Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 60 Relief and Manifestation

Chapter 60 Relief and Manifestation

"First recruit some small leaders among them, and then make a unified arrangement and distribute food."

Colin began to try to get in touch with these refugees. He knew before that most of the refugees existed in groups, and there were obviously some leaders.

If you really want to initiate relief, it is best to start with these people first, persuade them and then pass them, and extend your hand to the refugees behind them, so as to effectively rescue.

Otherwise, try to rescue everyone at once, it will definitely cause a big mess.

And at the beginning of the relief group, Colin set the number at about a thousand, first rescued these people, and then lured them with food to "share" the good things here with other people.

In this way, the goal of "rescue first and then rescue" can be achieved with the point as the surface, and the goal of spreading it widely.

Of course, this was Duncan's opinion to himself.

Colin intends to follow.

However, the people who choose the refugees also have to choose. Under his suggestion, Ke Lin asked some soldiers who were originally stationed outside the city to pick people out.

These people have been guarding the gate all year round, and they know more about the refugee group than others.

It didn't take long for a group of refugees to be selected from the crowd. Perhaps because of their higher status, they seemed to be in better condition than other refugees.

Although they were dressed as refugees, they were not very miserable. They were wearing a lot of tattered and gray clothes that looked like cloth.

At this moment, they didn't dare to look directly at Colin, and stood beside him in fear.

"Don't talk about refugees, I thought it was a gang of beggars."

Colin grumbled in his heart, and then said that he would promise to distribute the bread to everyone, but only those who are sincere enough can get the gift of food.

Then, he randomly selected a dozen "sincere people" and sent out several carts of bread on the spot.

Seeing this scene, a group of refugees were taken aback for a moment - what the hell is this?

In the past, there were occasional "masters" who showed kindness, but they were just empty words of giving and not giving, coaxing them to go mining. Although they did have something to eat, they were more likely to be exhausted.

Unexpectedly, this guy gave out food as soon as he came up
Seeing the carriages full of black bread parked nearby, the eyes of some people who were not "sincere" looked red.

"Thank you sir! Praise sir! I'll go back and call people from our tribe over here."

"Me too, praise your lord."

"Sweet holy water! Crispy bread!"

Listening to these people's praise, Ke Lin nodded with a smile, showing a kind face.

The bread was naturally the kind of black bread that made him want to vomit, and the "holy water" was a concentrated liquid that Duncan carried, which tasted sweet after being added to the well water.

Compared with Ke Lin and Li Ming, Tang Ken obviously understood better what food should be brought out.

So in addition to the basic dry food for a few days, he also brought a few bottles of the most important thing-concentrated liquid made from various nutritional supplements and high-concentrated syrup.

The refugee representatives who are deficient in sugar and nutrition immediately felt that their body functions were replenished after just one sip, as if they had gained strength all of a sudden. They thought it was holy water blessed by the gods at the first time, and fell in love with this cheap dietary fiber Add a lot of vitamins to mix concentrated syrup and add water to taste the science.

Take a sip, and what you drink into your stomach is all technology and hard work!
Of course, among the praises, there are also some discordant voices——

"You must have been sent by the 'Holy Maiden of Light' to save us, I knew it, I knew it, I praise you, I praise the Holy Maiden."

Uh, my lord?Why not say thank you for the gift of nature?
There was a hint of embarrassment in Ke Lin's smile, and part of the inexplicable credit was allocated.

However, it is not the first time he has heard the title of "Holy Maiden". It seems that most of the time it refers to the current saint of the "Light Sect", a legendary living saint.

She seems to have a good reputation among the middle and lower classes.

However, according to the information received from Helena's guards, this living saint is currently in the most terrifying disaster of magic mist in the south.

Nobody knows if she is dead or alive
Colin didn't care too much, but after thinking about it for a while, he asked these people to carry some bread back and bring people to collect the food.

Then, he looked at some other people who were not "sincere" enough:
"If you want to get food, you still have a chance now."

"You have to tell more people, spread my name, my goodwill."

"I will bring you bread and flowing water."

"Go, let more people know that the world is not hopeless, I will bring food to satisfy the hunger, and bring real kindness."


Speaking of this, Ke Lin's tone was serious, while Don Ken saw this, and hurriedly and quietly lit a basin filled with blended oil.

In an instant, a huge flame roared up.

Colin waved his right hand wearing the "Ring of Flame Dominator", and the flame seemed to be controlled, gathering in mid-air and turning into a surging fireball with a diameter of three meters.

The scorching hot current spread in an instant, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became anxious.

When everyone saw the heart-like flame dancing in mid-air, all they could think of was destruction.

And Ke Lin, who was located below, was carrying the flames on his back, his face could not be seen clearly, and his figure was wrapped in the smoke spreading from the flames, like a god descending from the earth.

Where did the refugees present see this?

The fire light shone on their faces, making them tremble with fright, and they wanted to run away immediately, but soldiers around them stopped them, preventing them from moving.

Not only them, but even the soldiers who had just come with Colin were shocked at the moment. They didn't expect Colin to be so skillful.

Well, it looks like this special effect is not bad.
Ke Lin looked majestic on the surface, and there was a hint of approval in his eyes, and he was very satisfied with their performance.

But in fact, if there are not too many people
Colin guessed that he really couldn't help rolling on the ground.

it hurts!

It hurts so much!
Ke Lin felt that his whole body was being licked by light and fire, and the figure under the gray robe couldn't help but tremble a little.

The burning pain made him feel like he was really being roasted in an oven.

There is a reason why the "Ring of the Flame Ruler" is only sold for a few hundred points. I want to sell it too, but I can't bear it
It hurts so much.

Enduring the pain, he finished what he had to say. One minute later, Colin waved his hands tremblingly to disperse the flames, then put his hands behind his back and stared at them—the pain was so painful that he had to take a few breaths.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary local people who have not been baptized by any special effects, he who has shown a "miracle" can't see anything strange, even if he stands still, he will only appear more unpredictable.

At this moment, even though the fire light dissipated, they still lowered their eyes, fighting in their hearts, not daring to speak, and the jealousy that appeared because of the food before had returned to reason.

It was a long while in a state of great awe that they heard Colin's words again.

(End of this chapter)

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