. Hahaha, finally, no one can stop me anymore!"

Kneeling on the ground, he was crying, and the faces on his head slowly changed from "∩" to "∪". He grinned and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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