Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 56 Stage 3 Lycanthropy

Chapter 56 The third stage of lycanthropy

"There are enemies!"

Shouts came from the huge church, and the rapid bells also sounded from inside the church at the same time.

At the same time, various screams, roars, and metal sounds of weapons being exchanged came from inside.

Obviously, fighting broke out inside in an instant.

Ke Lin and the others were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other in blank dismay. It was obvious that what happened inside had nothing to do with them.

"Damn! What happened? How could the enemy suddenly enter."

Father Alanna glanced at Helena and the others, and saw that they all seemed to be somewhat shocked, as if they didn't understand the situation inside.

"If you can guarantee that, no matter what, you will not interfere with Bishop Lawrence's ceremony, I can take you in. No matter what, please believe that our ultimate goal must be to solve the 'lycanthropy' and save more people !"

Father Alanna heard the movement inside, gritted his teeth and finally made this decision.

While speaking, he looked up and glanced behind the group of people, and he could vaguely see figures swaying in those streets.

He was worried that if he didn't let them go, these people might break through violently, and things would only become more chaotic and troublesome.

"I will let Mr. Colin and some guards enter it for me. If he sees Bishop Lawrence's condition, he will handle it for me."

Helena pointed to Colin who was wearing a gray robe.

Hearing the voice from behind, Ellena jumped like an ant on a hot pot, and didn't care to think too much. At this time, it is indeed not suitable for this nobleman to enter.

"Yes, as long as you can guarantee it."

"Don't worry, we are mainly looking at it. If there is no problem, we will definitely not go in and interfere."

Colin stood up and spoke, and at the same time added something from the bottom of his heart.
The premise is that there is really no problem inside.

He is also curious now, who are these sudden intruders who actually choose to intervene at this time.

The "Book of Fortune Telling" mentioned that someone tried to deal with that "he" before him, but he always thought that this group of people should be Warden Calder and the others.
Now that these people are on their side, it is obvious that the previous guess was wrong.

And he also found out that Father Alanna doesn't seem to know much about "lycanthropy".

"Okay, come with us, but only you guys."

Father Alanna finally compromised, turned around and rushed towards the palace-like large church behind him, and the armed forces belonging to the church followed him in.


Ke Lin took Duncan and several guards and followed behind him.

"It's really uncomfortable to see things with one blind eye, but fortunately, I can 'see' things just by relying on my nose."

Colin sniffed his nose, and various smells flooded in, forming a picture in his mind.

The battle should have happened in a certain hall behind the church. The guards of the Holy Healing Church clashed with a group of strange guys. The reason why these guys are strange is because
"It smells so good, what's going on with this group of people?"

A strong sense of hunger surged in Colin's stomach, and he couldn't wait to see the group of snacks. No, the situation of that group of people.

Not long after, after they crossed the front hall of the church and turned into a hall through the side door, Colin saw the chaotic scene inside, with a strange expression on his face.

He saw that in the church hall, a large group of short but very strong people kept rushing towards the rear door of the church.

It looked like mobs from outside the city, but they didn't know how they entered here.

There were many corpses lying on the ground.

Among this group of people, Ke Lin saw a very conspicuous man. He was thin, and a red and yellow silk-forged robe hung obliquely on his shoulders, exposing the small left half of his chest.

There is no hair on his head, but it is covered with liposarcoma-like protrusions, which seem to be dense temples.

And from his body, there was an extremely strong smell of meat. After Colin smelled it, he quickly secreted saliva from his mouth, giving birth to a strong desire to eat.

"Eat him!"

"Eat him!"

"Eat him!"

Bloodthirsty thoughts popped up in his mind.

Colin suppressed this absurd thought, bit his tongue, a sharp pain spread from his mouth, and suppressed this desire to eat, and his right eye became rational.

At the same time, when he saw the other party, the man seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to look at Colin, but he only took one look and then looked away.

"What the hell, what is a walking human-shaped sweet pastry, what's the matter with this person?"

Ke Lin looked at the guy whose painting style was out of tune with the local area, and understood why Don Ken said that he had seen a time traveler.

This wonderful fantasy world, how could a monk come in here?
There is only one explanation that is also "crossing".

At this time, after coming here, Father Alanna saw the situation clearly, and immediately rushed up with people, fighting with the group of people.

"How should we do it?" Don Ken's message came from his mind.

Colin frowned. His original idea was to find and unite the people who broke into this place, and work together to see if they could solve the source.

However, seeing that guy now, he only felt that the two sides might not be on the same road.

However, although they are not on the same road, the purpose of both should be to open the door to the rear.

"Think of a way, open the door at the end, and others will play by ear."

Colin had an idea, and his purpose was to see if he could give that "him" a bone spur.

Even if it can't be killed, it can greatly injure the monster and buy time for itself.

However, just as he was about to move, a sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from behind the door behind the church.

He followed without waiting for the reaction of the crowd.
With a sound of "bang", the back of the church was directly broken open by the tyrannical force from the inside to the outside.

No one seemed to have expected this sudden incident, they just stared blankly at the door that was knocked open, and at the darkness behind the door.

Until a terrifying figure came out of the darkness with the sound of the chain being dragged, everyone gasped.

"What the hell."

Ke Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he saw a huge monster with a height of more than three meters, covered in thick and long hair, walking out like a giant beast.

And with its appearance, a violent and bloodthirsty atmosphere burst out in the church!

At this moment, an inspiration flashed in Colin's mind.

This monster that appeared before my eyes
It is a terrifying monster with at least the third stage "lycanthropy" aura!
No, it seems that there are more than that!
However, just like this, it is not impossible to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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