Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 59 "Hunger"

Chapter 59 "Hunger"

"Let's go quickly."

Colin sniffed his nose and smelled various odors in the air. He could clearly feel the presence of lycanthropy patients everywhere in the city.

The number is increasing.

Moreover, because of the ritual, the lycanthropy was much stronger than usual.

When they rushed all the way to the home of the original city owner, Colin immediately ordered to interrogate the priests of the Holy Healing Church who had just escaped together.

Soon, he got some news.

"The mechanism of 'lycanthropy' infection is not yet clear, but one thing is certain, it is likely to break out in people who are very hungry and have no access to food."

"So most of the 'lycanthropy' occurs outside the city, and a small part appears in the city, because as long as there is a certain amount of food, there is a high probability that you will not get sick if you are in a full stomach."

"And in this symptom of extreme hunger, if you get emotional again, such as getting angry and angry, the possibility of an outbreak is even higher."

Extreme hunger + more agitated negative emotions?

Ke Lin didn't expect that the outbreak of symptoms would be so simple, and at the same time, he also understood why he said before that it usually only broke out in groups such as ordinary poor people.

Because, only this group of people who can't eat enough will face corresponding troubles.

"This is picking out soft persimmons. No wonder the 'Book of Fortune' mentions that tomorrow a large-scale lycanthropy will break out among the refugees outside the city."

Colin sat in a room in the castle, sighed, and looked at the priests of the Holy Healing Church who were tied up by the soldiers:
"Besides, what's the matter with 'lycanthropy'? Did you spread it?"

"No, we don't know where it came from. In addition to hunger, the body is contaminated with too much blood of 'lycanthropy' patients. If it is accidentally infiltrated into wounds and other places, it will also lead to infection. Father Laurence said Infected for this reason."

"So, according to your opinion, as long as you can eat enough, you can avoid the outbreak of large-scale 'lycanthropy'?"

"Yes, as long as you are not hungry, the probability of being infected will be smaller."

Hearing this, Colin was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Calder: "How long can the food in this city last?"

"If all the food in the city is collected and only supplied to these people in the castle, even if there are 1 more people, it will take at least half a month."

Colin waved his hand and interrupted him: "No, I'm talking about the refugees in and outside Black Rock City."

"Then if the allocation goes on smoothly, it will probably last a week."

After a pause, Warden Calder added: "But this is almost impossible. There are tens of thousands of people in the city, and those outside the city are also nearly 1 people."

He secretly said that it is impossible to do a good job on the spot with such a large-scale assignment.

Calder, who has participated in various crusades several times and is in charge of logistics, knows that this kind of assignment is very difficult.

Someone will hide food, and there will be uneven distribution
If those people know that their food is distributed to the poor people like refugees outside the city, it will only lead to terrible riots.

Coupled with the constant panic imposed by "lycanthropy", the situation will only become more chaotic.

"It's a bit troublesome. If the food can't be distributed well, when all those people transform into lycanthropy, we probably won't be able to handle it."

Colin couldn't help pinching his forehead. He was not familiar with this kind of thing, and he couldn't give effective advice.

He also didn't expect that the biggest problem he needs to face in dealing with this group of "lycanthropy" is not how to kill them, but the shortage of supplies.

If it is not handled properly and a famine occurs, it will directly lead to a large-scale outbreak of "lycanthropy".

One or two of these things may not be good
But the number increased, and they couldn't escape, it was a dead end.

"Let's do our best, while ensuring our own food supply."

After a pause, Helena added: "It is strictly forbidden to spread the conversation here, if I find out, I will hang anyone.

"Now, let those soldiers go out to collect food, and stop the greedy behavior with the strictest means."


Warden Calder didn't say anything more. If it was normal, he would definitely find a way to push these troubles to other people.

But at this time, he is also deeply involved, and he is really "tall".

Then he was still not at ease to hand things over to others.

He also had people try to go outside the city before, but now the inside and outside are indeed closed, and there is no way to escape.

"Don't worry, once this crisis is over, I will let my father convey your achievements to His Majesty the King for you, and make you a member of the 'Knights of Virtue'."


Calder nodded, and left here quickly after taking the order.

"I'll go too."

Colin was a little worried, and followed them together, intending to see how they would deal with it.

Stand still, he will have a very strong sense of uneasiness.

It's as if I can feel that thing from the Holy Healing Church is staring at me constantly
"Your Excellency, are you sure that after seven days, things will really turn around?" Calder couldn't help but ask. To be honest, he was skeptical of this statement.

Because he really couldn't think of any way to deal with the monster that was suspected to be summoned by the ancient god's summoning ceremony. seems that the one in front of me is the only special case since the appearance of "lycanthropy".

His case is just as mysterious.
After escaping from the dungeon, he returned for some unknown reason, and then turned back to a normal person.

Immediately afterwards, he said like the savior that after a few days, all crises were resolved.

To be honest, if Helena, the son of a great nobleman, hadn't vouched for it, he felt that Colin's suspicion was the real big one.

Because according to him, after a few days of delay, under completely unrestricted conditions, the thing in the church might completely descend.

At that time, there was nothing that could stop it.

Everyone dies, without exception!

It's better to take advantage of the present and try to fight a wave.

"I can't tell you the specifics, but you just have to believe that the problem will be effectively resolved by then."

To be honest, Ke Lin didn't dare to talk too much.

He didn't know how the Campfire Company planned to deal with it, whether it would solve it directly, or use its own hands to solve it.

The only certainty is that after a few days, I will be able to return to reality.

When the time comes, I have to go out and ask my colleagues in the company: In the era of cold weapons, how to deal with a ground creature that is likely to be larger than a blue whale.

Then take advantage of those seven days to speed up the upgrade, maybe you can get some lethal weapons.

Not long after, the thousand soldiers in the castle were divided into more than a dozen teams and moved towards various places in the city.

Their only purpose is to collect food.

On the other hand, Ke Lin led a group of people with a lot of food and went straight to the city gate, intending to see if he could solve the problem of refugees outside the city first.

(End of this chapter)

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