Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 65 Doubtful Points

Chapter 65 Doubtful Points

Ke Lin suddenly sat up from the bed, the sunken eyelid on the left was bloody, and there was a sharp pain, and blood oozed from under the eyelid..
And the pupil of the right eye uncontrollably turned into a vertical pupil of a beast without white.

after a while
The throbbing pain in Colin's head slowly subsided, and his right eye returned to a human eye with clear black and white, but full of bloodshot eyes.

He raised his hand and took something casually, and wiped away the blood on the left half of his cheek that looked like blood and tears.

"I seem to hear 'it' saying 'help me'?"

Colin was a little uncertain, because when he heard the voice, his entire consciousness in the dream was shaken away by the loud voice.

I can only roughly feel that there is such an emotion in that roar.

Translate into a language that adults can understand, it should be "help me", "help me", "so painful" and the like, conveying the meaning of asking for help.

"Really, why are you shouting so loudly? I didn't hear you clearly."

Ke Lin sat on the bed, pressed his left eye with a tissue with his left hand, and rubbed his temple with his right hand to ease the residual pain.

"If it's really a call for help, how can I help?"

Colin thought for a while, but he didn't have much idea. Anyway, it was definitely impossible to rush into the church. His intuition told him that if he went, he would probably die.

But if you don't give that guy a hand, you will still die when the time comes.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't know how to really "raise a hand" to the other party so that "tyrannical" doesn't die before he leaves.

"When daylight comes tomorrow, use the 'Book of Fortune Telling' to predict what will happen when you enter that cathedral."

Ke Lin made a decision, he still has the last piece of "Book of Numerology: Fragments".

While waiting, time passed little by little, and daylight came on the third day.

Just like before, there came a wailing roar from the tyrannical aura of "lycanthropy" in his body.

And with the roar
Some more "lycanthropy" patients appeared.

However, as mentioned in the "Book of Fortune Telling", today's scale is not as good as one-fifth of the first day, and there is little movement outside.

Pushing open the door, I saw Warden Calder excitedly expressing:

"Hahaha, Your Excellency Colin, today is another day full of hope."

Today's illness has hardly reappeared, which may indicate that there was something wrong with the ceremony, which led to the failure of this descent.

Maybe it won't be long before they can rush into the church and launch a hunt for that monster!

When everything was over, Warden Calder thought about his performance this time, and the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears, as if he saw himself at the pinnacle of life, becoming a "knight of virtue" and winning the successful life of noble children to embark on the upper class.

Of course, it is impossible to marry a big noble like Miss Helena, but there is no problem with the children of some small nobles.


Colin nodded, without showing much joy, and prepared to go out to deal with those "lycanthropy" patients just like yesterday.

But for some reason, he paused, turned to look at Calder and said, "From today onwards, all 'lycanthropy' patients will be captured alive first, and you arrange to lock them up."

"Catch alive?" Warden Calder was taken aback, but he agreed without saying anything.

However, after watching Ke Lin leave, he frowned. If the other party didn't mention this, he would have almost forgotten that Ke Lin himself is a "lycanthropy" or a second-stage "lycanthropy".

And full of mystery, I don't know why it can maintain its human form.

At this moment, everything was about to subside, but he began to collect the liquid
This kind of behavior reminded him of Bishop Lawrence, and he also remembered one thing. At present, as long as the "lycanthropy" solved by the other party seems to have no corpses
Could it be that.?

With a feeling of uneasiness, Caldete brought several officers from Black Rock City to find Helena, who was protected by layers of protection in the castle, and explained the situation.

However, he did not reveal Colin's "true identity", but only focused on what Bishop Lawrence had done before, and vaguely combined the two.

"Do as he says, without hesitation."

After hearing this, Helena just continued to support Colin, and she believed in all the decisions made by Her Majesty the Holy Maiden.


I said so clearly, still support?Calder couldn't help but wonder if the great nobleman of Helena had any thoughts about that guy—for example, fell in love with that guy?
Otherwise, why does it feel like she is completely obedient to the other party?

In the past few days, the other party almost listens to whatever they ask.

Is love really such a thing?

Calder even suspected that if Colin asked Helena to go to his room at night, she would do the same.
Confused, Calder left this floor with a group of people.

"Director Calder, aren't you a little too sensitive?" The tall and thin assistant beside Calder couldn't help but say, he thinks Colin is very good, and he has been the first one every day for the past few days, decisive and sharp Killing the enemy quickly won the respect of many soldiers.

"Go, what do you know about a blind guy?"

He and his assistant caught Colin together, but up to now, the other party has only put on a robe in disguise, so this guy can't recognize him, he is even more blind than a blind man.
Warden Calder shook his head and didn't continue to struggle. After all, his goal was achieved after reporting to Helena——

Hand over the matter to Helena in front of the rest of the officers.

In this way, the decision is made by Helena, and even if there is a real problem in the future, the big responsibility cannot be held on his head.

However, thinking that Colin might become the son-in-law of the Helena family, he couldn't help being a little jealous.

Because in this way, it is really a direct leap in life, and everything that should be available at once.

Outside the city, Ke Lin fought with a second-stage "lycanthropy" patient, and he could clearly feel that as the roar weakened, these "lycanthropy" patients seemed to weaken as well.

He can even easily block all the opponent's attacks.

After some fighting, Colin found the right time, pulled the trigger, and a gunshot fired, and a patient with "lycanthropy" lost his kneecap just like that.

Then, like a crab, he twisted off its other limbs.

Some soldiers nearby immediately stepped forward, tied it to the iron bars, and dragged it into an iron cage for detention.

A few hours later, this wave of "lycanthropy" shock was resolved.

40.00% of "lycanthropy" were captured alive.

While there was still time during the day, Ke Lin determined that the time for the "Book of Fortune Telling" had passed, found a safe, adjusted his mental state, and used the "Book of Fortune Telling".

However, this time, within 2 minutes, everything was over.

【You headed to the church with confusion, but you who came here soon discovered that the church was shrouded in a thick blue-black haze. 】

【You let a soldier enter, only to find that he quickly went crazy and gnawed on his body madly】

[This makes you aware of the horror of this blue-black smog. 】

【It's just that just when you wanted to retreat, you found yourself surrounded by a thick blue-black haze. 】

[In almost an instant, you lose your mind and eat yourself. 】

[The ritual of eating begins]

【Not long after, you became a part of Him. 】

When the effect of "Book of Fortune Telling" ended, a huge sense of hunger erupted in Colin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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