Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 61 Don't question me!

Chapter 61 Don't Question My Words!
"Very well, I found a few more people who are 'sincere' enough."

Colin casually pointed at two or three people. After throwing a sweet date at the beginning and hitting a stick, he gave a piece of sesame seed again, rekindling their desire for food.

"Go, spread my name, spread my goodwill, tell the people suffering from famine that the gospel comes because of my coming."

"Remember, don't question my words, don't misinterpret my good intentions."

After speaking, Colin waved his hand and asked the soldiers to take all the people down.

There are no outsiders around.

'Hiss, my mother.'

Colin gasped, and the expression under the gray robe finally became a little tense.

After taking a few breaths and adjusting his state, Ke Lin felt that the remaining burning pain gradually disappeared, and then he looked at Don Ken:

"Where did you learn these things? Why are you so proficient?"

Although it is difficult to perform the "miracle" this time, the effect is very good so far.

At least, it was much better than his own idea.

"When the experience of maintaining and aiding Africa is there, it is meaningless for you to help those people and tell them about scientific efficiency and superstition."

"Many times, when you go to some barren villages, if you want your work to go on smoothly, you have to find various local churches and ask them to give you a golden body and say that you are an emissary sent by something."

"Only in this way, they will be obedient and fearful. Otherwise, no matter what good intentions you bring, those people will only think about how to snatch it. Instead, it would be better to use those things that we seem to be ignorant and backward."

Don Ken briefly talked about the past.

The controls in my hometown are relatively strict. Many people don't know much about these demagogues and their power, but only after they go out will they find out how terrible the influence and incitement effect of the church is.

However, since he was invited by the campfire company, he felt that he seemed to be superstitious.

Sometimes I doubt whether many historical myths and deeds have happened in real life.

But for now, in reality, he has not seen any other strange things except the campfire company.

At least I haven't seen anything wrong in the past 30 years of my life.

Of course, it is also possible that he didn't believe it in the first place, so he didn't pay much attention to it before.

"I can see it, all of you have unique skills."

Colin shook his head. The employee resume report did not mention the specific experiences of these people, but only said where they had been and what jobs they had done.

That's why he also knew that Don Ken actually knew these things
If they want to recruit locals here in the future, it seems that Tang Ken is more suitable.

I don't know what special skills the third employee, that is, Lin Yilan, who is still unable to perceive, will have.

Ke Lin grumbled in his heart, and then saw some refugees coming, so he collected his thoughts and began to manage the refugees at Duncan's suggestion.

Because of the good start and the flame display just now, not only here, but also many people saw it later, so everything went smoothly.

"Hope it doesn't happen."

Colin has done everything that needs to be done, and the rest is to see if the "beast disease" disaster will break out here at dawn
If the news from the church clergy is reliable, after this night of emergency treatment, the hunger has been suppressed, even if there is a disaster tomorrow, everyone will not be infected in an instant.

But he didn't dare to guarantee these things.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the remaining few hours passed little by little in the busy hosting work.

During the period, there were several quarrels in the team, but Ke Lin tried his best to resolve the disputes with virtue - Wu De.

The high virtues of sharpness and determination, with sweet scientific "holy water" and a small piece of bread.

Colin's prestige quickly accumulated among the refugees. After drinking the holy water, some refugees could not even kneel before him. Their faces showed some fanatical belief, and they regarded him as an envoy sent by some great existence. .

At least, Colin heard fewer people calling for the name of the saint, and more people calling for his name.

So things are getting smoother
"A catastrophe may be about to happen, but there's no need to panic because I'm here."

"I will lead you through this disaster and crisis"

"I will give you blessings, but this is because you are pious, if you are not pious, then you will be expelled from the ranks of the rescued"

"The promised beauty will not happen to you."

The more Ke Lin spoke, the more smoothly he spoke. It was a bit awkward at first, but he found out after talking too much.
It seems inexplicable and interesting?
He felt that he seemed to have the potential to be a magic stick, and he planned to go back and copy some Bibles to enrich himself.

Another batch of food was distributed. At this moment, more than half of the people have received the blessing, oh no, it is relief.

Praise came from all over the exiles.
Averting his gaze from those people, Colin turned his head to look at Don Ken: "Your bottle of concentrate has helped a lot. Compared with the bread, they are obviously interested in your syrup. How much is left?"

"There are two bottles left, about two liters, one to three hundred or more, and if it is mixed to five hundred, it can be mixed with a ton of water."

Don Ken didn't expect to bring this thing with him, and now it can exert such a great effect.

It's a pity that the space for ten liters is limited, so he only brought three bottles, which can be regarded as nutritional supplements in extreme situations.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to want to drink for everyone for seven days at this point.

"Next, there must be restrictions on the use. Only by performing well can you get the opportunity to drink this water, let them understand the preciousness of this thing, tame them to obey discipline, and better deal with the next thing."

As a staff officer, Duncan continued to put forward his own suggestions.


Colin nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly felt a heavy pressure disappear.

Its daybreak.

He raised his head, and saw a thin layer of black mist, and the bright light penetrated in, looking like a light bulb covered with a piece of black paper.

But as the sky brightened, the inside and outside of Black Rock City became dark instead.

The bonfire in the city seemed to have fulfilled its mission of fighting against the night, and the effect of the flame irradiation was also greatly weakened. Coupled with the layer of black mist, the place became very dark.

At this moment, Colin's scalp went numb, as if he heard the roar of a huge beast sounding in his mind, and some terrible creature was conveying instructions to himself.

Disturbing screams could be heard faintly from everywhere in Blackstone City.

"It doesn't happen at night, but it also has scruples about the night? That's why it happens during the day?"

Ke Lin had some guesses in his heart, but before he thought about it, there were screams from among the refugees.

The "lycanthropy" has begun to appear!

(End of this chapter)

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