Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 64 "He" and "Him"

Chapter 64 "He" and "Him"

【Uneasy, you fell asleep, and the night passed peacefully, almost nothing happened until the next day. 】

[You opened your eyes worriedly and asked about the situation in the town, only to find that although a group of "lycanthropy" patients appeared on this day, the scale was less than one-third of yesterday's. 】

[After half a day of processing, the turmoil was suppressed again. 】

[When night comes, Li Ming tells you that he is very hungry. You suggest that he get out of his comfort zone and go to a place about ten kilometers east of the chapel tomorrow to dig earthworms and hunt birds for food, and then cut off contact. 】

[This night also didn't show much abnormality, until late at night, you suddenly entered a state of lucid dream, and once again heard the "roar" from an unknown creature during the day. 】

【The roar became weaker for some reason.】

【It's just that before you figure out the situation, you have already woken up, and the sky is bright again. 】

[This is the third day you have been confined in the castle, the number of "lycanthropy" patients is getting smaller and smaller, and everything seems to be getting better. 】

[You suspect that something may have gone wrong in the Cathedral of the Miracle of Salvation, causing the ceremony to fail. 】

[But the closer you get there, the more you feel panic, and even have a premonition of your own death several times. 】

【Uneasy, you returned to the castle, intending to wait until the countdown is over. 】

[On the fourth day, the "lycanthropy" broke out again, and the scale was smaller, less than one-tenth of the first day. Even, you found that your lycanthropy no longer has too much tyrannical temperament.】

[However, when I tried to go to the church on the fourth day, the danger and terror became more serious. 】

[On the fourth night, you hear that "howling" sound again, and it sounds like it's dying.]

[On the fifth day, the "lycanthropy" almost disappeared, and there were only a hundred cases in the whole city a day, which was less than one-tenth of the first day, and there were no second-stage patients among them. 】

【That night, the roaring sound reappeared, but it seemed to be dying.】

[On the sixth day, there was no more howling on this day, and the "lycanthropy" disappeared. However, from the vicinity of the Cathedral of the Miracle of Redemption, there was a blue-black smog. It didn't spread, it just existed in there. 】

[You can clearly feel one thing - "Tyrannism" is dead. 】

【It’s just that before you can look any further, you wake up from your dream and find that the castle is filled with a layer of bluish-black smog, and horrifying screams are coming from everywhere. 】

[When the seventh day dawns, you die in the hours before the countdown. 】

【Not long after, you became a part of Him. 】

When the "Book of Numerology" disappeared, there was a faint sound of gnawing, chewing, and swallowing coming from nowhere in Colin's ears.
A strong sense of hunger welled up from his stomach pouch.

But it didn't last long, and after a few seconds, everything disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, what happened behind here?"

Colin sensed the information in his mind with a dazed expression, a little confused.

In his opinion, the next few days will only become more and more difficult, and he will encounter a large number of "lycanthropy" patients every day, and everything will be in jeopardy.

He may be torn apart by the wave of "lycanthropy" at any time.

However, the above gave the opposite omen, which is really confusing.

Of course, it’s not always true to say that we don’t know the situation at all. Colin vaguely realized that the outbreak of “lycanthropy” mentioned above is getting worse day by day, and the probability is that he ate the poisonous meat.

That is, the group of people dressed as "Tang Monk".
That guy poisoned himself and gave him away?
The key point is that "he" didn't find out at all?

Know it's poisonous and still eat it?

Colin took a breath, and looked at the end again. He was somewhat speechless when he saw the familiar line of words.

"I can't avoid being a part of him as co-author, right?"

As soon as he complained, Colin suddenly realized that something was wrong, "he" seemed to have become "he"?
Does that mean the guy who swallowed him turned into another one?
Isn't this third-person pronoun generally used for things like gods?

Reminiscent of the mention of "Tyrannism" being dead, Colin blinked, feeling that something was going wrong.

And this must have a direct relationship with that mouthful of poisonous meat.

"He" was finally replaced by "Him" because he ate poisonous flesh?
"So, the key to breaking the game may be how to deal with the situation of reconciling the two, at least not let that 'he' lose so quickly."

"If you want to die, you have to wait for my rescue to die."

"There is also a piece of fate paper, which can be used to see what will happen when you enter that church."

After thinking about it for a while, Ke Lin felt that he had to raise his hand to that "lycanthropy" guy a little bit, but he didn't know how to raise it.

It seems that I will have a dream tomorrow night, dreaming about "him", and then see if I can understand things.

Thinking of this, Colin closed his eyes, pondered, and lay on the bed peacefully, and began to enter a state of rest.

Because he knew that nothing would happen at night, he let down his guard somewhat and planned to take a rest.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened, and a sense of heaviness receded.

Its daybreak.

Colin opened his eyes, and first heard a roar in his head, and with the roar, another disaster outside the city occurred.

He took a deep breath, sat up, and started today's hunting trip with the "revolver".

There was no disturbance on this day, the scale of the disaster was much smaller than yesterday, and everything was dealt with in just half a day.

This change for the better brought joy to everyone's faces.

Colin was not surprised by this, but knowing the final result, he was not happy at all.

He understood that the highlight should be what he dreamed about tonight.

Time passed little by little, and the night came again.

Colin lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, relaxed himself, fell asleep, and his breathing calmed down after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, Ke Lin, who was in a deep sleep, suddenly felt something and suddenly became sober.

"Still in a dream."

Colin looked around thoughtfully, the surroundings seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray fog, and everything was blurred.

And also at this time.
The smog covering the whole body suddenly rolled, as if a big hand was stirring it.

Immediately afterwards, a much shriller "roar" came from a certain direction. He turned around and followed the sound. In the gray mist, he seemed to see a huge beast-like creature.

Its size is very close to the one seen behind the church door.

In terms of size alone, I am afraid it is more than ten meters.

It's just that the movement from it at this moment is full of indescribable pain.

"Is this the 'he' or the source of the 'lycanthropy'? Or 'he'?"

Colin's thinking diverged uncontrollably, and his control was obviously not as good as when he was sober in reality.

And at this moment, when he saw the huge beast creature, the thing suddenly turned its head and looked over.
The moment he was stared at by the pair of gigantic erect animal eyes with flashing red light, another roar was transmitted, and Colin lost consciousness directly by the sound wave.

(End of this chapter)

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