Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 62 Within 7 steps, the gun is fast!

Chapter 62 Within seven steps, the gun is fast!

Sharp screams came from all over the refugee group, and the commotion spread rapidly.

Ke Lin squinted his eyes and looked in front of his line of sight. After a few seconds, it was confirmed at a glance that there were dozens of early-stage "lycanthropy" patients.

"It's dangerous. The large-scale outbreak mentioned in the prediction has been terminated, and there are only a few dozen."

He breathed a sigh of relief, if this was a large-scale outbreak of "lycanthropy", then all he could do was run away.

After all, facing hundreds or thousands of lycanthropists is no joke.

But now, it's not a big problem.

Colin restrained his mind, carried the "Retrograde Revolver" and rushed towards the chaotic place of the crowd closest to him. He raised his gun and aimed at that guy, which was a decisive and direct bullet headshot.

Before Colin pulled the trigger, the opponent made an obvious move to dodge.

Obviously, his arrival triggered its passive skills.

But it is a pity that within seven steps, the gun is fast, not only fast, but also accurate!
Even if it perceives a fatal threat in advance, it is useless.

"It seems that even if the 'lycanthropy' caused by that thing in the church is only a stage, there is indeed a passive 'fatal insight', but it should not be much, and it is impossible to see the danger more than two seconds in advance."

"Otherwise, even if I fire it, it will take at least two or even three bullets to get it done."

While Ke Lin had some guesses in his mind, his hands were not idle. He turned his arms and aimed at a figure with bloodshot eyes not far from here.


The muzzle fire flashed, and after the firing pin triggered the primer, a bullet passed through the air for a moment under the huge impact of the gunpowder explosion, taking the life of an enemy.

When Ke Lin withdrew his hand, he saw that next to the "lycanthropy" patient he had just killed, there was someone who might be a relative or a friend holding his corpse and crying loudly.

The appearance of this kind of disease is definitely a huge blow to the relatives, and it is a pity that he has no means to bring them back to normal without the campfire company. kill.

Pursing his lips, Colin withdrew his gaze and moved on to the next target.

His figure moved, wandering among the crowd, and quickly carried out precise harvesting of those incurable "lycanthropy" patients.

With the cooperation of hundreds of soldiers, the riot was resolved within half an hour.

Seeing this, Colin also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at the huge crowd of people in front of him, and once again used the "Ring of the Flame Ruler" in a sacred posture to endure the pain of the flames and calm the emotions of the refugees.

Afterwards, seeing that the outbreak was basically suppressed, Ke Lin left Duncan to let him lead hundreds of soldiers to guard the refugees, and hurried to the city.

At this time, there was also obvious chaos in various parts of the city.

Colin sniffed his nose, and various smells in the air poured into his nose, which gave him a vague global perception of the large area he was in.

Within a radius of 1000 meters from him, the smell of at least a dozen people infected with "lycanthropy" wafted.

However, most of them were handled by Black Rock City soldiers.

"It seems to be much better than what was predicted yesterday."

If they were left alone and hunger was allowed to spread, the current number would have to be multiplied by at least ten times, plus the [-] bottom-up patients outside Blackstone City.

No wonder it mentioned that entire towns will basically be wiped out on the first day
Taking a deep breath, calming his mind, and quickly distinguishing the smell in the air, Ke Lin hurried towards a certain direction of Black Rock City.

If I'm not mistaken, there's a stage two lycanthropy active in that direction.

A few minutes later, when he arrived here, he saw several soldiers and civilians who had been torn apart by him, scarlet fat intestines and other organs spilled all over the ground, and the blood coagulated on the ground like jelly. There was a strong stench in the air.

And among these fragments of stumps, a long-haired, half-human, half-wolf lycanthropist was lying on top of a corpse, biting and gnawing on the most nutritious internal organs.

It looked completely inhuman, only the blood-stained tattered clothes hanging on its body showed that it was once a human.

When Colin arrived, it seemed to be swallowing food like a beast, and suddenly jumped aside, and the missed bullets dinged a string of sparks at its original position.

"The acuity is quite high, and the effect of 'Fatal Insight' is much stronger than that of the first stage."

It was the first time for Ke Lin to see the appearance of the second-stage "lycanthropy". After a simple observation, he found that it seemed to have a lot of gaps compared with himself.

Among them, the most intuitive and easy to see is that the body is too small, almost like an ordinary person, and looks very thin, like a sick dog with ribs exposed on the side of the road.

However, because it has eaten a lot, its stomach is bulging at the moment, and it looks like it has gained a lot.

At this moment, after simply observing for a while, the second-stage "lycanthropy" patient seemed to think that Colin was not too much of a threat, and brazenly attacked him.

then no then
Colin took advantage of its approach and stopped using it directly. When the roar sounded and everything stopped, he turned his hand and took out a handful of bone spurs full of cracks, aiming at its erect pupils and piercing it.

When the stop effect ended with a rattling sound, the second-stage lycanthropy patient rolled on the ground with his brain in his arms, howled, and died after a short while after his whole body continued to swell and ooze dirty black water.

"The effect of this thing is really, no matter how many times I watch it, I feel scared."

Ke Lin looked at the lycanthropy patient who gradually lost his movement, stepped forward and pulled out the bone spurs from its eyes, flicked the blood and put it into the "storage room".

At this time, the second-stage lycanthropy on the ground began to disintegrate and melt, turning into a pool of dark red liquid mixed with black water.

Seeing these liquids, Colin felt a strong desire to eat.

"Hiss, hold back, you can't eat!"

Colin bit his tongue and forced himself to divert his attention. These things on the ground are not mixed with black water. After eating, there is a high probability that the lycanthropy in his body will get out of control, let alone a pile of unknown turbid liquid. .

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, a mission reminder popped up in his mind.

[Event 24: Collect an unlimited amount of "lycanthropy" transformation liquid. 】

[Remarks: Each individual is regarded as a standard capacity. After completion, the reward settlement will be made according to the collection situation after the mission returns. 】

【Submit it? 】

The campfire company still needs these things, and I don't know why they are collecting them, what kind of equipment are they used for?However, isn't this a free reward? Don't want it for nothing.

Without even thinking about it, Colin chose "Yes".

Immediately, a transparent vortex appeared, sucking up all the liquid on the ground, leaving no water stains on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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