Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 63 Join the hunt!

Chapter 63 Join the hunt!

"When you're collecting things, you act neatly. When you need rescue, you hesitate. You have to do something before the countdown ends."

Ke Lin was full of indignation, but he had no choice but to turn around and follow the smell of the next stage two "lycanthropy".

In the ranks of ordinary soldiers, it is not a big problem to deal with the first stage of "lycanthropy".

If there is a qualitative change in the second stage of "lycanthropy", and there is no one of Calder's level in the team to lead the team, it is likely to be wiped out by the group.

At this time, there was chaos everywhere in Blackstone City, and civilians fled in panic under the threat of lycanthropy.

"Today, I, Colin, join the hunt!"

Ke Lin joked a little in his heart, and then mentioned the "retrograde" in the opposite direction from the crowd's escape, and went retrograde.

A busy life begins with all kinds of rushing and hunting.

A few hours passed quickly, and Ke Lin used various methods and matching props to kill no less than ten second-stage "lycanthropy". .

This was an accidental injury while dealing with a second-order lycanthropy. At that time, Colin fired three shots into its head, thinking that it had been killed. Unexpectedly, after getting closer, he discovered that the bullet was only embedded in the skull, and did not hit it. Wear, let alone kill.

After he approached, the monster lying on the ground suddenly exploded, and Colin was almost torn off by a sneak attack.

"A bullet with a [-]mm caliber can't penetrate the skull. The head of the second-stage lycanthropy is really harder than iron."

Sitting by a window on the third floor, Ke Lin applied some Yunnan Baiyao hemostatic medicine on himself, then raised his head, and cast his only gaze at the magnificent white church in Black Rock City.

It seems that after daytime, apart from hearing a roar, followed by a large number of "lycanthropy", nothing else happened.

Everything seemed to fall silent.

After its initial bursts, it seemed to sink into a slump, unable to rise any longer.

"Things just don't feel right."

Colin looked at the quiet church and thought, should we send some people to the church to check the situation?
However, as soon as this idea came up, there was a mournful roar in his mind.

follow closely
There were screams and screams from all over the Black Rock City.

"You just said you can't do it, so you came, right?"

Ke Lin rubbed his forehead and jumped directly from the window. His figure fell three stories high, landed with a bang, and continued to rush towards those places.

This time, the number of "lycanthropy" was much less than that of the first wave during the day.

In just two or three hours, Ke Lin and the others basically cleaned up the mess.

And not long after he finished solving this matter, the front of his line of sight suddenly darkened.

Immediately afterwards, Colin felt that his heart was shrouded in an indescribable sense of oppression.

Night has come.

The bonfire in the city was lit, illuminating everything in Blackstone City, but it was pitch black outside Blackstone City.

And with the arrival of night, the patients with "lycanthropy" did not continue to appear.

"The first shock has survived."

Colin was somewhat relieved when he returned to the castle.

What he is most afraid of now is that the monster will become a perfect body, break through all kinds of restrictions directly, and run out of the church. If that is the case, it will really be G.

However, even if such a thing did not happen, more than 300 people were killed today due to the chaos caused by various suppressions of "lycanthropy", and the remaining 600 people were injured, with varying degrees of severity.

This is still the case with preparations. If I didn't do anything yesterday, I'm afraid there will be few living people now.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Colin, and, Your Excellency Knights."

Helena's figure appeared in the hall, and behind her were maids carrying all kinds of food, although most of those foods didn't look very good in Colin's eyes.

But now no one cares about the taste. After working all day, they are very hungry.

"Thank you for your notice yesterday. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would all be dead by now." Warden Calder came to Colin's side and sincerely thanked him.

At this time, he didn't look very good either, with a claw mark on his face, and his little finger and ring finger were bitten off by a stage two "lycanthropy" on his left hand.

but that's luck
The unlucky ones have now reported to their masters.

In the hall, except for Helena and some attendants, everyone was injured.

"It's nothing, just take a rest and prepare for tomorrow."

Colin didn't have any desire to speak, so he ate something casually and decided to find a place to rest.

Today, he has been rushing and fighting for a whole day, and he is somewhat unable to bear it.

However, just as he stood up, Helena walked towards him.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, I need to rest." Colin sat back in the chair again, and asked directly without any politeness.

He believes that this woman approaching him at this time is definitely not here to greet him.

".I heard that you seem to have a rather special relic from Guangjiao?"

A relic of Guangjiao?Colin was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of the bone spur
If there was anything on his body that was related to Guangjiao, then only that bone spur remained.

Without thinking too much, he nodded: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Please allow me to be presumptuous. I would like to ask, if the Black Rock City disaster is over, can I exchange this item in your hand with other items."

After a pause, Helena added: "It has some special meaning to me."

Can I take the last sentence of yours as the default that you plan to kill me?

"If you can provide me with suitable attack items with lethal effects, I don't mind changing them." Colin didn't care about this. If the other party really came up with better attack items, he wouldn't have to change them.

"An attack type prop with a lethal effect? ​​Thank you."

Helena bowed slightly, then turned and left.

Ke Lin said no need, and looked at her leaving back, but he began to be wary in his heart - if he really lived to the end, he had to be more or less careful about this guy stabbing a knife in the back.

But with the current situation in Black Rock City, he doesn't have to worry about the other party making him a stumbling block.

"There are still 5 hours left in Task 134. It's almost time, and there are still five days left. Now that the 'Book of Fortune' has passed, you can open the 'Book of Fortune' to see the situation."

Colin stood up after thinking about it, and walked to a room prepared for himself in the castle, planning to rest for an hour or two to relieve fatigue.

With his current body, he doesn't need to sleep for a long time, but at least he needs to sleep a little.

But before going to bed, I have to use the "Book of Fortune Telling" to get a rough idea of ​​what might happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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