Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 57 Miscalculation

Chapter 57 Miscalculation
Ke Lin reckoned that with all the things on his body, plus the people present, it was not impossible to deal with a three-stage "lycanthropy".

Immediately, he took out the golden card, held the bone spur full of black cracks in his right hand, and was ready to take action, planning to stick a debuff continuous needle into it first.

"Sure enough, coming here ahead of time does have a chance to stop everything."

As soon as this idea came up, I heard the third-stage "lycanthropy" patient suddenly let out an ear-splitting, inhuman roar.

Hearing the roar, Colin was taken aback, not because of how terrifying the sound was.

It's because of a meaning conveyed by the roar.


Just as he was wondering, Colin's scalp numb suddenly, his eyes widened, and he saw an inhuman hand with no skin, blood vessels and muscles exposed to the air from behind the dark door.

This big hand was like grabbing a rag doll, easily grabbed the roaring "lycanthropy" monster, and dragged it back into the darkness behind the door.

Click click
In the shadow behind the gate, there was a sound of chewing and swallowing, and the sound quickly approached the gate. Not long after, everyone saw that a huge beast face appeared behind the gate.

The three to four meter high church gate can only show most of its face.

And in the mouth that was constantly chewing on this half of the face, the three-stage lycanthropy that just rushed out the door and told everyone to flee was like a little mouse bitten by a cat.

"Fuck! What the fuck is this monster?!"

Ke Lin was shocked physically and mentally. At this moment, he had the feeling that he was a little mouse under the bed, and a huge head stuck out on the bed.

He couldn't even imagine how huge the flesh-and-blood beast creature without skin had behind the gate.

Not only him, but everyone in the arena was shocked by this terrifying scene.

Some people even lost their strength and collapsed to the ground.
In Colin's mind, there was only one thought that could come up.

Now he even wondered if the "Book of Fortune Telling" had lied to him. It actually said that he fought this monster for a short time, tried everything, and finally escaped?

He can actually hand in hand with this thing?
Is the predictive description too flattering?
However, before Colin left to flee, a figure broke the horror and silence of the scene before him. It was the man in red whose painting style was incompatible with other people and who was suspected to have descended from other non-company channels.

He clasped his hands together and rushed towards the half of the animal face displayed behind the door.

He was as fast as a cheetah.

Immediately afterwards, just when Ke Lin thought that he had some kind of countermeasures to deal with this monster that might exceed the height of three or five floors, the man in red leaped directly into the mouth of the giant beast behind the door.

Click click click.
Chewing on the mandible on the skinless animal face, the man in red shattered like a tangerine in his mouth, and the bright red juice flowed all over the floor.

Dude, are you kidding me?

Ke Lin couldn't tell whether to cry or laugh, and he couldn't understand the meaning of this confusing behavior of human beings.

But without waiting to think about it, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

At this moment, Colin realized something, and used "Time Stasis" almost without any hesitation.

Almost at the same time, a giant hand with bare flesh and blood stretched out from behind the three-meter-high gate like a train coming out of a hole.

It stretched out dozens of meters, and the target pointed directly at Colin in the middle of the hall.

A fast person can barely react.
Some people in front of Ke Lin died violently on the spot just by being touched.

But just as it approached the range of 15 meters, the speed of the entire arm suddenly slowed down, obviously affected by "time stagnation".

"It's definitely lycanthropy, but is this limb stretching a new ability?"

Ke Lin glanced at the huge blood-red beast claw, without thinking too much, grabbed Dun Ken's shoulder and retreated quickly.

As for the other guards, he couldn't take care of them at all at the moment.

Da da da.
At the moment when the stop effect disappeared, the huge palm fell to the ground, and the entire church hall vibrated visibly.


After Colin dodged this sudden attack, he turned around and ran without any hesitation.

The wind is blowing, hurry up!

Things were a bit beyond his expectations, and the enemy was much more terrifying than he had imagined.

He originally thought that the enemy he was facing was probably a third-stage or higher "lycanthropy" monster.

But looking at the tip of the iceberg displayed behind the gate, it seems that the body size alone is already more than ten meters.

It's not something that can be dealt with by normal means at all.
Also, only this form can match the description of "a terrifying life form beyond imagination".

Only in this form can the entire city be completely closed.

Ke Lin felt that to deal with monsters of this size, the only way to deal with them was to dispatch troops, tank troops, and fighter planes.

No, this is not necessarily killable, because it also has the ability of "fatal insight", and it is very difficult to kill with one blow.

"Bishop Lawrence has failed! At all costs! Control it! We must not let it leave here, or the entire southern border will suffer a terrible catastrophe!"

Father Alanna roared from behind.

Colin was somewhat surprised when he heard this voice, and realized at this moment
It turned out that the battle mentioned in the "Book of Fortune Telling" was done by these priests. I am afraid that they were already ready to lose before the ceremony started.

That's why the unprecedented "lycanthropy" is bound in the hall, and he won't be able to come out for a while.

However, this is only temporary.
Colin could see that the monster should be in an incomplete state.

When it enters the complete body, I am afraid that nothing in the entire town can trap it anymore!
"It's impossible to start with that monster. We have to find a way to control the outbreak of lycanthropy outside. At least, we must find the reason for the outbreak of lycanthropy!"

Colin ran wildly while making quick decisions in his heart.

It was only halfway through the run that he realized something was wrong.

It's fine if those members of the Holy Healing Church don't run away, why don't those mobs run away?

 A little Calvin. . .uncomfortable

(End of this chapter)

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