Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 55 God Cannot Be Questioned

Chapter 55 God Cannot Be Questioned

Taking the name of "Hutton Family" as a guarantee is no small matter.

In the eyes of the old housekeeper, this "Colin" is full of mysteries, using unknown methods of non-mainstream churches, maybe a member of some dangerous secret organization.

But she did not hesitate to guarantee it in the name of "family". Afterwards, if the family really wanted to hold her accountable, Miss Helena might not end well.

Obviously, all of this is because of the Holy Maiden.

I'm afraid that the once arrogant and cold Miss Helena who was indifferent to everything has really been trained by the Holy Maiden to obey her and obey her.
For her, he fell into danger several times and almost died.


The old butler sighed silently, he could only hope that after returning to the family smoothly, he would report the matter to the Patriarch, and he would be able to solve it.

But now, as a housekeeper, all he can do is to be obedient.

Colin on the other side sat unaware of this, constantly thinking about how to act, and making a plan to polish it for a while.

The living room will be quiet for a while.

Until ten minutes later, some footsteps came from the street, and Warden Calder brought a dozen people up from downstairs.

"Miss Helena, the 760 garrison forces in Black Rock City are willing to obey your orders."

Hearing these people express their attitudes, Colin on the side began to arrange——

In fact, there is no arrangement.

It is to ambush a group of people outside the "Holy Healing Church", and then they find an excuse to enter the "Holy Healing Church" to see if they will let them go.

Then the rest of the soldiers went to the owner's house in Black Rock City. If the incident at the Holy Healing Church did not go well, they would retreat to the small castle of the owner's house.

"Then what should ordinary people do?" Helena asked, and she found that Colin's arrangement didn't seem to include this link.

"The disaster will not be so severe at the first moment. At that point in time, we can save some people as much as possible. We can only do our best."

Colin replied that if it wasn't for the request to save people, he would even have tried to put out the fire to make most people disappear.

Because in this way, the outbreak of the wave of "lycanthropy" can be solved from the root.

At this moment, he already knows that in this world, in the dark night, even those "virtue knights" or bishops, as long as they are exposed to any outdoor environment without light or fire for more than a certain period of time at night, they will be directly exposed. shoot.

No one knows what will happen when the darkness covers the moment.
Because the people who did this basically died, leaving nothing but blood on the ground.

However, put aside this idea, maybe we can catch two priests of Shenghe soon to see if we can figure out how lycanthropy is transmitted, and it can solve the problem
Shaking his head, Colin restrained the ups and downs in his heart, then stood up, and walked out the door with Helena and others.

At this time, downstairs, more than a dozen people were holding lanterns and holding swords at their waists, and they were already getting ready.

Without much communication, Colin, Helena and the others walked together to the largest "Cathedral of Healing Miracles" in Blackstone City under their escort.

Ten minutes later, Colin saw the appearance of the church, which seemed to be a bit similar to the "Guangjiao" church, except that the decoration was more red, and the logo was a pattern of a person praying for relief. holding a mug.

On the outside of the church, Ke Lin saw five or six church members who were unusually tall, wearing white robes, wearing silver masks, and carrying a huge 1.7-meter-eight iron sword.

The lower body wearing iron boots under the teaching robe vaguely reveals that the opponent is now armed to the teeth.

From these people, Colin felt a very strong sense of threat.

"What on earth do these people eat so that one or two grow so strong?"

Colin murmured in his heart, fortunately, according to his current perception, he was only a little stronger.

dead muscle.

A bullet can hit almost half of the combat power.

And he's not alone this time
As long as one cannon falls, Calder will lead at least [-] soldiers to rush out.

But compared to this group of people, what made Colin feel heavy was that the church made him feel oppressed.

This suppression comes from the "lycanthropy" in the body, from its higher position.

At this moment, just as Colin and the others arrived, a slightly thinner church clergyman who was also wearing a white robe and a sterling silver mask stepped forward.

"Who are you?"

The old butler greeted him: "I am from the Hutton family. This is the third daughter of the Hutton family, Helena Hutton. We have important matters to visit His Excellency Bishop Laurence. Please inform him immediately."

"The Hutton family?"

Priest Alanna, who wanted to drive him away, was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the heirs of such a big man to appear here, and he had the feeling that a farmer in the country saw the minister of the kingdom.

Dazed for a few seconds, when he wanted to be suspicious, he saw the other party take out a badge depicting a centaur pattern
The spiritual brand engraved on it made him seem to see a huge creature that needed to be looked up at the moment standing in front of him. He was holding a black sickle, and his body exuded an endless breath of death.

It was a huge smog formed by the gathering of countless souls of the dead.
Legend has it that the centaur mythical creature fought side by side with the king of knights to open up the kingdom under his feet on this dark land!
Trampling under His feet are the bones of countless dead, and it is also the manifestation of their meritorious deeds.

Just when Father Alanna lost his mind for a moment, a ray of purifying light emerged from his body, and all illusions disappeared.
Only then did he recover from the shock of a hasty glance.

It's actually true!

Why did the descendants of such great figures appear in this place?
Alanna growled.


In normal times, it would be difficult for Alanna to refuse the request of such a great man's heir, but now, the bishop's ceremony is in progress and cannot be disturbed!
"Forgive me, but Father Laurenson is dealing with important matters and cannot meet with you."

Father Alanna said bravely, and waved his hand while speaking.

Behind him, a few tall and holy punishers reached out to take down the huge long sword behind them, and the whole scene dropped to freezing point at this moment.

"Are you sure you want to refuse my request? Are you questioning my identity?"

Helena's cold voice sounded: "Can I understand this? You are questioning my identity! Questioning the authenticity of this badge?"

"No, I dare not question the rationality of your identity, but now Bishop Lawrence is trying to find a solution to the key to lycanthropy, and it cannot be destroyed."

Cold sweat dripped from Alanna's forehead. At this moment, he didn't find any excuses to say that the badge was fake.

Because even if he killed Helena, there might not be a problem, but questioning the authenticity of that badge is almost equivalent to questioning the mythical creature itself.

is intense profanity that could really trigger something to happen.
Do not question God!
Even if it's just a God.

On the one hand, Ke Lin was about to throw a cannon to summon five hundred "Axemen", but a sudden change happened.

A scream suddenly came from the church.

(End of this chapter)

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