Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 66 Eating Ritual

Chapter 66 Eating Ritual

Colin closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly felt a strong desire to eat in the depths of his soul.

There was a faint sound of biting, chewing, and swallowing from nowhere in my ear
The stomach twitched and screamed.

The smell of the whole world has become extremely attractive at this moment, stones, bricks, wood, human flesh, blood stains, everything in sight is emitting a huge fragrance.
The strong hunger is constantly increasing.

"I really want to eat something."

"No, you can't eat."

Ke Lin's facial features were distorted, he bent over slightly, covered his mouth with one hand, and covered his stomach with the other. He felt his eyes were a little dizzy, and his consciousness was a little blurred by the strong hunger.

Although he was very hungry, he didn't dare to eat anything at this time. He had a hunch that once he started eating, he would lose control immediately.

You have to hold back!
After struggling for a few minutes, the intense hunger slowly subsided.

Colin gradually regained his senses, and suddenly felt a sweet rusty taste in his mouth. He spit, his pupils shrank, and saw that the saliva was full of blood, gravel, and some tooth fragments.

Shaking his head vigorously, he realized that he was squatting on the ground at some point, holding a stone in his hand, and the stone was full of tooth marks.

In addition to the taste of blood, there are many broken stones in the mouth
"I was eating rocks just now?"

Colin blinked again, woke up suddenly, and threw the stone out of his hand.

Only then did he realize what he had done.

Prompted by that strong sense of hunger, he found a stone from nowhere, squatted on the ground and gnawed furiously, his mouth was full of blood, most of his teeth were rotten, but he felt nothing.
The pain in his throat told him that he might have swallowed some stones.

"bah bah bah"

Colin spit out the gravel and soil in his mouth, and licked the broken teeth with his injured tongue, only feeling panic in his heart.

The incisors and the mandibular central incisors were basically rotten and clean, and the posterior alveolar was sore and uncomfortable, and the dental nerves were directly exposed.

But he didn't care about this innocuous injury. After he regained consciousness, he immediately began to check the information he had just predicted.

"Did you just get close? Is the information in the church so bad? That thing is definitely not a change brought about by 'lycanthropy'. What happened in it? Hey, there is hardly much useful news."

"This 'book of fortune telling' is useless."

Colin raised his hand and touched the blood around his mouth, feeling a little headache.

He knew that at the end of using the "Book of Numerology", his body would encounter the same thing in the form of hallucinations, but none of them were as serious as now.

If he woke up a few minutes later, he might have swallowed the whole stone!

Taking a deep breath, Colin glanced in the direction of the church with palpitations, and then looked away.

Now he had given up all attempts to approach the church.

On the second day, the "he" in the "Book of Fortune" could still rush into the church and fight the "he" behind the gate.

Wait until now.
He was so cold that he couldn't even get in the door, it was so cold that even he who didn't actually go in was almost polluted.

Obviously, just after some time, the situation in the entire church has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I am afraid that the source of the "veterinary disease" has been determined.

The difference is only sooner or later.

Colin looked up at the black mist that covered the sky and the earth outside Blackstone City, and he can now be sure that "he" didn't make that thing.

It was made by the guy who tried to devour "him".

What's more uncomfortable is that Ke Lin is temporarily not sure which method can give the opponent a hand, and not killing the "lycanthropy" is just an unconvincing conjecture.

"If it wasn't for using the 'Book of Fortune Telling' this time, I chose a place where no one was around. I'm afraid that the people around me might also be polluted and unlucky together. Alas, I had a certain premonition yesterday. It would be useless to try all the predictions about the church. But I can’t help but try it out and see if I can get useful information.”

Colin sighed, his mouth was leaking, and his teeth were sore and sore.

Shut up, he got up and walked towards the castle, all he can do now is to wait for the dream at night to see if he can get any information.

At this time, the first floor of the castle was very "lively", and a large number of "lycanthropy" patients were strictly guarded and imprisoned.

Colin looked at them, and a thought flashed in his heart-should we make them a part of himself?

However, as soon as this idea came up, he was directly denied it.

Because this behavior is no better than going to church, and it has the same probability of causing unpredictable changes.

In the absence of a "book of fortune telling", the risk is too great.

With this in mind, Colin closed his mouth and sighed again.

He felt like he was walking on a suspension bridge now. He knew that it would be safe to walk to the opposite side, but he was only halfway there, and when he pulled the rope of the suspension bridge, it seemed that it was about to break.

Reining in his thoughts, Ke Lin returned to the house and took out the "Gluttony Mark" to heal himself.

The teeth cannot be repaired, but the wounds in the mouth must be healed.

After nightfall, all the commotion in Blackstone City subsided.

Colin lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and silently waited for the arrival of the second "dream".

When the consciousness sinks, I don't know how long it has passed.
Colin in the dream suddenly woke up, and heard a shrill roar coming from a certain direction in the gray dream.

Compared to yesterday, the voice was weaker, and now it was like a dying cry.

However, thanks to its weakness, Colin was not awakened by the sound.

"Eating Ritual."



Sacrifice?Sacrifice?Colin heard the information contained in the sound, and understood in an instant that the sacrifice it mentioned should be the "lycanthropy" patient.

And it must be the liquid after the "vestification" patient at the second stage or above has lost control.

The sacrifice method is.
Just pour this liquid on the thin layer of black mist outside Blackstone City.

It takes at least ten servings at a time to take effect.

'It's not a big problem. If I remember correctly, not counting the ones I absorbed, there are still forty or fifty parts of the liquid collected during this period. '

’ But speaking of it, the disaster was prevented on the first day, I’m afraid not only because of my efforts, the ‘he’ probably also helped secretly. '

'In this way, because of my intervention, 'he' can eat 'lycanthropy' so easily. '

Colin has a certain understanding of the situation in the past two days. It is estimated that two existences that he is not qualified to contact have clashed in some dimension that he does not know.

The existence that can trigger "hunger" is trying to devour the source of "lycanthropy".

He was thus used to solve the lycanthropy outbreak on day one
However, perceive the deja vu sentence at the end of the foreknowledge content.

"Well, you really caught me and won't let you go, right?"

Ke Lin felt that this guy was going too far. After using him, he still wanted to attack him without giving him a way out.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be working so hard now.
And just as his thoughts diverged uncontrollably, another roar appeared.

what it conveys is
"Don't. Sleep"

(End of this chapter)

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